IWWWMMWMftMMMWMMMMflMmMMi V ^B* V A V V^iW^WAVWWWWWWAWWWW -f|~ i THE HERALD jsjslssz. i CwmwwVWMMMUmWUKWWWMM OF THE TWIN CITIES-ROAN OKE RAPIDS-ROSEM ARY VOLUME 16. ROANOKE RAPIDS—ROSEMARY, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930. NUMBER 30. DEMOCRATS SWEEP NATION ___:_____ DEMOCRATS MAY LEAD CONGRESS Gain 8 In Senate and 46 In House In National Landslide The Democratic party gained eight seats in the United States Senate in Tuesday’s election, While the Republican party gained only one. Twenty De mocratic Senators were swept into office. Th eRepublicans 13. The present tabulation of the votes shows that the Republicans nold 47 seats in the Senate and the Demo crats 46. Two seats are in doubt, and with the returns still coming in, in dicating that in some states the De mocrats are leading in Republican strongholds, it is likely that the De mocratic party may gain control of the upper house. The political make-up of the next Senate is: Holdovers—Republicans, 34; Demo crats, 26; Farmer-Labor, 1. Elected—Republican 13; Democrats, 20. Gains—Republicans, 1; Democrats, S. In doubt—Two. In their most determined assault on the 12-year-old Republican domina tion of the House, the Democrats won 210 of the 435 seats and were leading in the six Kentucky Republican dis tricts unreported. But it was the Farmer-Labor candidates who were challenging the Republican incum bents in the other two doubtful dis tricts, both in Minnesota. With the six Kentucky Districts and the two Minnesota districts missing the coant stood: Republican, 215. Democrats, 210. Independent Republicans, 1. Farmer Labor, 1. Doubtful, 8. Democratic gains, 46. Republican gain, 1. Missouri Democrats won back the six seats lost in the Hoover landslide of two years ago. The Democratic upsets extended from Connecticut to Oregon, with Pennsylvania contributing three. The Democratic uprising broke out in all sections of the country ,and in spots most unexpected by leaders of both parties. For the first time in the twelve years of Republican domination of Congress the Democrats have come within reach of power. This gives President Hoover a new problem for the next two years of his dministra tion. Franklin D. Roosevelt was re-elect slide. He carried with him the en ed Governor of New York by a land tire State Democratic ticket. Democrats in Connecticut elected Dr. Wilbur L. Cross, dean emeritus of Yale, Governor and two or three and perhaps four of the five representa tives. Senator rat Harrison ot Mississippi was re-elected to a third consecutive term in the U. S. Senate. M. M. Neeley, Democrat, former U. S. Senator from West Virginia, re ceived 61,379 votes and his Republican opponent, James Elwood Jones, polled 41,746. Albert G. Ritchie, Democrat, was re-elected Governor of Maryland for his fourth four-year term. In Alabama, Bankhead, Democrat, defeated Senator Tom Heflin, Jeffer sonian Democrat, for the U. S. Sen ate. Viller, Democrat was elected Governor over Locke, Jeffersonian Democrat. Democrats in Ohio won the guber natorial contest by 150,000 votes, Rob ert J. Bulkley, Democrat, “wet” de feated Senator Roscoe McCulloch, Re publican “dry,” for the Senate, by an even larger majority. In Illinois, James Hamilton Lewis, Democrat, “wet/ ’defeated his Re publican opponent, Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick, and his Inde pendent “dry” candidate, Mrs. Lottie Holman O’Neil, for the U. S. Senate. Mr. J. R. Butron, Leo Butron, John Robinson, Evy Askew and J. F. Mayes motored to Roy’s Camp, N. C. Satur day and spent the whole of Sunday fishing. The results were two carp, ane two feet one inch, the other two feet weighing together 16 1-2 pounds and seme small fry. A. B. McLeod was a visitor here last Week. Kiwanis Club Elects Officers For Coming Year Officers for 1981 were elected by the K/iwanis Club last Thursday night The election was held at this date so newly elected officers could attend the special meetings for incoming of ficers of the Carolinas district at Raleigh this week. Officers chosen were President, Carrol Wilson; Vice President, Ned Manning; Secretary, Joe N. Bynum; Treasurer, J. Wick Ross; Trustee, Frank Wilson; Directors, Alonzo Ak ers, Hugh Camp, Frank Joyner, Al fred Martin, Wilson Mullen, George Taylor and Leslie Towe. Club delegates to the Raleigh con vention are Frank Joyner, Ned Man ning and Carroll Wilson. More than a dozen other members of the local club are planning to attend the con vention. Mrs. Bettie I. Pruden Dies At Seaboard Seaboard, Nov. 5.