THE HERALD Of The Twin Cities ROANOKE RAPIDS ROSEMARY CARROLL 'WILSON. !’u!> -her ;m,! Entered as Second Class n " Postoffice at Roanoke Rapids. N . of March 3rd, 1879. PRINTERS. LITHOGRAPHERS. VR : TRIUMPHANT DEMOCRACY It is so seldom that Democrats e. the success of their party in nati< that we must be pardoned for the ur with which we celebrate the tremendo; which swept the nation Tuesday from tl tic to the Pacific. The vote a: the South was as expect in Alabama wh ting Het in his own oi cris; hat was buried bom h ...auche of the sane Alabama has . a One ns--, ha;, been purg and with Cole Id as a >, -.hern Dem .a, can once more point pridefully to her repri - n tation in the Senate. It is to the East.and Middle West we look with enthusiasm. To New York, Connecticut, Mas sachusetts, Maryland; to Oh a Indiana. Iihn*rL and Minnesota. Y. , and to Colorado anu N ...... faces in the World of i ! ; yes. welcome faces. And listen, friend-, there are more elec torn’ vote-- in any of s« v-ral combint three states in that list than in the emuv solid South. Those states can put a Democratic I House in 19.32. South, but the South is helpless without their sup port. If ercr there was need for liberal-viewed, na tionally-minded bold and fearless leadership in the Southland, that time is for the next two years It was the report-., alas true, that the South would crucify Smith because ot his religion, that :vke the Democratic morale in the East and .With in 1928 and caused millions to waver in : faith. And h.-i T - lay. we of the South, a politic h- New So: ■ . iried in the several political ward.--, th . -picable bones of those leaders ■ led u- hot .ho paths of destruction and de :. That v. ..s the crowning victory of the 1930 i. ,'tion. Si'1 .SCRIBE HOTEL STOCK This n. . paper has investigated the propo tion wi rel a hotel may be financed here and le. lit, at \ . Ian of human mind or hand, there •Pa ... we are of the opinion that this mmun stands face to face with the oppor , at a hotel and get it at ridiculously ■ on tin 1 art of its citizens, tlv fo : that the plan outlined is the oald ire a hotel for many years opiri is further that all citizens ;n\ ;heir n >y will be protected as far i ncy seeuri them and for large stoi . pred a. nice return on their in vestment. o owevi r. is that the time is , s will snatch at the a [t ,vc a" , rod us and our critizens must • thi investment possibilities1 help siiaii an in ttitut on I a.nmunity. We need men who yjll 1 ten 1 we need men who will buy five d mi n who will buy one S100 share. A . ; • • le Kiwanis Club, composea . ;sln, , a an, has investigated the plan and ;-proved it. l o your share when you are called on. straight! SHOOTING By OLD TIMER [ OBSERVATION'S Did you know that the .-■•hot 1 chil dren of New York City contribut ; nine million pennies (k'e'i.ouO.t". r wards the cancellation of the 000.00 debt on Thomas J. k' home, “M>.nticello?” The en;;:v • "-.»v against Monticcllo has been cel led and it is n.*w as it should . a national shrine. Who know- v i ur school children did in this efiVui .’ Roanoke Rapids is ab"Ut to appoint a new Chief of Police. Here is . suggestion—why n mala :i a. re quirement for the Chief to d.e.-s uniform, and hav« stood that a new uniform must purchased once in a while. As matter now stands a large bn a six shooter worn in a leather ster, and a convincing “black are the only evidences of “The L . We remark in passing that to other civic duties for our Chi perform aside from th. se vhi. quire the use of a gun, a “black or both! This is merely a sag Every once in awhile we n •; that this North Carolina town >r . . one. and some not so far away, a sued for damages. The emu;, out many claims, and the Towns in some cases. A broken If w cau by some citizen stepping