The citizens of Roanoke Rapids who have been puzzled in years past as to just what Scouting means to our boys and girls would do well to follow with interest the East Caroina Boy Scout Camporee to be held here on Friday, Sat urday and Sunday of this week. Around 1500 boys will set up tents around the local high school and Patterson Mills and engage in the three days of acthritesBeginning with an opening welcome cere mony at 1, p.m., things will move at top speed until Sunday at 12 p.m. Come out and see what Scouting means. Visitors are wel come at the camp site. —o— According to “Genial George" Gurley, business manager of the Romancos, the state champions will open their 1942 schedule with the 6th Bat. softball team from Camp Lee, Va. here on probably May 23rd or 30th. From then on the Romancos will have a full slate with their City League sched ule and outside games. The boys are already yelling “On To De troit”, but realize that they have a hard, rough road to travel, with Stewart, Riggan, and Lee missing from last year’s famous outfit. So far the opening lineup seems to be DeBerry, R. Everett, C. Everett, Allsbrook, Simms, Hudson, Stacia, Waters, Boyd and Brown. Coach Worsham cut the squad on Monday to thirteen men: Russ DeBerry, pitcher; “Squeal” Stew art, pitcher; Ronnie Everett and Alfred Hall, catchers; Capt. “Lefty” Everett, 1st base; Chet Allsbrook, 2nd base; “Chippy” Simms, short stop; Jimmy Hudson, 3rd base; Louis Outland, utility infielder; Murray Stacia, If; Otto “Twinkle toes” Waters, cf; “Pepsi” Boyd, rf; and Jerry “The Face” Brown; slated to come in for tryouts after high school is out will be "Red” Jenkins, outfielder and infielder; Orian Worsham, infielder; and “Lefty” Boyd, outfielder and in fielder. —o—• The regular Saturday square i dance mill get started as usual at , 8 p.m. an Saturday night at Rose- i 'tnary Recreation Club, 1100 Frank- . lin Street. Music is furnished by • “that man with the square dance . band”, Overton “Blondy” Cook and i his “Carolina Hill Billies.” Admis- ; sion is ladies fifteen cents, men ■ thirty five cents. All tickets are . sold at the front door by the < dance committee, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Blowe and Grady King. The Senior Girl Scouts will en tertain all Senior Boy Scout Pa trol Leaders at the Girl Scout Hut Ion Friday night from 9:30 till 11 | oclock. The dance will honor al! visiting Senior Patrol Leaders that will be here attending the Camp oree. All boys who attend will have to register in advance at the Camporee headquarters, located at the Armory. —o— To a lot of people: the famous saying of a certain old Quaker should be posted so that you could read it each day. Clip this out and save it: “I expect to pass thru life but once. If there is any kindness or any good thing I can do to my fellow beings, let me do it now as I shall pass this way but once.” The entertainment committee of the Camporee has secured the ser vices of Prof. White, PHD, DDL, HQK, BBS, and CCS, of Tempera ture Normal College, Rangdon, Burma, to address the visiting Scouts at the huge Campfire pro gram on Friday night at 8:30 p.m. He will appear on the program with Bob Feller, Sam Chapman, Gov. Broughton and other visiting celebrities. Prof. White’s talk will be sponsored by Williams Funeral Home, on Roanoke Ave., just in case! Visiting Scoutmasters will be entertained at the Country Club Saturday night at a smoker. The affair will be handled by F. S. Kemp of the entertainment com mittee. All visiting Scouters are asked to register with Mr. Kemp at Camporee headquarters on Sat urday. ‘Pickups N’ Putouts” Don’t forget the big parade Fri lay at 4:30 p.m. down Roanoke ive. 1500 Scouts on parade, and 'isiting celebrities including the Governors . . visit the camp site m Saturday and watch the visit ng Scouts go thru their events . . ’ighting for patrol honors . . hats >// to Chairman Clyde Liske for a twell job well done! . . The Ro nanco outfield of Murray Stacia, Itto Waters, “Pepsi” Boyd and ferry Brown will be better than ast year’s star studded outfit . . F . . they work and work and cork! . . to strive for team work, ill bets called at “Greasy” Neal’s fafe that Russ DeBerry, pride of he Romancos, will average twelve itrikeouts per game for the season . Jimmy Hudson will have his :hcst tapped Wednesday for the irmy . . the Romancos’ “thin man” mil probably be tapping Japs be rore long . ■ “Chippy” Simms look ing like a million at shortstop . ; nore power to him. He’s a great j kid . . See you at the Camporee Friday and Saturday! BRICKLEMEYER TO OPERATE CITY RECREATION UNITS _— Expect To Open Playgrounds Here About June ^th Eugene Bricklemeyer, recently elected high school coach here, will have charge of the city’s rec reation activities and playgrounds this summer, C. W. Davis, Super intendent of city schools and a member of the city playground committee, stated yesterday. Mr. Davis said that it is the policy followed each year for the high school athletic coach to su pervise playground activities each summer under the sponsorship of the Community Chest, the school -hcwnrH dtv. and sanitary district. He stated that Bricklemeyer was authorized at a meeting of the recreational committee held last week. The plaground supervisor is now busy lining up assistants to work with him during the coming sum mer in the supervision of the five playgrounds. He stated yesterday that the playgrounds and pool would probably open around June 4th, shortly after the closing of the local high school for the summer. The five playgrounds will be lo cated at “Bunker Hill”, Central school, Rosemary WPA playground, Patterson Mill playground, and the John Armstrong Chaloner school, the latter to be used by colored children. The swimming pool, which is leased from the Rosemary Manu facturing Company, will probably be the most welcomed project in the playground program. Hours have not been set for use of the pool, nor has the opening date been set. r TOWN I I TALK | Jack Sanders of Newport News, Va., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sanders, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rook and Earl Jr. spent last week-end in Greenville with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pruden. H. E. Gibson left Thursday for Richmond where he will be em ployed by Seaboard Airline Rail road Co. Tommie Merritt of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Merritt. Carl Coates has returned from a visit to Kershaw, S. C. Mrs. L. H. Taylor, Mrs. P. L. Harden and Miss Margaret Harden spent Thursday in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wood spent last week-end in Roanoke, Va. Mrs. Raymond Cordery of Rich mond spent the week-end here with her husband in the home of Mrs. R. J. Rightmyer. Mrs. J. M. Jackson was called to Charlotte Saturday on account of the illness of her son, William Jackson. Miss Sallie Andrews of Rocky Mount spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wilder. Mrs. Dick Bracey of Scotland Neck is a visitor in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Pierce and family of Newport News, Va., and Russell, Winfrey and Albert Pierce, all of Phoebus, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harris. Miss Betty Selby of Proebus, Va spent last weeK-ena in town witu relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and daughter, Bobby Anne, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wall and daughters, Sarah and Winnie, spent the week-end in Lawrence ville, Va., with Mrs. J. B. Norwood. F. C. Hege was a business visit or in Gastonia Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Liverman and daughters, Florene and Jerry, of Newport News, Va., spent Sun day in town with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Duke, Miss Gladys Pearson, Mrs. Rufus Britton and sons, Winfield and Janies, spent Sunday in Durham and visited Rufus Britton, who is a patient in Duke hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Moore and son of Emporia, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Edmonds Sunday. G. W. Brewer, Jr. of Fort Mead, Md., visited his sister, Mrs. Ira Ed monds, during the weeke-nd. G. W. Brewer and daughter, El sie, of Charlie Hope, were guests of Mrs. Ira Edmonds Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Brewer of Charlie Hope, Va. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Edmonds. ALWAYS GETS “THE 0. K. SIGN” FROM ANY BOY SCOUT After long hard hours of work or play, they “go” for its — i Ounces McPherson bros. BEVERAGES I the bottlers of PEPSI-COLA in this ] territory, join Eastern Carolina in I WELCOMING the SCOUTS to the \ 1942 EAST CAROLINA CAMPOREE . - —I