FULL LIST OF STATE Other News of State Interest CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE Raleigh, April 28.—If the Republi cans of North Carolina didn’t “put one over” on the Democrats in the June Primary preparations deliberate ly and designedly, they, or at least one of the number, did it effectively, even if unwittingly, as if it had been planned. The Democrats have “one over” on them, regardless of how it got there. George W. DePriest, Shelby, is the only, Republican contesting for a State-wide office with the regular nominee of the Republican State con vention—Jake F. Newel, Charlotte, for the U. S. Senate nomination. Mr. DePriest will probably deny that oth er Republicans put him up to it. But Will Castor Oil Physic The Bladder? No, but juniper oil will. You can drive out impurities and excess acids which cause bladder weakness, back ache, leg pains and burning. Get ju niper oil in the form of Bukets, the bladder physic, also containing buchu loaves, etc. Use a 25c test box and if not satisfied your druggist will return your money. You are bound to feel better after this cleansing and you gee your regular sleep. Sol'J by Roanoke Pharmacy. Rosemary Drug Co., Rose mary, N. C. for his candidacy, all State-wide con tests would have been strictly among Democrats. When among Democrats only, the pollohlders would be Demo crats entirely. With Mr. DePriest in the Senate race, the Republicans have one judge at every polling place, even with only one Republican State-wide contest. Instead of being a fight with the dominate party, as it really is, the primary will be a Democratic contest with a Republican judge at every polling place. Moreover, the presence of Mr. DePriest in the con test will cost fully $2,000 more. Few surprises were sprung in the dlosing hours for State offices at midnight last Friday. Dan C. Boney, insurance Commissioner has a Demo cratic opponent. Stanley Winborne, Corporation Commissioner, also has one, hut not the opponent expected. A few other variations from theex pected are shown in the following list of State-wide candidates for the June primary: U. S. Senate, Democrats. Cameron Morrison, Charlotte, incumbent; Rob ert R. Reynolds, Asheville; Thomas C. Bowie, West Jefferson; Franklin D. Grist, Lenoir; Aruthur Simmons, Burlington. Republicans, Jake F. Newell, Charlotte, George W. DePriest Shelby. Governor, Demorcats, J. C. B. Eh ringhaus, Elizabeth City; A. J. Max I Low round trip rates to Wasington for the Cherry e Blossom Season over 1 EAST COAST STAGE LINES 1 The Short Line System f Consult the East Coast Stages agent in your town for in- I formation about this trip. We also have speeai round- s trip rates to most every town in America and Canada for J (he summer season. I Hide these thirty and forty passenger De Luxe Motor Bus- A es if you want a nice, comfortable and pleasant trip. ? Where Courtesy Rules and Satisfaction Prevails. f Taylor-Matthews Drug Co., Roanoke Rapids; Rosemary JL Drug Co., Rosemary; Terminal Hotel, Weldon, N. Car. “SHIP SHAPE "" Isn’t it good business to have an account with a bank noted for it safe, business methods. Sails bellied forth to catch favoring trade winds which are agais beginning to blow . . . decks cleared for action and every depart ment shipshape for the task of sailing a true course, this craft hoists its “fair-weather” flag and loosens gear for another pleas ant and profitable voyage for its passengers. Its passenger list includes some of our depositors whose confidence in captain and crew has been justified through performance in time of storm .... Why don’t you join the cruise at the next port of call? ROANOKE Bank & Trust Co. The Leading Bank In This Section S. T. PEACE, President well, Raleigh; R. T. Fountain, Rocky Mount. Republicans, Clifford Frazier, Greensboro. Lieutenant Governor, Democrats, A. H. Graham, Hillsboro; D. F. Giles, Marion; D. P. Dellinger, Cherry vills. Republican, Boone T. Tillett, Char lotte. Attorney General, Democrats, Den nis G. Brummitt, Oxford, Incumbent; Peyton McSwain, Shelby. Republican, If. S. Williams, Concord. Secretary of State, Democrats, J. A. Hartness, Statesville, incumbent; Stacey W. Wake, Raleigh. Republi can, H. S. Williams, Concord. Treasurer, Democrats, John P. Stedman, Raleigh, incumbent; Repub lican, P. H. Gwyn, Leaksville. Auditor, Democrats, Baxter Dur ham, Raleigh, incumbent; Chester O. Bell, Raleigh; George H. Adams, Charlotte. Republican, S. S. Jen nings, Lenoir. Mipennetendent of Public Instruc tion, Democrat, Dr. A. T. Allen. Ra leigh, incumbent, Republican. Hol land Holton, Durham. Commissioner of Agriculture, De mocrat, William A. Graham, Lincoln ton, incumbent. Republican, John M. Phelps, Creswell. Insurance Commissioner, Democrats Dan C. Boney, Raleigh, incumbent; D. W. Morton, Beaufort. Republican William H. Grogan, Brevard. Corporation Commissioner, Demo crats, Stanley Winborne, Murfrees boro. incumbent; E. C. Macon, Ashe ville. Republican, Virgie McClure, Canton. Candidates for