into a ;. . located within the corporate V ,iu usually results in a $20,00u.u . m age suit, with a recovery .. say, $5,000.00. Have we as many as .i teen dangerous places in Roanoke Ra pids? More than fifteen is my g;: s. You count them and compare your ac tual count with my guess. Rosemary and Roanoke Rapis al ways get the credit for any event which happens in these places, of which we are none too proud—if proud at all. When some event of which we should be proud takes place here, who gets the credit? The North Carolina and Virginia newspapers re ■ ■ the recent Roanoke Baptist • ciath-n meeting, which was held Roanoke Rapids, under news dis . ho.«:1 :ron 'Mould c ross Roa .. Avc- at three places! Fifth et, F -et and Eleventh .-. reet. i . . - signs should b i : • -ted at • T these intersection' .ading- “ .! :* • n Cross Stn ' Fere.” hi .-. noon and after st-ln m the a police officers ~k .it these places, I' '• do the job hould be ap, : raffic. Is' it ini: Officials, Sc! ! t itizens together ip< ssible, we d> n ' t insist upon : cd before The II ime day that: Doe, age nine a f an automobile i -n: . ;v>kc Avenue. ’ way to school. A pr./.c .if $50.00 in gold, was eflV nd out the nan: of “ohi Th eprize mono;, has been ha • been found r your head about him. Just :..kc him for granted. WV ; all the first f>* a:, 11 game 1 .a ar ■ Rapids and the . t l'ooi- i 1-ail ever mapped from a ».i school •Venter*’ a “quarterback.' At that j me v. m a new game1 i:i • al« ; nd little un derstood by the -w play ers and the'mouth-gaping tutors. As a matter of fact, while the first game was in progress, one < r w o fend fathers of certain Roan, ke Rapids players wanted to fight when their aying sons were tackled, thrown :'or a loss or otherwise, as they thought, beaten up. This year finds Re: xv ke Rapids High School with the test .-.ached team in its history, a "heads-up” team playing the game weil in all of its many complications and combinations. We now have a spuad and a second tea n and even a third team. The present coach is de veloping boys for future teams—we like his system, his teams, and the re sults already accomplished. Notice of Summons — ; north cap.oi.ina. I llAI.IAX COUNTY. | Til.LIE BELLE CIOODE VS. : \ME.S GOODE. The dt fondant. Tames Goode. will r. iii' that an action entitled as 'it Ken commenced in the Su C . ’t' Halifax < "iinty North iiia. for an absolute divorce on trn unds of more than five suc i <.-ivc y. ars .-r pa ration between hus r 1 a!I<i wife, they having lived ; et for -uch period, and the I'hiin l::ivinpr been a resident of the f N\ rth Carolina for such time: c said io fondant will further ' n tiie that he is repaired to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the !**«.:• ( ourt of sai : County in the - ii t house it: Halifax, North Caro i'na. wit hi a thirty day.-, after service Lore f, and answer or demur to the . unplaint in -aid action, or the Plain tiff will apply to the court for the re ief demanded in the. Complaint. S. M. GARY, < 1< rk Superior Court Ha lifax County. This 17th day of October, 1930. lt-nov 13 ADM INISTR A 10It’S NOTICE state of North Carolina, Halifax County* The i: d signed having been ap lointed and duly qualified as admin strator he estate of Reuben S. S: mourn. , . . v a.«ed. all persons having laims ag.v.nst said estate are noti fied to ex; it the same before him on i before i t 7th day of November, 1931, or th n Rice will be pleaded in bai of the;.- ; ecmery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of November, 1930. REV. J. N .BYNUM, Administra tor of Reuben S. Simmons, De ceased. (it-dec 11 It is proposed to name a mountain m Mount McKinley National Park for Ihe late Carl Ben Eilson, noted avi ator who perished in the far north. