COUNTY NEWS IN HALIFAX AND NORTHAMPTON Halifax, Weldon, Littleton, Enfield, Darlington, Aurelian Springs, Hawkins Chapel, Ebenezer, Thelma, Gaston, Garysburg, Pleasant Hill, Hardrawee, Hollister,Ringwood Darlington Club Plans Club House Selection of Commercial Rugs was the Major Project studied under the leadership of Mrs. Hazel Wheeler, Home Demonstration A gent, at the regular monthly meet ing of the Darlington Woman’s Club held at Darlington' Wednes day afternoon, Feb. 17. The meeting was called to order by the president and "Invocation” sung by all. Minutes of the Jan uary meeting were read by the Secretary, followed by the Treas urer’s report. The regular business was in order and under New Bus iness a discussion concerning the building of a club house followed the announcement of Mrs. Ed Dickens that her husband, E. W. Dickens, Sr. would give to the club a plot of land on which to build a club house. A “Club House” com mittee including Mesdames E. C. Dickens, E. W. Dickens Jr. and Frank Warren was appointed to plan ways and means of increasing the Club Treasury. Although hav ing to begin at the very beginning our aim is to have a club house, all our own, by next winter. “There are six points to remem ber in cleaning a rug,” Mrs. Wheel er said. 1. Purpose of fugs in general. 2. Purpose of the particular rug one plans to buy. 3. Place the rug is to be used. 4. The wear it will probably get. 5. Suitability of Design and Col or as a background for furnishings. 6. Durability and ease of clean ing. Each point was discussed fully a long with pictures of types and uses of the different rugs. Also, “Look For Quality,” added Mrs. Wheeler, “when buying a rug.” Mrs. E. W. Dickens Sr. gave an interesting paper on the care of milk and butter making during the winter months. Mrs. Frank Warren, Recreation Leader, led in a contest during the social period, testing our know ledge of some of the more simple things of our day. At the close of the contest sandwiches and hot coffee were served by the hostesses, Mrs. E. W. Dickens Sr. and Mrs. E. W. Dickens Jr. Note: In giving the list of lead ers in the report to the Herald of the January meeting, Mrs. Ra leigh Warren, Clothing leader, was omitted. This was an oversight and we wish to make the necessary correction this month. U. D. C. Meeting Held In Enfield The Enfield Frank M. Parker Chapter, U. D. C., held its Febru ary meeting in the home of Mrs. G. C. Howell on Thursday after noon with 23 members and three visitors present. Mrs. Egbert Barn hill presided. Mrs. I. D. Wood read the twenty-third Psalm followed with prayer by Mrs. Frank Branch. After the business was transacted and report heard, following the Di vision President, Mrs. John H. An derson’s slogan “Know the U.D.C.” Miss Katie Riddick explained how the dollar taxes given by each member and sent to the State Treasurer is used, and other i tems. The Chapter President is quite anxious that all dues be paid in full by March 1, as she wants to go to the District Meeting at Harrellsville, N. C. on March 12, with an A-l report—all dues and all obligations met for the year. In commemorating the birthday of Sidney Lanier Feb. 3rd, Mrs. M. E. Herman read a poem by him entitled “My Springs” before which she made a few remarks on his life. Miss Sudie Fitzpatrick read a EBENEZER Rev. Wade Johnson and daugh ter, Edna Dale, and Mrs. A. E. Crawley were the dinner guests of Mrs. W. D. Hux and family Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullom of Hawkins Chapel visited Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Arrington Saturday night. Miss Sarah Arrington left last week to begin work at Mary Wash ington Hospital, Fredericksburg, Va. Miss Hannah Jane Crawley vis ited Miss Bertha Viverette near Ringwood Sunday. Miss Grace Crawley was the din ner guest of Miss Louise Hux Sun day. Mrs. Henry Ferguson and sons, of Halifax and Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Jenkins of near Weldon spent Sunday with Mrs. S. E. Hux. Mrs. Roy Crawley and son, Thom as Graham, spent Monday with Mrs. H. F. Dickens. Mrs. H. F. Dickens visited Mrs. B. T. Hux Sunday p.m. Mrs. T. O. Barnes, Mrs. C. M. Dickens, and Mrs. Louis Hux are on the sick list. The attendance at Ebenezer Sun day was grand considering the weather. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. R. few paragraphs from an article on the life of Matthew Fontaine Mau ry. Later she also read a poem “Sidney Lanier” by Mrs. Daisy Crump Whitehead, of Raleigh. The meeting was adjourned by repeat ing the Lord’s Prayer. The guests of the afternoon were Mesdames Robert Kimball, J. L. Bass and Geo. T. Andrews. Mrs. Howell and her joint hostesses, Mesdames B. E. Bobbitt, Marcellus Pope, William Pope and T. E. Hof ler served a salad plate with hot coffee, and candied cherries. The Geo. Washington idea was carried out in the decorations. 41 Is Glenmore full bodied and full flavored? . . . Try Glenmore for your self and realize how fine and smooth this whiskey is! Men who know fine whis kies like Glenmore. Glenmore Distilleries Co., Incorporated Louisville—Owensboro, Kentucky H. Warren and Mrs. Emma John son of Darlington on entrance of their new home formerly occupied by the Bennette family. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Crawley Jr. motored to Roanoke Rapids Sun day night. Miss Clyde Hux of Weldon spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs. W. D. Hux. Mrs. Bill Dickens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crawley and family. GREEN SPOTLIGHT If you want to know what is gong on in the Movie and Radio world you must read “THE GREEN SPOTLIGHT,” the in teresting new section printed on green paper. A regular feature with the BALTIMORE SUN DAY AMERICAN. On sale at all newsstands. - - - - ▼ ^ Dr. Morris C. BARFIELD Graduate Naturopath, Chiropractor, Physiotheraphy PHONE R-685-6 Morning By Appointment 2 to 5 P.M.; 7:30 to 8:30 A.M. Days Here-Monday, Wednes day, Thursday & Saturday. Where Smart People Gather It’s Schlitz In "Steinies” EvERY day sees more and more compact, modern Schlitz "Steinie” Brown Bottles served ... in places where smart people gather ... in homes accustomed to fine things ... to those who enjoy the best. Your first sip will tell you the reason for the steady rise of Schlitz in public favor ... and the striking, delicious difference between Schlitz and other beers. Schlitz ingredients are selected only on scientific analyses of quality. In Schlitz malting, brewing and aging, science guards every operation. Winter or summer, you get the same satisfying, full-bodied flavor, mel lowed to the peak of old-time goodness, under Precise Enzyme Control. Treat yourself today to this delicious brew, with health benefits of Sun shine Vitamin D in compact, modern Schlitz ”Steinie” Brown Bottles. Schlitz "Steinie” Brown Bottles are compact—light in weight—easy to carry— take less space in your refrigerator. Contents same as regular bottle. Schlitz is also available in the familiar Tall Brown Bottle and Cap-Sealed Can. CYou don’t have to cultivate a taste for Schlitz . . . you will like it on first acquaintance . . . and ever after. JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN ^. Copyright, 1917, Jm. Schlltz Brewing C0.-60 ■