HAPPENINGS TWIN CITY Mrs. F. G. Jarman was hostess on Friday evening with three tbales of bridge, on eof uaction nda two of con tract. Holly and red candles wore used for decorations. The high score auction prize was won by Mrs. Tom Royster who was presented a novelty score set. The auction prize was won by Mrs. David Clark, a deck of avds. A sweet course was served at evven o’clock. Those playing auction were Miss Betty Gray Long, Miss Rosa Heath Long, Mr. Winifred Crew and Mr. David Clark. The contract play ers were Dr .and Mrs. Tom Royster, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Long. .Miss Tran sou, Mrs. R. P. Beckwith, Mr. B Rawls of Tarboro and the hostess. The Monday Night Bridge Club was entertained by Mrs. David Traynham at her apartment over the Citizens Bank on January 5th. There were twelve players and an interest ing game was played. Mrs. Frank Hawley was winner of high score and was given a box of bath powder. A salad course was served at 10:30 to the following players. Mesdames J. W. Ross, Frank Hawley, Julian Allsbrook, Howard Pruden, C .. Hayes, Misses Margaret Clark a Ruth Transou. Guests Mi iaiv, Frank Kemp, Tommie Gates. Id. t d r Dickens, Frank Williams ami Mis Florine Holt. The Woman’s Club held its i ..ndir monthly meeting on Monday a d noon in the Domestic Seim'... of the High School. Mr;, id. Brown presided at the me. ;.ng the usual business was trammeled. The program for the afternoon was under the direction of Mrs. A. L. lor, chairman of American 11 me . v - partment. Mrs. Effio Vln. <3 r-1 m. Home Demonstration Agent mi \ . i County gave an interesting talk mi “Curb Market Activities,” and out lined plans for making a curb mar ket. Mrs. Leslie Wheeler told of the work done in the county by communi ty clubs. Miss Virgini aBlount told of the work accomplished by the Home Economics Department of our school. Helpful household hints were given by various members of the club. Sandwiches and tea were ser ved. Mrs. C. L. Grimmer was hostess on 1 uesday afternoon to the Auxiliary of All Saint'.-; Church. Mrs. A. L. Tay lor presided at the meeting. Reports were given by the various secretaries « t‘ the work accomplished during the Following those reports officers and secretaries for the new year were el cted. President, Mrs. A. L. Tay lor; Vice President, Mrs. T. W. M. l.-ng; Secretary, Mrs. W. L. Long; treasurer, Mrs. M. R. Nick. The va rious secretaries . of departments of Church work were Mrs. J. N. Bynum, Mrs. B. B. Cullom, Mrs. F. G. Jar man. Mrs. E. W. Elmore, Mrs. C. L. Brimmer and Mrs. V\\ F. Joyner. Two new members were welcomed to the Auxiliary. The hostess served tea and sandwic hes. Those present: Mes -. li. !.. Bell, J. N. Bynum, B. B. Cullom, F. G. Jarman, K. H. Barrow, F. M. Br .vn, '•!. W. Eim. : . \Y. F. Joyner, • I. VY. Shay. M. R. Vick, C. A. Webb, 1 i yeily, Emmett K.-eter and A. L. Taylor. Charming ‘Sweetie’ Gets Dramatic Part Again \\ hen Nancy Carroll appeared in “The Devil's Holiday” at the Pa:a nr.t Theatre in New'York early last summer the metropolitan n e w s j-ers were as one in citing her capa bilities as a remarka! !y talented dra matic actress. This public appreciati a of her gift for the more weighty lyp.■ of char mtora portrayal i< ; Paramount to decide upon “Laughter" as her next I his Week — ihurs.-rri. “DERI LICT” With George Bancroft Bargain Matinee 2:30, Admis sion 10-25c—Night 7:30*9:15— Admission 10-30c. SATURDAY “TEMPLE TOWER” .asuire 1 S; d Satisfaction” on. Rapids, N. C. PROGRAM FOR WEEK OF JAN. 12 MONDAY TUESDAY Bargain Matinee 2:30—Adm. 10-25c Night 7:30-9:15—Adm. 10-50c America’s most beauti ful dramatic star in a drama more powerful than “The Devil’s Holi day.” SCANDAL—to one woman it means dis grace, hut, to the pretty ex-FoIlies girl, \t means freedom. She takes the dangerous road to romance. See why! W ITH CL (paramount picture with— ( FREDERIC MARCH and FRANK MORGAN PEOPLES SOUND NEWS AND OTHER ENJOYMENTS Wednesday - Thursday Bargain Matinee 2:30—Adm. 10-25c ^Night 7:30-9:15—Adm. _ 10-50c Monte Carlo f Tean«jtte Maf Friday - Saturday Friday. Bargain Matinee, 2:30, Night 7:30, 9:15—Saturday Continuous Per formance 3 to 11—Admission Both Days 10-25c RAFFLES —With— Ronald Coleman Kay Francis OTHER E)NJPv,n:.