I -kssu i THE HERALD ! ' OF THE TWIN CHIES-ROANOKE RAP1DS-R0SEMARY in this township | VOLUME 16. . , ROANOKE RAI’IDS—ROSEMARY. N. C., THURSDAY, August 7th, 19.‘SO. NUMBER 16. LOCAL GIRL TELLS ABOUT BIG QUAKE Miss Evelyn Mullen Writes Family About Italian Quake Miss Evelyn Mullen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Mullen, is safe after passing through an exciting ex perience during the recent earthquake in Italy in which more than 2,000 per sons were killed and several thous and injured. In a letter to her family, Miss Mul len tells of the horrible night spent by her companions and herself when the earthquake took place. The party lad visited England, Belgium, Ger many, Switzerland, France and Italy. They attended the Passion play and while in Switzerland, Miss Mullen visited Mr. Henry Bircher, who in 2903 was in charge of the silk weav ing here at the old Patterson Tex tile Co. The party will set sni1 next week for the United States. Miss Mullen's letter in part is as follows: Rome, Thursday, July 15, 1930. L'earest Family: We are all wondering what the papers have told you of the earth quake around Naples. TlV* Italian papers tonight say that 1,778 were killed and 4,200 wounded in four small towns near Sunalfi. Well, we were scared almost to death in Sorrento and I certainly felt terrible the frist minute I icit it. mere were mosquito nett ins all over the beds too. When I went to bed I had a feeling that some thing would happen just because I didn’t put my flashlight right on the table by my bed. I came to with the hotel being violently shaken and rock ed and out of the window some enor mous red flashes in the sky. Of course my first impression was Ve suvius. I automatically dashed out of the bed while the quake was still on and switched on the lights. Just a tec end after I switched them on they went off everywhere.' People in trie street were screaming and yelling and Feme screamed “lava and “Vesuve.” I got my flashlight and went in to •wake Cecile and Irene. They were wide arwalce but lying in bed perfectly petrified.' At first we couldn’t decide what it was but there seemed to be no ashes falling nor any especially red glow in the sky, but we still distrusted Vesuvius. The others went out on the balcony but I began to dress automatically. I was dressed in less than two minutes and had my hags repacked. We only had four small bags with us. Then we took my flashlight and went out after come of the other girls. We met the hotel manager roaming around with a candle and he told us to get out side as there was always two quakes and th.e second was always severer than the first. Xjveryone nenny uicu w«icn saw me completely dressed, and one of the girls said she felt safe if she stuck to me because I seemed so col lected and safe, all dressed and with my flashlight. One girl was sitting up in bed with tears just streaming down her face and she didn’t even know it. The walls and ceilings were all cracked and the stairs were cov ered with plaster. It was about 1:30 when we got out in the court and people were still ehouting. Meanwhile all the church bells began to toll and it was the! most mournful sound you ever heard. Some people were having hysterics all over the place and most of the men looked more scared and nervous than any of the American girls. There were several other Americans at the hotel and most of them, behaved splen didly. About five thousand of' the towns people had congregated in the church of the Patron Saint of Sorrento, near the hotel, and were praying. They stayed all night and about 6 a. m., all the churches had high mass and a thanksgiving service for the deliver ance of the city. About four-thirty some of the people decided to go in end go to bed regardless of earth quakes, as it was light, and Vesuvius teemed to have quieted down. Be sides they were rather chilly in just their pj’s or night gowns and kimonas. About five-thirty I got up nerve to go to bed but I didn't undress. I don’t know how to describe my feelings, but some of them were per fectly ghastly. We had been to Pom peii that morning so I had vivid vis ions fo being surrounded by hot lava. I knew that I would try to get away from it but it seemed to me that it would only be temporarily. When I came to sufficiently to realise that there was no danger from the lava, (Continued on back page) COURT Next Monday, August 11. After Being Changed Several Times For the past few days there has been some question here as to the exact date the August term of Hali fax Superior Court will convene. A