SHOPPING CENTER BE SMART-BE THRIFTY! Shop at Leggett's WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD! OUR $75,000-00 STOCK OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE NOW AT THE "OLD PRICES!" SHOE DEP’T flai lined. Biudqe Skoas rfpatt T^e pap detu/een— STYLE W COMFORT iTX 4.95 AMERICA'S CAUGHT THE CDBBIE CBAZE Th« IELVEDERE SWAGGER, SPORTIVE BED CROSS CORBIES The flAYlOY MeUiilliijiS Going *° coU««*? ‘ * 1 H*aded f0t £*n? TH“ y,,u* " 1 firing along in Young America’* favorite foot gear . . . reraggery, sporty Red Cross Cobbies. Smart. Maty-going. A sensational value at $«.50, High Dress Fashions in all of the new colors, Black, Wine, AlexBlue, Teal Blue and Moss Green. These will be REAL Fashion Leaders, and are OUTSTANDING at — i __ C 59 "BRAND NEW" i DRESSES ~ | ® New Styles ® New Shades j Another Showing of 50 New DRESSES .... 2.98 Be Smart! See these new Dress Styles FIRST at LEGGETT’S! 600 NEW fast ^ PRINT DlScc*10* Would orah^t, ” ^ 5 iS ^""eredS'-^ ^H W' ~ “ PRINTS 2,000 yards; New Patterns. All Fast Colors. Special at Leggett’s, per yard — 10c PRINTS and Sub-Broadcloth; 2,500 yards worth 20c per yard, at Leggett’s, per yd. only — 15c SHEETING 81-inch Unbleached Fine Quality Sheeting in our Piece Goods Dept.—yd.— 19c OUTING 36-incli Solid Colors, or Light & Dark Patterns. At Leggett’s, per yd.— 10c PURE-SILK HOSIERY Full-Fashioned, of course! We’re offering 60 A dozen pairs of slight irregulars of 69c Hose, faX f in all New Fall Colors, at only, per pair - 1 X/ sLE ITS "Hqepartment store