Regular 69c Hillcrest Fine Silk HOSIERY 3-Thread, 42-Guage, On Sale — 2 Pairs $1. - . - 3,000 Pairs of Fine Full Fashioned Pure-SHk HOSIERY Slightly Irregulars but worth easily 69c pair, featured for our JULY SALE for per pr. - CHILDRENS SOCKS Per Pair 1 especially urge you to dvantage of the many il Values on Hosiery ngerie we feature our July Sale. Space ot permit listing special value here u will find many inding Values in this hnent at LEGGETT'S j our Great July Sale! 100 GOWNS & PAJAMAS JULY SALE PRICE 69c 'f^7/ 39c / 400 Regular $1. Quality H f\ , slips 79c BLOUSES 48c rS ON YARD GOODS DURING OUR GREAT JULY SALE) I rtains Curtain Scrim at— Yard IEERS brand new crisp rials worth up to t very special for Yard Bed Spreads 100 double bed size Chenille Bed Spreads worth 1.49, July Sale at— - __^_Each SHEETS ** * 99 unbleached sheets, July Sale at— 39c Each Remnants 10,000 yards of remnants worth up to 25c a yard July Sale j 5c Yard SHEETS 81 x 99 First Quality double bed size sheets at 59c or — ] 2 for *1. Curtains 80 new pieces Curtain Scrim regular 25c, July Sale— 16c Yard MUSLIN 86 inch fine quality Muslin, July Sale at— I 10c Yard TOWELS 6000 large face and kitchen Towels worth 10c, July Sale at— 5c Each TOWELS 23 x 44 heavy Turkish Bath Towels worth 26c, July Sale 6 for $1. DIMITIES 3000 yards sheer dimities and batiste every yard worth 25c, all new summer patterns, July Sale at— _14cJTard PRINTS 2000 yards 80-square print in full pieces worth 25c, this is short lengths, July Sale at— 10c Yard ’T. STORE i • NO APPROVALS. EXCHANGES | OR REFUNDS DURING SALE