—After an illness of several months, Mrs. Bettie L. Pru den, aged 60, died Wednesday morn i ing at 6 o’clock at the home of her [daughter, Mrs. Mildred Moore. She was the wife of the late W. S. Pruden. She is survived by four children: Mrs. Mildred Moore of Seaboard, Mrs. William Vincent of Vultare, W. H. Pruden of Rosemary, ar.d Randolph Pruden of Raleigh. Funeral services will be conducted from the home Thursday afternoon j at 2:30 o’clock. P. T. A. Meetings Here Next Week The Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular meeting at the Junior High ’ School Building on NbvemfeN 13th at 3:30 p. m. The topic will be Pupils Reports. The Parent Teachers Association of the Central School will hold a meeting at that school auditorium at 3 o’clock Wednesday, November 12. Members are urged to attend these meetings. New Cleaning Plant A new building is being erected on Jackson street between First and Sec ond by the Ever-Ready Cleaners. As soon as completed the company will move to its new home from the pres ent site on Second Street. Besides modern arrangements for the equip ment, the building will include a moth proof storage room. j The Senior Class of the Roanoke Rapids High School gave a Halloween party last Friday evening at the Shel ton Hotel. The dining room was deco rated in Halloween colors and style and many games, contests and other forms of amusement were indulged in creating much merriment and enjoy ment. Fortunes were told by Miss Mary B. Cannon and Mr. Thomas Martin. Miss Elizabeth Wilson was awarded a prize for the most pic turesque costume which was of Tur kish design. Marvin Floyd was given a prize for the silliest costume. Chas. Ogletree and Marvin Floyd were both awarded prizes for the largest num ber of correct answers to the “penny game.” Mr. Charles Ogletree was a splendid host and all the class and others who were present spent a de lightful evening. Refreshments were served in true Halloween style. Those nresent were Misses Ruby Tickel, Sybil Simms, Annie Mae Odell, Paul ine Kendrick, Pearlie Istrico, Ruby Shell, Elizabeth Wilson, Virginia Ogletree, Constance Barrow, Hattie Humphrey, Daisy McCommons, Mes srs Marion Hudson, Francis Starke, Fleetwood Sullivan, James McNeil, Roger Cullom, Colon Womble, Jim my Beckwith, Calvin Kennemur, Roy Lee FemieH, Avon Moody, Marvin Floyd, Charles Ogletree, Banks* An drews, Mark Allen, Mrs. C. F. Ogle tree, Miss Mary B. Cannon, Miss Gurley, Miss Ada EdwardB and Mr. Thomas Martin. Thursdy evening at the teachers home Misses Irene Gordon and Mar jorie Chapman were Joint hostesses to the N. C. C. W. Club. Miss Annie Cherry presided over the business meeting after which bridge was en joyed. Refrsehments served appro priate for Halloween were served in a sweet course. Those present were Misses Anne Cherry, Marjorie Chap man, Viola Glover, Reba Ray, Hasel Cobb, Irene Gordon and Mrs. Moors. PLAN DRIVE TONIGHT FOR HOTEL Committee Reports Fa vorably On Enterprise; Hope to Raise Money rwin Cities will have a $110,000 hotel building started here with in thirty days after that amount has been subscribed in stock. These figures were reached to day by a committee of citizens anxious to see a hotel here and after a visit last week by R. T. Lipscombe, vice president of the Guarantee Finance Corporation of Richmond, which company proposes to put up as much cash as the citizens here subscribe and finance the balance of the amount needed. Mr. Lipscombe spoke before the Ki wanis Club last Thursday and explain ed his proposition, which was outlined in this newspaper two weeks ago President Frank Wilson appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Lips combe, and Mr. J. W. Smoot, who will have charge of the construction work on several hotels for the corporation. At the