Around the Town i=Z= with ZEB DENNY ■ = ; — A boy of about 8 came to the Rosemary pool. His swimming suit was a very shaky pair of old pants. Apparently ashamed of his garb, he quit going in. One day as he look ed longingly through the wire at the other children having such a good time, a salesman standing by noticed him. "Say, sonny,” he said. "Why aren’t you in?” "I ain’t got no suit.” “Can you swim?” “No, sir. But I could learn if I had a suit.” “Is that so? Well, if you will learn, I’ll buy you one.” Away the two went to Leggetts. When they came back the little fel low had on a pair of red bathing trunks. He strutted about for a few minutes, wanting everybody to see his new suit and hating to get it wet. Finally he jumped in and began kicking and splashing and making a great fuss. Whether the salesman came back for a check up is not known; but in three days the boy was swim ming across the pool. A neighbor with the light of news breaking across his face said to me, “Well, Hughes is back.” “Back?” said I. “Where has he been?” “Around the world. Haven’t you read the papers?” “No. I missed yesterday’s.” —So that is how it is these days. In the Greensboro Daily the Owls are referred to as “Tom Burnette’s team”. One sports writer picks them to win the tournament. May he have the vision of the prophets of old. How long will it be until we find ourselves saying incredulously that we remember when people actually paid a dollar for a ten-minute ride in an airplane? Not many years a go I paid three for my first ten minutes in the air. What do you call a person living in the United States? A United Clinic for Crippled At Tarboro July 25 The Tarboro Rotary Club will hold its regular Orthopaedic Clinic on Monday, July 25, 1938, at 9:00 A.M., at the Presbyterian Church Sunday School Rooms, Tarboro, North Carolina. The Rotary Club is an xious to render service to all crip ples, regardless of age or race, who are unable to pay for treatment. We will thank you for your co-op eration in finding these cases and directing them to the clinic. Private (pay) patients are re quested not to come before 1:00 P.M. *H0T WEATHER* Specif^ 3 for I I__ 20*1 PALMOLIVE_3 for 20c SUPER SUDS (Red Box).3 for 25c SUPER SUDS (Blue Box) 3 for 25c (Gets Clothes “Hospital Clean”) OCTAGON SOAP (Giant) 6 for 25c Octagon Powder (Large) 6 for 25c OCTAGON TOILET_6 fqr 25c OCTAGON CLEANSER __ 2 for 9c OCTAGON CHIPS_ 2 for 18c OCTAGON Granulated_2 for 18c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 3 for 14c Hollywood Beauty Soap ._ 3 for 14c CREME OIL SOAP_3 for 14c KLEX (Pumice) SOAP __ 3 for 14c ■ —■— \ ■ Yellow Front Market \ Stateser? No. You call him an American. But does that really dis tinguish him from a Canadian, a Mexican, or a Brazilian? With the present set up of government cen tralization we might throw aside that prosaic and political-sounding “United States” and choose some thing more euphonious and more distinguishing. Then we too could have a name like the English, the French, the Nipponese. Hawkins Chape! Miss Helen Hawkins of Roanoke Rapids spent the week-end with Miss Nellie Hawkins. Mrs. B. S. Hawkins of Roanoke Rapids spent Friday with Mrs. Geo. Greene. Mrs. Roger Pair, Edith Pair, Mrs. Z. C. Hawkins, Z. V. Hawkins, Clara and Willis Hawkins visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hawkins and family Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hawkins and son of Roanoke Rapids were visit ors of the community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Glasgow, A1 ice Mae, Frances, James E., Amelia Ann Glasgow, Forest Porter, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Porter, Mrs. B. S. Hawkins and daughter, Hubert Hawkins visited Mrs. Z. C. Haw kins and family Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jim Glasgow of Littleton spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Glasgow and family. Mrs. Tommie Hawkins, Mrs. T. J. Carpenter and daughter of Bel mont, Laynette Hawkins spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Edward Hawkins and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hawkins. Lil lian, Paul Jr., Frances visited Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Glasgow and fam ily Saturday evening. A number of friends of the com munity attended the service at Bethlehem Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hawkins and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris and daughter of near Hali fax Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Morris and daughter of near Halifax spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hawkins. Miss Mary Virginia Hawkins and Clarence Hale of Roanoke Rapids visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Hawkins Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carpenter and family of Belmont visited in the community Sunday. ANNOUNCING THE 2«