iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiugiuifiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllliiiliiiiilliilllii (All The ISeivs Hung Out To Dry) — Dy — BLOYS W. BRITT tapuiogies vviuuneu/ WASHING: This newsman, go ing home late Thursday night, al most ran over a drunk crossing the street near the playgrounds , . . Two of the Latin-Americans appearing before the Kiwanis La dies Night affair boast of good, old-fashion American names . . . Apologies to CLOSS for the joke appearing in this col’m last week ... It appeared in her strip some months ago . . . Democrats of this county must be DEMOCRATS to shake out $25 for a seat at the Washington Day dinner over in Edenton Saturday night . . . All of which reminds us that this up roar being raised in Washington about entertainers being on the payroll should have started long ago . . . Nye, Vandenberg, and Wheeler caused enough laughs, un til the Japs did their stunt at Pearl Harbor. **** MORE WASH: Note to Mrs. Nellie Mae Brown: We shall speak to a Hollywood authority about you, on the advice of just about all who heard the skit in which you took part at the installation of the LAC, of the UCC here on Thursday night . . . The notice tacked up in the postoffice com manding all aliens to register was evidently intended for aliens only . . . No full-fledged American can read it . . . The "Seasons Greet ings” sign still in the Roanoke Bank and Trust Co. window, down town . . . Which prompts us to ask w lat season. •*** RINSING: It was supposed to have happened at a Recorder court session here in the county some months ago. Seems the law yer became somewhat acrimonious in his cross-examination, but the little woman in the witness box remained calm. Eventually the lawyer said: “You say you had no education, but you answered my questions smartly enough.” The witness replied meekly: /You don’t have to be educated to answer silly questions like those you asked me." MORE RINSING: We never cared a great deal for poetry, but here’s a little piece we picked up that our five readers might like: Here lies the remains of Danny O’Day, He died maintaining his right-of way. He was just as right as the day is long, But he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong. **** STILL MORE: And here’s another that interested us right much, due to the fact that we went through the same thing once. It’s a typical letter from a college student to his dad: “Dear Dad: Gue$$ what I need mo$t of all. That’$ right. $end it right along. Be$t wi$he$. Your $on.” **** STILL MORE: Bill Cherry, the employment man, studied journal ism . . . Ditto Mrs. George Neth ercutt, the former Winifred Shell . . . Johnnie Lupton took care of the drums in the Jelly Leftwich Uct.UU 1UI The World’s News Seen Through : The Christian Science Monitor : > An International Daily Newspaper ' > Published by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY ‘ ( One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts < , is Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational- < ( ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily < Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make t the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. , , Price #12.00 Yearly, or #1.00 a Month. < Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, #2.60 a Year. < Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. , , Obtainable at: r | , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM T • Roanoke Avenue 1 > Roanoke Rapids, N. O. J . * '.i '"* P* •>-. • Jr'' " WASHINGTON DAY DINNERS FOR j DEMOCRATS SLATED Halifax To Be Represented At Edenton Dinner Halifax county Democrats are expected to take part in the Wash ington Day dinner and festivities scheduled to be held at Hotel Joseph Hewes in Edenton on Sat urday of this week. Only seven of these dinners are being held in the State this year, and are being held in lieu of the annual Jackson Day dinners. The Edenton dinner is being held for the benefit of fifteen counties in the Northeastern Division. A chairman has been appointed in each county in the division to raise each county’s quota to go toward the replenishing of the Democratic Party funds. Dr. R. M. Nicholson of Enfield has been selected to serve as the Halifax county chairman. W. J. Long will serve as chairman in Northampton i:-:-J county. I Plates at the dinner will cjost $25 each, and the State is asf^ed to raise a total of $20,000 as iilS quota in liquidating the party’s debt remaining from the last Dem ocratic campaign. Each coufaty has been asked to raise a qu