TWIN CITY HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hughes spent Thursday at Colerain. Miss Mildred and Edward Holmes have returned from visiting their lather at Gastonia. “Ootchy”, popular soda dispenser at Rosemary Drug Co., entered the hospital yesterday for a tonsil ite ration. We announce our new Location T. W. Wafford. Jeweler, is now located :n his new location. next door to the Tri-Citv Motor Co.. Rosemary, N. C_ Your continued patronage will he appreciated. Remember, you save 25'. on all watch and jewelry re pairing during the month of August. Prompt service and satisfactory work guaranteed. Thos. W. Wafford PHONE 26fi JEWELER Rosemary, N. C. ■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■ ■■■Luna ■ ■ ■ e a ■ m bp ■ »_■ ■ n* r. a a >■■■■■■* Misses Emma Lee and Lillian Lyles have returned from a weeks visit tc War rent on. William Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Thompson, has signed a six weeks contract with the National Broadcasting Co., and is now playing ;*h an orchestra at The Willows, 14 mr 3 from Pittsburg. Roanoke Rapids Camp, Modern Woodmen of America held its first annual picnic Sunday July 27 at Tur, carora beach attended by a large c rowd of members, their families and friends. After a real feed at one o'clock the afternoon- was spent in boat riding and watching the motor boat races. While some were con tented with enjoying the cool breeze r.nd shade around the beach others >vcre not satisfied until they had had a 'Wlp'ifiifr QdM&vtitemmt? fTDCT! Blue FireEgyptian ¥7017171 F ItUcJLi‘DIAMOND RING f IlIjLI These Rings Are Genuine Chromium Finish Present This Certificate and $1.00 and Receive a $5.00 Valna Indestructible Princess Pearl Necklace with Ring — FREE I TO introduce the . Famous Princess Pearls to the women a of this city, we are I giving — absolutely j FREE —with each I strand of Pearls a s Blue Fire Egyptian I Diamond* Ring. | These rings are gen- I nine chromium fin- I ish and are guaran- I teed not to tarnish. 1 Cannot be told from | genuine diamonds. | In both ladies’ and I men’s designs. Ideal for Bridge Prises and Gifts You Pay Only $1.00 for Both A Variety of Lengths and Designs from Which to Chooee Rosemary Drug Co. g>1028P.,^)e.mDi.'^,Liei..rhir.f Rosemary, North Carolina , . , offered anywhere. These superb neck laces are the rage of Paris and are all the vogue everywhere. Ton will be delighted with their color, lus ter and splendor. These pearls have been extensively ad vertised as a $5.00 value. Take advan tage of this Special Offer right NOW 1 Add 10e for Mail Orders •Simulated dip in the waters of the Chowan* riv-' er. The day was very pleasantly spent bv all who attended and the fellow that stayed away is the one to do the regreting.. Music-was furnished by the M.W.A. three piece orchestra composed of J. V Grant, Clayton Matthews, and Ed A'ilson, all of Roa noke Rapids. Gordon Draper must have had a great experience of some kind as he returned with a very red face, neck, arms and shoulders and claimed that he was not blushing. Ex cept for the fact that he continually ducked his head under tlfe water, Leonard Jones would have suffered a sun stroke while in the water as the sun had full sway on his bald head. Dud Wheeler ehjoyed the picnic to the fullest exteftt until after dinner then he seemed to be suffering front a fullness in the stomach that he could not account for. Johnnie Med !:ns’ worries seemed to center on the fact that all of his children had join ed the wets leaving only himself and 1 wife with the hardship of turning I them dry again. Cyrus Wocvd so far i as is known got the only real disap pointment of the day, that being caus ed by the failure of the camp to pro vide a big tub of red circus lemonade ns he had expected. The camp is al ready looking forward to the second annual picnic of the camp to be held some where some time in 1931. # -D Ladies Tournament Sixteen ladies have qualified for the golf tournament at the Twin City Midget Course and will begin play ing off this week. All those who handed in scores are urged to call at ‘'-he links office and find out of they qualified and who they will play in the first round. Dr. R. P. Beckwith '•on the men’s tournament recently, defeating Ned Manning in the finals and winning a handsome desk set. Bill Alligood and his gang of youngsters are camping this week at Bayview. | MOVING? An electric RANGE IN YOUR NEW KITCHEN J4!<i HAVING A CHEF! THE coll nary Mb of Franck draft mo indy furrow A* world I 'em?