Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shell and chil dren, spent last Sunday with Mrs. J. E. Spencer in Lawreneeville. Mrs. J. Sanders and daughter, Ma ry, have returned from a visit to re latives m Ellieott City, Md. Miss Addie Taylor who has been visiting Mrs. V. L. VanDyke has re utrned to her home in Tarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wheeler of Raleigh spent the week-end with re latives here. Mrs. \\. J. Alligood has returned from a visit to her daughter Mrs. Havid Harvey, in Emporia. Ml Mrs. Carlyle SatterthwaiU and Children of Norfolk are visiting Mrs. .1 r. Hancock nad family. Mrs. i . C. Shell. Miss Helen Brown Byron Hurley, Bill Taylor and Ulenn Thompson spent the week-end in Wahington, L>. C. Mrs. P. E. Davenport of Garner, visited her sister, Mrs. L. J. Meade, the past week. Mrs. L. J. Meade and Parry Meade spent several days the past week in Baltimore, Md. A young ajekrabbit cornered be tween a hound dog and an automobile, turned on the dog and vanquished him in a fair fight, it was reported at San Jose, California, by Charles Her tell. _ i THEATRE] <, THE HICK OF THE PICTURES” I ) Friday, April 29 i Spencer Tracy Doris Kenyon { “ Young America ” Saturday, April 30 ^ Ken MAYNARD | ‘Texas Gun Fighter’ A Monday — Tuesday [ i George Bancroft - Miriam Hopkins S j WORLD AND THE FLESH ] A Wednesday — Thursday 1 Walter Huston, Neil Hamilton | ; Dorothy Jordan 5 f WET PARADE f | What Is The Answer to Prohibition? | I . a I Announcing- { 1 ■ BJ ■ . I hereby announce my candidacy for City ■ Commissioner to be elected on May 3rd from the B rfil L~1 ■ kjf South Ward, subject to the action of the voters ®S HI ol the City of Roanoke Rapids, N. C. I promise gg p faithful service to my city and honest and fair ^ |§gj dealing in ail transactions. I assure you your B 2| support and vote will be appreciated. 2 j f JOHN C. SMITH} a .3 SS Roanoke Rapids. North Carolina 5 i 3 Non-Squeak Special! COMPLETE TIGHTENIty of your Chevrolet car Special for week of May 2nd only Only $1.50 for a complete tightening and squeak removing— and what a job you get! Chevrolet trained mechanics do the work—using Chevrolet designed tools—and meeting the high standards laid down by the Chevrolet Motor Company. And this service operation is only one of a score of others in which you can get a better job done, at a lower price, by an authorised Chevrolet dealer I JOYNER MOTOR CO. CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE 0,ur Service DeP‘- Win Re Open Until 8 Each Evening DIAL R-382 Roanoke Rapids Tax League Meet (Continued from page one) .aking from the land the 15 cent ad valorem. Dr. T. W. M. Long, the other can didate for the Senate, spoke next. In I 1 is opening remarks, he stated the campaign for the Senate would be an honorable contest between two gentlemen. He said opponents to him said he was no friend of the farmer and pointed to his family ownership oi an 8,000 acre farm to ask why he hould not be a friend to the farmer. He said he was for the full constitu tional school term with reasonable economy. He favored reduced salaries and other economy. He said he would hv guided in his actions by the will uf the majority <>t the Democratic party in the county, otherfise would vote as his conscience dictated, re gardless of ties of blood. He said ho was onpesed in his own home town because he would not vote for the sales tax the last session of the General Assembly, stating that corporations had demanded the sales tax which he opposed. Dr. long questioned Mr. Norwood, who was in the audience, as to his stand on the luxury tax. and then, in a facetious manner, attacked A. N. Martin, who )•- a supporter of Mr Norwood, con cerning Mr Martin’s stand ..11 the sales tax last year. It. Hunt Parker. Solicitor, made a splendid sjH-ech calling for economy by reducing salaries of every State officer, including his own. pleading for special privileges to none. R. II. White of Hobgood made a short ef fective talk. Judge Tam Bowie, candidate for U. S. Senate, was introduced by J. H. Darden. Judge Bowie’s speech was an attack on the Republican adminis tration and Senator Cameron Mor rison. He flouted the Republican | claim that present conditions were bo . yond human control, saying all mis | takes are made by human beings and not by Divine power. He said the gov ernment fought revaluation at t h e last session of the Assembly and Mor rison approved it. And that Morrison had approved the 15 cent tax on land. He said Morrison had voted for the moriatorium for Germany and against ;; similar plan for the farmers who ■ w.