ALL-STAR TEAM TO PLAY SLAGLES LAKE SATURDAY In the game to be played Saturday between the Textile League All Stars . and Slngels Lake of Emporia, Va., there should be a red hot game. The pick of the local league will go up against the \ irginians who have a 'earn with a wonderful record of games won this year. The game will start promptly at 4 o’clock and will be played in Rose mary at Simmons Park. The admis sion will be 35c for men and 25c for women and children. The league games will be postponed for this com ing Saturday on account of this game. Bascoes Lose The Rosemary Bascoes lost their first game of the season last Saturday to the Patterson Mill Silver Kings. The score was 3 to 1. Everett started for the Bascoes but was relieved by Johnson in the third inning. Crowder went all the way for Pat terson Mill and worked out a nice game. Rosemary has already cinched the cup offered for the league cham pionship. Birdsong, Outland and Low Flour Specials 24- Lb. Sack Q/Vc Plain _ OU 48-Lb Sack $1 -55 Plain _ 1 98-Lb P, -ck SO-85 Plain - _ fci 24-Lb Sack Q Cc Self Risincr_ OJ 48-I> Pa/': $1 .60 Self i.i :n* _ 1 98-Lb. Sack ?Q-°0 Self r.iJng_ O STEADMAN Stores Co. PHONE 93 Roa. Rapids, North Car. Enjoy the Distinctive Fragrance of DUSK A! Do you know that Duska Perfume gives people of moderate means the op portunities formerly en joyed only by the wealthy? $1.50—Half Ounce Duska Perfume haa an elusive, captivating fra grance — it is light and delicate, yet enduring. You can't tell from a de scripticn what it smells like — why don’t you come to your Rexall Store and sak for a demonstration? ROANOKE PHARMACY Roanoke Rapids. N. C. ***% Tht 3fe2£e£’ -Kara «v GAME AT 4 O’CLOCK P.M. AT SIMMONS PARK tier stood out for the Baseoes, while j Love, Cutler and Crowder wore the (outstanding performers for the Silver [Kings. j -n-.. Deepsleeps Win The Roanoke Mills Peeprdeeps staged a real story book finish lust Saturday when they defeated Triple R’-? 2 to 1 in the last half of the seventh inning with two men out and the score one to nothing in favor of the town team. An attack led by Pen dleton. Fraser and Hux netted the Peer sleeps t"'o runs and the ball game. Edmondson pitched good ball for the losers while Carroll pitched his usual steady game, only he got lots more support than usual. Shearin stood out for the Triple R’s while Hux •nd Pendleton were the main perform ers for the Peepsleeps. Rosemary Boys Club Returns From Camp The Rosemary Boys Club returned Saturday from Bayview. X. C.t on the Pamlico river near Washington, X. C., where they spent their summer camping trip. Every one of the boys had a splendid time boating bathing and fishing. All of them reported , back in town with a healthy coat of tin and plenty of pep. The boys, under the direction of Bill Alii good, left Monday and returned here Saturday afternoon. The follow ing boys made the trip Elmer Starkes. Yates Brown, Butler Brown, Jack Fanny. Larry Mead, "Runt’' Carver, Irvin Dickens, Clyde Mills, Fred Mills. Mary Cannon, Carl Edwards, Paul Matthews, Chester Allsbrook, Whit lord Waters. Elvin Kinker. The winner of the horseshoe pitch ing championship was Jack Fanny and the team winners were Jack Fanny and Paul Matthews. The treasure hunt was won by Elvin Kinker. The group in room NTo. 1, Elmer Starkes. Yates Brown and Fred Mills won the inspection contest with an average of 93. Irvin Dickens was voted the best all round camp spirit boy. The boys enjoyed their vacation very much and only two boys had any regret at all and that was Butler Brown and Yates Brown, they only had one regret and that was there was not enough girls to have any _ more dates with. -n- ( SPORT BRIEFS Pul you know that the Rosemary Bascoes won the Textile League championship? And that the cup will '•eside over in the Rosemary Manu facturing Company’s office in the near future. That although the Junior team lost out in the state finals it afforded the town note public’-y than it has re ceived in all its High School sports and that the kids ought to he praised instead of ragged because there is an other year coming and there are plen ty of kid ball players in the two towns that can really play ball. Just Like An