* Tka food dray ptapara b daltcioaa—tha mtab art navar ondca*donn or ovar-dona—vajaUbJaa ata mora flavotorn—. apicy podding* art to good., ; h'a IAo having a Franck ckaf in yorrr kilckan to kava an AatoaaUc Eladric Ranga. It's amasingly any to cook datidow tooth to an Aotonratic El ankle Ranga ovan. Yon rnaraly tat Aa clock on tho ovan and adjaal Aa Aamrotbl wkan yon pot At Lum| Im |Lm ffstrl MMMI IWVtl Ai WO wnl VTVUr Then yen ere FREE until Urn* to rerve At wool tkt keet com« on eutometlcelly end b diet off eutometlcelly eteeectfy Ae tljkt time., You do not keve to bute meet or tdd ureter to Ae ,-sj ivejeteMet. , And rlnce cooklnj h cntbely eutomedc, Aere’e *]|! never toy jueawoik ebout remits. ijL- Muck of Ae cooklnj b done wlA rertomd keet, titer tkt current b turned off. Tke premet lour electric tele moket Ae operetlnj cert very low,.Buy your Electric Renje NOW— e rmell down peyment end the belence monthly—end eeftc DELICIOUS meeb ever ofterl RE you* ELECTRICAL. DEALER OR.VIRGINIA ELECTRIC] and POWER COMPANY] Meeting of County Medical Societies Twenty five doctors from Halifax, Northampton, Warren and Martlri counties attended a meeting of the' County - Medical Societies of Halifax and Northampton at the Roanoke Ra pids Hospital Tuesday night. Dr. Howard R. Masters of the Tucker Sanatorium, Richmond, read an inter esting paper on the Uses of Physio therapy in, Treatment of Diseases. Dr. O. Hi Jfraeon, Dr. W. I). Rogers and Dr. Hunter of Warren County, Dr. W. E. Warren and Dr. Smithwick of Williamston, were guests of the two societies. Supper was served at the hospital prior to the meeting. ——n Silver Kings Win The Silver King girls won from the Deepsleep girls by a score of 9-0 last week. Askew, Matthews and j Harrow led in the hitting for the I Silver Kings, while Stainback and Hutchinson led for the Deepsleeps. Askew and Stainback pitched good ball for each side. Smith of Roanoke Rapids umpired. This game makes it a tie between the two teams, having played three games, tying the first game, Deepsleeps winning the sec ond and Silver Kings the third. The tie will he played off Monday night, Aug 4th at 6:30. Sliver King lineup: Askew, p; Dix on, c; Barrow lb; Matthews, 2h; Mayes. 3b; Love, rf; Moseley, cf; Moseley, ss; Markely If. -a Somebody may have had it in far chief Dobbins or carelessly snapped a cigarette stub in his car. but two ; hours after he had parked it in the shade near the old Patterson Store building Monday afternoon, he was informed it was burning up. He rush ed up to find Rev. R. L. Topping snatching scats out and trying to ex tinguish the blaze. The upholstery v as damaged about $75, covered by insurance. WANT ADSI ROOMER and BOARDERSW Tilted— I Reasonable rates. Near business section of Roanoke Rapids. Apply Mrs. L. M. Spivey.—itnp. FOR SALE—1925 Model Ford Coupe, recently overhauled. Good condi tion. Apply Paul Thompson, 1st St., Roanoke Rapids.—4t-8-l4. RHEUMATISM—Free to any one who sends me a stamped envelope with their address and the name of the paper in which they saw this ad, I will send an herb recipe that completely cured me of a bad case of rheumatism—Absolutely Free— R. L. McMinn, 14 Central Avenue, Asheville, N. C. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM?—I have buyers for desir able farm property not far from town. List your farms with me.— S. M, Thmopson, phone 346-J, Rose mary, N. C.—It. FOR RENT—Three rooms and pri vate bath. Hot and cold water.— Call phone 60-J.—3t-sm. l’OR RENT—5 Room House on Wash ington Street for $20 per month.— Apply to Mrs. Gray, Washington Street.—3t-pd. FOR SALE—Farms, town property, business places, business lots, resi dences and residence lots.—S. M. THOMPSON, Rosemary, N. C.—tf ANY TOBACCO HABIT—Chewing, smoking, cigarettes or snuff easily, inexpensively overcome with pleas ant root. Just send your address. F. O. Stokes, Mohawk, Florida. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—Effect ive at once, we will serve only ru ral districts with ice. Twice a week service to each rural district. No street service. George C. Steele, trading as City Ice & Fuel Co., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Phone 165. OLD FASHIONED HOME MADE CANDY—For sale by George Hayes, III. 50c pound, phone 186. Rosemary, N. C.—tf. FOR RENT—Electric Waxer and Va cuum Cleaner. 20c per hour. 50c minimum charge. Roanoke Hard ware Co. FOUND—Ladies ring with Masonic emblem in front of Rosemary Lodge. Finder may have same by identifying and paying for this ad. WATCH OUR SIGNBOARD—For daily specials.—Stedman Stores Oo. Roanoke Rapids. WANTED—The public to know that I have good cry wood for sale.