NEW ISSUE RISES IN TEXTILE STRIKE Question of Workers’ Right To Strike Without Losing Job Before Board Washington, Jan. 15.—The nak ed question of whether Section 7A of the National Industrial Recov - ery Act gives to cotton mill work ers the right to strike without los ing their jobs or being evict ed from their homes came before the Textile Labor Relations Board today iin the discrimination case involving the Ninety-Six cot ton mill, at Ninety-Six, S. C. Spokesmen for the management of the mill, which is headed by J. C. Self, of Greenwood, very frankly told the board that strike breakers were hired to take the place of those who went on strike, and the irifll did not shut down; and they did not propose to dis charge workers who kept the wheels of commerce turning in or der to rehire employees who left their jobs voluntarily. Union’s Case John Peel, vice-president of the United Textile Workers union, which filed the petition against the South Carolina mill, summed up his case by stating that 142 men out of 158 who came out on a strike have not been rehired, that President Roosevelts executiye or der when the strike was settled has been flaunted, and the textile code of fair competition and Sec tion 7A of the Recovery Act vio lated. Judge Walter P. Stacy, chairman of the board, clearly stated the point at issue when he interrupted the hearing and said: “Does not this case come right down to one point? Approximately 142 men went out on strike. Their places were fille dand they have not been taken back because there is no place for them. They say they have been discriminated a - gainst. You (the employers) say they have not.” M.G . McDonald, Greenwood at torney who represented the Self mill at the hearing .agreed abso lutely with the statement made by Judge Stacy. Simple Question A number of witnesses were put on the stand by both sides, but they offered no important testi mony. The mill management ad mitted the men had not been put back to work and the whole ques tion placed before the board for decision was whether or not Sec tion 7A and the textile code give to employees a right to strike and retain their jobs. Judge Stacy asked McDonald this question: “If employees lost their positions when they strike, would not this restrain them in their right to engage in concerted action for their own mutual bene fit?” McDonald argued that tms provi sion had no connection with the question of the r ight to strike. He went further and said that the code and Section 7A did not apply to the 142 employes because when they quit their jobs, they ceased to be employes and the provisions -*f the code did not apply to them. “I take it,” Judge Stacy said, “that you contend an unsuccessful strike at Ninety-Six is not to be construed as a successful strike. “Exactly,” McDonald replied. "There is a vast difference.” The attorney said if there is such a thing as an equity in a job that those now employed have a higher equity than the 142 who went out on strike. He said the evil done in discharging those now at work | would be far greater than the good to be gained by rehiring the strik ers. The argument made by McDon ald was unlike any yet heard by the textile board. Entirely new questions have been raised and the board’s decision, which is expected within the next two weeks is awa't ed here with interest. Francis Gorman, first vice-presi dent ofthe United Textile Workers, was present at the hearing, but left the presentation of the case entirely to Peel. Sitting within a few feet of Gorman was Self and other officials of the rriill. During the noon recess Gorman said he had never seen such a fla grant violation of the law, and de clared the defense put up by the mill management was so weak that it “made him sick.”—(News & Observer). WANT ADS. FOR SALE—Complete Lunch rtoom stock and fixtures and store for rent. Located at Junction. See Quick Lunch Cafe —R. Junction. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Write to day. Rawleigh, Dept. NCA-182 SA, Richmond, Va. 5-t 1-31-Pd. FOR SALE—1 ELECTRIC PUMP and 500-gallon tank cheap. Dial R-712-1. 2-t 1-17 WILL PAY CASH FOR A USED Ford, Chevrolet or other make car. J. H. Baucon, Littleton, N. C. 4-t 1-31; tf SMALL FAMILY DESIRES TO rent 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms. If you have rooms to rent call R-326. 