% Carolina’s Only TABloid NEWSpaper The Roanoke Rapids Herald VOLUME EIGHTEEN ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C„ THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1st, 1932. NUMBER THIRTY-THREE. J. T. CHASE NEW PRESIDENT UP AND DOWN Ghe Avenue WITH THE EDITOR Mr. and Mrs. Norfleet Waters announce the birth of a son, Nov ember 18. The members of the Study Club have Tubercular seals for sale and will be glad to sell to any one desiring .same. They will sell any J amount dec _— *.• District offices for the Life-^nd Casualty Insurance Company of; Nashville, Term., have been open ed in the Imperial Theatre build ing and will be in charge of Lun dy E. Hudson. Agents working out of this office include Tommy Cox, Basil Glover and C. Ogletree, Jr. The Pendleton Grizzards are building a new home on the Ave nue, on the East side just ' cyond 4th Street. It will be a modem seven or eight room house of the bungalow type. Work on the foun dation is now under way. There will be a meeting of all] those in Halifax County interest-, ed in organising a county unit of] the Institute of Government, start ed by Professor Albert Coates of the University of North Carolina. This meeting is at the courthouse on Monday, Dec. 5, at 7:15 p. m All District, cHy and county offi cers are urged to attend as well as officers of an aseoda’ions and dubs of business and professional men and community organisations. E. L. Travis, Jr., and J. R. Alls brook are helping Prof. Coates get the Institute started in this coun ty. Did you realize there are only 21 ■hopping days left before Christ mas T And there are only three more issues of The Heftilj after this one to tell the world what yon have to offer. Jack Jones, genial political lead er and general merchant of Til lery, was a vistor here today. He and Corner Billy Williams are warm friends and Jack wanted to go thru the new Williams Funer al Home Brat thing. Bob Reynolds will be sworn 1* as United 8tates Senator Monday. Many of his friends In the Stats plan to be up In Washington Man day to honor Our Bah. NORTHEAST CONFERENCE’S BEST | Turns.*- T. Milk»S Gaylord’tr Hardisoi7»T Pail-G k. —■■ththtit WllsOE*C Boas’HB L _DxkcovQ&_ KatAiamyf'& _ —tounesy mews « uoserver. Bill AUi good's choice of All-Northeastern Conference football team for 1932. Roanoke Rapids placed five men on the first team. Complete story inside. __ Already the stores of Roanoke Rapids are taking on Christmas color, near stocks of Santa Clans arriving daily. Shoppers in this section will make no mistake when they come to Roanoke Rapids to do their Christmas shopping. More ■tores and more stocks to choose from than in a radios of forty miles i ■ " Miss Josephine Hargrove of En field sepnt Thanksgiving with Meads here. CORRECTION On some of the circulars of the Hub Department Store appears these prices: Children’s Shoes 48c, Ladies Galoshes 96c. This should read the reverse as follows: Chil drens Shoes 96 cts, Ladies Galosh es 48 cts. This transposition was the fault of The Herald Printing Co., and the correction was made in most of the circulars and in the two page Hnb ad which appears in this issue. - ■■■■■ ' Heads Hospital J. T. CHASE RED CROSS DRIVE GOES OVER TOP Under the leadership of Rev. S. H. Bradley, 1932 Roll Call chair man for this city, the annual Red Cross drive for funds hit the high est record for the past five years with a total of $414.61. There are 230 annual members at $1 each, 2 contributing mem bers at $6 each, nad three sup porting members at $26 each. $100 was collected from persons giving less than $1 each. $167.30 of the money goes to National Red Crose and $247.31 re mains with the Roanoke Rapids 1 chapter. ' Mr. Bradley stated he wished to especially thank the Eiwanis Club for giving 100 per cent, every member joining, and for the work of Kiwanis members in soliciting: Messrs A. N. Martin, H. S. Loy., A. E. Akers and Steve Lipscomb were in charge of the business section drive. A. Miekle was in charge of Patterson Mills Co., which mill led the industries in donations. They were followed by Rosemary Mfg. Co., with Howard Pruden and S. D. Brown and Roanoke Mills headed by R. L. Towe and Jack Cassada. Every teacher in t h e Roanoke Rapids School joined the Red Cross and Mr. Bradley asked also that special donations from the Power Co., and other local industries re ceive special mention. Graham Shell spent Thanksgiv ing here with his parents. The Roanoke Rapids Hospital will reopen on Monday December 12th. This was the decision of the ex ecutive committee of the Board of Trustees, meeting with the medi cal staff yesterday, i At a meeting of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, all the 0ffi-> cers of the hospital handed in their resignations and these were ac cepted by the Board. J. T. Chase was then nominated for the office of President of the hospital by F. M. Brown, man ager of the Halifax Paper Corpora ation. The nomination of Mr. Chase was seconded by Dr. T. W. M. Long, former President of the me election of Mr. Chase was by unanimous vote. Ihe new head of the hospital, who is vice president of the Vir ginia Electric and Power Co., has been a member of the Hospital Board of Trustees for the past fif teen years, and for the last two years has been treasurer of the hospital. Hr. R. P. Beckwith was elected Vice President and Chief of the Medical Staff. Dr. F. G. Jarman v^as elected Secretary and Dr. Bahnson Weathers was chosen as treasurer. The new president called for yesterday’s meeting to determino the possibility of opening the hos pital and to set the date. It was pointed out that with the ban life. :d in the injunction against Roa loke Mills Co., so far as the hos pital was concerned, and with the imployees of this mill and all the ither industries in the group plan ligned up 100 per cent for i continuance of the plan ormerly in use, there was enough •evenue in sight to warrant re opening the hospital, provided cer tam economies could be put in ef fect. The Wednesday meeting set the date of reopening as Monday, De ember 12, and most of the day was spent in reorganization of hospit al and receiving recommendations from the medical staff as to eco nomies to be put in force as soon as the hospital is opened. The Nurses Training School will be reopened so those who are near ing graduation may complete their work, but it was necessary to ef fect economies here as elsewhere in the operation of the hospital, which has been operating at a loss for many years sometimes running an annual deficit of as much as fif teen thousand dollars. The news of reopening will be received with delight by the citi zens and by those in the surround ing territory served by the hospit al.