22 OPPORTUNITIES FOR 1937 CHRISTMAS _\_ Below is offered the first group of opportuni ties whereby the fortunate of Roanoke Rapids may find the privilege of giving needed assistance and Christmas Cheer and in it find joy for themselves. Those wanting more information about these opportunities can obtain same from the Rev. J. N. Bynum, president of Associated Charities. No. 1—Widow, unable to work, with a daughter 10. No. 2—Widow, unable to work, with a daughter 7. No. 3—Widow, out of work, with two girls 8 and 2; two sons 5 and 3. No. 4—Widow, out of work, with a daughter 8 and mother 59. No. 5—Wide with invalid husband, one son part time work, two boys 16 and 13; daughter 9. No. 6—A deserted wife, out of work, one son 6. No. 7—Father, on part relief, with wife, daughter without work, and a grand-daughter. No. 8—Mother, deserted, no work; has two girls 9 and 5, one boy 7. No. 9—Mother, deserted, no work; two daughters 9 and 6; two boys 8 and 4. No. 10—Father, invalid; three girls 10, 8, 8. No. 11—Wife, no work; invalid husband, son 14. No. 12—Mother, unable to work; an invalid son. No. 14—Husband, unable to work, wife unable to work; three sons 11, 8, 6. No. 15—Father, health poor; wife and two boys 6 and 3. No. 16—Father, unemployed; six children. No. 17—Father invalid, wife getting little work, daughter 16. No. 18—Mother, deserted, no work; son 5. No. 19—Woman, husband in prison, no work; two boys 11 and 8. No. 20—Man incapacitated, wife ill, three boys 16, 13, 3; two girls 1 4and 9. No. 21—Father without work, wife, two girls 8 and 6; two boys 2 and 1. No. 22—Widowvon part relief; 3 small children. Nephew Is Charged In Uncle Attack Robert Love, 23, was placed un der bond by Magistrate W. O. Thompson Monday to answer a charge Dec. 14th of assaulting his uncle, Kenny Love, 55 year old farmer near here. The assault took place at the latter’s home near the Zoo on the South Rosemary road. Uncle and nephew were at the house alone trhen a quarrel started and the younger man is charged with bru tally beating the older man about the face and body. A son of the elder man tried to get in the house but found the doors locked. He broke thru a window and rescued his father whom he says he found under a bed with his face badly battered. | So. Rosemary Demonstration Club Meeting South Rosemary Home Demon stration Club met with Mrs. M. E. Faison at the home of Mrs. J. B. O’Briant for the November meet ing. This meeting which was to be a social, was fashioned a “Gypsy Party” with many club ■members and guests in costume. First prize for best gypsy costume went to Ann Wopd and second prize to Mrs. Dora Hawkins. Mrs. Robert Parrish and Mrs. Robert Frueler directed the games then refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook, Mesdames C. T. Johnson, Robert Parrish, Louise Vaughan, Lewis Johnson, Rod Wood, Dora Hawkins, H. M. Fai son, Mrs. Garris, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Faison, Mrs. D. P. Wlke, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pair, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Hudson Clerk At So. Rosemary PO The South Rosemary Rural sta tion, a branch of the Roanoke Rapids Post Office, is now open for business in the small store building on the East side of the Avenue, about a block North of Daniels’ corner. Mrs. Mabel Hud son Is the clerk in charge. Those living in the vicinity can have their mail delivered to this station by notifying Mrs. Hudson or the Roanoke Rapids Post Of fice. Stamps and money orders can also be obtained at the sta tion. Yesterday saw the beginning of rural free delivery to the Belmont section and several other minor ex tensions on the routes from the Roanoke Rapids Post Office. Miss Beckwith Hostess Miss Winifred Beckwith was hostess to the Monday Night Bridge Club on Monday of this week; twelve guests made up the three tables of players. Mrs. Car roll Wilson won the highest score for the evening and was presented an attractive handkerchief; a much enjoyed salad course was served at ten thirty. The guests of Miss Beckwith were; Mesdames Julian AllSbrook, W. H. Pruden, Ned Manning) Carroll Wilson, M. S. Benton, .R. P. Beckwith, C. L. Carl tori,’ Louise Patterson, Misses Eliz abeth Clark, Ruth Transou, Lucille Carlon, and Floriene Holt. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cox and Miss Margaret Cox spent Thursday in Williamston. L. