The ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina HALIFAX COUNTY’S LARGEST NEWSPAPER North Carolina’s Only TABloid NEWSpaper (HUAr VSS&EHg ««doou*fm> CARROLL WILSON, Owner and Editor Entered as Second Class matter April 3rd, 1914, at the post office at Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, under Act of March 3rd, 1879. PRINTING _ - EMBOSSING _ - _ ENGRAVING THE NEW CHAIRMAN In selecting Dr. John Martin of Roanoke Rapids as the County Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of Halifax County, the fifteen precinct chairmen chose as the man to head the party one who is a real Democrat. They elected a man who has worked hard for his party in every campaign since he attain ed majority and yet has never asked one favor or any official recognition from that party in return for his many years of faithful service. Dr. Martin was content to serve in the ranks and do his part and the honor bestowed upon him Monday came without solicitation on his part. That is one of the reasons we call him a real Democrat. We have heard him say very little about his political activities in the past. There has been no chest-thumping nor has he shouted his love of his party from the house-tops. Rather in his own quiet way, he has always been found work ing steadily along year after year, putting into real action and deeds what others mostly talk ed about. In Dr. Martin, the Democrats of this county will also have a leader who will be absolutely fair and impartial to friend and foe alike. He will elevate politics from the low levels and bring it into the repute which it should enjoy that government might be respected by all the citizens. To him, the power of his office will mean a symbol of service to his county rather than the whip of authority. The Democratic Party of the Banner Coun ty is to be congratulated. COME BACK HOME This week sees the exodus of many of the 65 Roanoke Rapids school teachers, those splendid citizens of Roanoke Rapids who teach and guide our children. Some of them go to visit with their parents, others go to summer school to better equip themselves for next year’s work, while a few of the more fortunate spend their vacation trav linor over the country, in itself the best of edu cation. All of them return in the Fall to again take up their work. We will miss them while they are gone. We wish them the best of rests from their arduous tasks and the happiest of vacations, so t^at wTh coding of cool weather they may return us benefitted bv the change and ready to assume their teaching with renewed vigor and Greater enthusiasm than ever. They may rest assured that no traveler and Mother’s Nightmare (cAfter going to the movies) .—- — By Albert T. Reid wanderer could receive a more cordial welcome when they come back HOME. POOR BOYS AT THE BAR Among other things which can be marked down against the last session of the General Assembly is the passage of the law which in corporated the bar of North Carolina and made it practically impossible for many deserving youths to realize their ambitions in becoming lawyers. So hedged around with special privilege is this law that only those who can afford can be active members of the bar and only those can enter the sacred precincts who are financially able to make the grade at some university. The latest information is that only those who have had at least two years of college work may take the examination. Many a deserving boy who has studied long and hard at nights after working all day will thus be deprived of the privilege of attaining or attempting to attain his life’s ambition. Right here in Roanoke Rapids we have five boys, four of whom work in the mills and one in a store, who have been studying and reading law nights for several years and who attend a night school once a week. If this ruling is made, these boys will not have the opportunity to take the examinations for which they have been studying so hard and depriving themselves of many of the pleasures and even some of the necessities of life. In a sense of fair play for those who may not have all the advantages that others possess, our suggestion to the Examining Board is that they permit any person to take the exams and make tho