TOWN TALK Mrs. J. W. Ross and son who have been guest of friends here for several weeks have returned to their home n Gordonsvlle, Va. Mr. Ross motored down for the week end and they accompanied him on his return. Mrs. T. M. Jenkins spent Tues day in Halifax. Mrs. Early Maddry of SeaBoard, spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. John Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and children Jean, Stewart of Rich mond spent the week-end with his sister Mrs. G L. Jernigan. -u MARK R. VICK -0 Keenly realizing the loss of Mark R. Vick, the Vestry and Layman’s League of All Saints’ Episcopal Chrch of Roanoke Rapids, North j Carolina, wish to record their ap-! preciation of his fine example and t-'.e inspiration he was to those with whom he came in contact. I On February 19, 1935, after a short illness of pneumonia, All Saints’ Episcopal Church of Roan-1 oke Rapids, North Carolina lost one of its most active, loyal and enthusiastic members. The burial was conducted from All Saints’ Church, the entire Vestry acting as pallbearers. Interment was in Roanoke Rapids Cemetery. Mr. Vick was a member of the' congregation of All Saints’ for many years. Following an illness of about five years ago, recovery from which he attributed to pray er, he became an active and enthu siastic church worker. He was a member of the Vestry for the past several years and a member of the Laymen’s League since its or ganization two years ago. He was a man of splendid rep utation and character, known for his genuine sincerity and ever mindful of others. In his relation with all of his fellowmen he was kind, considerate, patient and tol erant of their opinions and con victions. It is requested that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Vestry and the Layman’s League and that a copy be sent to the family. Committee of the Vestry and Layman’s League of All Saints' Episcopal Church of Roanoke Rap ids, North Carolina. J. N. Bynum, Rector. T. W. Mul len, W. S. Benton. W. M. V. SOCIETY -o The Womans’ Missionary Society of the Rosemary Baptist Church held their regular monthly meet ing on Tuesday afternoon. The topic was, “Lifting the Banner Through our Christian Colleges.” The Home Mission week of Prayer services were held during last week. The theme of these srevices was “Revival Fires.” All the Jr. or ganizations and the Y. W. A.’s took part in the services. -o 666 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used inter nally and 666 Salve externally make a complete and effective treatment for Colds. 13 Food Pages - Read Them All Ruth Tells the World’ He’s Happy Answer to the question that has disturbed baseball fans for months, "What’ll happen to Babe Ruth?" came with the Bambino’s appointment as vice president and assistant manager of the Boston : Braves in the National League. Ruth Is shown above, with Judge Emil Fuchs, owner of the Braves, as the former home run king phoned friends of his new Job before leaving for Boston, where he played years ago. Ruth’s departure from New York ended 15 years' service with the Yanks. Sam Peace Speaker At Woman’s Club The Woman's Club met last week at the Woman’s Club building- at their regular March' meeting. There were thirty present. Mrs. Alfred Thorne presided. There were several important business matters discussed during meeting. Plans for a fashion show in May in cooperation with the merchants was discussed and some definite plans and committees were ap pointed. The program for the afternoon was directed by Literature and Fine Arts Department. The speak er for the afternoon Mr. Sam E'cace, gave a very instructive talk :>n “The value of Intangibles;” he stressed the importance of litera ture wisely selected, and also bene fits derived from the finer arts, His talk was much appreciated and enjoyed. Miss Otelia Vaughan delighted all present with several vocal se lections, acompanied by Miss Evangeline Pendleton. The libr ary chairman announced that one of the book a monfh clubs had closed and the lbrary would soon have fifteen new books from this club. -o Miss Lillian Bell Jenkins spent Saturday in Raleigh. Matthew’s Week-End | Antiseptic Mouth Wash J PINTS OQp I QUARTS (75c Val.) OOC|(S1.25 Val) Hand Lotion (60c Valve) 29c Admiracion Soapless Shampoo 39c (Sells regularly for 50c) —: Special Combination Williams Shaving Cream and — Lotion. Regular 75c Value for OUC 100 Aspirin (Reg. 50c) 39c Full Pint Rubbing ALCOHOL Regular 50c Value for— Full Pint Vanilla EXTRACT $1.50 Value 88c KLEENEX 19c 75c 5-lb. Pkg. ^ Epsom Salt 39c_ 9 Witch Hazel jS-Jl I Pints 38c $1.50 Fountain Syringes QQ _ and Water Bottles— Matthews Drug Company DIAL R-361 DIAL R-361 Study Club Studies Men Against Death -O The Study Club was entertained last week by Mrs. R. P. Beckwith and thirteen members answered roll call. During the business meeting several very important matters came before the club. In another place in the paper was a resolu tion passed by the club in regard to the educational bill pending, the club endorsing this bill and urging it’s passage. The subject for study for the afternoon was “Adventures with test tubes and tigers” Mrs. C. A. Wyche gave a splendid paper on “Men against death” The second paper “Tiger Men” was given by Mrs. Frank Nash and much en joyed. Those responding when the roll was called were: Mesdames J. N. Bynum, Pendleton Grizzard, T. R. Manning, A. N. Martin, Frank, Nash, R. L. Towe, David Traynham, Frank Williams. Frank Wilson, C. A. Wyche, Paul Reid and Heath Lee. -n Mrs. B. H.n Griffin of Boykin, Va. was the guest last week of her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Blovoe. PENDER’S “The Better Chain Stores” CHUCKROAST « LOBE ROAST I /£ PICNIC HAM 1 i lb. FRYERS Dressed-lb 35c PORK CHOPS O0r bTck HAMS / sides as- *wlb. SEA FOOD MARKET Clams, Shrimp, Crab Meat, Deviled Crabs, Fish and Oyster—at LOWEST PRICES Anglo Brand CORNED BEEF Cans 27C White House APPLE JELLY Jars 15C MARGARINE " pIT 29c MUSTARD QtJars- 10c NAVY BEANS 4 lbs- TTc COOKIES ~'IL 25c MACKEREL 2Ca"s 15c SALTINES lbB°* 15c PAR-T-JEL 4 pkgs 17C PALMOLIVE ^ Cakes 13c OCTAGON 4L*- Bar‘ 17c SUNBRITE 3Can* 13c