NEXT WEEK AT ROANOKE RAPIDS THEATRES DOROTHY LAMOUR IN RETURN FILM IMPERIAL SUNDAY ■ I Jane Withers In "Youth Will Be Served" Thu.-Fri. "Disputed Passage", starring Dorothy Lamour and John How ard, will come to the Imperial The atre Sunday of next week for one day only for a return showing. "Brigham Young - Frontiersman", which is reviewed on the opposite page, will be shown at the Impe rial Monday and Tuesday. ****** "Melody and Moonlight", star ring Johnny Downs and Vera Vague, will come to the uptown theatre for "bargain day" next Wednesday only. Downs, as a would-be hoofer on the down beat, meets up with Jane Frazee, society deb, who is out ι slumming at one of the city's no torious dime-a-dance emporiums, as her last fling in resentment of her father's tyrannical insistence that she marry and settle down in stead of seeking the theatrical life she insists upon. After winning a dancing cup at | the emporium, becoming involved: in a brawl which ensues, falling in love with the personable Downs, she starts a Dancing School of the Air, which is stopped before the broadcast by the tyrannical father (Jonathan Hale), who brings pres sue to bear on the sponsor, and the final intervention of Mary Lee, Downs' little sister, who brings matters out into the open, winding matters up to every one's satisfac tion, the audience included. ik * * * * tfc "Youth Will Be Served", starring ' Jane Withers and Jane Darwell, will come to the Imperial Theatre next week for a two-day run on Thursday and Friday. This pic-1 ture was secured at the last min- j ute and a review was not available, j However, the film is said to iiave all the characteristics of a With ers story with added punches here and there. A show with an appeal for all ages. ****** Saturday John King and Ray Corrigan will appear in the West tern story, "Range Busters", which promises to give the lover of the great outdoors plenty of thrills. "Deadwood Dick" will be the added attraction for the day. lur». DCiiuiuii nus Less Mrs. J. F. Beaman of Jackson was hostess to her bridge club and [ eight additional guests Thursday night, Oct. 10, at one of the loveli est parties of the autumn season. The hall, living room and dining room were thifawn ensuite and made especially attractive with beautiful arrangements of late zin nias, marigolds and October pinks. The Halloween motiff was carried out in tallies and refreshments. I Mrs. Albert Lassiter won high score j club prize, and Mrs. C. B. Roberson won high score guest prize. The club members present were Mes dames G. H. Tyler, D. L. Boone, Purnell Stephenson, R. P. Rawl ings, Horace Britton, Leroy Vaughn, H. D. Hart, W. M. Buffa loe, V. C. Bridgers, Jim Spivey and J. B. Grant. Guests of Mrs. Beamon and the club were: Mesdames Mary Coch rane, G. R. Bain, C. B. Roberson, Calvin Stewart, Frank Meachem, G. B. Burnette and A. C. Gay. Elmer Ray left last week to at tend an apprentice school in New port News, Va. Carl Bector of Wake Forest Col lege visited Miss Ophelia Chambliss Saturday. British Heroine —— I .... Jtmm I At her "spotting post" where she watches for German air raiders is Sonia Vera Carlyle Straw, 19, yoong British heroine recently; awarded the newly-created George Cross for risking her life to save others daring a raid. The medal corresponds to the Victoria Cross, highest military decoration. Mrs. Wood Hostess Wednesday evening of last week Mrs. J. A. Wood entertained with bridge. High score was won by Mrs. H. E. Gileson, second high by Mrs. Calvin Kennemur. A lovely salad course was served after the game. Those playing were Mesdames S. Ν. Graham, Η. Ε. Gileson, T. M. Bullock, M. F. White, Calvin Ken nemur, Charles Fitts, Francis Starke, A. L. Gilliam, Zollie Powell, R. M. Pope, M'-.s Jahie Lassiter and Mrs. Alton Gurganus. TOWN TALK J. M. Sewell, Jr., who is with the National Guard in Columbia, S. C., spent the week-end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Boone, Jr., and daughter, Evelyn, of Scotland Neck, spent Sunday here with rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Peeler and daughter, Marlene, Billy Wise and Marshall Finch spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Wise in Salisbury, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Alley Pulley of Stony Creek, Va., spent Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. Bernice Barrett. Mrs. S. L. Moon returned home after spending two weeks with her OIOLCI. mi o. rx. xx. χιαι pci, in jui - win, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. John Lakey and Miss Kathleen Lakey attended the funeral of Robert Clay in Harrells ville, N. C. Sunday. Caleb Moore of Columbia, S. C., is spending a few days here visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Allen