TWIN CITY HAPPENINGS Uttle Walter Barrett of Hamilton Street is able to be up after a brief iMnepa. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daniel of Hart ford, Conn., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Meade. Mr a’d Mrs. Allen Zollicoffer were fa OYv 1 Hill for the game Satur day. Mr H F. Edgerton of Atlanta, Ga.. Sms ’• c*e : spending some time with Mr. aval K s. Claude Edgerton. Mrs. \ irginia Shelton, who has been spend ng some time as the guest of hsc y; other, Mrs. Charlena Hart, re lumed :o Lexington, N. C., Monday. 31 s. Frank Joyner has returned from a trip to Richmond, Va. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Camp motored to Chapel Hill Saturday for the foot ball game. Mrs. J M. Jackson, Mr. Steve Lips (cr>mb. Miss Katherine Jackson and Kr. Wilbur Anderton attended the football game in Chapel Hill Satur day. Mr and Bfc-s. Juilan Allsbrook mo tored to Chapel Hill for the football farae Saturday. The f Mowing attended the football garar at Chapel Hill Saturday: Messrs A. E. Akers, John Bounds, Colon VomUe and James Womble. Mr and Mrs. John King and baby of Roanoke Rapids, and Mr. King’s sister, Miss Mattie King of Washing ton D. O., spent Sunday with rela tives in Littleton. Mr. J. M. Jackson spent the week in Hickory, N. C., with Mr. and . >3*— Francis Patterson. He was ac .rompan i on his return homeby Miss Virginia Jackson, who has been spend ing some time in Western North Carolina. Mr. M. H. Tucker visited his sister, Mrs. L. J. Meade Monday. Mr. J. H. Morris of Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. A. Morris. Mr. O. A. Sullivan, Mr. R. M. Henly and Mr. H. E. Sullivan of Gaffney, S. C., visited their sisters, Mrs. L. B. Crouch and Mrs. G. M Gurley, last! week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ray ami daugh ter. Mary Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Moody Hedgepeth and children. Hel-: on and Doris, and Mrs. W. H. Jones visited relatives in Oxford last Sun day. Mrs. Will Morris and children, who have been spending some time with relatives in Robersonville, have re turned to their home. Mrs. Jimmie Long and Mr. Henry Devathan of Rocky Mount and Mr. and Mrs. Page of Elm City, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Taylor ana son spent Sunday with relatives in Sea board. Mr. Buck Taylor spent Sunday with friends in Robersonville. Mr. Vernon Britton of Emporia, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton. Mr. Irwin Mason left Monday for Edenton. Mrs. Crosby Smith and daughter of Detroit-, Mi«/i., are standing some time with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mc Commons. Earl Gaddy spent the week-end here. Messrs Jesse and Dempsey Dixon and Miss Margaret Dixon of Whit akers. Mrs. H B. Lewis, Miss Mil dred Lewis ml! iff Ifirft 3riT* ^ Rocky Mount spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Pridgen. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boice and son Thomas of Rich Square spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Davis. [ Elizabeth Arden Treatment is based on three fundamental steps, Cleans ing, Toning, Nourishing. You can follow this same method at home, using Elizabeth 1 Arden’s Venetian Cleansing Cream, Ardena Skin Tonic, Special Astringent and Orange Skin Food. A little Home Treatment each morning and night will give you a clear lovely skin. Elizabeth Arden'S Venetian Toilet Preparations _ are on sale at 1 —Oai [ ROSEMARY DRUG CO. Rosemary, North Carolina Must you start anew to save for a home? You made great sacrifices in order to build your home. But fire, in a few hours, can carnage and destroy your home fad its furnishings. Could you f hen be secure because of complete fire insurance protection? Or would you have to begin to save f ll over again because of no insur ance whatever—or an insufficient amount? Why not settle any question cn your insurance today? filknal LoaB&InsnraBceCo. eA Second St. Dial R-444-1 i; Mr. W. E. Fuller, wV ' as been sick at his home on Jacks- . Jt. is able to be out again. Mrs. L. C. Howell n \ Mrs. W. E. Murphrey attended a Lr.dge party in Littleton last week . Mr. Frank Joyner r. 1 Mr. George Hayes attended a Ch rolet meeting ; in Robersonville Mond Mr. Cebron Jordan r. ul Miss Eliza Woodruff of Garysbu ■ - spent Tues day with Mis® Xita Tu ner. Mr. Norfleet Vick >ent several days here last week his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Vick. Mrs. T. R. Mannin , Miss Alieen Pendleton and Miss ?' irray are at tended a Kings Daughters meeting in Rockingham last we'd*. Saturday evening at Coletrane Hall Misses Ada