ο υ SHOPPING CENTER1 ! A TIMELY SALE OF COATS i DRESSES $ EVERY COAT & DRESS AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CHRISTMAS... 514.95 and $19.95 DRESSES NOW ONLY Y Every Dress in this group is a "Brand-new" Fall Style and Was a Real Value at Its Original Price! SEE THEM. $9.95 DRESSES ON SALE FOR Only 104 of these "Better Dresses" in your size and style. No "shop-worn" Dresses. All brand-new. Sale $8.« 57.95 DRESSES OK SALE FOR You know the quality of this group of Dresses. They are REAL VALUES at our LOW Sale Price of — $6. 45 $5.95 DRESSES, now $4.85 $4.98 DRESSES, now $3.85 $3.98 DRESSES, now $2.98 DRESSES, now $3.39 $2.39 $1.98 DRESSES NOW ON SALE FOR — $1.69! Every Dress in this group is a "Brand-New Style" and priced for Quick Sale! Dress up lor the Holidays. You'll never have a better chance than at this Sale! LEGGETT'S SALE of COATS We have your size and style in a brand-new Coat, and feature them at Sensational REDUCTIONS! $27.50 and $29.50 COATS Now Reduced to only — *21.00 6! ?>■ BûilxlJMMISlx FRIDAY, DEC. 13th WE WILL STAY OPEN EVENINGS "TIL CHRISTMAS New Things Arriving Daily for the Holidays. Shop Leggetts and Save! $16.50 COATS — Now On Sale For - $12.85 $9.95 COATS Now On Sale For — $8.45 U