GRAMMAR SCHOOL CITIZENSHIP HONOITrOLI FIRST GRADE Donald Abernathy, Jeanette Lee Kidd, Lorene Medlin, Adella Ricks, Fannie Stephenson, Olivia Crawford, Catherine DeBerry, Hazel Jenkins Erniald Johnson. Rosa Johnson, Frances Schular, Euther Mae Wilder, Maryetta Strickland, Mary Lillian Lynch, Hazel Malone, Everett Davis. Lewis Carl Ricks, Raymond Wells. James Whitby, Margie Louise Wheel er, Virginia Davis, Vera Hale, Bertha Mae Braswell, William Mountford, Clyde Garris. Joe Well,s Jr., Calvin Hancock, Cecil Lynch, Christine Bus: . Lois Churchill, Eula Cobb, Lula Alma Grantham, Loraine Wright, Dor othy Clary, Margaret Harris. Sanford Brown, Hurley King, Bill 1’ruden, Dalton Colston, Bennie Overton, Har vey Taylor, Marion Ray, Doris But ter, Laura E. Eason, Mamie F. Jer tiigan, Helen Pace, Mark Pulley, Francis L. Dickens, Alice Beale, Hazel Walker, Alma Eure, Charlie Tudor, Mary McFarland, Lucille Davis, Bes sie Lee Joyner. Clifton Braswell. Clif ton Wrenn, Edgar Eearl Barns, Ray mond Britton, Luniis Hock, Alberta Jones, Ruth Brown, Eloiae Blight. Hazel Coppedge, Mary Fisher, Melba Harms, Constance Hux, Christine Wood, Katherine Wood. SECOND GRADE Curtis Fitchett, Wesley Jenkins, George Jenkins. Walliace Joyner, Iva Lee Bolton, Robert Gums, Gurney Brown, Orpheus Wood, Elizabeth Sud duth„ Catherine Ricks, Alma Hans ley. John Smith, Raymond Floyd, Francis Everette, Sterling Edmonds, Earle Davis, DLucille Tyson. Grace Coburn, Josephine Westbrook. Ches ley Stokes, Dorcas Davis, Sam Turn er, Henrietta Lassite, William Thor tis. Margaret Holt, Pauline Smith, Earl Davis, Thomas Matthews, Flor ence Hedgepeth, Ruth Lowe, Lois Og burn, Nella Pace, Thelma Taylor, Ce cil Bryant. Arnold Mo >re, Albert Poindexter, Rachel Starnes, Jonn Mvrick J. W. Simnsor; Ma*gie Lee El l1-' Margaret Louise Bib’ Ann Daw on Mohorn Mabel Carlyle, Allan Brown Ruth Spence, Howard Jones, Bessie Lee Askew, Marion Draper, chirley Shaw Jean Knight. Louis Edwards. Margaret Ellis, Hull Webb, •am Kidd, Jane Taylor Thomason, < arl Messer, Yerdoll Woodruff, Phyl lis Dixon, Thomas Kirby, Paul Green, Charlotte Grant, Carlos Lee Mills, Edna Price, Theodore Ray. THIRD GRADE Mildred Coston, Virginia Cullins, Hazel DeBerry, Edith Edwards, Edna Bohns m. Mary Joyner, Ruby Johnson, Lillian Wallace, Elma Westbrook, R. C Hasty. George Moore, A. W. Thomason, Wilson Clary, Verlia Medlin. Marian Murphy, Lucy (Jutland Novellia Ricks, Fannie B. Stokes, Dor othy Webb. Helen Gibson. Ida Sims. Samuel Maurice. Walter Kendrick. Lewis Hasty, Irvin Riggan, Lloyd Wthercutt, Catherine Traynham, Nel lie Stewart Taylor. Nancy Nash. Bet sy King. Kathleen Cross,Mildred Blow Carrie Byrd, Julia Warrick. Carrie Jones, Katherine Perkinson. Thelma Carrol, Mary Hogan, Rufus Acey, Clifton Cooper, Edward Keeter, Don ald Lee Pitt. Mae Wrenn, Agnes Hai slip, Irene Taylor, Alton Finch, Sarah Cox. Margaret Freeman, Earl Nich olson, Helen Harp, Ruby Lockman, Jim Rooke, Beulah Cross, Mabel Lynch, Dorothy Singletary, Violet Keel, Beverly May ton, Walter Beale, Cole Blanton, Robert Lee Teele, Mil dred Hodges. Lois Holliday. Margaret Hines, Mary Hudson. Janett McGinnis Frances Hux, Mary Ruth Sullivan. Rachel Vick. Nicholas Long. Doris Mae Hedgepeth, Emily Dunning, .Merle Cole, Clara Belle Clark. Janie peth. Ruth Lowe, Lois Ogburn, Ne dor, Charlie Davis, Jerry Askew, Jhs. Acree, Emmett Matthews. Ann Mc Neil. % if ' w \ I AS PI Rl N is always SAFE beware of imitations Unless you see the name Bayer and she word genuine on the package as pictured above you can never be sure that you are taking the genuine Bayer Aspirin that thousands of physicians prescribe In their daily practice. The name Bayer means genuine Aepirm. It is your guarantee of imitations. Minions of users have proved that it is safe. Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly relieves: Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache No harmful after-effects follow its use. It does not depress the heart KOIKTH GRADE AT :1* I Blanton Rufus Ferrell, Jimma- \ ii k, Jim Moody, Mary Alice Jone>. ILanche Steele, Pauline Wood, Rosa Wrenn, Major James, Russell Frrell. Albert Hux. Oil it* Gums, Opal DeBerry. Bettic Cannon, Rosa I ah* Gibsi'u. ! miiso Shay, Thelma Harris. Louise -in tiee. Etta Burke, Louise Kidd, Mildred May. Lula Lee Shell, Lillian \ i is. Beatrice Tidwell. Ma ry Britton, Annie Bryant. Mabel Bry ant, SaMie Mae Eason, J. C. Ellis. Gladys Elmore. Doris Glasgow. Hen ry Jones. Lucille King, James Lowe. Clara Mae Pearce. Hazed Vaughan, He*en Wheeler, Gertrude Vaughan, Estelle Jordan. Elmo Ray, Margaret Burton. Dorothy Moseley, Margaret Towe. T. H. Hargrove. Odell Bailey, vram-is Williams, David Clark, Shir ley Starnes. Marjorie Hazelwood, Ann Campbell Taylor, Juanita Taylor, Ralph Knight. Annie Tudor, Wells 1). Tillery. Elsie Rook. Ethel Harris, Ma lic Cates Edith Woods, Mary Louise Wells, Edna I.ockman, Francis Fish er, Edna Nicholson, Alva Smithson, Victor Grantham. Ray Rightmeyer. FIFTH GRADE Linwood Cross, Jack Gilliam. Ray Finch. Verona Smith, Pauline Morris, Frances Jones Clara Edwards, Edith Evans, Cora Lee Butter, Virginia Cooper, Clyde Thompson, John Taylor Helen Andrews. Louise Hudson, John R. Pitt, Cota Pulley. Margaret Reid, Mary Alice Crane, William Merritt, Mildred Wallace. Bertha Batton. Es telle Braswell. Christine Buck. Mary Garner. Mary Louise Lattimore. Mal dred Taylor, Sarah Thompson. Rosa line Thompson, Elizabeth Tickle, Lou ise Wright, Grace Garris. Joseph Crawford. William Henry Davis, Jas. Johnson, Wade Thomason, Joseph Topping. Neal Keeter, Helen Balmer. GRAMMAR SCHOOLS--Galley Two Beulah Cook. Wilda Crickmore. Josie Marbrey. Janet Grant. Lucille Elmore, Esther Ellis. Alma Edwards, Lula Bell Mc Allister, Irene Medlin. Vir ginia Pair, Harold Humphries. Mack Jarman, Cecil Coburn. James Thomas on. SIXTH GRADES Louis.. Whitley, Jesse Harris, Edith King, Amice Brown. Lola Borrell, May Bello Braswell. Y irginia Davis. Evelyn Dixon. Premmie Finch, Lillie Moore, Helen Morris, Lucy Rook. Henry Jenkins, Woodrow Wright. Elizabeth Blanton, Lillian Coppedge, Virginia Davis, Ruby Clements, Mary Lee Nicholson. Clara Phelps, Dorothy Finch, Ruby Ricks, Ruth Pair, Willie : Inscoe. P. 1). Harris, Mabel Lassiter. George Outland, Addie Correl. Lucy Whitehead, Catheine Armstrong, Dor [ i? Harrison. Beatrice Kemp, Roberta Kate Nash, Cleo Robbins. Lucille Rook. Jewel Reaves, Martha Speight, Sara Crawford Towc Thurston Lowe, M < Newsome. James Taylor. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in those two (2) cer tain deeds of trust made by C. F. Zeil er and Rachael A. Zicler, his wife, to me as trustee, dated the 24th day of April, 1923, and the lGth day of June, 1924, respectively, and recorded in Look 345, page 45 and Look 349, page 543, respectively, in the Halifax Coun ty Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of the notes evidencing the said indebtedness I will on Saturday, the 2Gth day of March, 1932, at the hour of 12:00 o’clock, Noon in front i f the banking house of <ne Citizen* Hank & Trust Company, in Roanoke Rapids, N. C., offer