Edwards and Omara Dan iel were joint hostesses at the teach ers Bridge Club. The living room where four tables were placed for players was lovely with fall flowers and autumn leaves. Places were found by tallies. The high score prize was won by Mrs. George Hayes who was given a brush as a prize. Favors were given each guest, little baskets writh candy flowers. A sweet course was served at ten thirty. Those playing were Misses Virginia Blount, Martha Craddock, Hart Sheridan, Julia Blount Elizabeth Tait, Chapman, Hunter Yernie Eddins, Mesdames J. W. Ross, Carroll Wilson, R. P. Beckwith. Geo. Haves, W. S. Dea-a and Ben Israel of Weldon. Rev. C. T. Thrift, pastor of Rose mary Methodist Church, was called to the Northern Neck of Virginia re cently to the burial of his sister. Miss Surie E. Thrift, who - V sudde'ly l If ihUmJ blrrt* 1 'rH paralysis. The Womans Missionary Society of the Roanoke Rapids Baptist Church met last Tuesday week in the church. Mrs. J. H. Hines conducted the meet ing and the devotions were led by Mrs. C. N. Wheeler, who told the story of the Prodigal Son. Mrs. P. E .Allsbrook of Rosemary made a talk on State Missions which was much enjoyed. A solo “My Task,'* TCA? sung by Mr. Harvey Saunders. Mrs. J. H. Hines gave an interesting account of the Associational meeting recently held at Wilson, N. C., and the Halifax County meeting held at Scotland Neck. There nineteen members pres ent and two visitors. Miss Vashti Kennemur and Mrs. Zollie Powell were joint hostesses on Sautrday evening, Oct. 25 at the home of Miss Kennemur, honoring Mrs. Wil liam Alligood a recent bride. Bridge was played at three tables in the liv ing room which was decorated with colored dahlias and potted plants. Guests were seated by tallies. Sever al progressions were played and then the guests were invited into the din ing room which was decorated with fall flowers. A huge pumpkin was used as a centerpiece on the dining table at which was served a salad course. Mrs. Alii good was requested to remove the top of the pumpkin and inside she found many useful and pretty gifts. Mrs. George Lampley was present*' 1 with high score prize. Those prese... were: Mesdames Paul Woteks, Ivey Mohorn, Bernard Ed mondson, Lester Edmondson, William Alligood, Eugene Wilson, George I.ampley and Misses Elmer Clark, Myrtle Lipscomb and Catherine Hines. The following ladies attended the 11th District meeting of the Womans clubs which was held at Woodland, N. C., Wednesday. Mesdames T. W. M. Long, Claremv Grimmer, Jim Taylor, W. S. Dean, Fred Brown and George Hayes. <_. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP. MANAGEMENT. CIRCU LATION, ETC. REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912 Of The Herald, published weekly at Roanoke Rapids, N. C., for Oct. 1, 1930. State of North Carolina, County of Halifax—ss. Before me. a notary in and for the State and County aforesaid, personal ly appeared Carrol L. Wilson, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the ownet a*"d editor **f The Herald and » W- «.•«-*— w * %. --- -/ rus Kiicryiecige anu ucuei, a true ment of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal Laws $nd Regulations, printed on the reverse side of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business manager are: Pub lisher, Carrol L. Wilson .Roanoke Ra pids, N. C. 2. That the owner is: Herald Printing Co., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Carrol L. Wilson, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: Roa noke Bank & Trust Co., Rosemary, N .C. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two para graphs contain statements embracing affiant’s full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bonafide owner; and this affiant has no reason to be lieve that any other person, associa tion, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. CARROL L. WILSON. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of November, 1930. J. H. KING. My commission expires April 6. 