committee meeting, Mr. Lipscombe was questioned closely and after deliberation, it was the opinion of the committee that the proposition was feasible and *ras the only way in which this community could hope to get a hotel for many years. Plans will be worked out tonight to launch a drive for stock subscription to the hotel enterprise with the hopes that every man and woman in the community, who can do so, will sub scribe for at least one $100 share. Byron Gurley, Rufut Vick Are Honored Two local boys at N. C. State Col lege were honoiec! this week when Pyron Guriev anii Rufus Vick were . ’ected to membership in the Blue h13, leadership society, tr.d Gurley was also made a member of Phi Kap pa Phi, national honor siciety. Mem bership in the latter society is recog nized at State College to be among the highest honors attainable by a student. SMALLWOOD-PEARSON A surprise wedding was solemnized at Emporia Sunday morning at the home of Rev. J. M. Trimmer when Miss Lillian Pearson became the bride of Robert Smallwood. The only at tendants were the bride’s brother and a few intimate friends. Mrs. Small wood is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pearson of South Rosemary. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smallwood of Wilmington, The young couple will live in Wash ington, D. C. The A-C Bridge Club was entertain ed Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Wm. Medlin at her apartment in the Citi zens Bank Building. There were eight players present and an interesting game was played. Mrs. W. C. Wil liams won high score for the after noon and was given a picture. A salad course was served at five o’clock. Those playing ,Mcbdames Clarencfc Grimmer, Frank Wilson, J. M. Jack son, W. C. Williams, Steve Lipscomb, Octavius Griffin, David Traynham and Miss Susan Holliday. Mrs. Hugh Camp was hostess to the Monday Night Bridge Club at her home on Roanoke Avenue Monday evening. Three tables of players were present. After six progressions the scores were collected and Mrs. Julian Allsbrook was found to hold high 3core and was presented a box of powder. A salad course was served at conclusion of the game* Those play ing Mesdames Cooper Grizzard, David rraynham, Alfred Martin .George Hayes, Allen Zollicoffer, Howard Pruden, Julian Allsbrook, Frank Haw ley, J. W. Ross, Fletcher Dickens, Misses Ruth Transou and Margaret Clark. Miss Laura Ellis and Mr. Phil Ellis >f Branchville, Va., visited Mrs. Char iena Hart recently. Rev. Hugh Bradley was called to South Carolina recently on account yt the death of his grandfather. Miss Dorothy Daughtrey has been dec ted to the Glee Club at Virginia [ntermont College. RED CROSS WORK HERE Work Done Here Lest Year Told In President’s Report; Shows Money Well Spent You may wonder vjhere the money goes which you give to the American Red Cross work hr This community. This question is answered by a report of the past year’s activities of the lo cal Red Cross Chapter by the Presi dent, Mrs .T. M. Jenkins. Some of the work done by the lo cal chapter is as follows: gave fin ancial aid to three ex-service men. One soldier was secured a relase in order to take care of his mother. Seventy-eight quarts of milk were furnished a woman suffering from pellagra. $39.75 was,spent on a ton sil and adenoid clinic held here in July by the county. i Fifteen dollars was given the school1 nurse to help pay for gasoline and oil used in finding children for the clin ic . Several families have been furnish ed food and clothing. Three classes were taught in the schools: two by Miss Bradley, on Home Hygiene and C*re of the Sick? one by Miss Stribling on Food and Nutrition. 