and children of Emporia spent Sunday with Mrs. Lewis Taylor in South Rosemary. Emory Vaughan, Corporal in the National Guard in Columbia, S. C., visited here last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Hawkins spent Sunday at her home in La Crosse, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lattimore, Mrs. Doc Lattmiofe and Alvin Lattimore spent the week-end in ; Raleigh and attended the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bryant, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. j Barrow, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dick jerson, Clayton Dickerson and Ar nita Dickerson spent Sunday in Brodnax, Va. Garland Matthews spent Satur day in Raleigh at the State Fair. Misses Helen Butler, Marjorie Lee, and Buck Carroll spent the week-end in Raleigh and attended the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. William Fanney, Miss Louise Warren, Jack Fanney, Buba Gay and Wilbur Allen spent the week-end in Raleigh and at tended the State Fair. Mrs. W. H. Crutchfield of Oxford is spending a few days here with friends and relatives. George Wood of the National Guard in Columbia, S. C., spent the week-end here with relatives. K. O. Wright and Henry Ferrell attended the State Fair in Raleigh Saturday. Roscoe Strickland spent the week-end at his home in Nash ville, N. C. Mrs. H. P. Lucas with her grand daughter, Nancy White, spent the week-end in Creswell, N. C.. vis iting her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Woodley. Misses Nellie White Mary Saun ders and Messrs. John Forrester and John Carras spent Saturday in Raleigh and attended the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. John King and daughter, Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Parrott, spent Thursday at the State Fair in Raleigh. Mrs. J. A. Ferrell spent Sunday in Nashville visiting her sister, Mrs. Ivey Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Cates, MÎ3S Edith Elythe and Dick Erwin spent Saturday in Raleigh and at tended the State Fair. L. M. Daughtry of Norfolk is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Daughtry. Bruce Waters of Norfolk, Va., was the guest of Miss Helen Wright Saturday. Miss Ann Matthews and Jimmie Cox attended the State Fair in Ra leigh Saturday. Willie Willingham of Washing ton, D. C. spent the week-end vis iting friends. Mrs. Pauliie Daughtry spent Saturday in Richmond. Dorothy Harris spent the week end visiting friends in Raleigh. Marshall Finch visited friends in Lexington over the week-end. Howard Dickens spent the week end in Greensboro and visited Lu cille Rook who is attending col lege thei#j. Mrs. Scott Lassiter and Peggy Grant of Franklin, Va. spent the week-end in town. Miss Elsie Pair, Mrs. J. H. Pair, Mrs. P. W. Woodruff and Dewey Hersey spent Sunday at Fort Bragg. P. O. Hobbs has returned from Duke Hospital, Durham, where he has been for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rose and daughter, Sandra, and Mrs. Hu bert Wirtz spent Thursday in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Godwin Lane, Mr. and Mrs. James Braswell, and W. E. Lane attended the funeral of riooert: uiary at Harrellsville Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gossett and children of Enfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Britt. Miss Ruby Williams spent Satur day in Rocky Mount. Cornelius Gums of Washington, D. C., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gums. Miss Ophelia Chambliss spent Monday in Rocky Mount. Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Haynie, Mrs. L. B. Crouch, Mrs. G. M. Gur ley and Miss Mary Gurley attend ed the Roanoke Association in Nashville Tuesday. Miss Ida Edmonds of Louisburg College spent the week-end here with her parents. Thomas Sewell spent Sunday at Carolina with Dallas Wright. Mrs. R. B. Hurst and daughter, Elizabth Morgan, of New York, were guests of Mrs. Hurst's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McCom mons this week. Mrs. Jennings Knight spent Fri day in Norfolk. PROGRAMS FOR THE WEEK OF OCT. 20th PEOPLES SUNDAY Tyrone Power-Linda Darnell BRIGHAM YOUNG-Frontiersman MONDAY-TUESDAY Deanna Durbin-Robert Cummings SPRING PARADE WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Victor Mature-Louise Piatt CAPTAIN CAUTION FRIDAY Walter Pidgeon-Donald Meek SKY MURDER SATURDAY Wendy Barrie-Patric Knowlee WOMEN IN WAR Added: King of the Royal Mounted fMOCQfAL SUNDAY Dorothy Lamour-John Howard DISPUTED PASSAGE MONDAY-TUESDAY Tyrone Power-Linda Darnell BRIGHAM YOUNG-Frontiersman WEDNESDAY Johnny Downs-Vera Vague MELODY AND MOONLIGHT THURSDAY-FRIDAY Jane Withers-Jane Darwel] YOUTH WILL BE SERVED SATURDAY John King-Ray Corrigan RANGE BUSTERS Added: Deadwood Dick