FIRST COLLECTION OF BOOKS IN CAMPAIGN FRIDAY Victory Book Campaign Goes On In County The first county-wide collection of contributions to the recently launched Victory Book Campaign in Halifax county will be carried out Friday of this week when a truck will visit all high schools in the county to receive books that have been brought there during the first week of the campaign, Miss Evelyn Mullen, of the Ameri can Library Association and offi cial in the drive in Halifax county, said today. The books will be brought to Roanoke Rapids Armory where they will be sorted and crated for shipment to the nearest army post which needs them. Other collec tions will be made on each Friday for the next two weeks, Miss Mul len said. In the meantime the Victory campaign for gathering books for our boys in the armed forces goes on in Halifax county under the joint sponsorship of the United Service Organization, the American Red Cross and the American Li brary Association. Books of all nature and vintage are wanted. Books on recreation, fiction, non-fiction, biographies, technical, mathematics, in fact, anything the boys will enjoy read ing is acceptable. Text books re lating to almost any subject are wanted, as many of the soldiers are carrying on studies of various subjects during what spare time . they have in the Army. Miss Mullen said that millions of books were needed in order to assure each soldier accessibility to a library unit. It is known that in some of the larger military cen ters some of the soldiers are as much as two miles from the near est post library. Books collected in the Victory Book Campaign throughout the United States will be placed in the company recrea tion centers and the post libraries so that all men in the service—Air Corps, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Merchant Marines, and USO cen ters—will have an opportunity to read as much as he wants during his spare time. Tnere is hardly a home in Hal ifax county that does not have a book lying around the house that some soldier will enjoy reading,” Miss Mullen said. "It is hoped that all homes in the county will contribute as many books as pos sible to the campaign, but every home is urged to contribute at least one book.” All citizens are asked to bring their books to the nearest library, or give them to school children so that they may be brought to the various schools of the county where they will be picked up by truck and delivered to the shipping point. MASS MEETING (Continued from Page One) kers; Chief of Emergency Medical Service, T. J. Alford; Chief of E mergency Public Works Service, Virgil McDowell, and Chief of E mergency Utilities, Don P. Tillar. Under Sherrod Crumpler will be specialists of all sorts whose duty it will be to train the many civili an volunteers in the special groups. The other section chiefs will call upon Crumpler for the service of his special group and Crumpler will plan the training so that no over-lapping might occur. Consid ering the number of volunteers and the many hours of special training that they will all need, it can be readily seen that Crump ler’s work will be most important As Chief Personnel Officer C. W. Davis with a staff of ass is , tants will have charge of the en tire volunteer system, and he will also keep records of all property E--— purchased or rented by the Civilian Defense Organization. He will also have charge of transport fa cilities, and drivers, available for any of the other section chiefs or commander, in case of evacuations or the movement of supplies from one place to another in the city. Under Davis' direction, a Billeting Officer will survey all emergency housing available in case of local enemy action, and arrange for e mergency feeding. Under W. P. Taylor’s direction as Chief of Fire Service will come the group of auxiliary firemen who will assist the local volunteer firemen when an emergency oc curs. Also under his group will be aspecial rescue squad who will be a special rescue squad who will collapsed buildings not burning. They will be particularly versed in gas masks and handling of in jured persons. Under Chief Of police «. a*. uoo fcins will come the group of aux iliary police. These civilians will be sworn in as deputy officers and their duty will be to see that, dur ing blackouts or enemy action, no looting occurs. It can be readily seen that under blackout condi tions lawlessness might get out of hand without a supplemented po lice force. Another group com ing under Chief Dobbins’ direct ion will be the Bomb Squad. This will be a very small squad of se lect men. Their chief requisite will be intestinal fortitude. To them will fall the duty of excavat ing unexploded bombs and time bombs, and transporting them to positions where their exploding will not cause loss of life or pro perty. They will all be heroes "in the making.” Under Chief Air Raid Warden A. E. Akers will fall the heaviest burden of blackouts, either for Lest purposes or for sustained per iods. He will have a larger staff of workers than any other group. It is proposed to have various sec tor air raid wardens spaced in and around Roanoke Rapids who will always be at their posts during alerts. In