few days ago local police author ities were notified by Judge Sinclair that he would be unable to be at the Halifax court house to open court on Monday, August 11, the regular meet ing day, and that the opening date would have to be postponed until the following Wednesday. Monday, howevere, local officials were notified by Judge Sinclair that he w?ould be unable to preside over the August term of the court next week, and that there would not be any court the entire week. Again Tuesday another message was received from the Judge. This message stated that court would con vene on Monday, August 11. The po lice and deputy sheriffs here are satis fied now that court will open on Mon day and are preparing to attend as usual. On Wednesday, our Halifax corres pondent reported the court would open the 11th. 84~YEARS Relatives From Here Attend Birthday Party It was a delightful occasion for Mrs. B. F. Moss when she celebrated her 84th birthday on Wednesday even ing, July 30, at her lovely country home near Littleton. Early in the afternoon her children, grand children, neighbors and friends began to arrive, bringing with them baskets filled with many good things to eat. The long table, provided for the occasion was placed out in the yard where the large shade trees made it an ideal place for a birthday supper served in picnic style. On the table was placed an immense birth day cake baked in three ti$rs tth the table was piled hffeh with aaFabun Vutnc* of i-hinga to e**. *' • seated near the table and received con gratulations from her guests. The in vocation was made by Rev. Reid Mil ler of Henderson, N. C. After this delightful supper Mes srs Benjamin and W. 0. Martin, grandchildren of Mrs. Moss, brought in huge baskets filled with interest ing packages. Mrs. Moss was as sisted by her daughter, Mrs. Bowers, in opening the gifts which were many and lovely. It was also the birthday of Mrs. Martin of Henderson and she ; too was remembered by gifts placed | in the baskets. The families attending the celebra tion were: Rev. W. C. Martin and family of Henderson, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Dortsch, Ridgeway, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Watson Bowers of Brinkley ville, N. C., Mr. D. S. Moss and fami ly, Mrs. G. E .Ginston an daughter, Henderson, N. C., Mr. David Wilson and family of Brinkleyville, N. C., Mr. Roy Bowers and family of Little ton, IN. C., Mr. Liewis Dowers anu m mily, Littleton, N. C., Mr. W. T. More cock and family, Littleton, N. C., Mr. Grady Moss of Littleton, N. C., Miss es Marie, Clyde. Lizzie and Pauline Moss of Littleton, Misses Daisy and Annie Bowers, Mrs. M. R. Vick and Mrs. C. M. Pitt of Roanoke Rapids,. Mrs. Moss is quite active in spite of her years and is much interested in the many happenings of this genera tion. She is the mother of six chil dren and five grandchildren. Her daughter, Miss Marie Moss, is a for mer mmeber of the Roanoke Rapids school faculty, and another daughter, Mrs. B. A. Bowers, now of Gastonia, N. C., was a former resident of Roa noke Rapids. It was a happy occasion that brought these many friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. .together to celebrate the birthday of this good woman whose influence has been felt for many years in her community. “Repaid for which her hands have striven, Through steadfast days and years of service planned, Comes deep fulfillment knowing she has given, A power and glory to her land.” -□ Revival Continues The revival service at the Church of God will continue next week. Ser vices this week were well attended and several sick people have been heal ed in answer to prayer. The public is kindly invited to attend these ser vices. The sick are invited to come and learn how they can be healed through the prayer of faith. Brother B. J. Beale and sister S. W. Joiner of Norfolk, Va., will continue preach ing the pure goipel. PRISONER ESCAPES FROM JAIL Negro, Charged With Assault Delivered Tuesday Night David Perry, colored, cf Roa noke Rapids, made a successful escape from the citv jail early Tuesday morning, after being a nrisoner there for only a few hours. Deputy Sheriff L. R. Keeter went to the jail Tuesday morn ing to deliver Perry his break fast.. He found the jail empty and three bars in a window bent. Perry was the only prisoner there at the time of bis escape. Local nolice are of the belief that the colored man had outside as sistance. Perry was arrested Monday night about 9 o'clock by Deputy Sheriff Keeter with a warrant charging as sault upon a female