UP AND DOWN Ghe Avenue WITH THE EDITOR The Young Married Ladies Class of the Christian Church will serve dinner and super in the building next to Rone's new 5c and 10c on Saturday, December J5th. The menu will be barbecue, brunswick stew, fried and baked chicken, cakes, p'es, etc and plates will be 35 cents. Rufus G. Vick has accepted a position as manager of the dairy at Chockoyolt' Gardens. Young Vick in a graduate of Roanoke Rapids High School and of N. C. State. Last year he was in the office of CWA director Hall at Halifax. Christmas seals can be pur - chased from the following ladies and they will be glad to 1st you have as many or as few as you m ght want: M sdames R. P. Beckwith,Frank Wil iams, R. L. Towe, Pendleton Grizzard, T. M. Jenkins, A. E Akers, J. N. By num, Paul Reid, Heath Lee, Frank Kemp , David Traynham, Frank Wilson, Frank Nash, C. A. Wyche, T. R, Manning, W. S. Bean, A fred Martin, A. Meikle and Miss Susan Holiiday. Mr. and M> s. Hugh Camp re turned yesterday from Lumber ton where they have been at the bedsid - of Mr. Camp’s bro ther who was injured in an auto wreck near Lumberton last week. His condition is slightly improved altho doctors fay he will recove- slowly and wi.l be in bed for several months. He will b; moved to his home in Franklin, Van a few days before Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Camp plan to return to the Lumberton hospital this week-end. Officers of the churches in Roa noke Rapids met at the Episcopal Church Tuesday night and dis cuss.d an organ zat on of the lay men of the city to do more active church work. A committee has been appointed to arrange for a city-wide meeting of all church men. Mi s Virginia Smith, music teacher at the High School, is ill with d'phtheria at the Roa nake Rapids Hospital. WANT ADS. FOR SALE—CABBAGE PLANTS CHARLESTON AND JERSEY Wakefield. Frost-proof. One mil lion ready for prompt shipment. 15c per hundred; $1.25 per thou • sand. Better price on larger quantities. G. W. Massey, Garys burg, N. C. 4-t. 12-20-pd. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 famil es. Write to day. Rawleigh, Dept. NCL - 48 SA, Richmond, Va., 4-t 12-27 FOR SALE OR RENT — L. D. JENKINS Land, 50 Acres. 2 1-2 miles from Rcanoke Rapids on Littleton road. Apply to Wm. L. Knight, Atty., Weldon, N. C. 4-t - 12-13. FOR RENT — 2 Unfurnish d rooms for llght-hcnsekeeipng. Adjoining hath. Apply: Mr. Lan ' ef Leggett’s 1-t 12 13 WANTED - 2furn shed rooms for light-housekeeping. Write CBM, Care Herald. Alston-T aylor Littleton, Dec. 13—Miss Allene Hargrove Taylor and Mr. Gideon Forte Alston were married at Saint Albans Episcopal Church Wednesday evening, December 4. The rector the Rev. B. N. de foe Wagoner performed the ring sere mony. Mrs. W. B. Coffin of Hen derson played the organ, accom panying Mrs. W. Louis Taylor of Town.sv lie}, so oLt. Ushers were R. B. Taylor of Townesville and Jul an P. Johnston of Littleton. The groomsman was Wil.is Per kins Taylor, brother of the bride. Ribbon girls were little Misses Al 'ene E. Tay or and Hattie Daniel Taylor. Miss Lula Ellen Mcrecock ■vas the only bridesmaid and Miss Ddw na Taylor, sister of the bride ' vas maid of honor. ' W. G. Alston, brother of the groom, wag best man. The bride vas given in marriage by her ather, Willis Perkins Taylor. The mlding was the; 56th anniversary rf the brld-’s maternal grandmo ther and grandfather and the 21st anniversary of her parents. The bride wore her mothers wed ling gown of ivory satin. The jride is the., attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Perkins' Taylor of near Litt eton. The gioom is the son of the late R. L. and Mrs. Willie Daniel Alston of Littleton and is a popular young salesmano f the Alston Grocery Co. After the ceremony, the young couple 1 ft for a short honeymoon