A morning or so after the elec tion I went into the post office. I igmt my mail, which consisted of a feamdful of letters and a bungle package, and started out. As I was about to push the outei door open. I saw an elderly woman com ing in. Assuming my most man urored air, I stepped back, holding the door ajar for her. I maneuver tA my mail and myself about to aftew her to pass through the next idoor. As she did so, she bowed rgraciously and with a beaming .smile said: "'Good morning, Mr. Allsbrook.” Whether it was a case of mistak es identity or whether she figured ffihat only the newly elected mayor would show such politeness I do not know. We have said a lot about the acaut. hut. But now we can only admire it. The last logs are up and windows are cut. Soon the girls wnM be toasting marshmallows in (She huge fireplace. -—o— At present the future of the play ground is uncertain. A few of us thought that of last year rather atncoessful. Evidently we were but few And what about the Ameri uatM Legion team? Just because Weldon licked the high school club we should not throw our hands in She air and yell “calf rope”. Right maw the high school has the best iprospects for good baseball that it has enjoyed in several years, in the (opinion of ye prejudiced columnist. —o— Toung Jack DeVane made the Associated Press recently, as you jprohably noticed in your paper. ABterwards he got a taste of what A is like to receive “fan” mail. A in Chicago, seeing the article, wrote him a letter. Further de isBlopments are not available. -—o— *t’s about time John M. Smith .and Ralph Knight broke into print mcam. They will. Fishing time is ' scorning on. —o— J5iana and Bo, setters of the Graham and Hoyle families respec ftirrfy. have recently been blessed with six offspring—five of them unaites. All the families are happy *ad doing nicely, thank you. MG FIVE HITTERS By F. A. Nantz Goading hitters in the Big Five ©owference including games of Sr 9 fSpr School AbRH Pet MdSiercutt, Carolina 52 13 29 .558 Tilton, Duke 76 22 30 .395 May®, Duke 51 16 20 .392 JKorgT'.ian, Duke 100 25 38 .380 ISkafcei, Duke 81 21 29 .358 Gaddy, Duke 85 26 30 .353 ©avis, Duke 86 22 30 .349 ®Ssee, Duke 73 29 25 .342 DBe&emr, W. F. 60 11 20 .333 Geaders in various departments: •wins batted in: Shokes, Duke, 19; orost runs scored, Price, Duke, 29; .Stolen bases, Bergman, Duke, 12; ■mast hits, Bergman, Duke, 38; 2 ibase hits; Price, Shokes, Duke, 6 s. 25c ENGLISH PEAS 4»». 23c CUCUMBERS ■»>. 10c MARKET DEPARTMENT SAUSAGE P“re pork-lb. 19c PIG LIVER o'* Brains »>• 12'/* BEEF ROAST branded-lb. 23c Lamb T 29c cr 35cShr'" 15c BACON sliced, rindtess-lb. 23c SPARE RIBS fresh-lb. 17c PICNICS rrr 19c Fresh Fish, Oysters, Shrimp t