COUNTY DELEGATES TO RALEIGH FOR CONVENTION HALIFAX HAS 43 VOTES AT RALEIGH With 43 votes to cast at the State Democratic Conven tion at Raleigh on next Thursday, Halifax County Democrats at the county convention Monday chose a list of delegates and alternates to represent the Banner Democratic County of the State. Other precincts in the county chose the number of dele gates and alternates in line with their share of votes but Roanoke Rapids No. One, the big bad wolf and the biggest of them a'l, on motion of Senator-Elect’Allsbrook picked a list of more than fifty delegates and alternates. Roanoke Rapids No. 2 chose Dr. Bahnson Weathers, A. N. Martin, W. J. Norwood, L. G. Shell, How ard Pruden and Mrs. R. P. Beck with as delegates and S. M. Thompson, Arch Williams, Clyde Liske, T. J. Alford, Lucille Smith and Minnie Johnson as alternates. Roanoke Rapids No. 1 chose the following as delegates and alter nates: J. T. Chase, P. J. Hawley, F. P. Dickens, C. A. Perkinson, L. B. Edmondson, H. J. Horne, John Dixon, Jr., H. B. Speight, Dr. T. W. M. Long, F. A. Nantz, W. L. Shearin, R. T. Smith, W. S. Dean, F. S. Kemp, S. A. Newsom, B. G. Whitby, H. E. Lee, Leo Chumley, H. D. Camp, H. S. Loy, J. O. Grumpier, J. W. Harrell, J. W. Brown, B. R. Hux, Clayton Mat thews, Hubert Speight, O. B. Crumpler, Charlie Crowder, W. N. Reid, J. B. Ennis, G. W. Wheeler, J. C. Pierce, B. J. Hux, L. R. Moody, C. W. Davis, R. L. To wo, F. C. Williams, C. L. Wilson, Dr. J. W. Martin, S. A. Lipscomb, Jr., W. C. Allsbrook, J. R. Allsbrook, C. S. Dickens, W. L. Medlin, Mrs. H. G. Perkinson, Mrs. Pearl Owens, Tom Beale, G. D. Wheel er, J. L. Hutchinson, Bob Wilkin son, P. A. Cook, Bud Johnson, H. L. Bell, Bill Pace, Charlie Powell, Cecil Bright, Percy Powell, W. P. Vaughan, Jessie Lee, Paul Harris, Noah Bell, Gene Kimball, Lonnie Coppedge, Wade Hardison, J. H. Wrenn, C. G. Grant, Willie Hawk ins, Curtis Gore, Wilbur Allen, Garland Humphrey, Clarence Sim mons, Jack Story, W. L. Jones, C. C. Crickmore, Walter Moore, Will Stanley, Sam Butler, Shelley But ler, M. P. Pulley, Claud Mills, Hen ry Lassiter, W. S. Pepper, D. W. Whittington, Otis Wright, H. J. Bennett, Jim Barton, John Olm stead, Eddie Cox, Alton Speight, Arthur Hawkins, LeRoy Ether idge, Francis Starke, J. L. An Dr. W. L. DAVIS Eye Specialist Will be in Roanoke Rapids Friday & Sat urday, June 22nd and 23rd. See him about your eye sight. New Precinct Committes In Local Wards New precinct committees were elected at the precinct conven tion held here Saturday after noon, with more than 300 vot ers attending record breaking sessions at the two voting places. Roanoke Rapids No. 1 elected as their committee I)r. J. W. Martin, chairman, Frank C. Williams, W. P. Vaughan, Loftin Moody and Paul Harris. Roanoke Rapids No. 2 com mittee is now Dr. Bahnson Weathers, chairman. A. N. Mar tin, J. B. Hardy, J. K. Giles and W. .1. Norwood. drews, Jessie Pulley, Mrs. Sallie Hux, Mrs. Leo Chumley, Mrs. D. W. Whittington, Mrs. John Olm stead, Mrs. Johnnie Goodman, Mrs. M. P. Pulley, Kelly Jenkins, M. D. Collier, J. R. Wrenn, R. E. Cleaton, Jr., George N. Stanley, F. M. Coburn, George N. Tayor, J. W. Tayor, W. F. Joyner, Willie Daughtry, Howard Fay, J. M. Jackson, W. A. Thorne, C. E. Mat thews, Sam Young, Tom Batton, Mrs. W. A. Thorne, Marvin Ander ton, G. T. Morris, Paul Heyden rich, D. C. Clark, Ben Parker, Paul Harris, A. B. McAlister, Less Gar Tier, and W. P. Vaughn. Delegates from the other coun ty precincts were as follows: Butterwood — Delegate: J. R. Liles. Alternate: V. C. Matthews. Conoconnari — Delegate: J. H. Marks. Alternate: J. R. Edmond son. Enfield — Delegates: J. W. Whitaker, M. Pope, T. M. Cooper, Mrs. G. C. Howell, Mrs. Max Myer, Mrs. I. D. Wood, Dr. B. M. Nichol son, R. Hunter Pope. Alternates: C. 0. Strickland, T. E. Marshall, W. G. Holliday, S. Pierson, Cecil Matthews, L. B. Meyer, J. B. Davis and W. T Ransome Faucette — Delegates: