_I_I IE ROANOKE RAPIDS V TO CARRY ITS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING IN THIS TERRITORY FOR - - 1940! There’s a REASON! There are a number of newspapers published in the wide territory served by the Weldon Coca Cola Bottling Works, Inc. In selecting the media to carry its newspaper advertising for the year 1940, the local bottlers had more than one publica tion to select from. Naturally they were anxious (as all advertisers are) to choose the medium that in their opinion would carry their message into MORE HOMES—and be READ BY MORE PEO PLE. We believe it is a significant fact that they decided the ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD would best do this task for them. We also believe, Mr. Advertiser, that COCA COLA’S decision is worthy of your consideration in selecting an advertising medium, for it is a PACT that — THE HERALD IS I^EAD IN MORE HALIFAX COUNTY HOMES THAN ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED! There is also a REASON for this “reader preference,” for week in—week out, the HUiRAT.n offers its readers — . ola every iste. And le happy freshment ings. Get le feel of / SE THAT R E F R E S AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA CO. BY X)LA BOTTLING WORKS, INC._ —----- -| • MORE NEWS • MORE FEATURES • MORE PICTURES • MORE LOCAL COVERAGE than any other weekly newspaper in Eastern Carolina. Undoubtedly those facts in turn ac count for the significant one that the HERALD carries MORE ADVERTISING!