*d the Federal Land banks. He charged Morrison with knowing the advalorem on land would relieve the tobacco and power companies in both of which Morrison was a large stockholder. He said a block of Rey nolds tobacco stock worth $247 in • * 15 was worth $4.14(5 in 1929. He assailed the present tariff as unfair to the farmer. He said the tux system should be on property 'tmt produces and pointed w Unnlon.l 1 here there is no tax on land, all tax es being raised bv income and fran chise taxes. Relieve real estate of luxes and restore it to the proper basis for credit and give the farmers a reasonable price for the products of the soil and prosperity will return, concluded Mr. Bowie. Gary Audit Case (Continued from page one) on account of its suretyship on any and all of the bonds of the said S. M. Gary, Clerk of the Superior Court fo Halifax County, as set out in the complaint herein and on account of the matters and things complained of herein. It is further ordered and adjudged by the Court that the Plaintiff re cover of the Defendants, Nannie G. Gary and Emily G. Gary, Executors WANT AD' FOR SALE—04 acres (GO in cultiva tion) with 2 houses, 1 mile from town. Trems to suit. 40 acres (20 in cultivation) with 6-room house 1-2 mile from town. Easy terms. 10 acres and 4-room house; 15 acres and 4 room house; 5 acres and 3 -room house; all near town, with terms. City lots, $50 and up.—S. M. Thompson, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.—4-14-32-tf. FARMS FOR SALE—Might consider exchange for something I could handle better. Phone R-341, Ruth M. Rainey.—2t-4-28-pd. TRAVOLA INN—Corner 6th Street and Roanoke Avenue. Rooms o r Hoard or both for transient trade, daily, weekly o r monthly basis. Large, cool rooms, adjacent baths, all comforts of home. Mrs. J. E. Cox, Manager—4-21-tf. f---*-— HEMSTITCHING—and picoting, 5c per yard. Mrs. Sam Young, 226 Jackson St.—>2t-5-5. LOST—Black Slipper, Finder return to Herald.—lt-np. May 2nd, DROP In PRICE of MILK 10c qt. Grade A Milk J. E. Matthews Dairy ^419-^RoMokeRapids of the estate of S. M. Gary, the sum of Twelve Thousand Four Hundred Forty-two and 87-100 ($12,442.87) Dollars and the costs of this action to be taxed on by the Clerk. The Court, of its own motion finds that the compromise settlement here in agreed upon is based upon the amount found to be due by Hollo well, Gorham & Company after giv ing effect in said audit to a credit of 5.304.81, which the said S. M. Gary had paid by checks, and also af ter giving effect in part to t h e amounts included in said audit by said auditors aggregating the sum of $0,241.68 which last amount was in cluded in said audit, but admitted by sadi auditors to b» incapable of proof; And the court is of the further opinion and so find' that had the said S M. Gary beer’ living, each item with which his estate is charged in said audit would have been explained by him. and that the said items ap pear as a charge against his estate by reason of the failure of S. M. Gary to properly keep books. The Court further finds that there is no evidence of moral turpitude on the nart of the said S. M. Gary. It is agreed that this judgment may lie signed by Honorable Henry A. Grady out of term and in any county in the Third Judicial District. HENRY A GRADY, Judge Holding Courts of ihe Third Judicial Dis t riot. by Consent: Geo. C. Green. Attorney for Plaintiff. Stuart Smith, Dunn & Johnson. At torneys of the Estate of S. M. Gary. Local Team Wins Two (Continued from page one) inning when the visiting team bunch ed three doubles and two singles for four runs. Flip Edmondson pitched the remainder of the game and only gave up two hits and one run. Ed mondson, Jones and Birdsong led the locals at bat. Edmondson got a triple and a single, Jones got a double and two singles, and Birdsong hit out two .-ingles. I In the second ga n*e Edmondson hurled the first inning, striking out three, walking one. and giving up one hit. He was relieved by Williams, who made a good account of himself as a pitcher. Williams struck out three and was touched for a homer by Winfield A. C. C. first sacker. Ed mondson was again in the spotlight for the Indians getting two hits. Ry als got two hits and Shearin hit a triple. Notice of City Election TVvo untora of tKo City of Pnannlro Rapids, North Carolina, will take no tice that pursuant to and in com diance with the law of North Caro lina governing mnuiclpal elections, and the provision of the Charter of the City of Roanoke Rapids and all amendments thereto, including those passed by the General Assembly of North Carolina at its 1931 regular session, providing for and regulating elections to be held for the City of Roanoke Rapids during the year 1931, end thereafter, there shall be held in the City of Roanoke Rapids, at the regular polling places in the North and South Wards, on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1932, the same being the 3rd day of May, 1932. between the hours of eight (8) o’clock A. M., and sunset, an election for the purpose of electing two (2) com missioners. one of which commission ers shall be a resident of the North Ward and shall be elected for a term to expire on the first Monday in June, 1935, and until his successor is duly elected and qualified, the other of which commissioners shall be a resi dent of the South Ward and shall be, elected for a term to expire on the first Monday in June, 1935, and until his successor is duly elected and qua ified; that the Registrars appointed