SHOPPING CENTER1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY-A THRILLING SALE OF SILK UNDERTHINGS Just for two days we offer 300 pieces of Silk Underthings: Gowns, Pajamas, Slips, every gar ment regular $1.98 value, these are a special purchase—buy three or four pieces. Never before have we offered such a remark able value—and remember for two days only at only— Sale of 1000 pairs full fash ioned Hosiery, slightly irregulars of 69c and 79c hose, all new fall colors. This is a most outstanding value for only— You must see the fin« QUALITY of these ui derthings to really aj predate them. It is onl our immense buying power that enables us to offer you a value like this. Our advice is to come early Friday-Sat , urday for the best se lections. 5,000-yards "L-L" SHEETING Full Bolts; First Quality. Leggett's Low Price, per yd. - ^_i This Weekend we feature 400 NEW DRESS SHIRTS at an exceptionally low price! / You'll want several of these at • FULL CUT • GUARANTEED FAST COLORS • “STAND-UP” COLLARS • ALL SIZES LEGGETT’S DEPARTMENT STORE Open Friday Evening ’til 8—Saturday until 9:30 P.M.