1930. i. ■ .. - --- Notice of Sale of Land by Trustee By virtue of the authority confer red upon the undersigned trustee by that certain deed of trust, executed Nov. 1, 1924 by S.J. lludgins and wife Margaret Hudgins, and duly record ed in Book 357 at page 304, Halifax County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, I wrill sell the foliowring described lands to the high «>* r'*b)ic nucticn for "ash r.t _-ox. —v- of Halifax Coun ity, in Halifax, N .C., on Monday the eighth day of December, 1930, at 12:00 o’clock noon: Lying an dbeing in Ha\fix G" in‘y North Carolina, and beginning at the center of the Brinkleyville and Wel dcn road, opposite a stake, Lot No 1 new made corner in W. J. Collier’s line along center of road 824 feet to Dick Harris comer opposite a stake; thence with Harris line N 54 15W” 2310 feet to a stake on old fence line, jDick Harris corner in W. E. Bowers line; thence with Bowers line N 43 45 E 740 feet to a stake on the old fence line, Lot No. 1, new made corn er in W. E. Bowers line; thence with Lot No. 1 S 36 30 E 2140 feet to the beginning, containing forty one acres and twenty one-hundredths (41.20) more or less, being Lot No. two of the Kemp Taylor estate, according to survey of C. E. Foster, C. E. This third day of November, 1930. L. M. JOHNSON, Trustee. 4t-nov 27. “Quality” Garments Here are the new winter suits, over coats that will meet your every re quirement for winter. All the new colors in fine quality woolens. Keep warm this winter in ‘•Quality” Gar ments. — One and 2 Pants Suits Overcoats & Topcoats $14.75 to $27.50 $12.00 to $25.00 The Quality Shop C. C. SHELL, Manager Rosemary, N. C. Theodore Shaw of Roxboro spent Friday visiting here with friends. W. P. Edmondson is back in town after visiting in LaCrosse, Williams burg, Va., and Henderson. * Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Ethel Crawley Hamlet and her husband, B.C. Hamlet, to Hobart Brantley, Trustee, dated I February 15th, 1926, and recorded in j Book 368, page 127, Halifax County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indbetedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the undersigned trustee having been requested by the holder of said indebtedness t* foreclose said deed of trust, will, on Sautrday, November 22, 1930, at or about the hour of 12:00 o’clock noon, in front of the U. S. Post Uifice located in tne old Hollis ter Bank Building, in the town of Hol lister, Halifax County, North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described real estate, lying and being in the town of Hollister, Hali fax County, North Carolina: First. All of those certain nine tracts or parcels of land fully des cribed in a deed of trust from A. B. Schlichter and wife to C. R. Burnette, an Geo. Bryan, Trustees, dated Janu ary 3, 1921, and recorded in Book 320, page 182, Halifax County Registry, which description is made a part here of as fully as if same had been here in copied for the purpose of describ ing the property herein conveyed, and' being the lands first described in deed from J. T. May to Ethelyn Crawley Hamlet of even date herewith, which deed is recorded in Book -page. -, Halifax County Registry. There is excepted, however, from the above described lands lot No. 24 in Block “D” of the Williams tract, which lot was conveyed by J. T. May to Arring ton and King 'by deed recorded in Book -, page -, Halifax Coun ty Registry. Second. Lying and being in the town of Hollister, Halifax County, North Carolina, beginning at the southeast intersection of Gibbs Ave nue and Main Street, and running along said Main Street in a Southerly direction 50 feet, cornering at right thence i n an easterly direction l u u i e e t cornering at right angles; thence in a northerly direc tion, a line parallel with the first line 50 feet to Gibbs Avenue; thence along Gibbs Avenue 100 feet to the point of begining and being the lot ef land upon which stands the old Bank Build ing, and the identical tract or lot of land secondly described in deed from J. T. May to Ethelyn Crawley Hamletr of even date herewith, which deed is recorded in, Ha lifax County Registry. This the 20th day of October, 1930. HOBART BRANTLEY, Trustee. 5t-nov 20. FRI- SAT. NOV 7-8 Bessie I^ove and Hug Trevor —In— “ Conspiracy ” And S-O-U-N-D Novelties Peoples Theatre “Sound Satisfaction” Roa. Rapids, N. C* MONDAY and Tuesday, NOV 10-11 NOVARRO’S greatest TRIUMPH ! One woman wise in the ways of the world, demanded his lore. An other, reared in innocence, had the hey to his heart. A passionate, col orful romance of a singer of Seville that fits Norarros great talents perfectly. 4 Ramon iNOVARRO L With Dor *ihy JonUa Ren°e AJorif Nance O’Neil Erneat Torrence Directed by CHARLES BRABIN —Also— i>e6i*les SOUND NEWS ! BARGAIN MATINEE—10-25c MCALL OF THE FLESH NIGHT 25-5OC WED. and THURS. NOV. 12-13 A two-fisted fighter— ] that’s Glenister! The | he-man hero who takes j what he wants Kud Kay Jahaaaa, BtU; Caaipaaa, Ufa. Boyd, Harry Grata i Alaa SOUND Nawa aad Nareltlca! Bartaia Matiaaa_10-Uc NlffcU-26-fiBc FRIDAY-SATURDAY, NOV. 11-lJ With Jack Mulhall Neal Clarke - Ned Sparks Also SOUND NOVELTIES AtaUo._._19-» . . . . ■ ...

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