for sale at pub lie auction to the high' bidder for CASH, the following described real estate, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Roanoke Rapids To wnship, Halifax count, North Caro lina, being shown and designated as Tract No. 5, on the Fleda Gurkin di vision of the Simm uis tract, made November 18th, 1915. by Chas. E. Foster, C. E., which said map is of record in the office of the Public Re gistry of Halifax County, in Plot Book No. 1, at page 29; reference to which said map is lereby made for greater certainty of lescription. The above described trart or parcel of land contains five (S) acres, and be ing- the identical property conveyed o the said C. F. Zeibr by J. L. Moore et ux by deed dated May 26th, 1921, and recorded in Book 325, Page 190, in the Register Deed’s office for Halifax County, Nath Carolina. Tliis the 24th day of February, 1932. A. L. CLARK, Trustee. 4t-meh 17. Notice of Sale By virtue of the authority contained in that certain deec of trust made on the 23rd of January 1931 by H. L. Bell and Alice Bell, his wife, H. IT. King and Lizzie King, his wife, to Kelly Jenkins, trustee, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County, N. C., in book 409, at page 30, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured, the undersigned trustee, will on the 11th day of April, 1932 at 11:00 o’clock, A. M., in front of the Post Office door in the city of Roanoke Rapids, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash those Two (2) lots or parcels of land situate in Roanoke Rapids Township, N. C., fronting in the aggregate Seventy (70) feet on the south side of the road leading from Roanoke Rapics to Bolling, be ing lots Nos. One (1) and Two (2) as shown on map of the N. C. Hines Realty Corporation, which map is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County, in book 3, at page (57, to which map reference is hereby made for greater certainty of description. This the 10th day of March, 1932. KELLY JENKINS, 4t-3-31 Trustee. Sale of Real Estate North Carolina, Halifax County. Under and by virtue of the power f sale conferred on the undersigned Trustee in a certain deed of trust xecuted and delivered December 12, 927 by O. D. Fitts to T. W. M. Long, Trustee, which is of record in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County in book 381, page 570, securing certain indebtedness there in described, default having been nade in the payment of the indebted .ess thereby secured, and having been equested by the holder of the same to execute the power of sale therein conferred, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 28th day of March, 1932, at 12 o’clock M., at the ourt House Door in Halifax, N. C., •ffer for cash at public auction to the highest bidder the following described eal estate, to-wit: Those certain lots of land situate rear the Town of Roanoke Rapids, Halifax County, North Carolina, be ing known as Lots Numbers One Hundred Thirty-eight (138), One hundred thirty-nine (139) and One Hundred Forty (140), according to plat of land formerly owned by the Virginia-Carolina Power Company, surveyed and platted by S. S. Lynn, Surveyor, which plat is of record in the Office ' the Register of Deeds for Ilalifa: County in Plat Book No. 3, page 66. This the 25th day of February, 1932. T. W. M. LONG, Trustee. Place of Sale: Court House door, Halifax, N. C. Hour of Sale: 12 o’clock M. Date of Sale: March 28, 1932. Verms of Sale: Cash. I 'aniel & Daniel, Attys. •it-Mch 24. Notice of Sale Under the power and