TOWN TALK Miss Lizzie Cole returned to hei home in Bracey, Va. Sunday aftei visiting Mrs. Martin Case. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Moore left Monday to make their home in ■Roxboro. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Griffin and Son, Carson of Rocky Mount were the guests of Mrs. Nettie Morris Sunday. IN MEMORIAN -o In memory of my father, Her bert Britton, who was a world war veteran and who died on Feb. 26th. Daddy dear, how we miss you miss you more than we can tell but we pray to bear the burden for Jesus, doeth all things well. And our hearts are ever aching, but we try to smile each day, And our thoughts are with you ever, You, whom God, has called away. Farewell Daddy, may your slumber be as gentle as your love. And when God shall call us home ward, May we meet in Heaven above. His eldest son, F. H. Britton. -o CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Sunday Service _ 11 A. M. Wednesday-- __8 P. M. Reading Room open every Tues day and Friday from 10 to 12. The public is cordially invited to attend our Services and visit the( Reading Room. Subject Sunday: “Substance”. Womans Club House Jackson Street. __n NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Procurement Division, Public Works Branch, Washington, D. C., Feb. 28, 1935. Sealed bids, in duplicate, will be publicly opened in this office at 1 p. m., March 28, 1935, for furn ishing all labor and materials and performing all work for the con struction of the U. S. P. O. at Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Attention is directed to the Executive Or der No. 6646, dated March 14, 1934, and the special conditions of Bidd ing set forth in the specification Drawings and specifications, not exceeding 3 sets, may be obtained at this office in the discretion of the Assistant Director of Procure ment, Public works Branch, by any general contractor, and provided a deposit of $15 is made for each set to assure its prompt return. One set will be furnished builders’ ex changes, chambers of commerce or other organizations who will guar antee to make them available for any sub-contractor or material firm interested, and to quantity surveyors, provided a deposit of $15 is made to assure its prompt return. Checks offered as deposits must be made payable to the ord er of the Treasurer, U. S. Cash deposits will not be accepted. W E. Reynolds, Assistant Director ol Procurement, Public Works Branch 2-t-3-14. look CARDUI During The Change of Life Csrdui is purely vegetable, harm less, for women of all age&—Many women who have used it advise their daughters and friends to try It. . “I took Cardui for weakness during the change of life," writes Mrs. Clara C. Allen, of Enfield, 111. “It helped me and built up my strength ■» also gave it to my two daughter a and they were helped. I think Cardui is a good medicine during the change and for girls.” Thousands of women testify Cardui Dencflted them. If It doee not benefit YOU, consult > physician. 3 Food Pages j- Read Them All ttind War/ Pleads Steel Head IWIJMIIHBMWWBMMMBH Even though World War years brought him bonuses amounting to more than $3.000,000. Eu gene Grace, above, president of the Bethlehem Steel Corpora tion, voiced his belief before the Senate Munitions Investigating Committee that war is unneces sary, and pledged his support Jo any move to keep the United States out of strife. Y. W. A. MEETING The Y. W. A. held its regular monthly meeting Monday night March 11th with Mrs. Harrison Giles at the home of Mrs. D. I Kidd. The topic of the program was Christian Education” and ‘'Home Missions” with Misses Hilda and Catherine Hines and Nellie Mae Jernigan taking part. After business was discussed, the hostess served ice cream and cake Those present were: Misses Beulah Kidd, Alice Kidd, Edythe Wright. 1 Bennie Allsbrook, Dorothy Rice Josephine Parris, Hilda Hines Ndlie Mae Jernigan, Frances Hines, Myrthe Lipscomb, Catherine Hines, Ophelia Daniel nad Mes dames L. W. Clements, Charles Ogletree, Harrison Giles. -o Misses Helen Vann, Hazel Rook spent the week-end with friends in Skippers, Va. Fahey and Daughtrey Plumbing Contractor* State License No. 283 INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIR WORK Estimates Cheerfully Furnished New Kidneys If you could trade your neglected, tired and lazy Kidneys for new ones, you would auto matically get rid of Night Rising, Nervousness, Dizziness, Rheumatism, Burning, Itching and Acidity, To correct functional kidney disorders, try the guaranteed Doctor's special prescrip tion called CYSTEX (Siss-tex). Must fix yon up in 8 days or money back. Ai ail Druggists. “I HAVEN’T HAD A COLD IN FIVE YEARS” “In the old days I used to dread the coming of Winter. I was always fighting colds—feeling about half alive—trying to work with my body aching and every nerve on edge.' “Then a friend told, me about McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets with their marvelous vitamins A and D. I started to take them five years ago and I haven’t had a cold since that time. “McCoy’s tablets put new life in folks; build up resistance so anyone can laugh at cold germs. They make weak, skinny people strong, steady-nerved and vigorous. They’re wonderfull” Get the renulne McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets from your druggist today. Don’t monev on imitation* Ask Miss Hines Entertains -o Miss Catherine Hines entertain ed a Killarney bridge party, at her home on Jackson street, Sat urday evening. The party honored Miss Olivia Rooke who is leaving for Beaufort where she will con tinue her work with the Red Cross. Six tables were arranged in the living and dining rooms. Jonquils and white stock were used profuse ly as decorations. Handmade St. Patrick tallies were used to seat the guests. When scores were col lected, Mrs. Lester Edmondson was given a “Pirate Gold’’ Minstrel ticket for high, Mrs. Allie Wood, Ting Tots, for second, Mrs. Geo Smith a compact for low and Miss Rooke, Yardley’s Bath powder. The hostess assisted by Misses Frances and Hilda Hines and Viola Collier served a St. Patrick’s ice course, green and white gingham covers were used on the tables. Lighted Green cathedral candles cast a soft glow over the pretty scene. Those present were Misses Olivia Rook, Joe Carty, Margie Collier, Margie and Evenlyn Cald well Alene Charles, Ruth Dean, Ada Edwards, Virginia Smith Ruth White, Martha Spivey, Myrtle Lipscombe, Edna Wafford. Bernice Hitchens, Mesdames, Alin Wood, Gene Wilson, E. B. Crutch field, W. G. Collier James Parker Geo. Smith, Lester Edmondson, Clyde Liske Al. George and Ivey Mohoin. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allsbrook spent Tuesday in Richmond, Va s1 June, 21, Celebrates March 17 A 21-year-old American 'colleen.' stage comedienne June O Dea, appears in this novel guise in honor of St Patrick's Day. when Irisb Americans everywhere pay tribute to the Emerald Isle’s patron saint., CARD OF THANKS We wish in this way to express to our neighbors and friends our heart felt thanks for the many kind deeds and words of comfort] during the illness and death of our loved one, J. C. Jenkins. The doctors and nurses were untiring in their efforts. The family 5 - Pound Bucket SYSTEM 33c IRISH POTATOES 10 lbs. 16c 100-lb Bag $1.25 OLEO “Cheaper than Butter’” 2 lbs. 35c COFFEE Ground ^ 15C MUSTARD Qt-Jars. i4c MOLASSES 20c PRESERVES r~ 35c FLOUR 24 lbs. 95c 12 lbs. 50c L ARMOUR’S CORN BEEF 2 Cans 29c CAKE FLOUR Swan’s Down - Per Pkg. 29c SWEET POTATOES 101bs 25c Bushel $U Post’s' Toasties - Corn Flakes 2 for 15c All-Meat BEEF ROAST lb. 20c CRAX lb B°* 24c FISH 4 lbs 25c AMONIA 2 ,1. 25c OYSTERS Qts 39c “M” SYSTEM &g^t M. D. COLLIER, Mgr. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C.