person. Perry is accused cf having assaulted a negress, his sweetheart, a maid in a local home last Sunday night, when he called on her. A warrant was sworn out for his arrest and he wan taken into custody tnc following night. It is said this was not the first time he had assault ed the same person. he had just recently been released from the state road camp, whore he had served a sentence for having trouble with a man. Whereabouts of the escaped prisoner are unknown. Negro Forger Caught Frank Johnson, colored , wanted here for forgery, was arrested in Lit tleton Monday night. Tuesday he was arraigned before a Littleton ma gistrate, and in default of a $300 bond was placed in the Halifax Coun ty jail, where he will remain until his case is called for trial at the August term of the Halifax Superior Court, which convenes Monday. Johnson is charged wifch having forged a check on the Halifax Paper 'Corporation, here/ The ’SfcWE, dated July 31, was receipted and was made cut for the amount of 10 cords of wood. The amount of the bogus check vras not learned. He tried to cash the check, but failed. NEW FARM TEACHER E. K. Veach Takes Jackson’s • Place at Aurelian • Springs Mr. L. K. Veach fills the vacancy of the vocational agricultural teacher at Aurclian Springs caused by the re signation of C. W. Jackson. Mr. Veach completed bis course in agricultural education June 10, at North Carolina State college, but until a few days ago he has been doing some research work towards his Masters Degree, to better prepare himself for the work at Aurclian Springs. He has been very busy since he came to this community visiting the boys projects, getting acquainted with each of the boys in bis work and making friends with the older people ^f the community before the opening >f school in September. He states the boys he has visited are carrying on some nice work in their projects. As many as four projects are being car ried on by some of the boys in the following: cotton, tobacco, swine, pea nuts, corn, lespedeza in oats, bees and 1 >ne of these boys making a “live at borne study.” Mr. Veach while in summer school ind since coming to this community bas been trying to get bis annual [dan of work mapped out. He hopes get this completed within a few lays, so he can put in his full time carrying out the work he has planned. The way Mr. Veach has started af ter things there is not going to be much break in the work caused by the resignation of Mr. Jackson. -□ National Loan Moves To New Office Bldg. The office of the National Loan \nd Insurance Co. was moved this week from the Electric Building on be Avenue to No. 24 Second Street, ihe new address is a building owned >y the company and it was completely 'emodeled by contractor J. R. Myrick. rhe Roanoke Rapids Building and Loan Association will be in the new ♦ffices also. The vacated office in the Electric Building will be used by the Virginia Electric and Power Co. Burgwyn Fined For Attack on Solicitor -- Winton, Aug. 1.—W. H.V>. Burgwyn candidate for the Democratic nomi nation for lieutenant governor In 1028 war, fined $25 here by .Judge E. H. Cranmer who held him in enn ..-...pc of court for attacking Solicits. Hunt Parker. Judge Cranmer is hold ing Hertford County Superior court here. Mr. Burgwyn seized the solicitor by the throat when the latter made a re mark which Burgwyn understood to rfelect upon his veracity. The two men shook hands after the incident. GUMP is IN TREE 144 HOURS Local Tree Sitter Up Since Last Friday Afternoon Algie Droner is out after the tree f itting championship of ,.the country. He has been sitting in a tree between Coburn’s and Tillery’s on the Avenue since 6:30 p. m., last Friday, August 1st. ’ Very few people know him by the name of Algie Drapet*’ Due to his striking resemblance ^..t o Sidney Smith’s famous character, Algie is known here to old and young as “An ri v Gump.” At 6:30 p. m. tonight, Andy had completed 114 hours in his race for the tree sitting endurance record. He will finish out his first week tomor row evening. Ine manager and backer of the test, Hubert Collins, stales his man is up to stay. He says nothing short of a hurricane will bring Andy down un til an all-time record is set. A small tree house was built on the ground and hoisted 50 feet in the air to a secure place between three large limbs, where it is securely fastened. A curtain on one side of the house permits a full Eastern exposure. The curtain is drawn only at night or when Andy seeks privacy. A special mattress was made for the house by a local man. The