TWIN CITY HAPPENINGS Messrs M. C. Newsome and H. L. Stevenson spent the week-end in Washington, D. C. Wm. Thompson of the University of North Carolina spent the week-end here with his parents. Bob Taylor of Richmond, Va., was a guest of relatives here for the week-end. C. L. Kiting spent Monday and Tuesday in Richmond and Freder icksburg, Va. Mrs. Bob Tayolr of Richmond, Va., is the guest of Mrs. Ivey Mohorn. Messrs L. G. Shell, A. N. Martin, C. C. Shell and R. I. Starkes spent Friday in Richmond. Miss Faison of Norfolk, Va., was the house guest of Mrs. G. A. Bunch last week. Mrs. T. W. Wafford DRAPERIES Slip Covers for Overstuffed Furniture a n d Car Seats Corner 13th and Washington DIAL R-760.1 Rosemary, N. C. Mrs. W. E. Murphrey and son, spent Tuesday in Jackson. Millard Faison spent Sunday here with relatives and friends. Bill Dunning spent a few days in Norfolk, Va., this week. R. C. Hardy spent the week-end here with Mrs. Hardy. Messrs S. D. Brown, W. S. Dean, Graham Poyner, R. L. Martin, Miss Traynham Wyche, Miss Virginia Smith and Mrs. Clarence Grimmer ac companied the High School orchestra and Glee Club to Greensboro, N. C., Inst week, where they entered the State Musical contest. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Archer spent Sunday in Richmond. Misses Vivian and LeGrand Elliott spent the week-end in Millbrook, N.C. Miss Thelma and Robert Daugh tiey spent Sunday in Warsaw. Mrs. Gl.fton Massey and Mrs. Nan rie Peele motored to Enfield Monday afternoon on business. Miss Hazel Cobb entertained Friday evening at her home on Jackson St. At the end of several progressions, Mrs. John Moore was given a powder puff for high score and Miss Merle Bell received a candle holdler for low score. An ice course was served. Those present were: Misses Ruth and V iola Glover, Sula Williams, Kath erine Reid, Merle Bell, Mrs. John Moore and Mrs. Wall. Mrs. F. M. Coburn and Mrs. E. R. Hawkins spent Monday in Halifax. Mrs. Ridley Mecham of Petersburg, Va., spent several days as the guest of Mrs. T. R. Manning this week. Mrs. Hugh Camp and daughter have returned from a weeks visit to relatives in Franklin, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. May and dau ghter, Mildred spent Saturday in Richmond visiting Miss Kathleen May. Mrs. W. E. Murphrey entertained on Saturday evening with two tables of bridge at her home on Hamilton Street. Throughout the house iris rnd lilac were used. High score prize, a linen towel, was won by Mrs. C. L. Elting. A salad course was served at ten thirty. Those playing were: Mes dames: R. M. Pope, <5. C. Bunch, Pernard Edmondson, Paul Weeks, F. M. White, C. L. Elting, Miss Louise Lassiter and Miss Faison of Norfolk, Virginia. Mrs. C. L. Elting entertained at bridge Friday night at her home on Jefferson Street. Mrs. Zollie Powell was found to hold high score and was given a Godey print. Mrs. Paul Weeks won the consolation prize^and was given a cake plate. A sweet course was served to the following: Mesdames Zollie Powell, Paul Weeks, Mort White, W. E. Murphrey, R. M. Pope, R. H. Pope, R. L. Martin, A. G George, Lewis Grimmer, Bernard Edmondson, M. C. Newsome, Ivey Mohorn and Mrs. Bob Taylor of Rich mond, Va. _. LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF “First of the Month” SPECIALS The first of the month brings some extra-ordinary grocery prices at TAYLOR and ( OLLIERS. These savings come just at a time when you want to economize — and you will find this store always F I R S T in price . . . quality . ■ ■ and service._ | 1 Large Can g PEACHES and 2 CORN iif FLAKES 35c Here’s a Week End Special ! 1 lb Gem Nut Oleo and 1-2 pint Gem MAYONNAISE CREAMERY BUTTER Ofi Per Pound Jv VEAL CHOPS 6JC SAUSAGE QO_ ALL PORK C BRAINS ~ 15c COFFEE *10/% WHITE HOUSE _OZfK, LUZIANNE 33c PURE GROUND 1 OV,_ COFFEElfc v COCOA OC Two Pounds " PALMOLIVE 3 PALMOLIVE SOAP OC and 1 BEADS PLOUR — Self Rising QC. Curanteed — 24-tbs. O JL MEAL OA. 5 Pounds fcUv JUMBO PEANUT BUTTER A Q _ 2 Pounds ^rOC , TOMATOES 1 A_ No. 2 Cans 1UC STRING BEANS 90/* No. 3 Can AiUC HEINZ 1 O/* MUSTARD_ll/C SOUP —HEINZ in* CREAM OF TOMATO ll/C WELCH’S PINT 1 O * TOMATO JUICE 1OC Taylor & Collier CASH OR DIAL R-313 FREE , CREDIT Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina DELIVERY Coiffure of 1931 Alary Demeter, a model, dls playing the modified swirl, an arrange ment which won the 1031 grand prize in the hairdressing competition held by the American Society of Beauty Culturists in New York. Miss Reba Rhea spent the week end in Wilson. Mrs. W. C. Williams was a visitor in Wilmington last week. Misses Cora and Ethel Reaves cele brated their 14th and 12th birthdays jointly Saturday night with a party in their home on Madison Street. The guests played