Ml. —MnMB • • T. J. Alford, business manager of the Roa noke Rapids Hospital, was in Raleigh this week in the interest of the State Hospital Association of which he is an officer . . Births: to Mr. and Mrs. William Landing, a hoy, March 15th; to Mr. and Mrs. James T. Martin, a girl, Mch. 21st; to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young, a girl, Mch. 22nd. • • SPRING is here . . watch: kids skating on the new concrete streets; kids crossing streets be tween intersections; grass growing on new plots between sidewalk and curb; WPA plantings on the 3rd St. city park; foundation go up on Girl Scout cabin; Roland Johnson cut down trees to build up a home; bicycles on streets at all times (even our typesetter has one); new homes going up all over the city; fishing season closes April 1st until May 10 .. woe is me. • • With pretty weather here, paving on Jackson St. should be completed this week, leaving only small spots at intersections, sidewalk gaps and driveways with a couple side streets to complete the job . . they even level off the space between curb and sidewalk for you to make the job com plete . . 25 mile limit speed signs have been put up on Hamilton this week by the Police Department.. 20 and slower in school zones .. • • Somebody has lost a pair of mens gloves and a flashlight from their car. The owner may have same by identifying to policeman Jim Adams . . Police usually have a good idea from experience who does a certain criminal job, but many times it is hard to get the evidence to convict. . Street Supt. Ethridge, no better, was taken to the hospital Sat urday . . The hospital will soon have a new switch board, for which all are thankful . . • ® The car of J. P. Wood was badly damaged by fire on 10th St. early Saturday morning, according to Fire Dept, records . . . Much ado about nothing brought police, sheriff, bloodhounds to the Fair grounds Monday night: a man reported his girl had been kidnapped after he had been dragged from his car and assaulted. City police went to the scene, sent for bloodhounds, then found the girl had jumped from the car when the fighting start ed, ran out to a nearby filling station and was taken safely home by somebody else. GRAND PA “In this town a dog was found, As many dogs there be, Both mongrel, puppy, whelp and hound And curs of low degree”. He was an ugly, worthless dog that took up his abode at 501 Roanoke Avenue and won a 'place in the hearts of the family. “The piper he piped on the hill top high, till the cow said ‘I die’ and the goose said “Why”’? And the dog said nothing but searched for fleas”. “Let Her cules himself do what he may, the cat will mew, and dog will have his day”. No question but that grandpa had his day of ease and comfort with no responsibility but to eat and sleep and look wise. Often when the troublesome happenings of the tired and dreary world were under discussion the dog would look up at you with a most satisfying look on his face as if to say, “I would rather be a dog and bay at the moon, than be such a Roman”. A passing automobile put an end to him, and at nine-thirty last night he was wrapped and buried. Thus ended the life of a dog. Is there a lesson for us? Truckdriver Hurt As Pender Truck Wrecks Nearby Homer Stoner, truck driver of D. Pender Co., on his run from Norfolk here, suffered deep head lacerations when a front tire blew out on the truck Tuesday, wreck ing the truck. The accident happened at Sea board and the truck overturned and burned up. Stoner is in the Roanoke Rapids Hospital tonight where his condition is reported as fair. N. W. Shearin, employee of Roa noke Mills Co. No. 2, was brought to the Roanoke Rapids Hospital to day suffering from hot-water burns on his left arm. His condition is not serious. L TOWN TALK Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Bullock were visitors in Seaboard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson, Mrs. Sam Thompson and Mrs. Nor ris Hannon spent Wednesday in Richmond. Friends of J. B. Edmonds will be glad to know that he is able to be out again after having been confined sometime with the flu. Eugene Burnette of Fort Mon roe, Va. is spending several weeks here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grimes and children, Carroll and Charles,1 Mrs. A. T. Griffin, Miss Lottie Hedgepeth of Rocky Mount visited FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Gordon L. Price, Minister For the next six Sunday mornings our thoughts will center around the “Sins of the Saints” April 2—INGRATITUDE April 9—EASTER MESSAGE April 16—THE LOVE OF MONEY April 23—MORAL COWARDICE April 30—BAD TEMPER May 7—ENVY May 14—STUNT RELIGION NIGHT SERVICE Again our subjects will center around the home. Are you in love? Thinking about getting married? Afraid of married life? Young people don’t miss these sermons. April 2—“Head Over Heels In Love” April 9—“The Way of a Man with a Maid” April 16—“Why Marriages Fail” April 23—“Headaches & Heartaches in Marriage” April 30th—‘ The Home of Your Dreams” There will be an Open Forum on problems running right down your alley. Come and bring a friend. Hitler Heils ’Er Miriam Verne (above), 19-year-old Pittsburgh girl summoned from a , Berlin musical show to dance before Hitler, also made a hit with Propa ganda Minister Goebbels, who called on her to give a command perform- j ance at a party. Marion Daniels, Chicago dancer, was also called be fore Hitler recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gray Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Young of Richmond visited her sister, Mrs. J. M. Jack son, this week. G. W. Brewer of Charlie Hope, Va. visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Sam Peace and daughter. Miss Ann Peace, were guests in the home of Mrs. William Harris. II. on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyche and daughter of Petersburg spent the week-end with Mr. Wyche’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wyche. ' Frank Harris, who is a student at State College, spent the week end here with his grandmother, Mrs. T. R. Manning. Severely Burned Geraldine Phillips, 2 year old col ored girl, was brought to the Roa noke Rapids Hospital this after noon with burns sustained when her clothing caught fire at the home near Emporia. The baby was alone in the house at the time. Her condition is se rious. J&N INCREASE °t Holkmd Virginia, tes. at to ,bs. ol °^al potash when peanuts grown »' ^ those renew- _ (K»0) per acre were;co P ^ .ncreasing the yield ing no potash. In a oving the guahty o potash is imPf a*s the size ol the nuts. U tJCSjSS-*— Peanuts «m0V' '“^f^wn wtlTa fertilizer the soil. Unless iheyJage ol this plant load containing a high P tollowing will ,he peanuts as weU afuming 6% P°"f sutler. A mized lerhhser ^ or 80 Ite applied at f«,®° material will supply | ol a Wgh-gradeacre. lbs. or more ol actua f . or experiment station will Your county age _ See your fertilizer 1 1 We shall be glad to help you with your fertilizer problems. Write us for information and literature. "TrnmnflnniMnmMnmiiin-- ----.-— . .. ■ " ...*.mil.... AMERICAN POTASH INSTITUTE, INC. INVESTMENT BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. Southern Office: Mortgage Guarantee Bldg., Atlanta, Georgia IWMlMUnnidiliiiuiiii iimiininiiiiiiin mi i . Fractured Skull As Walking On Weldon Highway William Parker, colored, walking along the road near Weldon at midnight last night, was struck by a passing car and brought to the Roanoke Rapids Hospital with a fractured skull. His condition te day is uncertain. -- THE ONLY SOAP* tilodt Speciattu to* WASHING DISHES SUPER SUDS I OUR PRICE I 3 for 25c PALMOLIVE _ 3 for 20e SUPER SUDS (Blue Box) 3 for 2Ke (Gets Clothes “Hospital Clean”) OCTAGON Soap (Giant) _ 6 for 2Be Octagon Powder (Large) 6 for 2Se OCTAGON TOILET_6 for 2fie OCTAGON Cleanser_2 for 9e OCTAGON Granulated 2 for lie CRYSTAL WHITE Soap 3 for Me Halifax Grocery Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C.