Carolina’s Only TABloid NEWSpaper The Roanoke Rapids erald VOLUME TWENTY ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th„ 1934_NUMBER THIRTY-FIVE 54 Needy Families UP AND DOWN t3Ke Avenue WITH THE EDIVOR If you want to get the real old Ch istmas spirit, take a jaunt up and down the Avenue under the Christmas lights. Feast your eyes on the window displays of progressive mer - chants who have filled those windows with samples of what awaits you within th:ir stores. Thii is the Christmas season. This is buying time. This is giv ing time. In th's issue of The Herald and particularly in next week’s Big Christmas edition, you will find messages from merchants calling your attention to gifts for every members of the family and for those friends who must not be forgotten. Read these ads care fully and have your mind pretty well made up when you hit thf Avenue for that buying time. 11 will save you much time and wor ry, save you much- money and tell you where you can find just what you want. A tip from Santa: Merchants with roller skates should tell the wol-ld about it. There’s an urge for skates in Roanoke Rapids. Letters we are sending on to Santa, a few printed in this is sue, show skates most popular this season. Reason: CWA side wa'ks of which more than 8 mil es have been laid in Roanoke Rap'ds this year. Who said there wars no Santa Claus? Children desiring to write Santa Claus, we have found, like to hear their letters read to them from the newspaper, and we will hav° space for a few short letters in the Christmas edition of Dec.20 All letters received at this desk before Dqc. 18 will receive due consideration. Those received af ter that date will be sent on to Santa but cannot be printed. Get yours in early. Monday wi!l be the best time so g:t mothers and fa (Continued on back page) A Mother at 13 Mrs. Andy Ruzetka, Jr., 13, wife of a 23-year-old Ezra, 111., coal miner, is pictured above with her baby daughter. The in fant, entirely normal in every way, weighed 6 % pounds at birth. PIONEER IS AUTO VICTIM C. A. Lyerly Dies Sunday In Avenue Accident C. A. Lyerly, 56 years old, died Sunday morning from injuries re ceived when he was struck by a car on the Avenue list Friday. Funeral services were held this Tuesday afte-noon. Mr. Lyer'y came to Roanoke Rapids 24 years ago and bps been an employee of Rosemary Mfg. Co. and Patterson M.lls Co. ever since. He was struck by an automobile driven by Herman Shearin, 18, son of Hannibal Shearin, at the corner of the Avenue and 9th Street about 8 p. m. He was crossing the Avenue on his way home. The Shearin car vas traveling North on the right side of the Avenue. When the car struck him, Mr. Lyerly was (Continued on back page) CALL AND TAKE A FAMILY 54 Opportunities To Bring Christmas To Needy Ones Fifty four fami ies will depend upon the gen'fosity of others more fortunate in Roanoke Rapids to bring some Christmai cheer in to fifty four homes which have been invest'gated by Associated Charities and found worthy of as sistance. Individuals, clubs and other groups and organizations are ask ed to get in touch with Reverend J. N. Bynum at once and take one or more of these Christmas Op portunities. Mr. Bynum's telephone number- is R-5791 The Opportunities listed here by numbers are only to give an idea to those wishing to help. Full details as to names, ages, address and condition can be obtained from Mr. Bynum. Call and ask him concerning any Opportunity us - ing the number as listed below. Food, clothing, toys, fruit and candy, fixed up in a basket will mean real Christmas to these folks, wh(o otherwise, will have very little Christmas. No 1, Widow, family of five. ( Turn over ) HUNTER-LONG WEDDING HERE The wedding of Miss Maria Greenough Burgwyn Long and Mr. Prank Patterson Hunter, Jr., Lieutenant Air Corps, United States Army, was solemnized at four o’clock, Saturday afternoon, December eighth, in All Saints Episcopal Church, Roanoke Rap ids, with the Rev. Mr. Joseph Fletcher, Rector of St. Marys’ School, Raleigh, officiating. White chrysanthemums and many burn ing tapers on the altar made a beautiful setting for the wedding. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. Gaston Foote of Portsmouth, Vir ginia, gave a program of organ musci. The “Bridal Chorus” from (turn over) Mrs. ‘Babyface’ Held by U. S. Believed at large after her es cape from a gunbattle in which two federal agents died and her husband, George “Babyface" Nelson (alias Lester Gillis) re ceived his death wounds, _irs. Helen Gillis, above, 21, has been held In Chicago by federal men, It was announced recently. Fed eral authorities are seeking the man who escaped with her. TEACHERS GUESTS OF KIWANIS The 65 school teachers of Roa noke Rap'ds public schools were guests of the Kiwanis Club at the weekly meeting and supper tonight and the program of the evening was arranged and put on by the visitors. The teachers were welcomed by Billy Norwood and the response on beha f of the teachers was made by Miss Eddins. The pro gram was a radio broadcast with announcer Tommy Martin doing a regular McNamee at the "mike”. In addition to the usual announc er's line of chatter between num bers, which consisted of much ‘ragging ’ of Kiwanians, on the program was a solo by Miss Ote ia Vaughan, a reading by Miss Ruth White, singing by the sta> ton’s NitWit ssters, Misses (Continued on back page) ALSO PLAN FOR STORM SEWERS At an important special session of the City Board ®f Commissioners tonight, the s.te for the proposed munici pal building was selected and authorization was given for a loan of $10,000 in order to complete storm sewers and assure the immediate widen, ing of Roanoke Avenue in the business areas. The municipal building will be located next to the corner loca tion selected by th)e Federal gov ernment at 7th Street for the new postoff ce building. The Commis sioners authorized the purchase of most of the vacant property in that block which was not pur chased by the Federal government. In order to assure the widening of Roanoke Avenua from curb to curb in the bus. ness sections, the Board ordered a loan of $10,000 to purchase concrete and fi nance the installation of storm sowers at once. As stated in another story in this issue, the contractor is ready to begin on the street contract af ter Christmas. A committe, head ed by the Mayor, is endeavoring to get FERA aid on the storm sewer project to cut down the cost as much as poss.ble. Bids on tbe municipal build - ing should be advertised in tbq next two weeks as the money for this project has already been appropriated and approved by the government. Work shou d be un der way the first part of 1936. Later in the year, work should also start on construction of the Postoffice building. Manning-Boswood Marriage Monday; Miss Sara Louise Boswood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Boswood of Coinjock, Currituck County, N. C , and John Rivea Manning, son of Mrs. T. R. Man ning of Roanoke Rapids, were married at noon Monday, Decem ber 10th., at the Chapel, Old Fort Raleigh on Roanoke Island. The young couple are on their honeymoon and will be at home^ in Roanoke Rapids after the lat ter part of this month. Mr. Man ning is Presid nt of the National Loan and Insurance Company, and executive vice-president of the Roanoke Rapids Building & Loan Association.