Yesterday I registered for the selective service act. —o ■ I don't know whether I will be selected or not, but my name is down, along with millions of oth ers. I am subject to call. Some thing that I have sometimes thought about in my thirty-two years of living, but the first time I have actually been in a position which limited my liberties. —ο— The fact that I am participating in a history making episode does not offer the accompanying thrill that it might In a few years, I may throw out my chest and brag about the participation; but now I can think only of what this par ticipation might bring about before the end is reached. Shall I shoulder a gun and go tramping off—leaving loved ones, home, job, and accumulated bills behind? And while I am away will giant bombers sweep down from the sky to drop bombs upon and machine-gun those left behind? Shall I perish "on some battle scarred slope" where the thunder ing noises and multiple slaughter will make my death an unnotice able incident? Shall I be number ed and my passing simply make the chart read one less? vyi Butui jl return sneu snocKea— a misfit in the social and economic world that will be the backwash of the present conflict? Shall I be a helpless cripple, an invalid, blind and dumb? And where will the job be? After the slaughter, shall I be fit to hold a job, even if there is one avail able? —o— And what attitude shall I have? Shall I care for a job, for gains, for comforts, for prosperity, for prestige? Or shall I be immune to likes and dislikes, having been transformed into a dumb animal from over-exposure to the base e motions of human beings? —Ο— And we could go on and on, dig ging up possible pictures of that which the few answers and couple of signatures of yesterday might lead us into. But .... We are proud that we feel like one of our forefathers, Patrick Henry. We will accept the future as it may concern of bodies and spirits; but we will not give up some of the things American without a fight. Funeral Held For Mrs. W. H. Hux Of Ebenezer Section Funeral services were held Sun day, October 6, from the Ebenezer Methodist Church for Mrs. W. H. Hux, 78, ' of the Ebenezer commu nity, Rev. C. T. Thrift officiating. Mrs. Hux cfied Friday, October 4, after three months' illness. She was the daughter of the late Oscar F. and Holly Dickens of this county. She was the last member then of church and com munity. She had been a member of Ebenezer church top approxi mately f65 years. Also a faithful attendant as long as her health permitted. She was the wife of the late Wil liam H. Hux of this county; the mother of three children, Mrs. For est Dickens, Miss Lillie Hux, and Buck Davis Hux, of this county; the step-mother of 7 children now living, Mrs. Ben Bullock of Ox ford, JÎTrs. Robert 7->ickens of Hali fax, Lucius Hux of Oak City, Mrs. Albert Pettie, Η. Α., Η. Β. and Α. Β. Hux, all of Portsmouth, Va.; two grandchildren; 29 step-grand children, and a host of relatives and friends survive. Flower girls and pallbearers were nieces and nephews of the deceas ed. Reportin1 The SPORTS Dallas Wright, big fullback who used to carry the mail for Coach Hoyles here, got into the game for the Carolina Tar Babies last week when they met the Wolflets from State. The State boys won handi ly. But you can never tell about these freshman teams. —ο— Or the varsity either for that matter. Two weeks ago at this time, there wcjre a few scattered around who had the Rose Bowl Itis when Wake Forest was men tioned. Last week it might have come down to the Cotton Bowl or the Dust Bowl Itis, but still "'bowl itis." This week the pit of either bowl in question was not low enough for the Wake Forest supporters. Poor Wake. About what happened down there was this: The Clemson boys, who are leant a bit toward the military, iid not have time to read the press release about Polanski, Pruitt, and Jett. They probably did not know who they were up against. As a result they had agood warm-up in the first quarter and got a good workout during each of the last three. —ο— Looks as if Notre Dame will come through this year. Their first team scored almost at will against Georgia Tech Saturday. Yet