Ostrich A medical authority says that ft person who trie3 to oover up skin blemishes and pimples with toilet creams and powders is just as foolish as an ostrich that buries its head in the sand to avoid danger. Skin erup tions are nature’s warning that con stipation is throwing poisons into your blood stream and weakening your whole constitution. Remove the constipated condition and you will strengthen your system against disease ana chaa.1 up your disfigured skin. The best way to do this is with a course of Herbine, tha vegetable medicine that acts natur ally and easily, which you can get at Taylor’s Drug Store, Rosemary, N. C. | That the people in astonia said we had the finest, cleanest bunch of kid sports that had ever played in their town ? And shouldn't we be proud of that ? The kids that walk the streets today ar eth emerchants, the com munity builders, the citizens of to morrow. That Slagels Lake boasts one of the fastest semi-pro teams in Virginia? And that the Textile League All Stars will have to throw some dust to come out on top. If you want to see a hard working | baseball player watch Wilmer Out iar.d. who does the catching for the Laseoes. Our pick for an all league team: B. Edmondson, catcher; Crowder, Car roll and Johnson, pitchers; M. Shear in. lb; Lester Edmondson, lb: J. Ed mondson, ss; Birdson. 3b; Ryals, If; Ferrell cf and Outland, rf. Beat it if you can. Did you know' that George Murray was one of the greatest fishermen in town? If you don’t believe it ask the people in Bay view. League Standings w l ret Bascoob 10 1 909 Silver Kings 5 7 416 Deepsleeps 4 7 363 Triple R 4 8 333 ___n_ Gastonia .State Champs Defeating Local Team! The Junior American Legion team of Gastonia. Western champions, de feated the Legion team of Roanok.* Rapids-Rosemary at Gastonia to win the State championship. In the first game Gastonia was winner by a score of 20 to 3. Lee and T. Browning pitched for the local team but failed to hold the bigger Gastonia batter. The second game was lost 11 to 0, the local boys get ting only two hits off Badger. Gastonia will play in the regional gomes which includes the champions of the two Carolinas, Virginia and Tennessee. The local boys returned full of praises for the way they were .reated by the Gastonia team and the American Legio nduring their visit. n_ Misses Elizabeth Williams and Eu genia Rook left Sunday for South Mills. N. C., where they are visiting at Miss Williams’ home. -□ Mrs. Sam Thompson and son ;, carl tnd Jay, and Miss Lizzie Cooley and Miss Stansbury spent Wednesday at Jcean View. These hotels offer super ior accommodations for ■ your next visit to— WASHINGTON, D. C. MARTINIQUE—16th St. at M, Northwest. Ideal for motorists. Single with bath, $3 to $4. Double with bath $5 to $6. HAMILTON HOTEL — 14th at K St. In the heart of the city. Single with bath $3 to $5. Double with bath, $5 to $8. CAIRO HOTEL— Que St. at 16th — Washington’s tallest building. Single with bath $3 to $3.50. Double w'ith bath, $4 to , $0 * . I Wip'JtfufrQdve}.vti4&n&vt? rDrCf Blue Fire Egyptian fTOf?!?* riUULa ‘DIAMOND RING rllLXL. These Rings Are Genuine Chromium Finish Present This Certificate and $I.M and Receive a 95.00 Value Indestructible Princess Pearl Neeklae* with Rina — FREE I r¥*0 Introduce tliu * Fmoui Prince** Pearls to the women of this city, we are giving — absolutely FREE — with each strand of Pearls a Blue Fir* Egyptian Diasuad* Ring. These rings are gen uine chromium fin ish and are guaran teed net to tarnish. Cannot be told from genuine diamonds. In both ladies* nod man’s designs. Ideal /or Bridge Priaaa •mi Gifu You Pay Only $1.00 for Both * tt Uutki mi Mn fra Wktt t» Ckm TFE Most anaslng A Pearl value ever offered anywhere. These superb neck laces are the rage of Paris and are all the vogue everywhere. Ton will be delighted with their color, lus ter and splendor. These pearls have been extensively ad vertised as a tS M value. Take advan tage ef this Special Offer right NOW I Mi 10a far Mail Orders ■fllailatsd Rosemary Drug Co. Koaemary, North Carolina READERS COLUMN Littleton. N\ C. Aug 6th, 1930. Roanoke Herald. Roanoke Rapids, N. C., Dear Sir: I have not contributed any n?ws a rticles to your