games, then the hostess served hot chocolate and cakes. Those present were: Alease Smith, Mil-' dred Moss, Louise Brown, Ophelia Chambliss, Elsie Sullivan, Mildred Brown, Jewel Reaves, Edna Hux, Jan sey Vaughan, Cynthia Lowe, Alice Myrick, Mary McNeil, Mildred Bur ton, Helen Williams, Elsie Simpson, Malcolm Outland, Arthur Hudson, Arnold Hughes, Leonard Sullivan, Jake Jenkins, Richard Reaves, Wood row Hufton, Leslie Allen, Thurston Lowe, John Myrick, Wiley Reaves, Edgar Williams, James Spivey, Geo. Turner. Miss Gladys Steinberg entertained a few friends Friday night with three tables of bridge. During the evening ice cream, jello and cake and candy were served. Those playing were: Mildred Moss, Milton Bennett, Lou ise Brown, Elsie Sullivan, Rebecca Bounds, Frances Wilson, James Sims, Geraldine Parrish, “Buddy” Bounds, John Myrick, Alice Myrick, Gladys Steinberg and Marvin Matkins. EYES OF LOVE AT ENFIELD Eyes of Love will be given at En field Opera House May 5th. This play is sponsored by the Twin City Gamp M. W. A. It has already been suc cessfully staked at Gaston High School, South Rosemary and Aureli an Springs. WHITE-RHEA ENGAGEMENT On Saturday of last week M;,js Mary Elizabeth Rhea of Windsor, N. C., entertained at a bridge luncheon at which time she announced the en gagement and approaching marriage of her sister, Miss Reba Rhea to M^ Tom White of this place. The wed ding will take place in the early sum mer. FAISON-DAVIS ENGAGEMENT On April 25 the following an nouncement of interest appeared Mrs. John Daniel Davis of Zebulon, announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Elizabeth to Millard McRae Faison. The wedding will take place in the early summer. Associated Charities Will Elect Officers The regular quarterly meeting of the Associated Charities will be held on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 o’clock in the Episcopal Church. The associ ation was organized just twelve months ago Sunday. It is hoped that all organizations who sent delegates last year to assist in the formation of the organization will send the same or others, to represent them at this meeting. Reports for the year will be heard bdi^>er-$hoD shaving comfort) at home i j from the President and Treasurer. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected. Any interested persons whether they have been appointed as a rep lesentative from any organization in town or not, will be welcomed at the meeting .according to Rev. J. N. By num, president during the past year. Study Club Votes To Help Local Cotton Festival In Mav The Study Club met on Friday af ternoon with Mrs. A. E. Akers who entertained for Mrs. David Trayn ham. An afternoon was spent in studying “London.” Mrs. Will Dean gave a paper on “Westminster Ab bey.” Each member present re sponded to roll call with “High Spots in London. A full report of the re cent meeting of the State Federa tion of Women’s Clubs, held in Greensboro was given by Mrs. Fred Brown, who represented both the Wo mans Club and the Study Club. The Study Club voted unanimous ly to cooperate with the Womans Club in putting on the Cotton Festi val in May, An invitation was extended to each member of the Study Club to be the guest of Mrs. T. R. Manning on Tuesday afternoon when she enter tains her club from Henderson, N. C. The hostess served refreshments to the following members: Mesdames R P. Beckwith, A. L. Taylor, Fred Brown, J. N. Bynum, T. M. Jenkins, Frank Nash, Pendleton Grizzard, W. S. Dean, R. L. Towe, Frank Hawley, George Hayes and Frank Williams. WEEK-END SPECIALS AT TAYLOR’S Gillette or Probak BLADES (Regular 50c Size) and 1 Tube of 50c KLENZO SHAVING CREAM A£\~ $1.00 VALUE FOR *±VC 1 Pt. Mi 31 Solution (Regular at 59c) and 1 Tube of 50c Mi 31 TOOTHPASTE f-Q BOTH FOR 2 Cans MENNENS BORATED BABY TALCUM and 2 MENNEN NURSING BOTTLES A Ck ALL FOR *tZJC AMBROSIA $1.00 Size of Ambrosia Cream—$1.00 Size of Ambrosia Tightener with Purchase of a $1.00 bottle of Ambrosia Cleanser YOU PAY $1 .50 FOR ALL ONLY 1 THREE Taylor’s Drug Store PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS DIAL R-321 ROSEMARY Grandmother’s CAKES LAYER, RAISIN, lb. ^ m OR POUND Cake M f Sunnyfield FANCY PRINT BUTTER is. 29c Aim Page—Pare Frail PRESERVES _£ 21c Aon Page JELLIES t 14c PINK SALMON 10c SPARKLE DwnI 5 pkg«. 19c PICKLES ^ £ 25c Shredded Wheat Ph* 10e Peanut Butter 2 Unu 25c NBC MARSHMALLOW CHOCOLATE FINGERS lb. 25C JAM A.t 19c TOMATOES -a- • a 10c PAG SOAP 6 Mte 19C ■UMF TISSUE 4 wfe 19c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 3 cans 20C BROOMS Cleansweep each X5© LARD SKST’- 89c" SUGAR G™hto* 47^ BANANAS PER LB - 5c K1B SIDE MEAT 14c LB CABBAGE PER LB Wc FRESH CAROLINA STRAWBERRIES The Great Atlantic ft Pacific Tea Go.