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES_ /AT LAST X f I HAVE FOUND n / A RESTAURANT MENU ( CARD ON WHICH l CORNED BEEF AND | \ CABBA6E AND BREAD ) PUDDIN6 ARB J \ CALLED BY THEIR ^ V PROPER NAMES / A REGULAR Piw*R out < 6*2 oe business cards W. Lunsford Long J. Winfield Crew, Jr. LONG & CREW Attorneys-at-Law ROANOKE RAPIDS. North Carolina Dr. E. P. Brenner CHIROPRACTOR Rosemary, N. C. Backache Leg Pains If Getting Up Nights, Backache, frequent day calls, Leg Bains, Nerv ousness, or Burning, due to function al Bladder Irritation, »n acid condi tions. makes you feel tired, depressea and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system In 15 minut«* Praised by thousands for rapid and positive ac tion. Don’t give up. Tty Cystex (pro nounced Slss-tex) today, under th* Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, ful sleep and energy, or jroney hack. Only 80o at ROSEMARY DRUG CO. j/.isemary, North *-ar-‘ ;ua Dr. W. M. Ward DENTIST Rosemary, N. C. Dr. W. E. Murphrey DENTIST Office Over Oak Store Rosemary, N. C. In Office Beery Second Tues- j day and Wednesday Only of 5 Bach Month. 3 Tuesday 8 to 8 —Wed. 8 to 2 5 Dr. E. D. Harbour ? Re*. Optometrist J Rosemary, North Carolina "! F. W. SMITH i: Jectrka! Contractor * voting Fixtures Phone 392-W —Box 144 ltosemary, N. C. TTiese hotels offer super ior accommodations for your next visit to— WASHINGTON. I). C. MARTINIQUE—16th St. at M, Northwest. Ideal for motorists. Single with hath, $3 to $4. Double with bath $5 to $6. HAMILTON HOTEL — 14th at K St. In the heart of the city. Single with h:Uh $3 to $5. Double with bath, $5 to $8. CAIRO HOTEL— Quo St. at 16th — Washington’s tallest building. Single with bath $3 to $3.50. Double with bath, $4 to $6 Notice of Summons NORTH CAROLINA, HALIFAX COUNTY. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. J. A. BRADLEY and J. R. BRADLEY, vs. MARCUS A. BRADLEY and CLARA L. BRADLEY, his wife, and E. A. MATTHEWS Trustee. The defendants, Marcus A. Bradley and Clara I.. Bradley, his wife, and E. A. Matthews^ Trustee, will take no tice that an action entitled as abovo has been <• mmenced in the Superior Court of Halifax County, North Caro lina, for the appointment of a substi tute Trustee to exercise the powers and duties conferred upon the said E. A. Matthews, Trustee, in that cer tain deed of trust duly recorded in Book 319 at Page 270, office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County, North Carolina, and the defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Halifax County, North Carolina on the 26th day of November, 1930, and an swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiffs in said action, pr the plain tiffs will apply to the Court for the i. lief demanded in said complaint, l'iiis the 10th day of October. j'J.’.O. S. M. GARY, Clerk Superior Cou’-t Ha lifax County. Allen C. Zollicoffer, Attorney. It-nov 13. Backache Leg Pains If Getting Up Nights, Backache^ frequent day calls, Leg Pains, Nerv ousness, or Burning, due to function al Bladder Irritation, in acid condi tions, makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the 6ystem In 16 minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid nnd positive ac tion. Don’t give up. Try Cystex (pro nounced Sisa-tex) today, under tho Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, Improve lest ful sleep nnd energy, or money back* Only 60c at TAYLOR-MATTHEWS DRUG CO. Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina PILES THOHSMIS An old Chinese Proverb says, “Nine in 10 Buffer from piles,” but the pain and itching of blind, protruding or bleeding piles usually are alleviated within a few minutes by soothing, healing Dr. Nixon’s Chlnaroid, forti fied with a rare, imported Chinese Herb, having amazing power to re duce swollen tissues. It’s the new est and fastest acting treatment out. You can work and enjoy life right from the start while it continues its healing action. Don’t delay. Act In time to avoid a dangerous and cost ly operation. Try Dr. Nixon’s China roid under our guarantee to satisfy completely and be worth 100 times the small cost or your money back. Taylor-Matthews Drug Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ’Jonite For Cats and Wound! Prevent infection! every cut, wot scratch with this } fill non-poisonous «... septic Zonite actually kills germs. Helps to heal, too. Hospital Tested Recommended by doc | ton and nurses. Cleansing, refreshing ( antiseptic for women. As a deodorant, it pre vents embarrassment. Sold by druggi*! Lydia E. Pinkhatn’s Sanative Wash Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co. Lynn, Mu*. DAYS OF SUFFERING NOW QUICKLY ENDED The next time you «tm one of these days, tee the instant relief you pel with Dillard's Aspergum. Almost before you know it the pain disappears, your nerves suddenly relax. With Aspcrgum you chew the pain away. For it it the finest aspirin obtainable put np in chewing gum form^ Now you can take aspirin any time, any place. No water. No bitter ! taste. No choking sensation. Because yon chew Dillard's Aspergum the aspirin mixes thoroughly with the saliva so that all its soothing qualities are effective quickly, continuously. It brings quick relief from aching heads, tooth ache* the pains of neuritis, neuralgia, even rheu matism. If vonr druggist does not have Dillard's Aspcrgum. send for a free sample to Health Products Corporation. Dept. A. 11 3 North l)th Street. Newark. N. J. IMLA0CS make your | WEr DOUBLE-EDGE gif RAZOR Wfj (old or new modal) fa BETTER RAZOR. -or your monoy bock I *«■ TIN 501**. 'wh Guaranteed by PROBAK CORPORATION AeUUrot»SeMy'lto^rCe.Nt,H.T.‘c —famous the world over Pmaud s 666 i* a doctor's Prescription for COLDS and HEADACHES It is the most speedy remedy known 666 also in Tablets SQUIRE EDGEGATE "—This Girl Certainly Owns a Vivid imagination BY LOUIS RffH.t in /—— ; ) HAVt P, STP)CP OT \ PlCVbTipx To UHGAvEl. Sy - it A'E'V TypE nipiTEiZ TPUM 'THPj-r «**££ IT! t4lGar*_ -, iP£co c—s—’ -V 3>E*>R S'Qli HQvtyiurFW? of the Firs t lust wr> *ish rosM THtfl I MU. BE OL^D TOHf)HDLEL )/0URREf)LESrF)7t: FoR-jou-irriiMt nc Mu-MvEto rmoiz/H— -J --^=^5 (7^ 0_k 'CZZUJUT -A/Vi / '”■* ■'■< T*LK'tA<& TOO > __ J^sr /v»«s* I-5-1 FOi-LOAlAlC. '•you — WrHV I’M }{BOUT I 7EaI *rO*DS AHE'iO I or you aul. th V-tyT'~kS T-S- / Shampoo Leaves your hair lustrous, healthy, and not too dry! At your dealer's—or send 5 oc for full-size bottle to Pinaud, Dept. M., no £ a 1 St., NewYork. [Sample bottle free] DONT forget: We carry a complete line of Dairy and Poultry Feeds Sunshine Hog Fattener— Red Dog Fish Meal and Tankage. Come To See Us! Stedman Stores Co. Ruannke Rapida, N. C. SOME COAL! Is mined to sell, some to fur nish heat. The latter is oar kind. It is the real thing, not an apology. It is carefully screened from all dirt, dustm screened to free it from all dirt, dust nr slag and is by all odds the most economical fuel for heating and cooking pur poses. because it lasts longer and gites farthest. Phone 165 GEO. C. STEELE Trading as City Ice & Fuel Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. The New AMERICAN CAFE NEXT TO ROSEMARY BANK BUILDING SPECIAL DINNERS REAL BARBECUE Hoars 5:00 a. m. to 1:00 a. m. B. F. HEDGEPETH | Manager Rosemary North Carolina I W. C. WILLIAMS Funeral Director funeral parlor UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT AMKULANCE SERVICE TACTFUL ATTENTION Day Phone 140 , Night Phone 89 Rosemary, N. C. SLIP COVERS For Overstaffed Furniture AUTOMOBILE SEATS MRS. T. W. WAFFORD 8*1 Jackssa 8L — Bsnsasry._M._U.

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