only other piece of furniture is a bucket. Meals, cigarettes, newspapers, etc., are pulled up by Andy with a lighter rope than the one used by him last Friday to reach his pedestal. A re fueling crew on the ground sees that Andy wants for nothing. He is even given companionship at times when some friend is drawn up to the high perch and plays a game of setback with the sitter. Beneath him a horseshoe game is always in session so that he can have company and diversion. When it be comes necessary, Andy can be called on to judge which shoe is closest to the peg. i«c« aj/rt.peis repuneu mis morn ing that Nelson McIntosh, Ashland, Ivy., fell to the ground and broke his neck tvhen he had only four hours to go to set a record of 500 hours. He was waiting for his last meal before coining down at the 500 mark. In Durham a boy came down after 460 hours. In Rocky Mount, police put a stop to all tree sitting contests when one youngster fell out of a tree and suffered severe injuries. So far as is known, the above record of 4S6 hours still stands. That is 20 days and 16 hours. To equal it, Gump must remain 556 hours longer. His local backers believe in him and say if he does set a new record their next step will be to take him to Hollywood where they claim his face will win a fortune. Hundreds of people from this sec tion of North* Carolina and Virginia have been here to see him. His largest crowd of visitors was on Sunday. If he is sitting there this Sunday af ternoon he will have a total of 216 hours Mad Dog Killed A dog which had a fit of some kind in the yard of D. P. Wike was killed last Friday morning. The dog had not bitten anybody. The head war, sent to the State Laboratory at Ra leigh for examination and Mr. Wike received a copy of the report this morning stating the dog had been ex amined for rabies and had been found mad. The dog was owned by Luther -□ JEWELRY STORE MOVED T. W. Wafford, Rosemary jeweler, this week moved his jewelry store from Eleventh Street to the room ad joining the Tri-City Motor Company, on Roanoke Avenue. NEW RATE IS FIXED AT $1.25 Lowest Tax Rate In The County Since 1922 Goes Into Effect The Halifax County Board of Com missioners in special session Monday of last week definitely set the coun ty-wide tax rate at $1.25 on the hun dred dollar valuation for the year end ing June 30, 1931. Two weeks previous to the meeting last Monday the Commissioners had figured what they thought was their way clear to cut the rate down to $1.20. After checking and double checking on the last day which the law allowed the commissioners to fix the new rate, it was found the late for the county’s debt service and road fund would have to be raised by a few cents. The Commissioners decided to re tain the two county agricultural agents but W. O. Davis was given a cut of $10 a month in salary. Mr. Davis had been receiving a larger sal ary than the other county agent, J. B. Britt. All of the deputy sheriffs, who al so serve as tax collectors, received a 10 per cent cut in salary. Mrs. Wheel er, the Home Demonstration Agent, had her salary reduced $5 a month and the Sanitary Inspector, D. II. Moody, suffered a $20 cut a month in salary. The court house janitor's “pension” was cut from $50 to $10 a month. Employees in the offices of the clerk of court and register of deeds v/ere given a $5 a month cuts in sal aries. Wages of help at the county home and hospital were cut about 10 per cent. For the year ending June ou, ludu, the county wide tax rate was $1.10. The new rate is the lowest the tax payers have enjoyed since 1922 when the rate was $1.05. While land values were soaring before the crash came in 1920 the county’s valuation was high and the tax rate was 89 cents on the hundred dollars valuation. In 1921 a revaluation was made and real estate values were reduced about •10 per cent. This was brought about through concerted action on the part of tax payers and no such action had been taken since that time until the uprisings of this year. But the com missioners only juggled figures in, 1921, for while they were reducing land valuations they increased the tax rate from 89 cents to $1.35. For the year of 1922 the rate was reduced to $1.05 and this returned in sufficient revenue for the county’s expenditures, so in 1923 the levy was raised to $1.32. In 1924 the levy was raised to $1.35 and debt service in 1925 sent the rate soaring to $1.55 end it “stayed put” at $1.50 during | All tax payers remember the 10 cents reduction they got for last year but they are more jubilant over the new rate