y this Board on the 1st day of March, 1932, and hereinafter named, shall (revise the existing registration books and shall, beginning on the 15th day i April, 1932, and closing on the 22nd day of April, 1932, keep the registra tion books open for the registration of voters from nine (9) o'clock A. M., to five (5) o’clock P. M., at Roanoke Pharmacy in the North Ward and at Rosemary Drug Company, in t h e South Ward, respectively, excepting on Saturdays, when said registration books shall be kept open until nine (9) o'clock P. M.; that the said re gistration books shall be open on the 23rd day of April, being the second Saturday before the election, at the regular polling places in the North and South respectively, in the City of Roanoke Rapids, for the inspection of the electors of the City of Roanoke Rapids; that the said Registrars ap pointed by the Board are C. L. Massey for the North Ward and C. R. Greene for the South Ward; that the Judges of Election appointed by the Board are W. P. Vaughan and S. J. Bounds for the North Ward and S. D. Brown and Curtis Shell for the South Ward; that the said Registrars and Judges of Election so appointed by the Board shall conduct the said registration and the said election in their respective vards. In order to be eligible to vote one must have been a resident of the State of North Carolina one (1) year, of the County of Halifax six (6) months, and the City of Roanoke Ra pids four (4) months preceding the election. Ordered posted and published by the Board of Commissioners of the City of nvatiuKt IlopiOo tlilo, tlio lot day of March, A. D., 1932. A. L. CLARK, Secreary and Treas urer of the City of Roanoke Ra pids. et-Apr 28. I POOL { TOURNAMENT 1 -A‘ | Cherry’s Poolroom g Corner Roanoke Ave. and 2nd St. + Roanoke Rapids, N. C. | 21 ENTRIES i 1st Prize, $5; 2nd Prize, $3; 3rd Prize $2 J 7:30 P. M. EACH NIGHT t Admission: 1 FREE TO PUBLIC From hairbreadth adjustments to complete overhauls, our service is careful and accurate from beginning to end. Phon eR-414-1. BRICKELL MOTOR CO. VWWMMMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWUWV LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mrs. W. H. Daughtry and Miss Deretha Daughtry spent the week-end with relatives in Norfolk. Alex Koppstein and Bob Walberg of New York, visited friends here Saturday, enroute to New York, af ter spendnig some time iin Waco, Texas. Miss Eula Clary, George Clary, Mrs. Susie Gooch and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Clary of Roanoke Rapids spent Sun day at Chapel Hill and Duke Univer-, sity. Mr. and Mrs. John Cranwell and children of New Bern, spent the week, end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Edwards and Mrs. J. M. Edwards of Hopewell, Va., spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wood. Mrs. Thad R. Manning entertained the Henderson Tuesday Club at a luncheon at her home on Monroe St. on Tuesday, April 26th. Covers were laid for twenty. Miss Traynham Wyche and Miss Katherine Pinner of Suffolk, Va-., dressed in Japanese cos tumes received the guests on arriv ing and also served the luncheon in which the Japanese idea was carried out in favors and decorations. The guests were Mrs. Frank Legg, Mrs. Fletcher Harris, Mrs. Geo. A. Rose Mrs. Henry Perry, Mrs. Sidney Perry Cooper, Mrs. James Cooper, Mrs. B. G. Allen, Mrs. Sam Watkins, Mrs. I. W. Hughes, Mrs. Asa Parleam. Mrs. Brooks Parham, Mrs. Kate Watkins Mrs. S. T. Peace, Mrs. B. Frank Har ris, Mrs. C. A. Lewis,, of Henderson, Mrs. Henry Elery, Mrs. John B. Pin ner, Miss Katherine Pinner, of Suf folk, and Mrs. R. R. Meacham of Petersburg, Va. At three o'clock the Roanoke Rapids Study Club was in vited to meet with the Tuesday Club, and a most interesting program on Poetry, was given by the Roanoke Ra. pids club. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. IMPERIAL THEATRE Friday Only Constance Bennett in BOUGHT Monday - Tuesday WRITTEN IN FLAMING RED! First authentic thrill epic of the most dangerous sport in the world! Breath taking drama played against a bock ground of crashing cars . . . roaring engines . . . thundering motors! The CROWD ROARS with JAMES CAGNEY and JOAN BLONDELL Saturday Only TOM TYLER in GALLOPIN’ THRU W ednesday-Thursday HE COULDN’T STAND “IT” DURING OFFICE HOURS_ He thought he was 100 per cent kiss proof . . . till he got caught in a love merger with a Cinderella who thought Mascara was an opera! See how, in the year’s smartest romance BEAUTY And The BOSS with MARIAN MARSH and— WARREN WILLIAM COMING FRIDAY, MAY 6th THE GUILTY GENERATION MILK PRICES REDUCED Effective May 1st, — Our Delivered Prices on: GRADE MILK PER QUART PER PINT While we are lowering the cost of milk, this in no way effects our high standard of quality. We par ticularly urge that you help us by taking care of our bottles, and by paying your account regularly— if weekly, Qn Saturday or Monday, and if monthly —by the tenth. Matthew’s Dairy Dial R-619-6 and R-419-1 Roanoke Rapids, N.C.

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