pnppr before this, but hope you will publish this one. Why did the Rosemary Bascoes not play Littleton Wednesday? The Lit tleton ball club kr. >\vn as the Littleton Blues journeyed to Fosemary last Wednesday and defeated the Rose mary Bascoes in a fair, clean and wholesome baseball game, the score being 8 to 1 in favor of Littleton. The ■sme team from Rosemary had prom ised to play Littleton in a return game at Littleton on Wednesday, Aug. 6th, but for some unknown reason the team from Rosemary failed to show up. What is the reason why they did not show up in Littleton? The whole town is asking the question. Is it be cause the manager has a poor mem ory, because they could not' stand defeat again, because they were not good enough sports to stick to their agreement made three weeks ago, or was it because they could not get nine men in the whole, town to plav ball ? The manager had got all the busi ness houses in Litcleton to close so that he could probably be able to give the Bnscoes a little more than seven dollars. That is all that Littleton got out of the big crowd that the manager of the Bascoes promised the Littleton teanv Owing to some reason unknown to the people of Littleton the team fail ed to show up at the proper time, the team at Littleton feels as though they are entitled to a forfeited game. Thus ends our story. Littleton defeated the Rosemary Bascces in a forfeited game 9 to 0. F. C. Rainey, Assistant Manager JUNIOR DEEPSLEEI S WIN The Junior Deepsleeps won their Kh victory out of 10 games when they defeated Brink Seniors at the High School Athletic Field Saturday. The score was 12 to 11. Brown. Smith and Radcliffe. starred for the Juniors. _ n Mr. W. J. Alligood spent last week in Washington, D. C. Mr. 11. C. King Tells a Wonderful Story About Rats. Read It. “For months my place was alive with rats. Losing chickens, eggs, feed. Friend told me to try RAT SNAP. I did. Somewhat disappointed at first, not seeing many dead rats, but in a few days didn’t see a live one. What were not killed are not around my place. RAT-SNAP sure does the trick.” Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Roa noke Hardware Co., Rosemary, N. C.; Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. This new frigida ire Porcelain-on-steel inside and out in beautiful glacier-gray Here is a Frigidaire in a strikingly beautiful glacier gray Porcelain-on-stecl. It has shelves that arc ele vated to a convenient height. It has rounded corners and roomy food storage space. Most important of all, the mechanical unit is completely enclosed—the design that has made Frigidaire famous for efficiency, long life, and low operating cost. Equipped with the “Cold Control," this Frigidaire freezes ice and desserts with incredible speed. It is extra powerful yet remarkably quiet. Call and see • demonstration. Select your own terms. As little down as you wish to pay. Balance arranged to suit your convenience. Weldon Electric Company Weldon, North Carolina MOVING? An electric RANGE AND WATER HEATER HELPS MAKE A HOUSE—HOME! *nOMAT,C gETTER MEALS with less time in th« kitchen when you heve e modem, automatic Electric Range in the kitchen of your new home. Simplicity of operation—consilient and perfect results with - less effort—lower food costs—obvious cleanliness—speed when you want it—freedom from your kitchen—economy of operation—and a wealth of comfort and convenience are reason aplenty why you should have an Electric Range. , A special payment plan makes immediate possession possible. The balance can be paid as you use it £LECTRICITy will furnish «U the hot water you want, wheff and where you want it. If you Install an Electric Water’ Heater in your home. yoy do not have to take an eetra step or even Jo near the? sjj tank. There Is nothinj to remember or forjet. And automat w Be f«tu«* of the Electric Water Heaters maintain the rijhtj temperature all the time~eo they are SAFE I The new electric rate makes the operatlnj cost surptiainjly small. Our special paymentplan enables you to BUY NOW and pay for the Electric Water Heater as you enjoy Re many comforts and conveniences. *»< >M' SEE’yOUR ^ELECTRICAL DEALER OR VIRGINIA E LECTR \ C ** POWER CO MPA hiy