THE ROANOKE RAPIDS Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina THE LARGEST NEWSPAPER IN HALIFAX COUNTY Member North Carolina Press Association CARROLL WILSON, Owner and Editor_ Entered as Second Class matter April 3rd, 1914, at the post office at Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, under Act of March 3rd, 1879. ADVERTISING - PRINTING - EMBOSSING 3 WEEKS WITHOUT THE CODE The Cotton Textile Industry Monday entered its third week since the Supreme Court NRA dcision with practically industry-wide support for maintenance of Code provisions. As a matter of fact, the Cotton-Textile Insti tute’s survey of the industry disclosed that only two mills - one of them the Chicopee Manufacturing Company, a Johnson and John son Company unit, at Gainesville, Georgia - representing a total of 71,000 spindles or slightly more than 2-1 0 of 1 per cent of the 31,000,000 spindles in the entire industry, are operating on changed schedules. The determination of the industry generally to hold to Code standards, pending develop ment of some new program, was stimulated Monday when the Boger and Crawford Com pany’s mill at Lincolnton, N. C., with 37,000 spindles, returned to Code wage and hour schedules after having operated on a revised basis last week. Definite evidence of the attitude prevailing throughout the industry was the strong stand against any change in the conduct of the cotton textile business taken by southern manufactur ers at Friday’s meeting of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association at Charlotte, North CJarolina. The textile industry is to be congratulated on taking the firm stand it has and should be en couraged by the public and the buyers. It has shown itself willing to play ball according to fair rules of the game. The buyers and merchants can assist by liv ing up to the same rules and doing business only with reputable concerns who are volun tarily keeping the codes. The public can assist by helping to maintain prices of textile products and by demanding American-made textiles in preference to the cheap-labor goods of other countries. The two types which must be run out of existence are the chiseling manufacturer who will slip around the corner and cut prices, thus forcing the market and wages downward, and the citizen who will beat down prices just for the personal satisfaction of driving a hard bar gain. There is^a fair price for everything and that price should be maintained in justice to all con cerned. PROOF BY FIGURES Figures and statistics wholesale will be shoved at the voters by both sides in the cam If The Flag Could Talk -by A. B. Chapin / / / If every I CITIZEN - paign on whether or not Halifax County shall have a control system similar to the Virginia A.B.C. system. Most any point may be proved to the user’s satisfaction by figures. Popular with those wishing to leave things as they are, are figures showing increase in arrests for drunken driving in Virginia since inaugura tion of the new system, now one year old. This does not mean, as some would try to prove, that there is an increase in the number of drunken drivers. It does mean that there is an increase in the demand of the public for stricter enforcement and an increase in the vigilance and efficiency of the law enforcement officers. Under prohibition, we had little of either. Under sensible control, it is ourlionest opinion that Halifax County, like Virginia, would de mand and get and could be able to afford better enforcement. Arrests for liquor law violations might in crease for a time in Halifax County. That would tend to prove a popular public demand for punishment of those who interfered with the rights of others by breaking rules agreed upon by the majority. We predict that a reasonable trial period will show a steady decrease in the number of ar rests just as soon as the hoggish minority finds out that the public and public officials mean business. NEW HOMES FOR OUR CITY Building of homes is taking a decided spurt in Roanoke Rapids and filling a long-felt need here. There are a half dozen new homes under construction or contemplated, with others plan ning to start building some time during the Summer. I There can be no better proof of the steady growth of Roanoke Rapids than this present building program and it is a most encouraging indication of the future possibilities of our city. 'AWVWIANWMWIWWWW ZOLLICOFFER —And — ALLSBROOK Attorneys at Law IMPERIAL THEATRE BLDG. Dial R-324 Roanoke Rapids, N C, Typewriter Repaired We make your typewriter work like New. Ribbon and Parts in stock. Guaranteed service. Typewriter Service Co, WELDON, N. C. Lynwood J. Judkins, Prop. Fahey and Daughtrey Plumbing Contractors State License No. 283 INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIR WORK Estimates Cheerfully Furnished FREE Moth Proof Sealed Bags, with your Overcoats or Ladies Coats and W i n t e r Dresses Good to JUNE 10 ONLY. TICKE L DRY CLEANERS 115 West Tenth St. DIAL R-528-1 WWWWYWWYWWWVWVW RHEUMATISM RELIEVE PAIN IN • MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain cf Tt’-ouma. Warn, Neuritis, Neuralgia or Lumbago, in | minute., get the Doctor’. Prescription NURITO. Abeolutely safe. No opiates, no narcotics. Doc. the work quickly — and moat relieve yoor pain in nine minutes at money back at Druggiata. Don’t auSnr. Use NURITO today.