the large sectors there will be an air raid warden for each block or group of houses. It is the air raid warden’s duty to report any incidents that occur in his group, and to advise the people in his area whether lights are showing in their darkened houses, and also to keep up civili an morale in his block. Also under Akers’ command will be the fire watchers who, from posts Of van tage, will be able to spot fires the moment they occur and report them to the Control Center. Under T. J. Alford’s command as Cheif of Emergency Medical Service will be placed the medical facilities of the town as well as the establishment of several e mergency First Aid stations. Of course, the entire medical and professional nursing staff will be under this group. Alford will also have to train a large staff of aux iliary nurses who will assist the medical staff in caring for the wounded at emergency hospitals. Also coming under Alford’s group will be a Chief of Sanitation Ser vice who will have charge of the health and sanitation of all e mergency feeding and housing centers and who will pass upon the purity of foods and water diiriner an emersrencv. Under the Chief of Emergency Public Work Service, McDowell will have four sections. One will deal with the emergency repair of roads so that during and after enemy action, traffic can be es tablished through bombed areas. Ke also has charge of the repairs of sewage and water facilities in case they are damaged. When it is recalled that the fall of Hong Kong was precipitated by the frjlure of its water supply it can be seen that McDowell’s group has a very important work. McDowell will also have charge of demolition and clearance of bombed buildings which have become dangerous to the public’s safety, and finally through his organization, there will be a Decontamination Squad of specialists who will be acquaint ed with chemical and bacterial warefare. In cases of enemy action where gases are used, it will be | their duty to render the gases harmless to the public and when ever water supplies are polluted their work will be to purify the supply. Under Don P. Tillar will come the work of Emergency Utilities. His duty is to see to it that ene my action does not dislocate e lectric power supply to the com munity, or the communications systems. His group, of course, will be specialists, for the most part already employed by the Virginia Electric and Power Company and the Carolina Telephone and Tele graph Company. Also under Til lar’s group will come the main tenance of all warning systems, in cluding the communications at the Control Center and the public air raid warning. Tillar will also have under his supervision a group of engineers who will be a bie to assist civilians or air raid wardens in the proper methods of blacking-out their residences and stores. Roanoke Rapids plans to have a blackout within the near future. It is a desire of the Defense Council that this blackout be as near as possible to actual conditions. Of course, it is realized that anyone could effectively black out his resi dence by pulling the main line electric service switch, particularly for test blackouts, lasting only 30 minutes or more. However, the public should realize that at any time it might become necessary for the entire Eastern Seaboard to be come black-out every night for a long period. In this case it would be necessary for the public to pro vide certain rooms in their houses where the family could eat, listen to the radio, and carry on normal family functions. For this reason all citizens in the Roanoke Rapids Area which will include Camps Store, Belmont, Lincoln Heights, South Rosemary, and Hornertown, and any other localities within one mile of the corporate limits, are urged to immediately start prepara tions for blacking-out of at least one room in their house. If they are fortunate enough to already have an interior room without win dows, this is an immediate solu tion. The use of blankets over windows or cardboard securely fas tened to keep out light is recom mended together with the use of dim lights during blackout periods. Some time within the next two weeks, Tillar, in charge of the warning system, plans to have a test of the air raid warning. This test will be sufficiently publicized and its effect will be noted through the area. Halifax Man At Army Machine Shop Sergeant Walter F. Marks, son of Mrs. R. H. Read of Halifax, is attending the Machine Record Unit School at Fourth Corps Area head quarters, Atlanta, and upon grad uation will return to Camp Davis to act as instructor in this line of training there. WHEN IN NEED OF RADIO SERVICE j — Call— | MIKE'S RADIO SHOP Dial R-328 -Mike Westbrook 931 KOANOKE AVENUE j i l! X PRESIDENT'S X BALL I Celebrations over the country in inviting you to — I “DANCE % THAT OTHERS MAY ! WALK” The only Halifax County Observance of this Nationally Famous Dance will be held at the NEW ! ARMORY - - FRIDAY NIGHT j Y Be sure and attend the Donee - - - and, X I “Invite Dr. Pepper to ! I your Intermission Party!” | X You will find it will add zest to the evening’s fun! ♦ I Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. | ♦ of Roanoke Rapids, Inc. X ’ ■ . \ -