after which they will be at home .'or a time with the parents of the bride. White Gift Service At Presbyterian Church Dec. 16th. The annual White Gift Christ mas Service will be held at the, Piesbyterian Church at 4:30 Sun day faternoon, Dee. 16th. The s rvice will be held with candle light, consist of a Christ mas story by the pastor, special music and program. All members will bring the.r White Gifts for distribution later among the poor. There will be no regular even ing service at the church. Next Thursday niglit will be Ladies Night at the Young Mens Civic Club. SCHEDULE EXAM FOR LOCAL POSTMASTER Application for those desiring to take the examination for Post • matter of Roanoke Rapids must bn filed before January 2nd., 1935, according to a notice ce - ceived today by Carl Chi* -chill, secretary of the Real board of Civil Service examiners. At the request of the Post - master General, the U. S. Civil Service, Commission announces a competitive examination for the off ce of Postmaster in Roanoke Rapids, a second class postoffice, paying $2,600 per year. Competitors will bn rated upon their education and training, busi ness experience and fitness. Application forms are in the lands of Mr. Churchill at the lo cal postoffice. Postmaster J. L. Vest’s term f eff ce expir.s the first of the ye,ar. He will hold over until his ■uccessor is appointed, which will probab'y not be before March, as nn the same date examinations are be ng held by the Commis sion in more than sixty 2nd class postoffices in the country and each must be passed on and checked by the Commission. CARD OF THANKS We wish to e^xpr.ss our heart - felt thanks to our many friends for their k ndness dur ng our re cent bereavement in the loss of our husband and father, C. A. Lyerly. E.pecia ly do we thank the nurs:s at the Roanoke Rapids Hospital for their kind attentions. Mrs. C. A. Lyerly and children. CHANGE PLACE OF DANCE Location of the dance this Friday night has been chang 'd from over Rosemary Fu n'.ture Co. to the Chockoyotte Country Club. Paul Jones’ orchestra will play. The dance is for the ben efit of the H. S. basketball fund. COATS - SUITS tahte HUB We’re OVERSTOCKED on Read-to-Wear — so we’re giving you After-Xmas. SALE prices on Dresses, Coats and Suits. Hi-Grade Group Ladies OXFORDS Pumps, Straps, Ties. Beautiful New Styles. Pric°d as low as $|.39 to $|.98 BATH ROBES All sizes and patterns for Men, Wom en and Children. Priced —— $1.98 Up Ladies Silk Gowns Wonderful Qual:ty Silk for only $1.94 POCKET BOOKS Wonderful line. Bought for Xmas trade —— 49c Up Smart, New SWAGGER SUITS These styles are as good as they look, and they look plenty good—■ f Q9_7 Its amazing how littb you can buy a Smart Suit for. We have them as low as — $4.97 Men's Goodyear Welt OXFORDS You’ll need a new pair for Xmas, and here’s your chance to save IJ.94 to $2’98 * Sale of Wool COATS Warm - serviceable. Amaz'ng Values $3-97 Fur-Trimmed COATS Featured in this SALE for only — $0.87 A Group of $14.95 Value Fur-Trimmed COATS Very Special for— $8-87 Men’s Broadcloth Shirts All patterns and solid 0*7 shades. Extra Values 5/ / C Men’s New Hats All shade and styles in 1 O/fl Good Qual'ty Felts for A 1 Huge Rack DRESSES Beautiful Styles for the money. Close - Out pr ce — 8J.49 J New Styles in Christmas DRESSES Beautfiul Silk Crepe Frocks. Sale Price— $2-97 * Better Group DRESSES $4.97$g.87 Men s Suits Became of immense vo'ume we do in clothing busings, we are able to give yon bigger, better va’nes. We have “snappy” and conse vative styles in Fine, All Wool Suits for men and young men - H-95 19.50 9 Men’s Silk Ties Holiday Assortment, r) ^ Hundreds of Patterns UD HANDKERCHIEFS for Men, Women and qp* Children. Xmas Boxes ^t3C Up DEPARTMENT STORE ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C