TO FEATURE CITIES A COUNTY Roanoke Rapids and Halifax County Will Be Featured In A Special Num ber In Pictorial Rotogravure, To Be Issued In The Near Future By The Herald. i Timed to take advantage of the national advertising of the state coitservation commission for North Carolina, this graphic pictorial presentation of the city and coun ty’s claim to recognition should attract widespread attention and center the interest of visitors, homeseekers and Investors on the unbounded opportunities and ad vantages so abundantly possessed by the community. With the ob ject of carrying out this specific mission, the edition will be given a wide circulation in the state and nation, besides a blanket distribu tion in the county itself. The story of the city’s industrial develop ment, together with a portrayal of Halifax’s progress along all lines, as attractively set fort in this un usual special number, will probab ly be a revelation to the citizens residents of this section, and cer tainly of great interest to the peo ple of the state and nation. This special number will be is sued in the modern tabloid size, and stitched to give it permanen cy. In its convenient form, at tractive treatment of subject mat ter, and comprehensiveness, the edition will make an ideal piece of community publicity for use by the commercial and civic organizations of the county for the next several years. A large number of extra copies will be printed and supplied to the various civic and commer cial bodies of the county for this apecrric purpose. There will be no display adver tising in this attractive edition. It will consist solely of pictures in rotogravure, showing scenic views, points of historical interest, indus tries, educational institutions, cer tain of our outstanding homes and estates, public utilities, the civic and commercial development of the progressive towns in the coun ty, resorts, attractions and assets as it will be possible to include in a work of this broad nature. It is the purpose of the man agement to make this edition countywide in scope, a presenta tion of Halifax County as a unit, and the progressive towns of Wel don, Scotland Neck, Enfield, Lit tleton, Halifax and other commu nity centers, will be included in this work on the same basis as Roanoke Rapids. 40th Anniversary Meth. Orphanage The Methodist Orphanage at Ra ieigh is celebrating its Fortieth Anniversary on July 16. We are inviting three representative lay men from each local Methodist Church in the Rocky Mount Dis trict, to be the guests of the Meth odist Orphanage at a free barbecue dinner on this coming Sunday at one o’clock. Following the free barbecue dinner a most interesting program will be put on in the Or phanage auditorium by the chil dren of the Home. Our invited guests will be shown over the campus and through the cottages by our three hundred and ten chil dren. It is the sincere wish of Su perintendent A. S. Barnes that at least the Sunday School Superin tendent, the Presidents of Men's Bible Classes and the Church Lay Leader from every local Church in the Rocky Mount District will hon or the Orphanage with their pres ence. A big time is in store for those who visit the Methodist Or phanage next Sunday. A. S. Barnes, Superintendent. Mrs. Joe Ellis and daughter, Josephine, spent* Saturday at O cean View. Congressm'n John Kerr At Academy -$ Congressman Johfl H. Kerr, of this District, was honored in Washington this week by the At torney General of the United States and Mr. Hoover, Director of the Bureau of Investigation, who selected him to participate in the National Police Academy gradua tion exercises. In extending an invitation to Judge Kerr Mr. Hoov er stated: “Your interest in the welfare and activities of the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation, in cluding its work of training select ed law enforcement officials so that they may go back to their own departments and give the ben efit of their instruction to other members of their organizations, is greatly appreciated. I am there fore, particularly anxious for you to be present on this occasion to witness a portion of the result.'! of our joint efforts when diplomas will be awarded to the graduates”. Judge Kerr was accompanied by his Secretary, J. G. Butts, Jr., of Halifax. The Department of Justice, for several years, has selected a group of outstanding Police officials and law enforcement officers and pro vides for them intensive expert training in an effort to raise the standards of the Police Depart ments of the Country, and to co ordinate the activities of the va rious municipal, county and State Police. This training by the Gov ernment, made possible by the joint efforts of Judge Kerr and his colleagues on the Justice sub committee on Appropriations, is considered one of the most effec tive programs undertaken in re cent years for crime prevention and the prosecution of criminals in the United States. William Duke of Farmville spent last Tuesday in the city with friends. John Bennett is visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bennett. Christian Science Society 930 Roanoke Ave. Sunday service, 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings, 8 p.m. Reading Room open every Tues day and Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend our services and visit our reading room. Subject Sunday: “Life”. “Sacrament” was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Chris tian Churches and Societies on Sunday, July 9, 1939. The Golden Text was from Psalms 51:10. “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Among the citations which com prised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and give it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup. and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Matt. 26 : 26-28.) The Lesson-Sermon also includ ed the following from the Chris tian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures” by Mary Baker Eddy. “The true sense is spiritually lost, if the sacrament is confined to the use of bread and wine. The disciples had eaten, yet Jesus prayed and gave them bread. This would have been foolish in a literal sense; but in its spiritual signification, it was natural and beautiful. Jesus pray ed; he withdrew from the material senses to refresh his heart with brighter, with spiritual views.” IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear baby, Mildred Irene Hock, who died July 13, 1934. You are gone but not forgotten, Your memory lingers still, There’s a vacant place in our home Which can never be filled. Oh, we loved you, dear baby, But God loved you best; He took you home to heaven, With the angels to rest. We miss you in our home, dear baby. We miss your smiling face; | Yet we know that God knew best, We dry our tears today. For well we know if we are faith I ful, We shall meet you bye and bye. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hock. Special Summer Prices on KEROSENE & FUEL We Deliver As Little As / 5-Gal. of Kerosene at MONEY SAVING Prices! Special Prices for Summer on Kerosene and Fuel Oil in 25 & 50-Gal. Orders. Roanoke Rapids Oil Co. J. SPIRE, Mgr. DIAL R-315 Attend Assembly Rev. F. W. Haynie, pastor of Rosemary Eaptist Church, and four members, Mesdames P. A. Cook, C. T. Johnson, Misses Evelyn Johnston and Margaret Dunning, left Monday to attend the South wide Baptist Training Union As sembly which is being held at Ridgecrest, N. C. this week. We Close Wednesday at 1 P. M. Better Bargains! nunc o ■**- j a* UUIVIU 0 | I zr pc AC 9 No-2 \ ‘won“l niton o K‘* icA Sweet V VUil L Cans I 3(# ■“ CLEANSER - 3c “ PIG FEET r 17c n BEANS 2 r 15c -WAFERS :: 11c Z PEACHES r 12c Z PICKLES 3 r 25c °ur DDCAIt a Pride DllCnRf IS-es. leaf AR Southern ■■ ■■ mm Delicious Iced mm Manor | 14-lb. phg. | ^ y * I Double-Fresh ! D. P. Blend COFFEE 20c lb. Land o’ Labes AMERICAN CHEESE 17c tb. • PRODUCE DEPT. STRING BEANS 4 lbs. 19c GREEN PEPPERS ££ 4 for 10c WATERMELONS "C each 39c Carolina Peaches - Market Price • IN OUR MARKET DEPT. Tender SMOKED PICNICS lb. 15c PORK SAUSAGE . 2 lbs. 25c MARKET SLICED BACON lb. 19c VEAL CHOPS lb. 17c RIB MEAT lb. 10c SMOKED SAUSAGE lb. 15c