\TSa •) lx dramatic release. ' “Laughter” comes to the Peoples Theatre Monday and Tuesday. It la an original story written by Douglas Doty and Harry D’Abbadie D’Arrast. In the play Nancy is seen as the ex-Follies girl wh omarries a very wealthy old man, her ‘second choice, alter her young lover forsakes her for an exciting trip to Paris. Upon his return to New York her "first love” becomes a pal to Nancy's hus band but slyly tries to make advances to her. The dramatic and thrilling events which follow are high points cl interest in the powerful snow. ihe part oi tne pnnanuering young lover is played by Frederic Mai on, me capable young leading man who deserted the stage the talkies about two years ago and who has since achieved considerable distinction as a par tray er ol emotional roles. lie was in "ihe Wild i.arty,” “The jjtudio Murder Mystery," "6arah anu ^un," "true to the -Navy,'’ and "Man slaughter," March never played op pusite Miss Carroll before tins pic ture, and was only in one prouuctioii '., . n her-— "Paramount oil Parade, iicmg in diifeient sketches in that miaous revue picture, they were, oi course, not exactly "together ill it. Lone Xmas Jail inmate Keleased for Day Does iNot Keturn • .. c:> •!* Banks, colored, of North . . a Cunty, entered a plea oi , - ma.ge of being drunk and u mi e Magistrate ii. L. .min 1 i i i,.. and was lined $o and costs. x ill.* night before Christmas . blanks was arrested by W. A. : at, night policeman, and taken to i.ic Lwiuoke ibapids jail. A numuer i.b Un istmas articles he had at the i ,,.c ’.iiu removed to tne local bas-j with him. Auer the colored man naa suiiiu ueienty rev . red t-> carry on a con versation lie was interviewed in the | Police C iifton Massey Banks wanted to go home for Christ mas. He was the on.y prisoner in jail. Chief Massey accepted a cash rond for his appearance in Magis trate’s court and Banks was soon on ha way home. When Mag strate R. L. Martin opened court oil the day Banks trial' was scheduled the prisoner failed to: make his appearance. Chief Massey, officially notified JDcput ySheriff L. id Jve. ;«-r of the colored man's fail ure t attend curt and the latter of ficial .cut ail or dim ' ith the pro per credentials. Banks was arrested and appeared in court here last Friday. City Dog Tax Limit Set for January 15 < He!" "f 1' lice Clifton Massey ad vises all dog owners to pay their IP P-:.:l dug licenses before January 15. The licenses have been due since lust July 15. Chief Massey stated t:.Is uni; that a check-up will soon i >“ made of all dogs within the cor porate limits of Roanoke Rapids and ifcir rightful owners will be question i why top proper licenses have not I >en supplied, failure lv dug li v ense is subject to a fine, the offi cial stated. Mrs. B. T. Browning Dies Here Sunday Mrs. B. T. Browning, 74, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. B. ‘ Bowler, of South Rosemary, Sunday; morning, about 5 o’clock, following a stroke of paralysis. She had been in failing health for several weeks. Interment was made in the Browning family burying grounds at Heaths ville, N. C., Monday afternoon fol lowing funeral services conducted at the grave by Rev. A. P. Mustian, pas tor of the Roanoke Rapids Baptist Church. Mrs. Browning is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Sarah Sawn, of Buckingham, Va.; and Mrs. Pearl Totson, of El Paso, Texas. Her husband preceded her to the grave a number of years ago. Illness pre vented Mrs. Totson from attending her mother’s funeral. Shleid’s Walking Army Rides On To Victory Twenty three cars and some fifteen walkers comprised the “March on Ra leigh” made Tuesday afternoon by Charles J. Shields of Scotland Neck, who says he had received hundreds of telegrams and letters from sup porters of his tax relief program who had promised to be on hand to parade with him to impress the Legisla ture with his cause. In his statement to the press Mr. Shields blamed the shrinkage in his army to the lack of organization. He als oadmitted that his proposal to close the schools was “drastic” and made with the intention of stirring p in the nature of a ballyhoo. us Fire Averted Department Speed and efficient work by the 'artment saved esic^ncc of Me on Hamilton S ;reet Tuesday after noon and preve nted