the U. S. House of Representatives in II districts fol low: First, Democrat, Lindsey Warren, Washington, incumbent. Republican, John B. Respess, Washington. Second, Democrat, John II. Kerr, W'lrrenton, incumbent Republican, B. B. Howell, Tarobro, Third, Democrats, Chas. L. Aber nethy, New Bern, incumbent; Rivers D. Johnson, Warsaw. Republican, II. B. Ivey, Goldsboro. Fourth, Democrat, Edward W. Pou, Smithfield, incumbent, Republican, L. P. Dixon, Siler City. Fifth, Democrat, Frank W. Hancock Jr., Oxford, incumbent. Republican, I. . L. Wall, Winston-Salem. Sixth, Democrats, W. B. Umstead, Durham; Norman A. Boren, Greens boro; J. Clyde Ray, Hillsboro, Bruce II. Caraway, High Point; Chas. T. T.eviness, Greensboro; James N. Um stead, Durham; Chas. N. Van Noppen Greensboro. Republican, William II. Ward, Graham. Seventh, Democrat, J. Bayard Clark Fayetteville, incumbent. Republican J. M. Byrd, Coats. Eighth, Democrat, J. Walter Lam beth, Thomasville, incumbent. Re publican, A. H. Ragan, Thomasville. Ninth, Democrat, R. L. Doughton, Laurel Spring, incumbent. Republican P. P. Dulin, Statesville. Tenth, Democrat, A. L. Bulwinkle, Gastonia, incumbent. Republican, Chas. A. Jonas, Lincolnton. Eleventh, Democrats, Zebulon Weaver, Asheville, incumbent; J. Q. Gilkey, Marion; C. S. Davis, Asheville. Republican, Crawford S. James, Mari on. Judge H. Hoyle Sink, Lexington, is the only Superior Court Judge run ning, his candidacy in the 12th dis j trict being for confirmation of Gocer nor Gardner’s appointment for the unexpired term of Judge Humphrey, Danbury, who died soon after election. Judge Sink is unopposed in the De mocratic primary. James McClam rock, Jr., Greensboro, Republican, will oppose him in November. Senator Cameron Morrison drop ped down from Washington long enough last week to visit several east ern centers, give, the lie to the tra ducers who say he is controlled by the interests in which Mrs. Morrison has investments, deny that he sought to influence the 1931 General Assembly to postpone revaluation and defend his support of Frank R. McNinch as a member of the Federal Power Com | mission, explaining that McNinch • was as good a Democrat as a Repub lican President ever appoints and that I the post would have gone to another '“WEf PARADE” WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO PROHIBITION? PEOPLES - WED. - THURS. MOUNTAIN MINT TONIC Stops that Indigestion—Relieves that Constipation— ■ Makes you fee! Better in Ten Minutes—Improves that J Appetite, therefore Building up the Human System and j Toning up the Blood — Get a Bottle of Mountain Mint • Tonic Today. ! Price $1.00—Sold By ; ROANOKE PHARMACY CO., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ; ROSEMARY DRUG CO., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ; Manufactured By SCOTT LABORATORIES, INC. Manufacturing Pharmacists Norfolk, Virginia Heads Steel Company \\ illiam A Irvin lias been elected I'resident of the United States Steel Corporation to succeed fames A. barrel!, who retires on April 18. .State* if he* had not supported his neighbor. Robert R. Reynolds, Asheville, “moist” candidate and looked upon as Senator Morrison’s most formidable opponent, flew down to Raleigh to file notice of his candidacy and post the required $50, continuing into the East l°r speaking engagements. Thomas ('. Bowie* continues his campaign on relief for landowners and Frank D. Crist is calling for a return of the government to the people. All are expected to be very active for the next five or six weeks. The* gubernatorial race has set tied to a steady hard pull. None* of the candidates are hurling the stones, or even the moss, at each other as they were a few weeks ago, or at least it does not get into the print. R. T. Fountain has now opened a Raleigh headquarters, in charge of James L. Delaney, Charlotte, steps taken early by J. C. B. Ehringhaus and later by A. J. Maxwell. Commencement ad dress of the three candidates have been interspersed with political speecnes. ine bhringhaus forces have been engaged in county organi zation in recent days, Manager L. P. McLendon announcing chairmen and managers in several counties. These are the main State-wide poli tical activities, except that Senator J. R. Baggett, Harnett, has decided not to run for Attorney General, leaving that race to Dennis G. Brummitt, in cumbent, and Senator Peyton Mc Svvain, Cleveland. Insurance Commis sioner, Dan C. Boney is opposed by I). W. Morton, Beaufort. Fur is flying in the new Sixth Con gressional district, where half a doz en are seeking the new seat, with So Iwlto. W W. Um«taa,l ably leading. Rivers D. Johnson, of Warsaw, is giving Representative C. L. Abernethy a race in Third and J. Q. Gilkey, Marion, may make it warm for Representative Zebulon Weaver, in the new Eleventh. John H. Folger will not oppose Rep. Frank Hancock in the Fifth. R F A D F. R S COLUMN Washington, D. C., April 23, 1932. Friend Wilson: Thru the kindness of Mrs. Mary Carr Williams, I received a copy of