“Don’t bo alarmed, baba.. .all l want to thaoo two ticket* to’52nd St-’ ** Crawley - Taylor The marriage of Miss Grace Mc Arthur Crawley and Mr. Jack Tay lor was solemnized Wednesday, Oc tober 20th, 1937, at Emporia, Va. The bride wore for a wedding suit a combination of brown and green with brown accessories, She is the youngest daughter of Mrs. A. E. Crawley of the Ebenezer community and attended school at Aurelidn Springs until this year. Mr. Taylor is the son of Mrs. Nora Taylor of hear Enfield. For the past few months he has been a salesman for Parker Bros. Motor Company of Enfield. Owing to the illness of the bride’s mother, the young couple will re main with her until Christmas be fore making preparations for a per manent residence. Halloween Party Miss Emily Dunning and Charles Davis were joint hostesses at a lovely Halloween party at the Wo man’s Club on Saturday evening; about forty guests were invited and lots of them came in costume. Dancing was enjoyed, with Mr. and Mrs. William Harris, II, directing the “Big Apple”. Mrs. B. J. Dun ning and Mrs. C. W. Davis served delightful refreshments. The club house was beautifully decorated. Halloween colors were effectively used and balloons were festooned among the other decorations mak ing a pretty effect. Birthday Party Miss Frances Lee Dickens enter tained a number of friends at her home in Belmont in celebration of her 12th birthday. The dining room was decorated with yellow and white chrysanthemums. They en joyed games and contests and were presented favors. The honors* re ceived a number of gifts- from the guests, Misses Leo Bidd, Dorothy Bidd, Daisy Steel, Ruth King, BO* Louis* Bright, Roth BUll. Miss Hux Entertains Miss Agnes Hux entertained with a Halloween party at her home Saturday night, Oct. 30th. Many games were enjoyed after which lemonade, candies, cakes, apples were served. The following guests were present: Misses Mabel Bridges Arietta Grady, Mary Alice Jones, Mary Florence Bridges, Ina «i.ae Hux, Alberta Jones, Edna Jones, Mrs. Nellie Woodruff and Messrs. Oakley Vaughn, Richard Cooper, Russel Wood, Sam Vaughn, Bill Hux, Bennie Jones, Johnnie Wood. A CORRECTION Relative to the statement made in last week’s Herald that the guests at the birthday party given by Miss Pauline Woodruff in hon or of Miss Marjorie Drewette, en joyed dancing, games and contests, I wish to explain that there was no dancing at the party. The enter tainment for the evening consisted of only games and contests. Mrs. L. P. Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Coburn spent Thursday in Greenville. John Taylor spent the week-end with Mrs. J. C. Walker at Black Ridge, Va. I TOWN I TALK I — Ml -i Mr, and Mrs. Frank C. Williams are attending the convention of N. C. Cotton Manufacturers' Associa tion at Pinehurst this Thursday and Friday. Mr. Williams returned to the city Sunday after attending a party in New York Saturday night in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pohlers. R. E. L. Wheeless of Franklin, Va., visited Mrs. W. C. Williams Tuesday. C. C. Shell, manager of the Qual ity Shop, is on a buying trip in New York. Mesdames A. P. McNeil, Richard Bray, Lloyd Bryant attended the clinic at Duke Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Z. B. Teele, Miss Margaret Teele, and Z. B. Teele, Jr., of Durham were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Teele. Mesdames A. J. Tucker of Shang hai, China, and W. L. Long of Ra leigh were guests of Mrs. T. W. M. Long Friday. LET'S START! With a rebuilt six month guaranteed battery. Half price. Also check your starter and generator by an expert electrical mechanic. All kinds new and used parts. Enfield Hide and Melal Co. Phone 108-W Enfield, N. C. IN MEMORIAM In remembrance of my husband, the late John E. Wood, who died Nov. 2, 1936. Dear John, since you have gone, No matter where I am I feel alone; Home without you seems so blue— God alone knows how I miss you. I have only your memory now to love, But some day I’ll meet you above. We will be together always, dear, With no sickness, heartaches, part ing or tears. Mrs. John Wood. In remembrance of our father, the late John E. Wood, who died Nov. 2, 1936. One year ago today Our dearest father passed away; You left us all very sad, But you’re not forgotten, dear old Dad. You worked so hard to give us a home, Then you were called and left us alone. It doesn’t seem like the home we had When you were with us, dear old Dad. Some day we hope to be together again, When Jesus and his angels reign, And then we will never part— No more sighs, tears or broken hearts. Mrs. Lucy Fann, Sisters and brother. Miss Marcella Marks of Duke University was the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. B. Marks. TOWN TALK ■-* i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tippette, Mr. and Mrs. William Tipnette, daughter, Priscilla Anne, and B. B. Tippette, motored to Washington, D. C., on sight-seeing trip after which they went to Baltimore, Md.( on business. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spikes and daughter, Camilla, Norma Rose of Burlington, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Vaughan. Miss Janie Lassiter, Mrs. Loftin Moody attended the 35th annual State Nurses Convention in Dur ham last week. Mrs. B. D. Johnson of Greenville, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Edmonds. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pair and daughter, Glenola, Miss Margaret Snodgrass of Richmond, Va.. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Pair. Mrs. M. Scott Benton spent the week-end in Scotland Neck. AMERICA’S OUTSTANDING EDUCATIONAL OFFER —The Standard American Encyclope dia with the b!g Sunday WASH INGTON HERALD - TIMES. Don’t miss this exceptional op portunity — see next Sunday’s HERALD-TIMES at your news dealer’s. -— ' " ' T.4 ONLY 2 MORE DAYS FRIDAY - SATURDAY of this week (Nov. 5th-6th) but they ore the best days of the ENFIELD COTTON & PEANUT FESTIVAL Under the Auspices of THE ENFIELD LIONS CLUB COME ONE-COME ALL This Week-End will climax a Solid Week of Fun and Educational Exhibits at Enfield. Something of interest to everyone. Never a dull moment. Come celebrate with us! FRIDAY: HALIFAX COUNTY DAY SATURDAY: EVERYBODY'S DAY Big Free Act—"Eric the Great" in his HIGH POLE Exhibition ON THE MIDWAY: O. C. BUCK SHOWS 20 Up-to-Date Shows & Biding Devices BRILLIANT DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS EACH NIGHT