a more serious conflagration when the high wind threatened to c arry the fire to the servants quarters and residence of M. Brown. lhe lire caught in the upper part 1,1 the building and burned the roof. Origin is unknot yn unless,it was from detective wiring . Total damage was abuui -15U. W( od stored in part of the shed made the fire more difii cult to fight. R. R. Methodist Revival To Start Sunday, Jan. 11 A series of revival meetings will oegin at the Roanoke Rapids Meth ou:L Church on Sunday, January 11, ami continue lur two weeks, closing ounday mgut, January 2o. The meetings will be conducted by the pastor, Dr. J. W. Harrell. Music will oe iurished by the church choir un uer the direction of Miss Mary Scales. Singers from other chuicnes in tne iwin Cities are invited to join tile choir during tne meeting. Services will he iieid at 3:30 and <:-io p. m., each week day and at the regular hours on Sunday. At each alternoon service the first week oi Die meeting Dr. Harrell will lecture on ihe Sermon on ihe Mount. Dank At Littleton fails 1 o Open Doors W ednesday Morning ! he Farmers and Merchants Dank oi Littleton failed to open its doors \W>,.iesuay morning. chief Slate Da; .. Examiner John Mitchell was no i ied the same day. i n its can sin. ment of September 21, the bank lino a capital stock of .>-.,000; total 1-c.v nr.vs of $160,213.72; total do pe.l >118,716 and limns and dis coun. of $128,660.04. L. .1. Johnson was president and ed i . le, hier. Mr. 'if."i. also county treasurer oi iialu . .’unty. it is uiuk rstood the bank h.HU about ijUo.OUO of county fund.- . .. was protected by bank rect i\ ...a - ui a. out twice the amount of the deposit. The county is also protected t»i a 1 nd -igned by several citizen.- . 1 the county, so the closing of the honk w l have effect on the county funds. .1 is .-aid. Two Automobiles (Continued from page one) one of the n,o.-t d<- dr;.ole of the many models . which .la -Greatest Chev rolet in t nevrolet History’' lias been built. -\1 d the World wide acclaims with wh.. it the Chevrolet Six has beei ’( ivtd since its first intro duc .on two years ago needs no en laiT ng upon. Thl> other prizes, and the worth, are best guaranteed by th( well known (reputation of the Rc •nary-Roar. ke Rapids dealers fro whom thc\ were purchased. strings \ : atever are attached to e offe.. . . those who do the be. work gel ■ ne best pay. That’s propos in a nutshell. It nothin, enter the campaign aid compete he prizes, thus you S.. all to g. .. . nd nothing to lose. jLasu c'ijc Weeks The drive will be short and snappy. It will be inti resting* from start to finish. Just six weeks and two days from the time the names of those who are to take part are published, the two beautiful aut.-mobiles and it her prizes will be in the hands of '-heir new owners. After reading of these wonderful prizes it is only na tural for one to ask: “What must 1 do to share in this prize distribu tion?” The answer is simply this: Clip out the nomination coupon ap pearing in the page advertisement in this issue and bring or mail it to The Herald office. Or one may en ter by telephoning and giving their name and address. But whatever you do, don’t hesitate a moment. Votes Easy To Secure Everyone knows just what The Herald is. No one knows better than a present reader. Have the folks who take it renew their subscriptions through you and it will yield you thousands of votes. However the SAW MILLS Parties owning saw mills will please address a letter to us at Koanoke Rapids, giving address and telephone number So our Superintendent may get in touch with you and secure your quota tion on Filter Plant Job. EST & SONS g Construction N. C. prime object of the campaign is to secure new sugseriptions but the same votes are allowed on renewals. That’s all there is to it, and the ones who will profit most will be the ones who decide right now' and get ready to start when the word is given for its official start, instead of making up their minds later. The most im portant thing is to get your name in right now, by either mailing or bring ing the coupon in, that you may get your receipt book at the* very begin ning. It will start soon. Clip the nomination coupon now while it is fresh in your mind, and mail it today. It may