All set for the BUY NOW and SAVE SALE—and we’ll go over the top due to the extraordinary values in every dept. Weeks of preperation and planning enable us to present almost unbelievable bargains. On this page are just a few examples. BUY NOW and SAVE on DRESSES Travel Crepe Dresses $1.88 A wide range of the “right” Fall Colors. We have all sizes at this low price. Sport Suits $2.98 All-Wool Cape and Sweater Suits. Very new and very smart. 1 Sport Dresses $3.95 to $6.95 *. In a w ide range and variety to be shown for the first time this week-end. Easily \y worth $10. 3-Piece Sweater Suits $5.95 Up-to-the-minute styles, just unpacked from Newr York. New Silk Dresses $3.95 For Fall. New Shipment of Flat Crepes and Silks. Today’s market value on these Dresses, $6. Our Best Silk Dresses $4.98 And they are wonderful values at that price. You’d pay $10 for them gladly at most stores. Conservative Matrons Styles_•-$2.98 Sizes 36 to 46’s. A real $5 value featured for our BUY NOW sale. MILLINERY A Good Quality Group of Smart New Fall Felts at a very low price. All head sizes and wonderful styles for only— 98c Beautiful styles in ? wide range of colors and shapes. You can buy a really stylish Hat for the low price Ladies SWEATERS and Skirts Men’s Dress PANTS Good Quality 98 W. L. Douglass Men’s Shoss Reg. at $5 88 Full Fashion Pure Silk HOSE Men’s Cellophane Wrapped Dress - SHIRTS All Sizes Men’s Winter Weight UNION SUITS Men’s Button & “Pull-Over” " SWEATERS Special WINDOW SHADES OCTAGON SOAP Per Cake 2c Ladies Sport Oxfords Pumps, Straps and Ties in Patents, Suedes > and Kids. A Wide Selection of Styles and Sizes ior only — 1,49 Men’s Welt Oxfords Good Leather Dress Oxfords For Only— Children’s Shoes Good Assortment of Leather Shoes and School Oxfords— 98c to $149 Ladies Novelty Footwear “Aristocratic” and “Boulevard” brands in new est styles. All styles, leather and smart com pilations. A S5 Shoe for only— 2,95 & Sport Coats $9. The very latest style trends in the ever * populai polos are featured in this group. Tans, Browns, Greys. DRESS COATS _ $12.50 “Swagger” styles with tailored lines, and also Fur Trimmed Dress Coats in this group of exceptionally good values. BLY NOW. Latest Style Coats _ $16.50 Featuring a certain smartness you would not expect to find in coats at twice their price. Pure-Silk Crepe Linings. Luxuri ously fur trimmed. ■ Our Best Coats_$29.50 Sounds like a low price for our very best Coat group, but when you see these values, you won’t even want a better coat than $29.50 will buy here. Generous fur trim mings of seal and beaver1. You’ll think they are at least $49.50 values. BUY NOW!