55 certificates were given in this work. Fifteen Christmas gifts were sent to men in the service. Five Junior and two Senior Life Savers were taught by the Red Cross. Chief Crew May Sit Up Sunday; Negro Is Taken To Jail Chief J. W. Crew of Weldon was so much improved today that hos taL authorities t^nk he might bo able to sit m a wfesl -eHtofr by Ban day. He will not lose the sight of either eye, as first thought after the shooting and may retain the hearing in his right ear which has become af fected since he has been in the hos pital. Buddy Jackson, Negro, who shot the Chief, was well enough to be released from the hospital Saturday night. He was taken to jail at Halifax. Medical Society Meets The Medical Society of Halifax and Northampton Counties met at the Roanoke Rapids hospital last Thurs day night with twenty doctors pres ent. After a banquet Dr. James Nor thington, editor of Southern Surgery and Medicine read an interesting pa per on the Problem of Referring Pa tients. x R. R. BAPTIST CHURCH Services for Sunday, Nov. 9. Morn ing sermon theme: “Constant Cur rents of Christ’s Spirit.” Anthem for morning hour, “God My Father, Hear Me Pray.” Evening sermon theme: “Eternal Life, How Obtained.” Duet for evening hour, “How Beautiful Upon the Mountains,” will be render ed by Miss Elma Holding and Harvey Saunders. Miss Ella Giles Sunday School class gave a party last Thursday night in the Junior Department of the Rose mary Baptist Church .Several games were played and a good time in gen eral enjoyed by all who were present. Mrs. J. E. Kirk and Miss Ella Giles were chaperones. Refreshments con sisting of hot chocolate, wafers, marshmollows and apples were served to Misses Irma Robinson, Catherine Nethercutt, Blanche Cullom, Anne Matthews, Dorothy Johnson, Elva Kendrick, Evelyn Johnson, Ella Brown Anita Harris and Evelyn Jolly, Ches ter Allsbrook, Harry Cannon, George i Sullivan, Paul Matthews. j Master Bill Shell celebrated his 10th birthday last Wednesday with a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Shell on Hamilton Street. About twenty children were invited and games of many kinds were play ed. Punch and cake were served for refreshments. Those enjoying this oc casion were Master Joe Tickle, John Tickle, Marvin Matkins, Jack Vin son, Mack Mosley, Edward Mosley, Ray Rightmeyer, Bill Hodgers, Geo. Hayes, Garland Matthews, Gene Shell, James Taylor, Monroe Starkes, Misses Geraldine Parrish, Winifred Shell, Mary Virginia Jenkins, Charlotte Ann Shell. J. W. BAILEY LEAD HERE IS 3,221 Halifax County Gives Republican 179 Votes; Vote 1-3 Here Halifax County living up to its' reputation as the banner De mocratic county of the State, cast a total of 3.579 votes in the election for U. S. Senator Tues day and gave Josiah W. Bailey a majority of 3,221 over his Re publican opponent. The vote was: Bailey-3,400 Pritchard_ 179 Of the total vote polled, the two Roanoke Rapids precincts ckst 1,231 or slightly more than one third of the entire vote of the county. The exact percentage was .344. The State Democratic ticket re I reived practically the same majority given Mr. Bailey while Congressman Kerr’s lead over Dickens was even greater. Bad weather held down an even greater majority for Democracy. The vote in the Senatorial race by precincts was: Bailey Pritchard Roanoke Rapids 629 26 Rosemary 521 55 Weldon 403 28 Scotland Neck 474 3 Enfield 399 24 Palmyra 31 0 Halifax 196 3 Littleton 231 17 Conconnara 46 2 Roseneath 31 1 132 8*. Ringwood 79 1 Butterwood 84 4 Faucetts 145 13 3400 179 W.O.W. Here Monday The Emporia Camp of th eW.O.W. will visit the Roanoke Rapids Camp on next Monday night to confer de gree work on two candidates from Emporia. Last Monday night the lo cal degree team went to Emporia and initiated a candidate. All Woodmen are urged to attend the meeting here. Friday afternoon Mrs. Sidney Eounds entertained the Friday Bridge Club. Five tables for players were placed in the living room and dining room. Fall flowers were used thru cut the house. When the high scores were collected Mrs. Frank Nash was winner for the club and was given a table cover and napkins. Mrs. Clar ence Grimmer was given a bottle of perfume as winner of guest prize. A salad course was served to the fol lowing, Mesdames David Traynham, Frank Hawley, Howard Pruden, Ju lian Allsbrook ,T. W. Mullen, W. S. Dean, Carroll Wilson, J. W. Ross, Pen dleton Grizzard, Frank Nash, Hugh Camp ,Allen Zollicoffer, Clarence Grimmer, Octavius Griffin, Frank Kemp, Claude Edgerton, Frank Wil son and Claude Keen. Lois Hux was hostess at a Hallo ween party given Friday night at the Band Hall which lasted from 8 til 12 o'clock. The