| A PAGE OF LEGAL NOTICES AND WANT-ADS. | IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving remembrance Of our father and husband, J. D. McDonald. Pour years have passed, dear hus band and father, Since you were laid to rest. Those who think of you today Are those who loved you best. We think of him in silence, His name we often recall. There is nothing left to answer But hi3 picture on the wall. We were happy when you were with us, When you lived and we were to gether, But oh, how changed it all is now Since you have gone forever. Surrounded by friends, we are lone some; In the midst of pleasure we are blue; And deep down in our hearts, dear daddy, Is a place kept for you. Wife, Mrs. J. D. McDonald and children. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our beloved grand father, W. C. Hasty, who departed from us January 17, 1936. We are thinking of you, Dear Papa, Thinking of the past, Picturing you in our memory Just as we saw you last. You have left behind many broken hearts That loved you so/ sincere, That never have and never will Forget you, Papa dear. We often think of those days When we were all together. Your loving smile and cheerful ways Will live in our hearts forever. Marie and Winfield. IN MEMORIAM In memory of my dear sister, Mrs. H. G. Pulley, who passed a way 2 years ago today, Jan. 22, 1938. It is so lonely without you, I’m so sad along the way. Life does not seem the same to us Since you were called away. In my heart your memory lingers, Sweetly, tenderly, fond and true; There is not a day, dear sister, That I do not think of you. Days of sadness still come o’er me, Tears of sorrow silently flow; But fond memories keep you near me, Since with the God, who loved you so. Your sister, Mrs. J. B. Edmonds. IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of my dear husband, W. C. Hasty, who departed from this weary world 4 years ago, the 17 of January. Dear husband and father, it has been 4 long years since you left us. It was a sad day when the angels came to call you home. Your place has never been filled and never will. We miss you, oh, so much, husband and father dear, but sleep on and take your rest. We hope to meet you where there will be no heartaches and pain. You are gone but not forgotten. • Mrs. W. C. Hasty and children. IN MEMORIAM In memory of Janie Marie Wil liams, who died December 30, 1939. A short life of love and affection, Five years so happily spent, Was the life of our little Janie, Surely now, she must be content. We shall miss your sensible chatter, And the dancing of baby’s feet, We shall miss your childish humor That made our lives complete. You were called away from us, darling, For a cause that God only knows, But deep in our hearts that are broken and sore, Our love for you still grows. For we picture you now as an angel Smiling at Jesus’ feet; And we cherish the day when we shall see you again With God and His holy fleet. By Airs. Ellen Miles Dickens. IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving remembrance of our dear beloved mother and grandmother, Mrs. Sallie Wright, who departed from us four years ago, Jan. 3, 1936. She had a smile for every one and A heart as pure as gold. To those who knew and loved her, Her memory never grows old. God made her a wonderful mother, A mother who never grew old; He made her smiles of sunshine, And molded her heart of gold. The beautiful things you did for us Are alive in our hearts today; And keep you near and dear to us Though you have passed from this life to a better one on high. Children and grandchildren. IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of my dear child, Harry Norwood, that departed this life five months ago. I have spent Christmas in sadness and sorrow without my dear child. Dear darling, you spent twenty-one Christmases with me and I do thank my blessed Lord for every hour that He spared you in this world and was hoping that I would be taken first. Since you are gone and life is so sad, no one knows how I miss you but my blessed Lord. I can tell no one the trouble and sorrow and pain I bear. My poor heart just aches and throbs for the loss of my dear child. You are gone but not forgotten and never will be as long as I live. I loved you in life and I love you in death and I will love you as long as I have breath. I trust that your soul is resting in the presence of the Lord. Your loving mother, Mrs. Mandie Norwood. IN MEMORIAM In memory of Mr. M. B. Ray who departed December 31, 1938. Daddy, you left us one year ago today, But we will meet you in Heaven If we work, love and pray. We’ve missed your smile in the by gone time, And will miss it more, I know, But your love still lingers in our hearts, ’Most everywhere we go. But when we think of where you are, We let our tears be dried. Because we know that you are seated at Jesus’ side. For God has promised if we do our best, We will meet you on the golden shore of rest. Your wife and children. NOTICE NOTICE OF RE-SALE By virtue of the authority con tained in that certain order of re sale in that certain Special Pro ceeding entitled “Agnes R. Cheek et al, ex parte” of record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Halifax County, North Carolina, the undersigned Commis sioner will on Monday the 29th day of January, 1940 beginning at one o’clock P.M. and continuing from time to time or from day to day until completed, at ,or near the main entrance from the Roanoke Rapids-Weldon Highway to Grant Brick Works just West of the Town of Weldon, North Carolina, offer for re-sale at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders for cash the following described tract or parcel of land lying and being situ ate in Weldon Township, Halifax