E. W. Liles, W. L. Smith. Alternates: Henry Everett, J. M. Staton. Hollister — Delegates: T. C. Qualls, L. E. Williams. Alternates: F. M. Taylor, R. P. Harris. Halifax—Delegates: E. L. Trav is, P. C. Millikin, S. S. Norman, A. L. IIux, G. H. Dickens, J. H. Norman. Alternates: J. R. Twis dale, Joe Strickland, W. L. John son, F. B. Neville, C. E. Rives, J. A. Dickens. Kehukee—Delegates: E. C. Ruf fin, R. C. Shields. Alternates: W. L. Bailey, H. W. Jenkins. Littleton—Delegates: J. R. Wol lfctt, J. R. Kirkland. Alternates: N. W. Warren, Harry House. Palmyra—Delegate: B. B. Ever ette. Ringwood -—• Delegate: W. R. Bowers. Alternate: Hugh Bloomer. Roseneath — Delegate: T. R. Whitehead. Alternate: H. C. Bass. Scotland Neck—Delegates: A. McDowell, Wade Dickens, S. A. Dunn, H. T. Clark, N. A. Riddick, Ashby Dunn. Alternates: Mrs. E. H. Leggett, Mrs. Annie K. Travis, R. H. Allsbrook, Paul Speed, W. E. Bellamy, G. H. Johnson. Weldon—Delegates: G. C. Green, M. A. Inge, Wm. Johnston, W. T. Shaw. Alternates: N. J. Sheperd, R. W. Carter, Meade Mitchell, C. R. Daniel. AVENUE PAVING STARTED Actual construction work of re surfacing Roanoke Avenue and making it wider was started by Tunstall and Johnson, paving con tractors, of Norfolk, Va., Tuesday of this week. According to P. H. McGuire, superintendent in charge of the work here, it is thought it will require some sixty-days to complete the job. The new Avenue paving will be thirty-feet wide, in contrast to the 18-foot present slab. It will have an asphalt surface with macadam base. All of the old material pos sible will be salvaged. TSU! PS for in or out-of-State transit— ANY PLACE ANY TIME See us for favorable “per-mile” rate for any trip you may have in mind. “We Can Take Care of You.” Roanoke Transit Co. WILLIS PERKINS, Mgr. DIAL 7308 Standard Station “Downtown” Working two six-hour shifts of some ten to twelve men each, the paving firm started breaking up the old surface at the Junction Tuesday, and at quitting time Thursday afternoon had worked past the intersection of Roanoke Avenue and Twelfth Streets. At many points on the avenue the grading will be changed, particul arly around the 13th Street sec tion, where the grade will be low ered approximately two-feet. It is thought the peak employment of the contractors will reach approxi mately 70 or more men before completion of the job. A move is on hand in the South ward business section to have the paving widened so as to reach the sidewalk line on either side of the street. If thi sis done, they will build curbing and storm sewers in this section. It was pointed out that the paving contractors could do this work while in process of the work for the state, and it would be much cheaper than at a later date. W. P. Joyner is working on the proposition uptown, and is sub mitting a petition to all property owners on the Avenue. Mr. Joyner has already secured signatures representing enough footage, but a majority of the property owners will be required to sign. It is thought this will be easily obtain- , able, and at a late hour Thursday, he was within three property own ers of his goal. If this plan goes over, the pav ing would extend from curb to curb from a point 50-feet above the Southern intersection of Eleventh St. to the Northern side of the intersection of Ninth Street. Two thirds of the cost of widening the street would be paid by the prop erty owners, while it is planned that the city would stand the cost of the remaining one-third. Spend Your Week-End - at the SEASHORE $l.25R°und Trip $1.25 —TO— Norfolk - Portsmouth Tickets Sold Each FRIDAY and SATURDAY Also SUNDAY MORNING Returning Monday Seaboard Air Line Railway New Low Price Woodbury's FACIAL SOAP Cake 1 OC Box of Dozen WOODBURY’S FACIAL CREAM venTent Size's 25c & 50c WOODBURY’S COLD CREAM and FOUNDATION CREAM 25c and 50c JERGEN’S LOTION_50c Rosemary Drug Co. DIAL R-360 * Taylor’s Drug Store DIAL R-321