following guests bob bed for apples and were served grape punch, sea foam candy and chocolate fudge, Messrs John Louis Welch, Ber nard Hux, “Boob* Massey, Beach Massey, Lloyd Hasty, Joe Loomis, Hubert Perkinson, Yates Brown, Guy Moss, Philip Newton, Hollis Carrol, Owen Hux, Clyde Mills, Elmer Wil liams, Dick Moss, Herman Taylor, Harvey Edmondson, Bill Anderson,1 Robert Leigh, Howard Wood Russell Pierce, Self Pierce, Stanley Hutchin son, Charley Nicholson, “Zeke" Web ster, Russell Birdsong, Alonzo Carv er, Charley Whitby, Earl Keeter, Roy Stansbury and “Cat" Loomis, Misses Emma Andrews, Annie Britt, Ollie Keeter, Rosa Williams, Mary Ann Mabry, Ruth Keeter, Catherine Hut chinson, Florence Fitchit, Lucy Wood, Janie Cook, Louise Murray, Mildred Tudor, Jessie Askew, Ada Bell Strick land, Virgini aTudor, Blanchce Nor wood, Ruby Wood, Gertrude Moseley, Gertrude Bray, Lillian Williams, Ethel Carver, Nellie Gray King, Mable Mills, Beulah Miller, and Mesdames El. P. Smith and Mrs. Price. Legion Post And H. S. Pupils To Have Joint Program Damask Post of the American Le gion will celebrate Armistice Day next Tuesday with a special service in con junction with a program at the High School auditorium by pupils of Miss Cannon's class. Rev. Leon Hall, member of the local post, will represent the post on the program, which starts at 11 o'clock. Post Commander Ned Manning has issued a eommand to all members of Damask Post to be present for roll call. The public is invited and urged to attend as this is the only service advertised for Armistice Day here. “Call of the Flesh” A Novarro Winner There are two Ramon Navarros, apparently. One is the whimsical comedian, full of the joy of life, love and music. The other is a tragic, dominant figure, compelling in its intensity. One sees both of these Novarros in a single picture in “Call of the Flesh,” the star’s latest Metro-Goldwyn-May er picture playing at the Peoples I Theatre Monday and Tuesday. No varro starts as a care-free youth in the powerful story and winds up as a character Booth, Barrett or Mans field might well have played. And they could not have played it much better. It is the story of a Spanish opera singer who sacrifices iove and happi ness on the altar of fame only to find that love is, after all, far more pow erful than the lure of the opera. Chas. Brabin directed the story, in which Novarro sings operatic as well as popular songs and gives a perform ance that is a notable milestone in his artistic career. dSeeothy J**rdan is a delightful he roine as the convent girl he loves and Renee Adoree, a fiery creature as Lola, the dancer, whose jealousy dogs the pair. Ernest Torrence is the de lightful as the old singing tutor and Mathilde Comont injects comedy touches as the old opera star. Nance O’Neil is a dignified and compelling Mother Superior and Russel Hoptor convincing as the heroine’s brother. Gorgeous settings, artistic camera effects by Merrit Gerstad, and music Herbert Stothart and Clifford Grey add to the attractiveness of old Spain. Dorothy Farnum wrote the story with dialog by John Colton, famous for “Rain” and “The Shanghai Gesture.” B. & L. Speaker Mr. O. K. LaRoque. Deputy Insur ance Commissioner in charge of B. &. L .for North Carolina, has accepted the invitation of S. J. Bounds, Secre tary of the Rosemary Building and Loan Association to meet with them and address the directors of the Rose mary Association. Mr. LaRoque is the best informed man in the State on Building and Loan matters and is an able and forceful speaker. Mr. Bounds plans to have him speak at a supper and will invite the directors of the Roa noke Rapids and Weldon Associations to participate. Friday afternoon, Oct. 31, from 3 to 5, the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. Frank West was the scene of a lovely childrens party, the occasion being the celebration of the fifth birthday of the little daughter, Martha Jane. The hall, living room and dining room were decorated with fall leaves and flowers. A lovely birthday cake holding five lighted candles served as center piece for the dining table. Jack o’lanterns and witches added a note of mystery to the