| A PAGE OF TAX FORECLOSURE NOTICES | (Continued from Pg. 9, This Sec.) Clary, R. P., 3 lots and house Bolling Road No. 9-10-11- 9.42 Clary, Thurman E., 2 lots and house West Rosemary Wood St. No. 2-4 _ 9-59 Coston, J. P., 1% and house Washington St. 106-% of 107— 13.40 7.70 Covington, Dr. J. M. C., 2 and house Jackson St. No. 320-322 23.75 12.88 Cox, N. D., 1936—2% lots and house Belmont, 2 vacant lots Washington St. No. 119-120- 14.57 1937—2% lots and house Belmont, 2 vacant lots Washington St. No. 119-120 - 16.66 1.88 Cox, T. E., 3 vacant lots near H. L. Bell- 6.95 Crew, Mrs. B. J., 3 vacant lots Roanoke Avenue No. 801-803-805 _ 12.20 6.60 Cullom, L. R., 3 lots and house West Rosemary No. 38-40-42 10.67 Cullom, Mrs. Mollie, 1 lot and house Burton property- 9.00 Daughtry, W. H., 1 lot & house Jefferson Street- 10.00 6.00 Dickens, C. S., 1 lot and house Belmont- 8.85 Dickens, J. K„ 1936—1 lot and house Hamilton St.- 14.00 14.00 1937—1 lot and house Hamilton- 21.85 11.43 Dickens, L. D., 1 lot and house Belmont B. St. No. 5- 6.02 Draper, H. C., Estate, 1 lot and house Monroe St., 2 lots Jefferson Street- - 15.64 6.32 Draper, L. H„ 2 lots Madison Street No. 304-306 - 7.80 4.90 Edwards, B. P., 2 lots and house West Rosemary- 6.76 Edwards, Dolph, 1 lot and house Roanoke Avenue No. 118 - 15.40 8.20 Edwards, R. L„ 4 lots Belmont No. 10-11-12-13- 3.80 Emry. C. R., 10 acres Ivey land, 2 vacant lots Washington Street -.-'- 8.80 3.40 Emry, Mrs. lone T., 61 acres Tilghman Land, 1% lots and house Jackson Street, 4% lots Jackson Street, 1 vacant lot Roanoke Avenue, 3 vacant lots Hamilton Street, 4 lots and house Hamilton Street- 145.18 58.45 Etheridge, D. W., 2 lots and Bakery Bldg. No. 919-921 - 61.40 31.70 Fligel, Mrs. Ida, 2 lots & House Roanoke Ave. No. 1204-1206 —13.00 7.00 Floyd, W. T., 2 lots Washington St. No. 77-78, 2 lots Weldon Road Black Bottom _ 15.50 8.75 Frank, Max, 2 vacant lots Washington St., 1 lot and house Roanoke Avenue, 1 lot Horner Town- 15.88 8.20 George, William, 1 lot & Bldg. Roanoke Avenue- 19.70 Gibson, J. T., 2 lots and house West Rosemary Wood St. No. 47-49 __—. 6.50 Glover, Mrs. Florence, 2 lots and house Hamilton St. No. 211-213 __ 21.00 11.00 Grant, J. T., 2 lots and house Washington St. No. 112-114 — 14.44 7.72 Grimmer, Mrs. C. L., 1 lot and house Hamilton Street- 16.00 8.50 Guppey, Mrs. E. J., 2 vacant lots Hamilton St. No. 937-939 — 6.60 3.80 Harden, P. L., 2 lots and house Washington St. No. 95-96 28.26 15.13 Hardy, J. B., 1 lot and house Jefferson Street- 13.10 7.05 Hardy, R. C., 1 1-3 lots and house Washington Street- 11.30 Harlow, Mrs. M. F„ 3 lots and house Craig St. No. 47 48-49, 2 lots and house Craig St. No. 33-34 - 14.50 Harris, Mrs. B. W., 2 lots and house Washington St. No. 63-64 _ 19.30 10.15 Harris, O. B., 13 acres Ivey land - 9.31 Harris, Mrs. T. C., 1 lot and store building Monroe & 3rd 9.50 5.25 Harris, W. E., 2 lot3 and house Jefferson St. No. 150-151 - 14.00 8.00 Harrison, Mrs. Adlee, 9 Vi acres Simmons land, 2 lots and house Jackson Street_ 19.75 8.00 Harrison, D. B., 2 lots and house Hamilton Street_ 15.25 8.73 Harrison, Elmo, 2 3-5 acres McGee Land- 1.82 Harrison, Percy, 2 3-5 acres McGee Land- 1.82 Harrison, T. W., 2 3-5 acres McGee Land- 1.82 Harrison, W. D., 2 3-5 acres McGee Land_ 6.00 Holloman, Troy, 35 Vi acres Baird Land- 42.23 Horner, W. F., 3 lots and house Hamilton St. No. 925-927-929 _ 20.20 10.60 Howell, Mrs. Irene, 3 lots & Bldg. 5th St. & Monroe_ 4.20 2.60 Hucks, I. O., 4 lots and house West Rosemary_ 10.01 Hudson, Mrs. Harriett, 1 lot Belmont_ 6.00 Hudson, J. O., 3 lots and house Carolina Ave. Horner Town _ 8.20 Hux, L. R„ 2 lots & house Jefferson St. No. 316-318_ 