the Special Edition of the Roanoke Rapids Herald. I congratulate you. It was a splen did issue, well conceived and admir ably done. It marks you as one of those in the forefront of progress whose aim is to make Roanoke Rapids, N. C., the youngest American city, the indust rial and commercial center of a wide and prosperous section. This paper had a peculiar charm for me. It awakened memories of | former days. For half a century I have known Halifax County. I am familiar with all the highways and byways from Roanoke River to Fishing Creek and from Palmyra to Ring-wood and num ber among my friends and acquaint ances hundreds of citizens of well nigh every race, color and creed. I recall vividly the time when Roa (noke Rapids existed only in the mind of Major T. L. Emry. Hu had a pro phetic vision of which your city is the fulfilment. After many discourage ments, his abounding faith, In'; per sistent optimism and importunity had its reward. lie became associated with Charles Cohen, W. M. Hobblest.m, \V. S. Parker and Judge J. M. Mullen! A little later this forward-looking group was joined by the Chandlers, Maxwells and tie Millhisers and the foundation was laid. Nearly all of these pioneers have fallen on sleep and now rest from their labor, and it is for you and your contemporaries to carry on the work so nobly begun. To you from falling hands tlft*y threw the torch. Be yours to hold it [high! Give my kind regards to all Kiwanians and other friends. With re newed congratulations and again as suring you of my appreciation of your splendid paper and the pleasure it afforded me, and wishing for you, and The Roanoke Rapids Herald the suc cess you so well merit. Sincerely yours, Torn Meacham. From Our County Seat Your paper comes to me each week, and I read it with the same zest that I do Time Magazine. I am filing a copy of what I call your “better Roa noke Rapids” issue and if I can do | so I want to get another copy to send I to my friend Louis Graves of the I Chapel Hill Weekly, who is a very good friend of mine. He is a unique newspaper man and I am sure he will greatly appreciate the make up of the issue of your paper in question. Very truly yours, Quentin Gregory, President Bank of Halifax. From Minnesota Just a “thank you” note to the member of your staff to whom I am indebted for a copy of your 48-page “Keep Building” edition. It indi cates an enterprising newspaper staff that is rendering a real service to the city in which it is published. With best wshes, Fraternally yours, Herman Roe, Field Director Na tional Kditorial Association. North field, Minnesota. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. anil Mrs. B. W. Tucker, Sunday morning, April 24th, a fine S 1-1''pound sun at their home on Hamilton St. Mr Tu-.u«r ; local lanager of \ oung’s store. The young man has been christened Bruce, Jr. I Both baby and mother are doing well. YEARS AND EXPERIENCE DO COUNT The ability of any bank to stand up under all condi tions and give proper protection to its depositor, depends upon the quality of its backing. This bank is backed by a thorough knowledge of the sound principles of SAFE BANKING, by years of experi ence and a thorough knowledge of this community, its peo ple and its values, by a strong Board o f Directors, and FINALLY by the confidence of the WHOLE COMMUNI TY which we have faithfully served for thirteen years. General Banking and Insurance of All Kinds Citizens Bank & Trust Co. ROANOKE RAPIDS, NORTH CAROLINA JOHN L. PATTERSON, Prest. F. L. NASH, Cashier J. A. MOORE, Vice-Prest. E. F. BROWN, Asst. Cashier DR. S. B. PIERCE, Vice-Prest. D. L. TRAYNHAM, JR., Mgr., Insurance Dept. (70 Per Cent of I New Children Studied | J're-school clinics have* recently been held in fifteen schools of Halifax coun ty. Dr. Z. P. Mitchell, county health "Dicer and Miss Doris Dickens, coun ty nurse, conducted this clinic. Miss Annie Cherry, supervisor of the coun ty school, studied each case, getting a personal history of the whole de-1 velopment of each child. • The test was given to 70 3-10 per cent of all the children who will enter school this year. This is the highest per cent lever made in the county. A large ma jority of the children had already taken the diptheria anti-toxin and have been vaccinated for small pox. Education along this line is making steady progress each year. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the beautiful flowers and the sympathy shown us during our rceent bereavement. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pace and Family. Miss Helen House spent the week end at her home in Bethel. |F FIRE should destroy your pro perty, how much would you lose? Or would your insurance really make good your loss? Would your claims be handled promplty and satisfactorily? These questions about your in surance are so vital and can only be answered correctly by an agent who thoroughly knows the details of the insurance business. National Loan & Insurance Co. 12 W. Second St. DialR-444-1