f NEXT WEEK AT ROANOKE RAPIDS THEATRES "DOWN ARGENTINE WAY" FEATURED FILM NEXT WEEK "South of Suez" and "The Letter" Both At Peoples Don Ameche and Betty Grable will come to the Peoples Theatre in the featured film of the week, "Down Argentine Way," for the Sunday show. It will be shown at the Imperial on Monday and Tues day. This color musical is plentifully supplied with ingredients calculated to take an audience's mind off what îs happening in Europe. It is tune ful and entertaining. The screenplay, treats of horses and those who love them, primarily of a boy and a girl, respectively South and North America, who find themselves in love despite objec tions on the part of the boy's father to the girl's family, based on. an old fancied slight involving another woman. Treated, also, is the con version of father's favorite horse, a jumper, into a flat racer. ****** "South of Suez", story of dark plots and intrigues in the diamond country of Africa, starring George Brent and Gernldine Fitzgerald, will have a two-day run at the Peo ples Theatre on Monday and Tues day of next week. In the support ing cast will be James Stephen son, George Tobias, Lee Patrick and others. j The story casts Mr. Tobias in the role of a ruthless and cowardly mine owner, hated by the wife who married him for his money, enact ed by Mijs Patrick. At her urg ing, he hired the adventurer depict ed by Mr. Brent as foreman. By constantly throwing herself at him, the woman forces Brent off the place, and be becomes foreman for a dissipated Englishman whose dis covery of a huge stone causes his murder. Accussed of the crime, Brent flees to England, where he falls in love with the Englishman's daughter; is caught, but finally ex onerated. ****** Called Bette Davis' best, "The Letter" will be shown at the Peo ples Theatre here next Wednesday and Thursday. Herbert Marshall will take the lead opposite Miss Davis. The picture, which has just been released, has not been reviewed. The "letter" about which the story centers annears below, however: "Robert will be away for the night. I absolutely must see you. I shall expect you at eleven. I am desper ate and if vo'i don't come, I won't be responsible for the conse quences. L" The story is based on a novel by Somerset Maugham. * A * * * * One of the r~ost dramatic of stories eve»· to with 'teen-aere girls, "Girls Under 21" will be shown pt ..to'"-' tv","tre Friday only of next week. Star ring Paul Kel'v and Rochell Hud son, it te'].» of a one-man battle against a ree»nerate group of hard boiled gangsters. The fi'm onens with Frances White, played by Miss Hudson, re turning to her home in the Yancey Street slums after receiving much newspaper publicity as the wife of a notorious gangster. Announcing that she is finished with her rack eteer husband, the girl gets a job in the neighborhood department store. Johnnv Cane, local high school teacher, is both overjoyed and dismaved at her return. He is overjoyed because he can again go out with the girl he always loved, but di«maved because the younger girls in the community, led by Frances' sister, Jennie, start pat terning their behavior along the lines of Frances' newspaper publi city, openly fllouting Cane's plans for their betterment. ****** "Men Against The Sky", starring Richard Dix and Wendy Barrie, will come to the downtown theatre for the Saturday show only of next week. Reviewers have said that it is one of the soundest of pictures yet filed in the story of the present day re-armament program. There is humor in the manufac turer's financing of his enterprise and there is romance in the story. There is drama in the telling of how a down-at-heel pilot supplies the construction formula needed for success and dies when his para chute fails, as well as in two fights made, but there are no mock hand Hng of the material evoked, more applause and approval from a pre view audience than all the flag waving in all the other flight pic tures made since "Hell's Angels." Visiting Parents Miss Daisy McCommons arrived here last Thursday night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McCommons. Miss McCommons, a registered nurse, has been on duty at Puerto Rico for the past two years. She will visit here before enlisting again for duty after Christmas. Miss McCommons made the trp from Puerto Rico to Miami, Fla., by plane. She came to Roanoke Rapids from Florida by train. UNUSUAL FACTS REVEALED j -by "Movie Spotlight?' ] BILL ELLIOTTtouîamuumus omJ Ms/ffitfi Jiwy-mwt/tD stotLXfBtew* τ* 'PRAIRE SCHOONERS"™"* THxm/N non m Hotsr wm* sr** Λ tOMOf nSTtPfilPj i#JD AJÇF. WALTER^'WLOR *** Λα*Μ AMP *4 Lite