of $1.25. W. T. Clement, Register of Deeds, and G. A. Hawkins, County Auditor, stated in an interview that the bond ed indebtedness of Halifax County is only $1,060,000, exclusive of school district bonds and loans and current notes. These two officials think that the county is in splendid financial con dition when it is compared to other counties of the state. The valuation of the county is approximately thirty tight and three fourths millions of dollars and Halifax is well within the limit for bonded indebtedness, the legal limit being five per cent of the county’s valuation. ORDER 17-1 BACK HERE The Herald just received the following wire from Jack De Lysle, State repre sentative of the Atlantic Coastal Highway Associa tion. Raleigh, N. C., Aug. 7, 1930. Carroll Wilson, Editor Herald. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Under authority promis ed me yesterday in Wash ington Federal Government and State Highway Com mission here authorize re turn of main line Federal Seventeen One markers at once. Engineer Gardner has just been notified to give you numbers at once. I believe I have rendered a real service. Will see you tomorrow explain all. Jack DeLysle. $1650 BOND Raymond Acree Under Bond in Four Charges Lying on an old quilt stretched on Lhe concrete floor of the Halifax County jail, Raymond Acree. local rum runner, clad in expensive silk pa in mas, heard Magistrate W. O. Thompson place bonds totaling $1,050 on four different charges against him. The preliminary hearing was held at the jail where Acree was removed last week from the hospital, due to his condition. He was shot in the leg by arresting officers two weeks ago when he was taken with 34 gallons of whiskey in his car. Dr. Mitchell, who D attending him in jail, said his con dition was improved but counseled against the use of the leg for some time to come, so that the wounded man must lie on the floor while oth er prisoners step over him if they de sire to pass. Hinton Faison, who was with Acree and caught at the same time, was placed under a $300 bond in that case and a $250 bond in a case the month of June. Fairway Filling Station, said to have been owned by Acree, was closed this week. Officers could give no reason for the action, saying they had nothing to do with it. MILK IS EXAMINED BY MOODY County Inspector Finds Class ‘A’ Dairies In Good Condition With continued hot weather and lack of rain, D. H. Moody, county in spector of Dairies and Foods, has made a close inspection of the dairies and markets and in his monthly report to newspapers calls attention to cool nig requirements for dairies before delivering milk. His report follows: y Grade “A” dairies. I find the grade “A” dairies to be in ^a*#Hfcbfyrjlreod condition, and the milk is being hand led with care as is shown by observa tion and analysis. Some of the dairies are not meet ing with the requirements in cooling the milk. Those who are delivering the milk without proper cooling are: Mrs. C. R. Chittenden, Weldon, N. C.; Allen’s Dairy, Weldon, N. C.; Mat thew's and Son, Rosemary, N. C.; C. V. Strauther, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.; S. S. Viverette, Enfield, N. C. Those who are meeting the cooling requirements are: N. M. Hockaday, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.; E. L. Ham’.l, Weldon. N. C.; The Oaks Dairy, Scot land Neck, N. C.; W. H. Batts, En field, N. C. vjraae 'li Dairies. Mr. Mack C. Moore, Hobgood, N. C. Mr. Moore’? dairy has recently been raised from Grade ”D” to Grade ”B”, Because of lack of equipment his dairy could not come int othe Grade “A” class. We find the milk to be very carefully handled. Grade “D” Dairies: Mrs. J. H. Har rell, Rosemary, N. C., Mrs. Charles f peed, Scotland Neck. N. C., Miss Susie Shields, Scotland Neck, N. C., Mr. Charlie VanLandingham, Scotland Meek, N. c„ Mrs. E. T. Welch, Hob good, N. C. Cafe scores for the month of July, 1930, white: Rosemary Cafe, Rose mary. 98; White House Caf.e Enfield, <8; Cherry’s Lunch, Roanoke Rapids 18; Grant’s Cafe, Weldon, 97 1-2 Dixie Cafe, Scotland Neck, 97; New 'orli Cafe, Weldon, 9(i; Your Cafe. Roanoke Rapids, 9fi; Woodruff’s Cafe, Roanoke Rapids, 94; Duncan’s hunch, Roanoke Rapids, 93; Coffee Shoppe, Weldon, 92; Joe Ameen, Hali Fex, 89; American Cafe, Rosemary <5 1-2. Colored: Terminal Inn, Weldon 97; f ranklin Cafe, Enfield, 92; American Cafe, Weldon, 83; J. W. Wilkins, Roa ncke Junction, 58 (closed); Willis’ I'afe, Enfield, closed. Market scores for month of July, 930. Roanok eRapids, Taylor and Collier, 98; M System, 