9.45 5.23 Hyman, Mrs. L. A., 3 lots Jackson St. No. 417-419-421_ 8.20 4.60 Ingram, J. M., 2 2-3 lots and house Hamilton Street,_ No. 501-503- Vi of 505 _ 26.95 14.48 Johnson, W. D., 1 lot & house Littleton Road No. 137_ 3.40 2.20 Jones, Mrs. Cora, 2 lots and house Monroe Street No. 303-305 12.16 Kee, W. L., lVi lots & house Hamilton St. No. 216-Vi of 218 15.90 8.45 Kennemur, Calvin S., lVi lots and House Hamilton St. 619-Vi of 617_ 23.91 12.96 Kennemur, J. H., 2 lots and house Washington St. No. 231-233 _ 18.03 9.52 Kidd, Mrs. C. T., 2 lots & house Hamilton St. No. 171-172 ... 13.00 7.00 Kidd, C. T., 2 vac. lots Hamilton St. No. 114-116_ 14.75 8.38 Kidd, Mrs. S. W., 1 lot & house Washington St. No. 100 - 9.80 5.40 King, C. R„ 2 lots Washington St. No. 211-213_ 13.00 7.50 King, Curtis E., lVi lots Hamilton St. No. 158-Vi of 159- 18.17 10.09 King, J. C., 1 lot & house Belmont “B” St. No. 12- 7.50 Lewis, Murphey, 1 lot & house Carolina Ave. Horner Town _ 7.25 Lipscomb, J. A., 2 lots & house Washington St. Nn 49-RO 1S.BB 8 33 Love, Mrs. T. L., 1 lot & house Hamilton St.- 7.24 4.12 McDaniel, J. G., 2 lots and house West Rosemary, 2 lots , Hamilton Street No. 60-61, 2 lots & house Hamilton St. No. 209-210, 1 lot Roanoke Avenue No. 1216_ 36.38 12.79 McGee, Richard, 3 lots & 2 houses Hamilton Street, No. 177-% of 179-180-% of 181 - 29.08 15.04 McMurray, J. M. Estate, 2 lots & house Washington St. No. 228-230, 2 lots & house Jefferson St. No. 224-226, 4 lots & house Hamilton St. No. 301-303-305-307, 2 lots & house Hamilton St. No. 300-302, 1 lot & house Hamilton St. No. 206, 2 lots and house Hamilton St. No. 234-236 --- 111.00 56.00 McNabb, G. M., 2 lots & house Monroe St. No. 12-13- 18.75 10.38 Matthews, Mrs. J. E., 1 lot & house Hamilton St.- 15.40 8.20 Matthews, J. E., 2 lots Washington St. No. 1027-1029, 5 lots Hamilton St., 1 lot & house Jackson St., 1 Barn Hamilton St.- 60.30 30.65 Matthews, Paul L., 3 lots & house Washington St. No. 1026-1028-1030 --- 23.00 Matthews, S. H., 1 lot Belmont- 4.28 Midgett, J. D., 2 vacant lots West Rosemary No. 15-17- 4.00 Moore, J. L., 19 acres Gurkin Land- 28.96 Morris, C. H., 1% lots & house Hamilton St No. 160-% of 159___ 11.16 6.08 Myrick, Mrs. R. G., 2 lots 8c house Horner Town Georgia Ave. _;_ 14.77 Northington, T. W. Estate, 2 lots & house Hamilton St. No. 137-139, 1-3 lot and Store 1st St. part of No. 201 _ 26.76 13.88 Parker, J. B., 1 lot West Rosemary- 2-20 Parrish, E. A., 2 lots & house Wood Street West Rosemary _ 6-41 Pierce, Jordan, 2 lots & house Walnut St. Belmont- 10.85 Pierce, J. W., 2 lots & house Washington St. No. 107-108 — 17.57 9.79 Rainey, I. B., 1 lot & house Belmont- 15.00 Rainey, Mrs. Jennie, 2 lots & house Washington St.- 8.68 4.84 Reed, J. H., 2*6 lots and house Belmont--- 13.80 Ricks, E. H., 8 lots & filling station near depot, 3 lots _ _ rr 10 1 A A west rtoseiriary - - - Riddick, Hubert, 2 Sets Hamilton St. No. 78-79 - 2.76 1.88 Robinson, James P., 1 2-3 lots & Bldg. Roa. Ave. No. 200-202 _ 61-°° 3100 Rook, R. H., 2 lots & house Jefferson St.- 12.70 6.85 Shahcen, N., 2 lots Weldon Road- 5.80 3.40 Shaw, J. A., 1 vacant lot Belmont- 2.00 Shaw, J. L., 2 lots and house Carolina Avenue- 11.00 Shaw, R. S„ 2 lots and house Belmont- 19.40 Shearin, J. D. Estate, 4 lots Roanoke Avenue No. 841-843-845-847 _ 14.44 7.72 Shearin, N. M., 1 vacant lot Horner Town - 2.20 Sheffield. Mrs. W. O., 1 lot and house Jefferson St. No. 304 _ 13.00 7.00 Shell. L. G. (Special). 1% lots near H. L. Bell- 1.75 Speight, H. B., 1 lot & house Jefferson St. No. 409 - 16.44 9.22 Stainback, E. S., 1 lot & house Jackson St. No. 335 - 9.40 5.20 Steele, George C., 2 lots & house Belmont _ 21.30 Strauther, C. V., 2 lots & house Washington St. No. 137-138, 1 lot & milkhouse Washington St. No. 132, 3 lots Jefferson St. No. 143-144-145 . 