Waffles Enjoyed For Any Meal Universally Liked And May Be Served For Any of 3 Meals By MISS VIRGINIA BLOUNT Home Service Director Virginia Electric & Power Co. “Waffles” Waffles are universally liked. They may be served for breakfast, lunch or supper. Because of the endless number of variation that can be made in the waffle recipe to make it a meal within itself, they may be served more frequently. They are easy to prepare and in expensive according to the rich ness of materials used to add va riety. Try these recipes on those new electric waffle irons that were received Christmas. When using an electric waffle iron follow the directions which come with that particular iron. However, if you have no directions a new waffle iron should be heat ed, then greased thoroughly before using. After that it is not neces sary to grease it again. If there is no indicator on the Siron, preheat for 5 or 6 minutes and bake the waffles 2 to 3 minu tes. Clean the grids with a dry brush, never immerse in water, and wipe with a clean cloth. A tablespoon of batter to each section is ail that is necessary. Waffles should be eaten as soon as baked; but if they must be kept hot, lay each waffle separate ly on the open grating of the oven shelf. Never pile them on top of each other. Waffles 1 1-2 c. flour, 1 c. milk, 2 eggs, 2 T. Baking powder, 2-3 t. salt, 2 T. melted butter. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder, Add the yolks of eggs and half the milk. Mix until smooth, add the remaining milk gradually. Stir in melted butter gradually, and, last of all, fold in the stiffly beaten egg white. Bake at once. Virginia Waffles 2-3 c. cornmeal (white) 2 1-2 c. boiling water, 2 eggs, 2-3 t. sugar, 2 T. butter, 1 1-2 c. flour, 1-2 t. salt, 3 t. baking powder, 1 1-2 c. milk, Cook together the cornmeal, wa ter and salt for twenty minutes as for mush; add the sugar and but Mark Twain Memorial The Mark Twain Memorial lighthouse, erected on Cardiff Hill overlooking the Mississippi river at Hannibal. Mo., will be lighted for the first time on Jan. 15. when President Roose velt presses a button in the White House, opening celebra tion of the centennial of the famed author ter and cool. Meantime sift the flour, salt and baking powder, add the yolks of eggs and milk gra dually, betaing until smooth. Blend the two mixtures, fold in the stiff ly beaten egg whites and bake. Cream Waffles for Electric Waffle Iron 2 c. flour, 1 1-2 t. baking powder, 1-4 c. melted butter, 4 eggs, 1 c. milk, 1 c. thick cream, 1-2 t. salt, Mfx and sift dry ingredients. Beat yolks and add milk and cream Add gradually to dry ingredients. Beat until smooth. Add melted but butter and mold in stiffly beat en egg whites. Bake 4 tablespoons Today’s Offer To All Who Have Stomach Distress Money Back if One Bottle of Dare’s Mentha-Pepsin Doesn’t Do You More Good Than Anything You Ever Used. Get a bottle of this grand stom ach medicine today with the dis tinct understanding that your mon ey will be promptly returned if it does not stop the most acute stom ach distress quicker than anything you ever used. Your stomach may be so dis tended with gas that you think every minute your heart will stop beating, yet with one tablespoon ful of Dare’g Mentha-Pepsin that dreadful feeling of suffication will vanish in a few minutes. With the same speed it stops gas, belching and heartburn. It’s a wonderful formula—this combination of Pepsin wfitth other good stomach invigorators — so wonderful that in one small town in New Jersey over 6,000 bottles were sold. Every regular druggist guaran tees one bottle of Dare’s Mentha Pepsin. Rosemary Drug Co. sells dozens of it. batter for each waffle. Pound Cake Waffles 3-4 c. butter, 1 c. sugar, 4 eggs, 1-4 c. milk, 1 1-3 c. flour, 1-2 t. salt, 2 Teas, baking powder, 1 t. lemon or vanilla flavoring. Beat the butter and sugar ±o a cream; add the well beaten yolks of eggs, milk, then the flour, salt and baking powder sifted togeth er. Add flavoring then fold in whites beaten to a stiff froth and cook as ordinary waffles. Variations: To any of these plain waffle re cipes any one or a combination of these may be added. 