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Frueler, Misses Reba Faison, Ann Wodo and Josie Johnson. Daniel - Combs Miss Mildred Ann Combs, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Bas night Combs of Belhaven, and Jas. Marshall Daniel, son of James Mack Daniel and the late Mrs. Mattie Paris Daniel of Wilson, were married Thursday morning at 11 o’clock in the First Presby terian Church of this city by the pastor, Rev. Lawrence Stell. Mrs. David Clark, organist, play ed “Ah Sweet Mystery of Life,” Liszt’s “Liebestraum”, and the Wagner and Mendelssohn wedding marches. The bride wore a frock of wulrip fern green with accessories of black and a shoulder corsage of Talisman roses. The bridal couple left immediate ly after the ceremony for a north ern trip. Only members of the immediate families witnessed the service. Mrs. Daniel is the niece of Mrs. Clyde Martin of this city and has visited here on several occasions. This Way Please Is On Sunday At Pitts In Emporia A fine program of stage and screen hits is announced for the coming week at the New Pitts’ Theatre in Emporia. The week o pens Sunday with the screen hit, “This Way Please” being shown Sunday and Monday. Featured in this hilarious hit are Charles (Bud dy) Rogers, Betty Grable, Ned Sparks, Fibber McGee and Molly. Mary Livingstone of radio fame al so makes her long awaited screen debut in this picture. She pleases all of those who have heard her and waited to see her in pictures. Tuesday for one day only anoth er combination stage and screen show will be presented. The stage show is “Hilarities of 1938”. On the screen is “Partners in Crime” featuring Lynne Overman and Ros coe Karns. LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa It will soon be time for you to come to see us again. I am a little girl nine years old. I want a writing desk, a typewriter, an In dian suit and a cute doll, and don’t forget my fruit, candy and nuts. Signed, Betty Webster Etheridge Dear Santa Man I am a little boy six years old. I want a tricycle and a train, a football and a toy car. I think that is all, but my fruit, candy and nuts. Signed, Daniel Webster Eetheridge, Jr. Dear Santa, I am a little girl; Will be four years ! old Christmas Day. I want you' to bring me a- dy-dee doll pair of boots and a few more things. I have a sister two years old; she wants a dy-dee doll, a ball and a NEW PITTS’ THEATRE EMPORIA, VIRGINIA SUN. MON. Dec. 5 & 6 ‘THIS WAY PLEASE’ Starring CHARLES (Buddy) ROGERS Betty Grable -f Ned Sparks MARY LIVINGSTONE TITOS. ONLY DEC. 7 (On the Stage) “Hilarities of 1938” A grand variety stage show fea turing Keo and Tokl in a sen sational barrel-balancing act. (On the Screen) Lynne Overman - Roscoe Kams “Partners in Crime” WED. THUR. DEC. 8 & 9 LUISE RAINER SPENCER TRACY in “BIG CITY” Ebenezer Church Rev. Wade Johnson, Pastor Sunday p.m. at 3:00 o’clock, Dec. 5th, Rev. Wade Johnson will hold his regular preaching service at Ebenezer. We’re glad to have Mr. Johnson and family back with us for the new year, so let’s show them our appreciation by being present upon his return for our services. The public is cordiaiiy invited. Irvin Dickens of Wake Forest spent the Thanksgiving holidays here with relatives. rocking chair; her name is Bonnie Jean. Be good to my little friends, Donald Ray Hoskins and Macon Ray Warren. I will leave you a nice piece of my birthday cake on the mantel. Love. Barbara Ann Green, Littleton, N. C., Rte. 2. TOWN TALK Ernest Eubanks of U. of Rich mond spent the Thanksgiving holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Eubanks. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Davis and daughter, Elizabeth, spent the week-end in Woodland with rela tives. T. E. Bryant spent several days with his brother, Jerry Bryant, in Rich Square last week. Miss Mary McFarland spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home in Oxford. Miss Ella Lee Taylor of Greens boro spent a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tay lor, last week. GIVE AN RIST-ARCH-$3.9? There’s an Ingersoll for every member of the family — watches for pocket, wrist or handbag at prices from 9125. Yon can buy them at stores right here la town. YANKEE-$1.50 I ET everything about next Christ ■ mas be jolly and carefree—with out a worry about your budget. Join our Christmas Club right now—put away a little each week, and by Christmas, 1938, you’ll have enough saved up to pay for all your gifts without scrimping or getting in debt! As for this year—Merry Christmas to you, and if you’re a 1937 Club member —your check will be in the mail next week! CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C.