1-t 1-17 pd. MEN OF GOOD CHARACTER desiring Government Civil Ser - vice positions, $105—$175 month, qualify at once. For personal in terview write, stating age, to Federal Service Training Bureau Inc., Box 158, Care this paper. 1-t 1-17 FOR SALE — 50 WHITE LEG HORN Hens; Laying. 75c each. E. F. Jenkins. 902 Vance. 1-t NP. Chockoyotte Garden’s Grade A Dairy Federal Accredited Herd Jersey-Guernsey Milk 15c Qt. Phone R-436-1 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 25 CENTS AT TAYLOR’S DRUG STORE Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Present this Coupon and 75c and receive one full size $1.00 bottle of California Stomach Tablets Receommended for ULCERATED STOMACH, DYS PEPSIA, HEARTBURN, ACID DYSPEPSIA, GASSINESS and INDIGESTION. Taylor’s Drug Store O. GRIFFIN, Mgr. Scotland Neck Merchants Oppose Keeping Sales Tax Scotland Neck, N. C. January 16, 1935 The Roanoke RapMs Herald Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Gentlemen: In a meeting of the Scotland Neck Merchants Association held on January 9, 1935, the following resolutions were unanimously a - dopted, and the secretary was in structed to send you a copy of same. “WHEREAS, the three per cent sales tax, enacted by the 1933 State Legislature, was enacted as an emergency measure only for the two year period, and whereas con ditions have greatly improved in North Carolina during the past bi ennium, therefore; “BE IT RESOLVED; First — That we petition the 1935 Legisla ture not to re-enact thils obnoxious sales tax which is a direct tax on poverty in favor of the more pros perous corporations and landlords of the State. We feel that a tax imposed on the people of the State should be in proportion to their a bility to pay, and we further rea lize that when we tax the poor and ignorant class of people we are imposing an unjust burden wholly unworthy of the State of North Carolina. “Second—That our Senator and Representatives be instructed to use their influence and ability to have this tax eliminated at this session of theLegislautre, realiz ing that there are ample sources that can be tapped to obtain the necessary revenue to run the schools and defray the general ex penses of the Government. “Third—That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each of our members of the 1935 Legislature, a copy to the Scotland Neck Com monwealth and other papers of the County, and a copy be spread upon the minutes of the Associa tion.” \VHh kindest regards, w; are, Yours very truly, SCOTLAND NECK MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION. Lila Allsbrook. Secretary. Lost 20 Lbs. of FAT In Just 4 Weeks A St. Louis, Mo., lady wrote: •‘I’m only 28 yrs. old and weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I also have more energy and furthermore I’ve never had a hungry moment.” Fat folks should take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every morn ing before breakfast — a quarter pound jar lasts 4 weeks—you can get Kruschen at Rosemary Drug Co., or any drug store in America. If not joyfully satisfied after the first bottle—money beak. New Harvard Coach CAM’SSIDOE . . . Harvard foot ball is at last in capable hands. Richard C. (Dick) Harlow, (above), takes immediate command as coach. Harlow coached at Penn State, Col gate and Western Maryland. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our friends and neigh - bors who came to our rescue ast Friday morning and helped us save our home. Especially do we thank Jack Women and the school girls and boys on his Bus for prov ing tardy works to fight fire for us. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Rogers an4 Boys A CALL TO ARMS! Crime—America’s danger and disgrace—3 full pages of actual photographs of this great men ace that tH'eatens our national life. Every Sunday in the BAL TIMORE AMERICAN. Buy yuor copy from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy. PENDER’S “The Better Chain Stores” PICNIC HAMS Per Pound CHUCK ROAST If., LOBE ROAST I V% jr RIB ROAST I SAUSAGE Smithfieid-ib. 23c PORK LIVER ini BOLOGNA I /;Cib. HAMBURGER ***2 SLICED BACON lb 27c pork & BEANS 3 Cans 13c LANES SWEET GHERKINS PICKLES " 19c CALIFORNIA Sliced or Halves PEACHES 3 Large Cans for PEAS June — No. 2 Can 9c GRAPE NUTS Pk* 17c CORN Golden Bantam 2 Can* 25c MACARONI 3 Packages 13c JERGENS SOAP 3 Cakes 12c D, P. SOAPggPgg 10c Cleanser Sunbrite 3 can8 13c SCOT TISSUE 2 Rolh 15c