THEATRES to owe cosmetics ♦CONSTANCE BENNETT, beautiful, alluring screen star, is shown above using some of her own private brand of cosmetics, which will be offered lady patrons of the Imperial on each Wednesday afternoon and night, and of the Peoples on Friday matinee and night performances, starting next week. The entire set, comprising 15 articles, will be available on a one-a-week basis for a small service charge of 10c.per item, to cover the cost of packing, shipping and Federal tax. Complete details will be found in an advertisement on this page. IMPERIAL THEATRE PROGRAM FOR WEEK HAS MUCH VARIETY _ 51 It has always been the policy of the local theatres to bring back for second showings all outstand ing pictures that proved popular with theatre audiences here. With this in mind, the Imperial theatre management announces the return here for a Sunday showing of “The Birth of the Blues”, starring Bing Crosby and Mary Martin. A review or this picture isn’t needed in Roanoke Rapids. But a one-day showing is needed in order that those who missed it during its run here last Fall can see it./ ****** Monday and Tuesday’s offering at the Imperial bring a two day run of “Woman of the Year", star ring Katherine Hepburn and Spen cer Tracy. A complete review of the picture will be found on the opposite page. “The Confessions of Boston Blackie’’, another of those enter taining gangster pictures plays at the Imperial for a one day show ing Wednesday. Chester Morris, Harriet Hilliard and Richard Lane are the principal actors, and the story is one of the best of the year for its type. Morris plays the role of an e lusive ex-safecracker, George Stone plays the role of his assistant, Richard Lane is the police in spector who has a tough time matching wits with Boston Blackie, and Harriett Hilliard, the beauti ful wife of Ossie Nelson, plays the feminine role. In the story a murder is com mitted but no body is found. The finger points to “Blackie”, who is really innocent. In trying to clear himself, he searches for the body while dodging Lane. He finally proves his point but finds himself, Lane and Miss Hilliard locked in the basement of a building with little chance of escape. The cli max of the story is gripping and means excellent entertainment for those -who see it. ****** Another of those rib-tickling, side-splitting comedies starring Jimmy Durante comes to the Im perial theatre on Thursday and Friday in "You’re In the Army Now”. This time Jimmy Durante has an equally famous comedian as his sidekick in Phil Silvers, a long, lanky fellow who made a hit for years on Broadway in comedy roes. Durante and Silvers, two sales men, try to sell a recruiting ser geant a vacuum cleaner, but wind up as enlistees. They find Jane Wyman as the colonel’s daughter and she asks their aid to convince her father to submit to mechaniza tion of his outfit. Both Miss Wy man and Durante are heard in songs in the picture. Such comedy scenes as a tank running wild with Durante at the controls, an inno cent visit to the target end of a rifle range, a house being dragged through the streets by a runaway tank with Durante at the controls and the occupants of the house thinking there is an earthquake underway, and other scenes of this sort make “You’re In the Army Now” one of the best com edies to come to the screen in years. * * 9 sjc * % Saturday finds a newcomer to the Western ranks on the screen at the Imperial. George Houston plays the leading role in "Lone Rider Fights Back”, a Western that is really a honey. Added: “Dick Tracy vs Crime, Inc.,” chap ter. Mrs. Joe Crewe, Mrs. H. F. Bryant, Lillian Earl Gore, Priscilla Gore, and Mrs. Alice Cullin were Sunday guests of Mrs. Willie Mc Cabe in Norfolk, Va. i DEMOCRAT DINNER PROGRAM Following is the official program to be given at the Washington Day Dinner, scheduled to be held for counties in the Northeastern Di vision, in Hotel Joseph Hewes at Edenton on Saturday night at 8 o’clock. The meeting will be called to order by Division Chairman E. W. Spires; Song, “America”; Invoca tion, Editor Herbert Peele, Pas quotank; Dinner; Presentation of gavel to W. I. Halstead, Camden, master of ceremonies; Recognition of delegates from each county; Vocal selections by the Chowan High School Faculty trio; Address of Welcome by Judge John W. Graham of Chowan; Response by Carroll L. Wilson of Halifax coun ty; Introduction of speaker by Hugh V. Horton of Martin; Ad dress, by J. A. Pritchett of Ber tie. The Edenton high school band will give a concert in front of Hotel Joseph Hewes from 7:30 to 8:00 o’clock. The Washington Day dinners in the nation are being held to raise funds for defraying the costs of the last Democratic campaign. A number of delegates will attend from Halifax county. Grcisp Singing Mew ScliooS Class A program of group singing has recently been included in the Sea board High School curriculum. '■ Meeting in the auditorium one I period every day, the members of the student body sing various types of songs—old favorites, patriotic songs, hymns, and popular songs. Plans for the singing are made by the student music committee, composed of Virginia Stephenson, Blackwell Stephenson, Andrew Taylor, Edward Bottoms, and Frances Bobbitt. At a meeting on Monday, February 16, the mu sic committee decided to devote one singing period each week to a Religious Defense Program, con sisting of prayer for the nation and religious songs. - ■— ...t DIAL R-394 PROGRAM WEEK OF FEBRUARY 22, 1942 SUN. Grace HayesrPeter Lind Hayes ZIS - BOOM - BAH MON.-TUES. Dick Foran-Andy Devine The Kid From Kansas WED.-THURS. Michael Redgrace Valerie Hobson SONS OF THE SEA FRL-SAT. Tom Keene-Evelyn Finley Dynamite Canyon Added: The Iron Claw One item each week of the Complete Set of fif teen luxurious cosmetics to all ladies attending the Imperial on Wednes days and the Peoples on Fridays' with, the compli ments of — Starting Wednesday, Feb. 25th at the Imperial and Friday, Feb. 27th at the Peoples Theatre — and continuing for 15 Weeks! — Fifteen Marvelous Beauty Aids, including Beauty Milk, Lipstick Rmliant and Lipstick Lustre, Cleansing Cream, Champagne Astringent, Cheam Rouge Radiant and Cream Rouge Lustre, Powder Radiant and Powder Lustre, Glow Base Radiant and Glow Base Lustre, Five-Minute Cream, Eye and Throat Cream, Vesper Cream and Complexion Mask. From her own experience Constance Bennett is convinced that the best way to win new friends for her beauty aids is to give every woman an opportunity to use them. That is why she makes this unusual offer — NOT JUST SAMPLES — but a a full retail sine package of each and every item in her com plete matched cosmetic set — just like those she has on her own dressing table. To cover the cost of packing, shipping and the Federal Tax a small handling charge on each item will be made of Remember, starting Wednesday, Feb. 25, every Wednesday is ‘Cosmetic Day” at the IMPERIAL THEATRE Effective Friday, Feb. 27, every Friday (mat. & nite) is ‘Cosmetic Day” at the PEOPLES THEATRE | See the Complete Set On Display in our Lobby |