the Techs are no sneeze either. They have been admitting that they are pretty good, too. —ο— And we wonder who is going to pull the hidden trick down in the 3alkans. They have been playing in midfield down there a long time without any scoring. Somebody will show a sign of weakness soon ;r or later. Are the quarterbacks mart enough to see them and take idvantage of them? Sigr.alcaller Yosef Stalin (sounds like a good candidate for mythical All-European team) has been lying low for a long time. And he had his breather in Finland, too. —ο— Wonder who will emerge the champeen in that league over there? And will America find that she has to get in also? Let us hope that we can stay out of that game. Steve Acai seemed very pleased with his boys after they scored on the locals in the latter half last Saturday. "We've scored on them anyway," he jumped from the bench and yelled. Ο nltr fpacVirvinn f »·Λΐνι Vinun nnf fo»· a sport at State is Fred Cooper. He is practicing for the basketball team. But that team has on it some of the boys from Durham. And the Durham team has been "hot" for past few years. —ο— With the coming of the cool days and the blowing of the broomsage blossoms across the country roads, we can almost feel that tired ache in the back of our legs after tramp ing the fields in search of the elusive quail for a day. Circle Meets The Willie Kelley Circle of the First Baptist Church mejt in the home of Mrs. T. O. Corbitt on Jefferson Street Monday evening with Mrs. Henry Fitts presiding. The opening song was, Ί Need Thee Every Hour". The Lord's prayer was said in unison by the circle. Roll was called and Per sonal Service report was taken and business discussed. Scripture read ing was taken from the 13th chap ter of Revelation. "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" was then sung. Mrs. Fitts had charge of the program and was assisted by Mrs. Askew, Mrs. Hasty, and Mrs. Pearson, who read very interesting parts from the Royal Service. Mrs. Corbitt recited a very interesting poem. The meeting closed with sentence prayers by each member asking God's blessings for those on the foreign fields and asking for Peace. The closing hymn was "Blest Be The Tie That Binds". Mrs. Corbitt served delicious re freshment· to the following: Mes dames W. F. Peeler, Julian Bell, Katie Langston, Gene Pearson, Henry Fitts, John Baird, Alice Cole, J. L. Langston, E. W. Wright, J. M. Vincent, Lola Bryant, E. R. Hasty, W. B. Masingâle, Mrs. Jor dan, and Misses Janie Askew, Inez Williams, Shirley Jordan and Charles Hasty. One visitor, Mrs. Eva Hux, attended. The next meeting will be held next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. M. Vincent, 228 Hamil ton Street. Don ûàm Family {©g* / ALWAYS FRESH AT YOUR GROCER'S S VR 1 our lamuy—every lamuy, leeis more cneenui all day long when breakfast toast il crisp, tender—golden brown. And here's a delicious secret—make your toast with BAM BY Home Made Style Bread— for this fine loaf has a loose, open texture ... a crust th?.t is soft and tender and a delicious old-time, home-like flavor. Yes, the ideal bread for toast is BAM BY Home Made Style Bread. If you don't believe it—just ask the family. Order BAM BY Bread today. HOME MADE STYIS BREAD THE IDEAL buead FOR TOAST ROYAL BAKING CQ^.BA'MBt BAK'E-RS, RALEIGH.· Ή. [PEnDERΙ it y J σο ά S to φ IN OUK MARKET DEPT. PENDEK SELECT Sliced Bacon £ 10c FAT BACK 3 »>s. 25c PORK ROAST fresh-lb. 17c BEEF ROAST lean-lb. 17c SMOKED HAMS 8""n,b 21c PORK SAUSAGE 15c ·~~*————————_ φ PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Yellow Onions 4 lb 10c GRAPES 19c LEMONS L""S1",D" 19c CELERY per stalk 5C SNAPBEANS 4 lbs. 19c Green CABBAGE 4|bs· 10c Double Fresh Golden Blend COFFEE 2 lbs. 25c 16-ox. Loaf Triple Fresh Colonial BREAD 8« New Stock—Dried Navy Beans 3 lbs. 13c New Stock—Evaporated PRUNES Medium Size, lb. 5c Fresh Pack Green Peas 2"-15c Colonial Tomato Catsup 2 : 17c Vim Pep DOG FOOD 4 - 15c Colonial Tomato Juice 3 r 20c Pillsbury's Best FLOOR = 41c IVORY TOILET SOAP, Medium Cake 5c LARGE SIZE OXYDOL, Package 19c OYSTERETTES, Ν. B. C. 2 pkg. 9c LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE 3 cans 25c M