STATE BANKS SHOW GOOD INCREASE IN THEIR RESOURCES Last 8 Months Period Also Shows Marked Increase In Depositors Raleigh, May 30.—Resources of North Carolina State banks had increased $29,021,932.46, or from $175,655,727.35 to $204,677,659.81 in the eight months from June 30, 1933, to March 5, 1934, date of the last call of statement of conditi on, in which time deposits of all kinds increased from $147,138, 498.62 to $174, 270,859.71, Com missioner of Banks Gurney P. Hood reports. Resources showed a slight in crease, about $150,000, in the two months from December 30 to March 5, in which time regular deposits remained about the same and individual savings deposits in creased about $2,225,000. At the time of call, June 30, 1933, there were 204 banks and 76 branches; at December 30, there were 196 banks, including two cash deposi tories, and 42 branches, including one cash depository, and at March 5, 1934, there were 181 banks and 57 branches. At the March 5 call, the State banks had increased the cash in vault and amount due from banks to $53,485,830.84 from $45, 491,068.45 eight months before, had increased their stocks and bonds, largely U. S. and State bonds, to $69,570,943.73 from $41,483,848.52, while loans and dis counts had decreased to $68,565, 991.89 from $76,013,926.69 eight months before, and banking house and site items decreased about $1,500,000, to $5,840,797.65, and other real estate decreased slight ly, to $3,155,450.44. Total liabilities ot banks in creased to $176,258,184.48 from the $148,938,022.50 of 8 months before, while the capital stock in creased to $28,419,475.33 from $26,717,704.85 in the same period. Aggregate assets of State banks and trust companies have again gone above $200,000,000, the fig ures of June 30 of the two pre ceding years having been below that mark. The high point show ed was $324,034,302.34, March 27, 1929. Industrial banks showed a slight increase in resources over eight months ago, or $10,582,945.31 as compared with $10,505,770.50, the lowest point shown, but did not reach the $11,176,416.67 figure of Dec. 30, 1933. Present resources are only slightly above half the $20,601,065.13 shown March 25, 1930, which is given as the high point reached in a decade. That figure had been reached by a gradual increase from the $7,720, 928.98 of Dec. 31, 1933. Fahey and Daughtrey Plumbing Contractors State License No. 283 INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIR WORK Estimates Cheerfully Furnished ' DIAL R-668-6 666 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE 666Liqnid or Tablets used inter nally and 666 Salve externally make a complete and effective treatment for Colds. --— Rainbow On Trial NEWMORg_'The "Rainbow" (above}, Am&ncan sloop built by a syndicate headed by Commodore Vanderbilt, out on one of her first trials for the right to defend the American Cup against the English challenger'‘SEndeavor " this summer. Marriage Of Local Couple A Surprise To Friends In City Coming as a surprise is the announcement by Mr. and Mrs. Marion Perkins Crawley, of Aure lian Springs, of the marriage of their daughter, Lucy Belle, to Cal vin Smith Kennemur. The cere mony took place Sunday, Febru ary 25th, in Emporia, Va. The bride is a graduate of Aure iian Springs high school and is a 1934 graduate nurse from the Roanoke Rapids hospital. The bridegroom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kenne mur of this city and received his education in the Roanoke Rapids high school and the University of North Carolina. He now holds a position with Taylor’s Drug Store. They will make their home at 302 Jackson Street, Roanoke Rap ids. Edgar Kii'k has returned home from Mars Hill College. 26 Lawyers Pay Dues In Halifax County For 1933 Raleigh, May 30.—Slightly more than 2200 North Carolina lawyers had paid their 1933 dues of $3 to the North Carolina State Bar up to last week, while 200 others list ed had not paid for that year, and a few had paid the 1934 dues, pay able January 1, but not required under the act until July 1, re cords of Henry M. London, secre tary-treasurer, show. Halifax, with a 100 per cent record of paid for 1933 had the following lawyers listed: Enfiend, Allen W. Andleton, R. C. Dunn, D. Mac. Johnson; Halifax, S. S. Norman, Edward L. Travis; Lit tleton, John H. Taylor; Roanoke Rapids, Julian R. Allsbrook, Wil liam B. Allsbrook, M. S. Benton, A. L. Clark, J. W. Crew, Jr., Kelly Jenkins; Scotland Neck, Irwin Clark, W. H. Dickens, Ashby Dunn, S. A. Dunn, Robt. L. John son, J. S. Livermore, Stuart Smith; Weldon, W. D. Allen, E. B. Clark, Chas. R. Daniel, George C. Green, H. B. Harrell, Jr., Wm. L. Knight, J. T. Maddrey. . Willi ams-Powell Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Powell, of I Roxboro, North Carolina, announce the marriage of their daughter, Ollie Eden, to Mr. Frank C. Wil liams, also of Roxboro, on Sun day, May 20th, 1934, at 6:30 p. m., in Emporia, Virginia. Mrs. Williams is a recent gradu ate of the Roanoke Rapids Train ing School for Nurses and is well known throughout this section of the State. Mr. Williams was at one time employed by the Roa noke Mills Company, but he now holds a responsible position with the Collins and Aikman Corpora tion in Roxboro. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are mak ing their home at Hotel Jones, in Roxboro, until June 1st, when they will be at home in Apartment 320, in CaVel Village, Roxboro, N. C. TOWN TALK Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ray and daughter, Mary Louise, spent Sunday in Portsmouth. Mrs. John Grant, of Emporia, was the week-end guest of Mrs. M. H. Hedgepeth. 1 SAMPLE ROOMS Rooms suitable for every sales pur pose ‘— convenient to stores. BEST VALUE in the Nation’s Capital TRAVELING men know the best hotels ask one about The Harrington in Washington. Located centrally, be tween the Capitol and White House. Modernly furnished, commodious rooms at $2.00 single, $3.00 double, and up— best values in hotel accommodation and service in Washington. HOTEL HARRINGTON ELEVENTH AND "E" STREETS NORTHWEST Harrington Mill*, President Douglas C. Shaffer, Manager Misses Ella Brown and Virginia Ogletree, who have been attend ing Meredith College, are at home for the summer. Mrs. J. C. Rhodes and children, Mrs. J. G. Taylor, of Seaboard, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hudson. I fm 1 Sr ■ t^ie low-price motor car field there’s nothing that even compares with Chevrolet’s famous 5-mile ride. Nothing else so smooth and quiet. Nothing so steady and safe. Nothing so easy and restful. The reason is: No other car at Chevrolet’s price has any of the vital features pictured below— not a single one. And without these features, it’s impossible to equal Chevrolet’s ride! That’s why Chevrolet says so confidently: "Drive it 5 miles—You’ll never want anything else!” CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G. M. A. C. terms. A General Motors Value Save^^^'with a CHEVROLET SIX TRI-CITY MOTOR CO. Roanoke Rapids, N. C.