authority con ferred upon the undersigned Trustee by a certain deed of trust executed by N. M. Shearin et ux, dated Feru r.ry 6, 1931, and recorded in the office of the Registrar of schrdlupushrdup of the Register of Deeds of Halifax County in book 408, page 356, default having been made in the payment of certain of the indebtedness therein set out and thereby secured, and being duly requested by the legal holder thereof, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday, April 14th, 1932, at 11 o’clock A. M., in front of the Post Office door in the town of Roanoke Rapids North Carolina expose to pub lic sale to the highest bidder or bid ders for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: 1. That certain lot or parcel of land lying, situate and being in the Town of Littleton, Littleton Township, Halifax County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of W. M. Thornton, bounded on the North by the Street loading from the site of the Old Lit tleton Female College, known as Har vey Street, along the residences of W. R. Harvey and W. N. Thornton to Furgerson Street; on the East by vacant lot known as the “Johnston Lot;” on the South by Mrs. E. A. C. Jackson lot, and on the West by N. W. Thornton home place, the said lot fronting forty-nine (49) feet on Har vey Street and running back between parallel lines 165 feet, and being the identical real estate conveyed to N. M. Shearin by deed of J. T. Maddrey, » r Trustee, recorded in book 397, page .c28, Office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County. 2. Those certain lots or parcels of land lying, situate and being on the East side of Roanoke Avenue in the Town of Roanoke Rapids, Halifax County, North Carolina, known and described as lots Nos. Three (3) and Four (4), according to map or plat of the property owned by the Vir ginia-Carolina Power Company, re corded in Plat Book No. 3, page No. 64, and being the real estate con veyed to N. M. Shearin by deed of R. L Martin et ux recorded in Book No. 396, page No. 261, Office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax Coun ty; reference is here made to said deed and map for a more accurate description of the aforesaid lots. This the 2nd day of March, 1932. WM. L. KNIGHT, Trustee. Weldon-4t-3-31 If CONSIDER WELL THE MANY ADVANTAGES I man is ever too big or too strong to be immune to having troubles his strength itself may attract. Matters cannot be grasped !j singly if the perception is intent on many things. II j In planning ahead for your business, con sider well the benefits derived from doing j business with a bank offering your financial requirements the strongest organization service. ROANOKE Bank & Trust Co. The Leading Bank In This Section S. T. PEACE, President ; AUCTION SALE OF LAND CAT I ,J Ofi l ON THE GROUNDS DA 1.1 aiul ZO ;■--f 40 Lots, located on Monroe and Madison Streets, AT 1 Frame Store and Dwelling, located on Route 48 I near Ice Plant, nice oak grove. 1 (l.OD A U ne.r Roanoke Junction. Renting now *25.00 a month. ’ | 6 Brick Stores, on 11th and Henry Streets, 28 rooms i Vwv /»• If1* 1 J» on second floor, with 4 bath rooms, renting now for $400 RH A MflVf p a pine Mr1 3 Houses now renting for $20 a month each, and 8 f a month* KArlDo, IN. C. yacant Iot# on Jack#on Street extengion | THE ABOVE PROPERTY ON EASY TERMS - SALE RAIN OR SHINE VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN AWAY PENNY MOTHERS, Agents , S. M. THOMPSON, Owner CHARLOTTE, N. C. If

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