mean that new car you have been wishing for. Here is the pportunity to own one 1’ the best cars that money can buy, w ithout the cost of a penny to you. GET IN AND WIN. M. E. Conference (Continued from page one) to se tup and promote missionary cul tivation. Two months each year are ret aside for this work. Rev. S. A. Stewart, a missionary worker from Japan, gave an interest ing talk on “The Contribution Chris tianity Has Made To Japan.” Chris tianity, he said has created a new spiritual morale among the natives of that country, and has become a real factor in the life of the people. He said a great foundation is being laid foi future work there. Rev. Stewart informed the church workers that 200,000 heathens have been won to Christianity. A cam paign is now on to increase that num ber to 1,000,00. In China, he said there have been 430,000 converts. A campaign is being conducted there to in crease the number to 900,000. Dr. B. A. Stanbury of Durham, spoke on “The Unified Program of (lie Southern Methodist Church.” Dr. Stanbury is chairman of the Board of ( hristian Education, a newly created board, which grew ut of the con solidation of the Board of Education, NOTICE I take this means of extending my sincere thanks to the ladies of this community who express ed their confidence in me by signing the petition to reinstate me as manager of Pender’s Store, at Rosemary .and for their efforts in having the pe tition successfully approved by the company. R. H. POPE Rosemary, North Carolina - Board and too Ep Sunda oard . worth ’®. '• pre Dr. hire lor *-he special sented oaiifn cr. ring the two ni nd abroad. fields b Evangelism was giv An at hart of Henderson, en by . ^hr of the Hoa Dr J. V iodist Church spoke noke Ra » Benevolence.” on “Ra ——-— ict Let n page 'ne) ^ontl e delay in acquir years. Hu roperty t his work ing the r artel si-: months would ha'.. .Jed by many that ago. It w a story several The Hera la .j,e plans of the months a. Rew mjll villages mills for mprc* nents and and for ,hi : ua, ne of the additions. I that time for fu projects i our he R,„ j has been ture construe wi]i he imperative a. ^tion. through to ! _____ grading CONTRACTORS Parties doing grading contract work will please address a letter *o us at Roanoke Rapids, giving address and telephone number so our Superintendent may get in lonch with you and secure your quotation on Filter Plant Job. _ c. M. GUEST & SONS Building Construction Roa. Rapids, N. q R VIVAL 4 "R VICES ! « 5T M. E. CHURCH Jamn ry 11 to 25 . I Conducted By— ! DR. f w. HARREL, Pasted |! —TIME — 3:3C and 7:45 1 < P. M. I Week Days •A, __. “ W | STATEMENT OF 10 i^DITION Roanoke Rapi ^Building & Loan Ass^ ation OF ROANOKE RAPIDS H TH CAROLINA As of Decern > .1 i 1 930 , (Copy of Sworn Statement Submitted to n'88'°ner/ as Required by Law) AS ± 7 I i Fr inns' I THE ASSOCIATION OWNS: i !,I J Cash on Hand and in Banks \ ¥ 7,343.76 Mortgage Loans 244,200.00 Money loaned to shareholders for (he ■%*■' ■* ,f «nabli. ig them to own their homes. Each loan secu ra* m°rtt 'age on local improved real estate. , ,. Stock Loans _' . ■ -—- 5,134.50 Advances made to. our, shareholders ap;,, their stock. No loan exceeds UU', of amount actually d Accounts Receivable r M 571.14 Temporary Advances for Insurance, T®s, Office Furniture and Fixtures_I __ I- 2,653.67 Real Estate Owned _-— 11,318.65 TOTAL_lL_ I-5271,221.72 LIABILITIES THE ASSOCIATION OYY’ks: I *; To Shareholders j •' Funds entrusted to iJur care in the for payments on stock as follows! Installment Stock L_ __ •. _ >143,348.25 Running Stock __ I_ __ 10,437.13 Full Paid Stock „ f_ 07,400.00 $251,185.38 Bills Payable [_ . - None Accounts Payable [ - - None Undivided Profits J__ — - - 17,274.90 Earnings held in trust for distribution t., j | ''-holders at ma turity of stock. j 1 Other Liabilities_ L -- 2,761.44 TOTAL_l- -$271,221.72 State of North Caroling, County of Halifax—ss. J. R. Manning sicretary-Treasurer of the above named Association personally appeared bdfore me this day. ant being duly sworn, says that the foregoing report isTtrue to the best of hp knowledge and belief. ! j J. R. MANNING. Sworn to and s/ibscribed befoite me, thi 7th day of January, 1931. I j I. H. KING, Notary Public. \My commission expirefe April 6, 193 V.