JACKETS AT ELIZABETH CITY TO MEET BIG FOE FRIDAY Coach Cranford Hoyle will leave early Friday morning for Eliza beth City accompanied by his hope fuls, the Yellow Jackets, where they engage the Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets, that afternoon. Two teams are expected to make the trip to the lower eastern town for the class B conference game and scrimmages have lasted until after seven o’clock each night this week getting in trim for the tilt. Coaches Hoyle and Cheek have introduced three new plays this week they hope will click Friday and most of the workouts have been dedicated to them, and if they work as good against their opponents as the Jackets No. B team, the locals may spring an upset on their old rivals. Elizabeth City and Roanoke Rapids are well remembered a fe wyears back for their rivalry in Northeastern Conference cir cles and Friday’s contest will see the locals as underdogs. Going up against a line that averages 170 pounds the Jackets will be outweighed 15 pounds to the man and the ball carriers are also taken into consideration. Besides going to the state finals last year the Jax’ opponents con sists of veterans and a defeat Friday will probably throw the locals out in the state elimina tions. Garris Hurt Woodrow Garris, the Jackets speedy halfback and high scorer for his team this year, is suffer ing with a bad knee injury and may not be in shape for Friday’s tussle. Otto Reynolds who is showing promise as a tackle is also out of the picture Friday, with a hurt foot. The starting line-up Friday will look like this: L. E.—J. D. Edwards. L. T.—Alton Davis. L. G.—Gene Shell. C.—James Coley. R. G.—Wilson Byrd. R. T.—Williard Ferrell. R. E.—Capt. William Gaylord. Q. B.—Ollie Acree. L. H. B.—Geo. Nethercutt. R. H. B.—Clarence Edmondson. F. B.—Butler Brown. Jax Record Oxford Orphanage -12 Roanoke Rapids _7 Rich Square _ 6 Roanoke Rapids -18 Hertford _0 Roanoke Rapids _33 Scoring: * Roanoke Rapids _58 Opponents _ IS Leading Scorers: — Garris, 19; Brown, 13; Edmondson, 7; Dick ens, 6; Simms, 6; Nethercutt, 6; Edwards, Another thing, the only con tented fellow these days is one who is eating regularly and can t read. Cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the cocoa plant. ITwo Junior Games Here Saturday Bill Alligood’s Trojans and Clyde Liske’s Patterson Panthers, local junior grid teams will fea ture in a double header football game here Saturday on Simmons field. Both teams are working hard for the games with the visiting Rocky Mount Y. M. C. A. clubs and are expected to send the visi tors back defeated. The Trojans, 100 pounders, have got plenty of zip and have learn ed to block, charge and get the fundamentals with ease. Bill gives us his line-up. Liske hasn’t releas ed his yet. A TEAM Q. B.—Shell. H. B.—Capt. M. C. Mosley. H. B.—Davis. F. B.—Hudson. L. E.—Outland. L. T.-—Crawford. L. G.-—Hayes. C.—Taylor. R. G.—Sewell. R. T.—Maye. R. E.—Vincent. B TEAM G. B.—Brown. H. B.—Edmondson. H. B.—Crouch. F. B.—Grissom. L. E.—Byrd. L. T.—Wright. L. G.—Robinson. C.—Dickens. R. G.—Davis. R. T.—Miller. R. E.—W. Davis. The Panthers form a 115 pound club and last week they handed the Weldon high reserves a 33-0 lacing. More than 10,000 cows in Cali fornia are known to have produc ed 40 pounds or more of butterfat each in one month. SUNDAY DINNER SUGGESTIONS By ANN PAGB SWEET potatoes and yams rival white pota’oes in popularity at this season and little wonder, for they are of excellent quality and low in price Apples also are attractive in quality and price and how good they are eaten "aw or cooked You will want plenty of them for Hallowe'en. It is possible to enjoy a great variety of green vegetables though several of them belong to the same family in cluding fine and cheap cabbage, cauli flowe-, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Spinach is also cheap and of excellent quality Lettuce is not quite so plenti ful as it was a week ago. Celery is at its best and mushrooms are attractive in quality and price. A fine white cereal, popular with many people is being offered at an at tractive price this week. Here are the menus from the Quaker Maid Kitchen. Low Cost Dinner Veal Chops Fried Yams Creamed Rutabagas Bread and Butter Baked Farina Custard Tea or Coffee Milk Medium Cost Dinner Veal Cutlet Creole Mashed Potatoes Scalloped Eggplant Bread and Butter Deep Apple Pie Hard Sauce Coffee Milk Very Special Dinner Stuffed Celery or Oyster Cocktail Double Lamb Chops Baked Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower Mint Jelly Rolls and Butter Lemon Pie Coffee Milk I ONLY HEARD By SPORTS EDITOR Breaks of the game . . . could mean a number of things. . . Per haps the Jackets are due for a break Friday . . . and maybe next year the writer gets his break. . . But you never can depend on these future things. Speaking of breaks. . . You per haps can pick this one from the Jackets squad ... or it could be called “Holes of the game.” Opponents go through for ten yards. Gets to his feet and tells team to come on and show a little fight. Settles head gear belligerently in place. Stalks up to line with fists clinched and a scowling face. Stops to remove mud careful