6 T. cocoa, 1- 2 t. cinnamon, 2- 3 c. stoned chopped dates, 1 c. blueberries, blackberries, 1 c. chopped nuts, 1 c. bran, 1- 4 t. nutmeg 2- 3 c. sweet potato. HALIFAX (To late last week) Miss Sue Millikin has returned from a visit to friends in Geor gia. Miss Dot Campbell has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Campbell for a few days. George Austin Hux left the first of the week for the University of N. C. Baptist Ladies Aid The Baptist Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Coleman Best on Tuesday. Af ter the devotional and a business session a social hour was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The County Commissioners have ordered that no children will be allowed to play or skate in the Court House yard in the future. Mr. Mattox, head of the relief employment of the state was here on business Monday. The office for the three counties of Hertford, Northampton and Halifax was o pened in the “'Green” building in Weldon this week. Different em ployees from the 3 county offices have been transferred to Weldon with additional ones added. New ton Shepherd of Weldon is head of the office. Davis and Meacham the two farm demonstrations agents of this Co. are attending the Extension Con FEEL HIED, ACIY “ALL WOII OIT?” CM Rid of Poisons That Make Yon HI TO • wwmfjmt backache keeping *joa mlaerahlet Do yon suffer burning. scanty or too frequent ■rfnattau attacks of iHhItimh rheumatic pains, swollen feet and lankl—T Do you feel tired, nervous p—all unstrung! Then give soma thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function property, for functional kidney dis order permits poisons to stay in the blood and upset the whole sys 1 Use Doaafa Ptft*. Doan’s are for fhe kidneys only. They help thf kidneys cleanse the blood of health destroying poisonous waste. Doan’ MBs an used and recommended the world over. Qet them from any {druggist. DOAN’S PILLS ference at State College at Ra - leigh. C. F. Moseley of the F. C. A. of fice spent the week end with his family at Warrenton. Little Bobby Ewing is improv ing at his grand-parents, Capt and Mrs. R. B. Ewing at the State Farm. The little fellow was terri bly burned on Christmas Day by on open fire and had 9 convulsions in one night. Methodist Quarterly Conference Sunday Rev. W. C. Martin, presiding el der, will preach at First Methodist Church next Sunday morning, Jan. 20th., at 11:00 o’clock. The public is invited to hear htlm. Immediate ly following the sermon the first quarterly conference will be held. The pastor asks that all the offi cials be present. COFFEE • SPECIAL LOW PRICE THIS WEEK Eight o’clock Mild & Mellow lb. 19' Red Circle Rich & Foil Bodied lb. 21' BOKAR VIGOROUS and WINEY lb. 25' olive Soap3cks. 14c Mello Wheat Pfe 15c FULL PACK TOMATOES 4"29 PEA BEANS 415c IONA YELLOW CLING PEACHES 2 Lee-tMs 29c String BEAMS 2 "'•2CaiB 15c Olympia PEAS 4 "*•2 tMS 25C I Super Suds, Pkg.9c Oct. Soap, 4 Lge. Cks. 19c 11 ■" 1 ■ ' " I 4* ■ ■ Gelatin Dessert m "V 1 Sparkle ^0,°^ 4 **■ 17« LIBBY’S SAUER KRAUT 2 "»-2ca,s 15c ARMOUR’S PRODUCTS Corned BEEF 2 29* VIENNA SAUSAGE 2 - 15c Potted Meat, 2 Vi Cans . 7c BANNER BRAND Sausage, No. 1 Can .10c i Tripe, No. 1 Can ... 10c LUNCH Tongue, */i Can .... 23c LETTUCE 2 Head* 15c BANANAS 3 lb»- 14c HAMS Cured - Per lb- 21c PORK SHOULDER B»171/2C BEEF ROAST lb 15c PORK SAUSAGE lb. 171/2C OYSTERS Ql 39c BEEF STEW lb 10c _