CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our neigh bors and all the children in the fifth grade at Vance street school for the nice things they gave our little daughter, Joyce Ann “Pat’’ Hall, before leaving for Gastonia hospital on January 6th. We es pecially want to thank Mrs. Millie Duke for the nice party she gave her. May God’s richest blessings rest upon each and every one of them. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall, 112 B. Monroe St., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. IN ME MORI AM (In sad, loving memory of my devoted mother, Mrs. Pattie Avent, who departed this life nine years ago Jan. 24, 1933) Nine long years ago, dear mother, You did leave us here to mourn; Made us all so sad and lonely— Left our hearts with anguish torn. Though you are sleeping, dearest mother, Where the golden waters flow, And we know you are happy In your beautiful heavenly home. To those who have a mother, Greet her with tender care, For you will never know her value Till you see her vacant chair. Her daughter, Mrs. Van Carter, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. NOTICE Under the power and authority of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax County, North Carolina, entered on the 6th. day of January, 1942, directing J. M. Picot, Substitute Trustee, to re sell the hereinafter described land, and pursuant to said order, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will, on the 9th. day of February, 1942, at 11:00 o’clock in the fore noon in front of The Bank of Hal ifax in Littleton, Halifax county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land; “Situate in North Carolina, Hal ifax county, Littleton township, and is a part of the Missuri A. New som land this day sold and deeded to the grantor by S. T. Hardy and F. J. Harris, and contains forty six acx-es, more or less. For a more accuraet description, reference is hereby made to a plot and survey of said land by C. E. Foster, Nov. 22, 1921, and is described in said plot as Lot No. 1. on said survey, and is the land described in a deed of trust from N. D. Williams to S. G. Daniel, Trustee, dated Jan. 24th. 1922, and is l-ecorded in Book 330 -- -•—i .V1A1D 1 IN .1 — Series Of Pictures In Color A collection of paintings of beantiful American girls by Henry Clive, eminent artist, re produced in full color. Don’t miss this delightful series now appearing in THE AMERICAN WEEKLY The Big Magazine Distributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale At All Newsstands WAI | bat there’s no way around that lljU If you want to hold a job. If you sisnntl <1° not get enough Vitamin B1 WllRn *nd Iroa >rour tegular diet, IVUniV and your appetite needs eo* Trtn couragement, try VINOL. Your lyy druggist has this pleasant-taat* HARD r.“T. Matthews Drug Co. ftff/ - % among ^r^laxatives all over the South p 216, office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax county, North Carolina. „ . .. The sale price of $850.00 at the previous sale on Dec. 31st. 1941, having been raised five per cent, this sale will start at $892.50. Dated and posted this 24th, day of January, 1942. J M PICOT, Substitute Trustee. 2t-JMP-2-5 NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA HALIFAX COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by C. G. Carawan and Iva Carawan, his wife, to J. Winfield Crew, Jr., Trustee, dated the 2nd day of February, 1939, and recorded in Book 480 at page 391 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County; and un der and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as sub stituted trustee by instrument in writing dated the 16th day of Jan uary, 1942, and recorded in Book 516 at page_ in the office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the said deed of trust and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured hav ing demanded a foreclosure there of for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned substituted trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in front of the U. S. Post Office in Roanoke Rap ids, Halifax County, North Caro lina, at 11:30 o’clock A.M. on Mon day, February 23, 1942, the land conveyed in said deed of trust the same being more particularly de scribed as fo’Iows: That certain tract or parcel of land located in Roanoke Rapids Township, Halifax County, North Carolina, beginning at a point in the Southern boundary line of Lot No. 1 as shown on the plat of the property of Wells D. Tillery re corded in Plat Book 2-B Page 234, Fred Forest & Company General Contractors All types Building Construction and Repair Work. Dial R-709-1 Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ^NEURALGIA'} Capudlne acts fast because It’s ■ liquid, relieving pains of neuralgia I quickly, pleasantly. Soothes upset I nerves. Use only as directed. All drug- I gists. 10c, 30c, 60c bottles. | Dr. E. D. Harbour Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Office over Shell Furniture Co. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County, which point is S. 34 E. 30 feet from the Southwestern corner of Lot No. 1, thence S. 34 E. 100 feet to a point in the Southern boundary line of Lot No. 2 on said map, thence N. 55-5 E. 180 feet to a point in the Northern boundary line of Lot No. 2, thence N. 34 W. 100 feet to a point in the Northern boundary line of Lot No. 1, thence S. 55-5 W. 180 feet to the point of beginning. The Western 30 feet of Lot No. 1 not set forth in this conveyance is hereby re served and dedicated for a street. This is a part of the same property as was conveyed by Wells D. Til lery to T. S. Crutchfield by deed dated December 30, 1921 and re corded January 4, 1922, in Book 325, page 519 public registry for Halifax County, and is further de scribed on a plat recorded in Plat Book 2-B, page 234, public registry for Halifax County; this is the same property as was conveyed to C. G. Carawan by deed of T. S. Crutchfield and wife, Lillie Mae Crutchfield, dated May 29, 1937, and recorded in Book -, page _, public registry for Halifax County; reference to which con veyances being hereby made for greater certainty of description. This the 20th day of January, 1942. Robert C. Josey, III Substituted Trustee 4t-RCJ-2-19 NOTICE NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA HALIFAX COUNTY A H Itahjui ana DAUGHTREY Plumbing Contractors State License No. 283 INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIR WORK ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED CHOCKOYOTTE Grade Dairy Whole Milk and'* P#» Qt. Chocolate Milk 1 W hipping Cream pt. 35c Skimmilk qt. 8c Phone Orders R-436-1 RUFUS G. VICK, Mgr. r 1 "■» Local and Long Distance HAULING Weldon Trucking Co. incorporated PHONE W-512-1 WELDON,JV. C. _————^—— In the Superior Court DOROTHY WOODLEY DAY, Plaintiff. -VS J. BRYCE DAY, Defendant. The defendant, J. Bryce Day, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax County, North Carolina, for an ab solute divorce on the grounds of two years separation and for the required to appear at the office of custody of a minor child born of this marriage; and the defendant will further take notice that he is the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax County at the Courthouse in Halifax, North Carolina, within thirty (30) days from the 5 day of February, 1942, and answer or de mur to the Complaint in this ac tion or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complairt. This the 13 day of January, 1942. A. L. Hux, Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax County, North Carolina. W. Bernard Allsbrook, Atty. 4t-WBA-2-5 Cash-in-Advance Rates on Want-Ads, Per Line: First Time _10o Third Time - 7» Second Time_«c Fourth Time - fk Additional Insertions—rer Line—5c DOUBLE RATE FOR “KEYED7’ ADS. We positively do not send solicitor for Want-Ads or accept them over the telephone as All Want-Ads MUST be paid strictly CASO-IN ADVANCE. Count five nords to line. Minimum Ad.—26c. Want-Ad Deadline Closes Tuesday! Positively Hone Accepted After Then For Publication That Week! POULTRY FOR SALE: U. S. Approved N. C. Pollorum Tested Baby Chicks. All popular breeds; place your order now for future delivery. J. M. Cobb, Oak Grove Hatchery, Halifax, N. C. st-l-8-tf SPECIAL NOTICES ASSISTANCE in making out your income tax returns may be had for a nominal charge by consulting a former deputy collector with 8 yrs. experience. See J. F. Welch, 225 Hamilton. Dial R-777-1. 3t-l-29 acw siuctv ui mai den Peas now in. Now is the time to plant for an early crop. Also— large stock of Onion Sets. Halifax Farmers Supply Co., C. A VVyche, Mgr., Dial R-512-1. Asthma Suffers, take Asthmarex liquid, for guaranteed relief or money hack. Taylor’s Drug Store. Roanoke Rapids. st-9-25tf FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT—1 con necting rooms; private entrance; hot & cold water; garage; wired for electric stove. Mrs. S. J. Dixon, 6th & Elm Sts. Dial W-524-1, Wel don. HELP WANTED WANTED — Experienced Machin ist. Apply in person or by writing to Mr. Wilson. Halifax Paper Co., Inc. Roanoke Rapids. 4t-2-12 WANTED—Rrliablo man with car to become Rawleigh Dealer in Northeast Halifax County. Around 2000 families. Experience not nec sary. Fine opportunity to get es tablished in a profitable business in a Locality where Rawleigh Prod ucts have been sold for many years. Big profits. Products fur nished on credit. See H. L. Mat thews, Enfield, N. C. or write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCA-182-163M, Richmond, Va. FOR SALE FOR SALE — General Electric Range. New. Has not been nn crated nor removed from sales room. Would trade for good din ing room furniture. See R. S. Goodman at Herald Printing Co., or 217 Jackson St. FENCING—We have a large stock of Poultry, Field and Barbed Wire Fencing; all moderately priced, considering the difficulty in obtain ing these items. Halifax Farmers Supply Co. C. A. Wyche, Mgr., Dial R-512-1. • I Guards Home Value! Repaint your home with dependable HEATH & MILLIGAN paints . . . HALIFAX FARMERS SUPPLY CO. C. A. WYCHE, Mgr. Roa. Av. & 11th ,