98; S. C. Cook, >8; M. Hedgepeth, 97; G. H. Ran dom, 96; Village Cash Store, 95; W. 2. Allsbrook, 93. Market scores for Rosemary: R. I. Starke, 98; Traynham and Grimmer, >S; A. & P., 98; J. H. Matldns, 98; Itosemary Supply Co., 98; Wayne Grocery Co., 98; J. C. Wells, 97; Tay or Grocery Co., 97; E. R. Matthews, ‘7; R. E. Merritt, 96; W. R. Starke, •5; Mcdlin Brothers, 95; Tucker Fay 'd 86. -□ Miss Marguerite McDonald, Miss ^irgie Barnes and Mrs. W. H. Dau fhtry are spending today in Branch ille, Vm.f visiting friends. HOME BREW GIVES KO TO WHISKY Hard Times. Hot Weath er, Causes Rise of New Industry Hard times and hot weather have combined to injure the hard liquor business in Halifax County, but another industry has sprung up to do a thriving business in its place, according to local officers, who raided a beer garden near here Saturday night. It seems that a good cold bot tle of home brew, approaching in strength pre-Volstead beer, is the popular beverage of the day. At a retail price of 25 cents per bottle, it is much cheaper and more refreshing than whiskey and profits are even more. Bulkiness, however, forbids trans portation in large quantities and offi cers say there are several places where a large amount of visitors have caused suspicion. One of these was the Ilamill place near Deep Creek Filling Station, occupied by C. R. I.ong and A. R. Tart. Early Saturday night, Chief Dob bins and deputy sheriff. Harry House and A. G. Johnson, drove up to the Ilamill place which they had searched se veral times without fir ding any thing. When they drove up into tne yard the^e were a couple of pa: ked cars and about a dozen men on the porch. Long came down to the car, not recog nizing the officers who shaded their faces. Chief Dobbins disguised un* \oice and asked the man if he had any home brew. He allowed he might have so the officers ordered three bottles. Long stepped back and sur veyed the country to see if all was clear and no officers were approach ing and then went to a nearby field, returning shortly with the three bot of home brew. Ufreipffiwra ask ed the price and when Long replied, it was 25 cents a bottle, they stepped out of the car and arrested him. The man got into the car without saying another word and then Tant came up and asked Long if he were waiting on the customers. The offi cers nabbed him and started a search,. iinding about 35 bottles of brew in a tub of ice near the house. They searched for about an hour and during that time many cars drove up to the house, evidently seeking re freshments, but on observing the vis itors all cars drove quickly on juonuay nigm, me two meu were taken before Magistrate Thompson who remanded them to Halifax jail in default of bonds: Long for $400 and Tant for $200. When Chief Dobbins took the men to Halifax, the rest of the prisoners wanted to know all the details. The Chief told them how he bought the brew and caught the men. “Just wait until we try you in the. mornin,” said one of the prisoners to Long and Tant. It seems that one of the indoor sports at the county jail is to hold a kangaroo court on alt r.cw prisoners. The older inmates se lect a judge, jury and attorneys and try the new prisoners. Most of them are cleared but indications were that they would find Long and Tant guilty in the first degree. Guilty of getting caught. When they heard the two nad actually sold beer to officers they knew, one of the prisoners made the statement that such men were a dis grace to the bootlegging profession. The two will probably come in for plenty of kidding from their jailmates. . As stated above, officers believe the • hot weather, hard times and handsome profits have caused an increase in the home brew industry. The ingredients for five gallons of home brew will cost about $1.10, say the officers, di vided as follows: one 80 cent can of malt, 5 pounds of sugar, 2 yeast cakes™ The five gallons will make about 50T bottles which will retail at $12.50. Bottles and most of the caps can be saved for refuse as the beverage its usually consumed on the spot. Chief In Hospital Chief of Police G. F. Gray is in the Roanoke Rapids Hospital sufferings with an infected ankle. Tuesday morning he underwent an operation, and it is reported his condition in showing improvement. The police official cut his anklw while in bathing at Coloraia Beach about three weeks ago. The wound has bden giving him trouble ever since. His condition became mote se rious a few days ago and he was re moved to the hospital Monday.

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