19.88 10.44 Thomason, C. D., 2 lots & house Franklin St. No. 629-631 __ 10.70 Thompson, A. B., 2 lots Franklin St. No. 17-18 - 9.83 5.92 Thompson, Mrs. S. M., 3 lots & house Madison St. No. 36-37-38, 1% lots and house Clinton St. No. 97-18' of 98 __ 33.33 17.17 Todd, R. O., 2 lots West Rosemary_ 1.80 Topping, R. L., 1 & house Jackson St. No. 907, 1V4 & house Washington St. No. 109-1*: of 110, 1 & house Henry St. No. 1125, 2-3 & Bldg. Roanoke Avenue No. 930, 1 & house Carolina Avenue Horner Town, 2 and 2 houses B. Needer property, 2 vacant lots Horner Town, 1 lot and small house Horner Town_ 101.08 36.74 Turner, J. O., 1 lot Belmont_ 4.00 Tuten, Mrs. Mary, 1 lot & old house Roanoke Ave. nto. izw _ o.2u a.iu Twisdale, H. B., 3 lots & house West Rosemary_ 7.40 Valentine, Dr. T. H., 1 lot Roanoke Avenue No. 228 _ 5.80 3.40 Vaughan, Harvey R., 2 lots and 2 houses Washington St. No. 111-112 .... 18.88 9.94 Vaughan, William N., 2 lots West Rosemary_ 4.10 Warren, W. A., 2 lots and house Jefferson St. No. 35-36 _ 21.75 Webb, B. S., 1 lot & house Jefferson St. No. 120, 1 lot & house Jefferson St. No. 219, 3 lots & Store Roanoke lots Belmont_ 92.60 47.40 Webb, Chas. A., 2 lots & house Washington St No. 430-432 17.83 9.42 Wheeler, Eulas W., 3 lots & house West Rosemary Craig St. No. 47-48-49 _ 14.65 Whitby, J. H., 2 lots & house Clinton St._ 6.83 4.42 Whitehead, W. T., 16 lots Madison St. _ 39.40 20.20 Williams, Tommie, 2 lots & house Horner Town_ 12.29 Wilson, T. O., 3 lots & house Roa. Ave. No. 742 744-746 43.46 22.23 Wood, M. R., 1 lot & house Jackson St. No. 122_ 9.00 5.00 Woodruff, A. P., 2 lots & house Washington St. No. 113-115 - 11.00 6.00 Wooten, George R. Jr., 3% acres South of Clinton St.,_ 4 vacant lots Roanoke Ave. No. 20-21-22-23 _ 9.50 5.25 Wrenn, Mrs. Annie R., 1 lot & house Hamilton St. No. 209 16.20 8.60 Wrenn, J. R., 3 lots Washington St. No. 201-203-205 _ 7.50 4.75 COLORED LIST Bowser, Garfield, 1 lot and house Block 29 No. 36_ 3.77 2.39 Brown, Brutus, 7 lots New Development No. 111-112-113 114-115-180-181 - 4.75 3.38 Brown, C. R., 2 vacant lots Hodges Town_ 2.20 Brown, Frank, 2% acres McGee Band_s_ 1.82 Brown, Rosa, 2 lots and house Hodges Town Block 29 No. 39-40 _ 5.8O Burton, Oliver Estate, 2 lots & house Hodges Town_ 5.80 3.40 Clay, Isaac, 2 lots and house Hodges Town Main St. No. 1-2 - 500 Connor, E. J., 5 lots and house Hodges Town_ 17.69 Daniel, Andrew, 2 lots and house Hodges Town_ 5.05 Daniel, Herbert, 2 lots and house near Colored School_ 3.40 Daniel, James, 3 lots near Hodges Town_ 3.75 Daniel, Jim, 1 lot and small house Hodges Town_ 4.22 2.61 Daniel, Phillip, 2 lots and house Hodges Town_ 7.40 Edwards, India, 1 lot Hodges Town Block 29, No. 30_ 1.40 1.20 Epps, E. B„ 2 lots Hodges Town Block 30, No. 18-19_ 4.50 / 2.75 Epps, Erline, 1 lot and house Hodges Town_ 3.50 Herrin, Steve, 2 lots Block C. No. 162-163 _ 1.50 Ivey, Joseph, 3 vacant lots Hodges Town No. 7-8-9_ 3.40 Ivey, J. W„ 1 lot Hodges Town Plat 29 No. 17_ 5.40 Ivey, Lovely G., 1 vacant lot Hodges Town Block 34 No. 29, 1% lots and house Hodges Town Block 29 No. 41 % of 44- 13.65 7.30 Jacobs, Willie, 2 lots Wyche property Block C. No. 164-165 - 3.05 Johnson, William R., 1 vacant lot Hodges Town No. 13_ 3.73 Johnston, Charlie, 8 vacant lots Hodges Town 100 x 130 Total area - 5.oo 3.50 Mingie, George, 3 lots Hodges Town_ 2.44 Newell, Caesar, 5 acres Simmons Land Tract No. 8_, 8.93 Newell, William Daniel, 1 lot Belmont_ 3.O5 Perry, Hilton, 1 vacant lot Hodges Town_ 1.96 Ponton, Home Agt., 1 lot and small house Hodges