County, North Carolina, more par ticularly described as follows: No. 4: Beginning in the center of the old ford where the old road from Weldon to Roanoke Rapids crosses Chockoyotte Creek; thence running in a Northerly direction down said creek approximately 2588 feet to a forked birch at a fence line in the John R. Crew line; thence along said Crew line, a chopped line; N. 70° 10’ W. 3013 feet to a stone in the W. T. White head line; thence along said White head line, a chopped line, S. 19° 30’ W. 1238 feet to a stake in the old country club road near a large pine; thence along said country club road S. 63° E. 287 feet; S. 47° 20’ E. 1071 feet; S. 54° 45’ E. >41 feet; S. 44° E. 400 feet; S. 28° E. 100 feet to the point of begin aing, the same containing 96.90 a :res, more or less, and being Divi sion No. 1 allotted to Sallie A. Ponton in a division of her mother’s estate. The above described tract or par cel of land will be sold subject to any rights-of-way and easements of the Power Company and Tele phone & Telegraph Company for power, telephone and telegraph lines and subject to all rights and easements by reason of roads, thoroughfares or otherwise togeth er with any and all leases on said property. Other terms and conditions will be announced at the sale. The bidding at said re-sale will begin at $1543.50. This notice dated and posted this 11th day of January, 1940. M. S. BENTON, Commissioner. 2t-A&B-l-25 NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Lula Woodruff, this is to no tify all persons having claims a gainst the estate of the said de ceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned administrator at Roanoke Rapids, N. C. on or before the 11th of January 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted into said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of January 1940. F. M. Coburn, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Lula Woodruff 6t-KJ-2-15 NOTICE rs - din St. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATE. Zollie Having qualified as Administrate Edna of the Estate of Mrs. Rose Ros deceased, late of Halifax Count Jvlrs‘ North Carolina, this is to notify a“onor persons having claims against th Estate of said deceased to exhibij was them to the undersigned at Roa noke Rapids, N. C., on or before the „ 11th day of January, 1941, or this ■Mes" notice will be pleaded in bar o?or&e> their recovery. All persons indebt- Pap ed to said Estate will please makeamp immediate payment to the under-^yaf. signed. . This the 8th day of January, 1940. ,a, COLE R. WEISS, Administrator ^ar*e of Estate of Mrs. Rose Ross. Ing. W. Bernard Allsbrook, Attorney 6t-WBA-2-15 — — pan NOTICE >ndi ’ w ■ 1 v *■ ipids - s R Having qualified as Administra- -2^p trix of the estate of Joseph C. Wells, late of Halifax County, “ North Carolina, this is to notify all’ne ® persons having claims against the> $45 estate of said deceased to exhibitvalue them to the undersigned at Roa-\yjn noke Rapids, North Carolina, on ofy jejt before the 29th day of December, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 29th day of December, 1939 ELIZABETH C. WELLS. Admin istratrix of the Estate of Joseph C. Wells, Deceased. Allsbrook & Benton, Attys. 6t-A&B-2-8 Dr. E. D. Harbour Eyes Examined -■ Glasses Fitted Prices Reduced. Office over n Shell Furniture Co. C ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. a V CHOCKOYOTTE, Whole Milk and 1 £ _ J Chocolate Milk 1«JC |A j III rhee (Mm MtM RUFUS tt. TICK, Mge.i^| Fred Fores & Company General Contractoj# if All types Building Construe and Repair Work. |PA Dial R-709-1" C Roanoke Rapids, N.rVFR -.. ■ i'&SfcfittlUMm; " _ INDIGESTION Sensational Relief from Indigestion and One Dose Proves It If the first close of this pleasant-tatting little black tablet doesn't bring you the fastest and most complete relief you have experienced send bottla back to os and get DOUBLE MONEY BACK. Thia Bell-ant tablet helps the stomach digest food, makes the excess stomach fluids harmless and lets you eat the nourishing foods you need. For heart burn, sick headache and upsets so often caused by excess stomach fluids making you feel sour and •lck all over— JUST ONE DOSE ot Bell-aai Drove* speedy relief, 25c everywhere. - —I THEY WOULD READ YOUR AD TOO, IF IT APPEARED HERE ^^ ii^^MMMlI Cash-tn-Advance Rates on Want-Ads, Per Line: First Time_10c Third Time- I® Second Time_ Sc Fourth Time- Sc Additional Insertions—Per Line—Sc We positively do not send solicitor for Want-Ads or acoept them over the telephone as All Want-Ads MUST be paid strictly CASH-IN ADVANCE. Count live words to line. Minimum Ad.—25c. o—**vv«i uui uic uuvious ao vantage to the city’s commerce in giving Roanoke Rapids direct bus service with towns in our trade territory with which we are not now connected by bus. They also contend that by reason of the fact the bus from Raleigh to Richmond would be directed over the new short route," it would influence thousands of motorists yearly to follow the route taken by the bus, which would lead them through Roanoke Rapids. The Board of County Commissioners unanimously endorsed the Carolina Coach appli cation at a recent meeting. BIRTHS Born in the Roanoke Rapids Hospital this week to Mr. and Mrs. Glassel Moseley, a boy, January 29; to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Medlin, a girl, January 30; to Mr, and Mrs. D. I. Kidd, a girl, January 31; to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Freeman, a girl, January 31. RADIO | SERVICE A Good Job or Your Money Refunded! RADIO SERVICE DEPARTMENT SHELL FURN. CO. Roanoke Rapids, N. C.; t ON DISPLAY SOON Watch for Showing Date at — E. W. SMITH, 1037 Roanoke Avenue Roanoke Rapids, ., -- 1 1 ■ - - I