surroundings. The youngsters played games with Mrs. Charles Webb directing. Refresh ments consisting of ice cream and :akes, dainty little baskets filled with ;andy served as favors and were pre sented to the following as they were eaving, Frank Hawley, Harry Weath ers, Elizabeth Beckwith, Belle Pru ien, Margaret Martin, Emmet Mat thews, Jeane Tillery, Frank Williams, Ruby Lee Williams, Eleanor Zollicof fer, Marion Zollicoffer, Margaret Tay lor, Jack Hazlewood, Robert Towe, Katherine M .Zollicoffer, Ann Clark, Hurley King, Louise Fitts, Caroline Long, Richard Wilson, Alfred Mus tian, Martha Lamm, Margaert Rober son, Billy Long, Jane Cooper. A Miss Martha Daughtrey visited in Emporia last week. * BAILEY WIN WILL REACH 1 2 5,0 0 0 Democrats Set New Re cord for N. C. Majority In Landslide At one o’clock this afternoon. Associated Press wired The Her ald that tabulation of the State vote by them ceased with the morning edition of daily news papers. At that time 1,312 out of 1,811 State precincts gave Bailey 262, 805 and Pritchard 142,268, with a majority for Bailey of 120, 537. This will reach almost 125, 000, it is reported, the largest in history. All ten Democratic Congress men will be elected with Bul winkle defeating Jonas in the 9th and Weaver victorius over Jackson in the 10th. State Legislature Thirty-two of the 100 counties in North Carolina controlled by the Re publican party was reduced to six in Tuesday’ selection, in which the De mocratic party did far more than re claim the territory lost in the anti Smith landslide of 1928. The pow er of the Republican party has been reduced to the lowest point in the history of the State. In 1931 only two of the 50 Senators will be Republicans. In the house the Democrats elected 114. The Republi cans elected four. Harnett county returned to the De mocratic column by a 1,626 majority.. Craven county, home county of Senator Furnifold Simmons whom Josiah W. Bailey defeated in the pri mary, gave Mr. Bailey approximately a 3 to 1 vote. Bailey polled 2,110 votes; Pritchard, his Republican op ponent for the U. S. Senate, received 649. Returns Irom Johnston County mdi give the Democratic State and coun ty tickets about the same majority, indicating the Republican administra tion has been swept from office. Bailey received 2,622 votes to Pritch ard’s 851. Retruns frmo Iredell County indi cate that the county will swing back , into the Democratic ranks. It gave [the Democratic ticket a majority of ; at least 2,000. Wayne County went overwhelming ly Democratic. Pikeville went Demo cratic for the first time in 30 years. Bailey received 3,202 votes; Pritch ard polled 1,027. The vote in Nash County was over whelmingly Democratic. In Manning Township, home precinct of the Re publican candidate, Edward W. Pou, Democrat, received 245 votes, while his Republican opponent polled only 61. Forsyth County elected all Demo cratic candidates. There was a greater volume of straight ticket voting than in years and two precincts that had been in the Republican column for a number of years went Democratic. Waugh town precinct returned a De mocratic majority for the first time since 1894. Klernersville, long Re publican, gave all Democrats a ma jority. Bailey’s majority over Pritchard in Richmond county is approximately 2,000. The county turned a majority against Bailey in the primary, but rallied Tuesday with an united front behind the Democratic party’s nomi nee. Lenoir County voted against Bailey n the primary, but gave him a pro aortinately overwhelming majority in fuesday’s voting. Friday evening, October 24, Mrs. W. E. Murphrey entertained at three tables of bridge. Fall flowers ar ranged throughout the living and din ing rooms made an effective setting for the guests. After several pro gressions Mrs. E. P. Hyman wae pre sented with high score and Mrs. H. L. Stephenson low score. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. L. R. Harris, served a salad course with hot coffee, sand wiches, cheese balls, cranberry sauce, olives and bridge cookies. The plate decorations carrying out the Hallo ween idea. Mrs. Wm. Jackson and her son have returneed from Elizabeth City.