Town - 3.OO 2 00 Powell, French, 1 lot and house Hodges Town_ 7.32 Purnell, Ed., 1 lot and house Hodges Town_ 5.40 Putney, Celia, 1 lot and shack Hodges Town ____II 2.15 Rawls, Cornelius, 1 lot and shack Hodges Town_II 7.80 4 90 Reaves, Jefferson, 1 lot and shack Hodges Town_ 3’72 2 36 Squires, Mary, 1 lot and house Hodges Town No. 28, Block 29--- 260 Toney, James, 1 lot Hodges Town near colored school_II 5.05 3 53 Williams, Ely, 1 lot and house Hodges Town_ 4 20 Williams, Jessup, 1 lot and shack near colored school_ 4.20 311 Letters should be short and to the point. Their content does not necessarily express the views of '.h‘ i iwspaper. However, we welc .s short letters of expres ions on any matter of general lublic interest from any Herald ■-'.erriher. All mus* be signed. The Editor, The Herald. City Dear Sir: I’m writing this hoping that it may prevent someone else from having the unpleasant experience that I had. Sunday afternoon, I took my family, Mabel Williams, and Larene Parker out riding. After a trip out toward Rocky Mount, we came back and went to the Gravel Pit near Garysburg. The sand was so pretty we all took off our shoes and hose, and went down to play in the sand. There is a small stream of water running through the sand, so we walked around bend after bend un til we reached the end. Mabel Wil liams fell into what seemed to be a hole in the water, over her knees. I was walking a little in the rear of the party, and was carrying my little boy in my arms. I had emerged from the water, and was walking in the soft sand, when sud denly 1 sank up to my waist in quick-sand. I held my little boy over my head, and called for some one to take him. My wife soon ap proached near enough to take him while I told the rest of the party to go back to firm ground. After my wife took the baby, I managed to pull myself out of the quick-sand some way (I came out somewhat like a lizard-and looking much worse). Yes, my white pants were ruined. It may sound funny, and no doubt I looked funny standing straight up and only being about two feet tall; but it is really dangerous. So take my advice, and don’t go near the end of the pit. R. J. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Clark and daughters, Marshall Lee and Clare Rivers and Major Drummond left this week on a trip on the Skyline Drive and other parts of VBirginia. Miss Ercelle Harris has returned to Richmond, Va. after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harris. R. J. Hall of Greensboro was a visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Rook and Mrs. Cliftp* Massey spent Tuesday in Suffolk. Cecil Valentine of Roanoke, Va. was a visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. Edward A. Parker of Rocky Mount is spending several days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bounds. Mrs. Edward Bell of Shelltown, Maryland, and Mrs. Zeb Wall and daughter, Prances, of Jackson spent Saturday in town with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Binford and Mrs. J. Frank Roberts of Norfolk, Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pitt of New York City were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C M Pitt. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Norvell and son, of Seaboard, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C Allsbrook. rM. and Mrs. T. J. Howard spent Monday in Tarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Goode and daughter of Richmond, Va. sj>ent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs C M Pitt • Miss Lelia Webb is spending this week in Columbus, Ohio, with Miss Elizabeth Brown.

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