— GEO. C. STEELE, Phone 165. Luke Reilly Says. “The Rat Died Be fore Reaching the River** “Since moving near the river 2 years ago, we've always used RAT SNAP. Watched a vicious water rat, nibbling at RAT-SNAP outside the house. About 15 minutes later he darted off for the water to cool his burning stomach, but he died before reaching it." Three sixes, 35c, 65c, 1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Roa noke Hardware Co., Rosemary, N. C.; Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Tells About Quake (Continued from page one) then I began to think of a second quake and the earth opening, or our hotel falling into the sea, or a tidal wave. Our hotel was built on a cliff 120 feet directly above the water and it could easily fall in. We are just now beginning to get over the strain and nervous reaction. We only got about three hours sleep the night of the quake and we left about 9:30 the next morning for Ca pri. We had to have breakfast at 8:30. Then we got to Capri about 11 and the boat went on and anchored out side the blue grotto and we got off and got in little boats. The boats on ly took two or three people at a time, so we had a long, long wait. The grot to was rather much of a disappoint ment except for the color of the water. It is small and dark and there is r.o blue reflection on the rocks. Then we vent back to Capri for lunch and had i long hot walk up the hill to the ho tel. After lunch we took the funnelar railway to the top of the mountain and got a wonderful view of the sea a*-d land, came down and boarded the .it for Naples at 3:45. We had to ©out to it in row booats. Arrived at Naples at 5:20 and had to go thro the customs. Everyone does because any cne could sneak* in easily at Capri, which has no customs office. Then1 dinner at 8 p. ip. on the train to Rome. The train left at 8:2l» and arrived in Rome at 12:20. We were all dead by that time and we would have had some royal sights had we not boon so tired. We got to bed about 1:30 a. m, and started sightseeing next morn ing at 8:45 We go sightseeing in taxia so we feel very elegant especially af ter we see huge tourist buses jam med with people. It sprinkled off and Oil during the morning and we had a nice breeze so the weather has been as lovely in Italy as anyone could wish. We visited the Borghia Gar dens. St. Peters’ the Coloseum, Apian Way. Quo Yadis Church, Catacombs, St. Pauls* and general interesting views of the city. Tomorrow the Va tican and the Forum. I received your nice letter of July Sth today ar.d certainly did enjoy it. 2 a mnejoying every minute and I hope you haven’t worried too much about the earthquake. We were not in the worst, tho it was very near and I can’t say that I especially enjoyed the feeling, but I can’t write all my' feelings and impressions—I must tell them. EVELYN. BLACK FLAG • FLSES—MOSQUITOES ROACHES—MOTHS FLEAS-AMTS BEDsftiUOS Kills Quicker—Costs Less MAM »V THE MAKEBC O# BLACK IUA MVDU ~iwaa^. _ jactonObfto* AUGUST MONEY SAVING SALE Every One of These Values is Guaranteed to Satisfy You or Your Money will be Refunded SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Your Choice You may buy of One R as many GIVEN AWAY ffl bottles of with a *«— \ Y ® ""V Mi31 59c ^ FREE M Solution bottle of m^'TKrSSS' “a# as You JSL ss Both for 59c 3. Full Pint of Pure test Rubbing Alcohol. 1. 50c Tube of Mi31 4. Bottle of 100 Puretest Shaving Cream. Aspirin Tablets. 2. 50c Box of Sixty 5. 50c Tubo of Klenxo Rexall Orderlies. Dental Creme. $1.00 Toilet Water Assorted Odors 79c SOc PuratNt Milk of Mbibmw RcHcvm ladigtnioa 39c SOc Lord Baltimore Writing Portfolio 39c Special Shari Offer $1.60 Compact )«OTM 2.50 Face Powder) $2.80 Special Cara Nome Offer $1.00 Perfume )WTHhr 2.00 Face Powder) $2.00 $1.00 Peptona . $ .79 .60 Petrofol . .49 .50 Eyelo .39 .25 Soda Mints.19 1.00 Bouquet Ramee Face Powder .69 .50 Jonteel Cream .39 1.00 Cod Liver Oil .79 .50 Laxative Salt .39 .25 Castor Oil.19 .25 Foot Powder.. .19 .25 Duska Talcum .19 1.00 Monogram Hot Water Bottle.. .79 Firstaid Adhesive Plaster, l*x5 yds. .29 Electrex Curling Iron .98 Wash Cloths..6 for .57 Klenzo Bath Spray.. .89 Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste ...... .39 Rubber Gloves.. .29 Gauzets, 1 doz.39 Electrex Toaster .... 2.98 AND 150 MORE DEEP REDUCTIONS ON RELIABLE PRODUCTS 78c Dwfca CImmibi Cream FREE with $14)0 Face Powder BOTH £ 1 FOB $1 40c Rex ail Gypsy Crest*. Relieves Sanborn and Insect Bites 33c 1-lb. Jar af Hoaaaaid Hard Caadiaa 39c Rosemary Drag Co. Roanoke Pharmacy Taylor Drug Store Roeemary, N. C. Rea. RayMs Rosemary, N. C.

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