SOFT ’N EASY WITH SOFTBALL AND THINGS As Told By Bill Hodges ALL-STAR CHATTER: The big news of the week was . . of course . . that pair of games . . between the City League All Stars and the Romaneos . . The Romaneos won the first tussle . . 8-1 . . Russ DeBerry hurling for the Roms . . Knox Rogers and Lloyd Nethercutt . . on the losing side . . the second game went to the stars . . one to goose-egg . . Alvin Lattimore, winning chunker . . “Ace" Carlisle . . the unfor tunate one . . The All-Stars boast ed a squad of 23 . . including . . six unanimous choices . . Lt. Bob Moore . . and Tilley . . both of the Engineers . . “Speed” Hux . . Troy Allen . . “Baldy” Harris . . Grady Wheeler . . all good ball players . as yuh know . . the entire proceeds . . of that little scrap . were turned over to the (JSO . . United Service Organiza tions to you, Sebastian . . a very worthy cause . . you betcha . . The fact that Russ DeBerry is considered . . one of the leading pitchers . . of the nation . . doesn't seem to worry “Baldy” Harris . . he got two for two . . in the first game . of Saturday’s double header . . an’ that wasn’t the first time either . . nosirree . . We sure thought that “Ace” Car lisle had a round-tripper . . in the seventh inning of the nightcap Saturday . . it was a hard hit ball . . traveled out beyond the light post in left-center . . but Harris made a nice stop . . Due to the threatening storm . . there was a very small crowd . . at the V80 twin bill Saturday . . We in this comer think . . that another similar contest should be staged . . to play off the tie . . and to raise the money that should already have been collected . . and as both teams won one . . there should be right much interest . ■ in a third contest. Guess who the leading pitcher in the City League is this year, in percentage . . Nope, you’re wrong . . Tain't Russ DeBerry . . Neal Stewart. Romanco rookie, and Dorsey Nethery of the Red Raid ers each have one victory and no defeats to their credit . . a per fect record, so far . . Owen “Speed’’ Hux of the Raiders who usually gets himself a fistful of homers every year hasnt’ hit a four-bagger all season although he is pasting the old potato for an average of way over .300 . . Have you seen the trophies for city champs and runners-up? They’re sure nifties . . The first uniformed softball club in this hare town was the Roa noke No. 2 Weaver team . . back in the first city series . . red jerseys . . white pants . . blue caps . ■ kind of a patriotic twist dontcha thinkf . . The Patterson Pirates are the giant-killers of the League . . Wednesday night with two victories to the Roanoke No. 2 Red Raiders already to .. •_ _nMowrl thp.rr first ■win of the season over the Hali fax Paper Boys, 1, to 3 . . but ■were the Bucs satisfied with that? Oh no . ■ 'M. the following PM . . at Ledgenoood Park . . they took the Romancos into tow, 2 to 1 . . nice piratin’, boys. This week Alvin Lattimore did what no other pitcher in the city league has done . . He attained two victories over the Romancos one in that game on Wednes day . ■ the other in the nightcap of the USO doubleheader. A GLIMPSE^AT THE CITY LEAGUE: The Romancos have the pennant in the bag . . The Red Raiders are comfortably situated in second place ■ ■ That kindc takes the edge off City League competition . ■ until next yeai anyway . • We should now focui our attention upon the district race . ■ and the aforementionei Romances . . ’39 . . 7,0 . . ’1,1 Carolina champs . . and runners up for the national title last year . . The Roms should have pretty still competition this year from the eight other teams in Easteim Carolina. WHICH WILL IT BE? BONDS OR BONDAGE? BUY U. S. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS! Christian Science Society 930 Roanoke Ave. Sunday service, 11 a.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Reading Room open every Tues day and Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend our services and visit our Reading Room. Subject Sunday: “Love”. “Truth” was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Christian Science Churches and Societies on Sunday, July 26. The Golden Text was from He brews 4:12. “The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, pierc ing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a dis cerner of the thoughts and in tents of the heart.” Among Lilt; uilllliuiis wmou com prised the Lesson-Sermon were the following from the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:1, 14, 17.) Eight Couples Secure Marriage Licenses In Week Eight couples secured marriage licenses from the office of the Register of Deeds of Halifax County during the past week, ac cording to records there. The eight couples were as follows: Curtis Arrington arid Earnest ine Smith of Scotland Neck, Dil lard Corum and Margaret Wil liams of Roanoke Rapids, Robert Copeland of Halifax and Byrdene Williams of Littleton, B. C. D. Jones and Dorothy Thomas of Roanoke Rapids, Elmer Hary of Garysburg and Lucille Rawls of Jackson, Eli Gukich of Buffalo, N. C. and Lucille Crews of Roa noke Rapids, Cary R. Thomas of Henderson and Alice Varker of Weldon, Sam A. Fames and Edna Alvis of Alexandria, Va_ Big Group Of Draftees Sent To Fort Bragg With one of the largest groups of selectees yet sent from Halifax county hardly out of the city on their way to Fort Bragg, local draft board officials have receiv ed another call for white selectees to be met in the near future. This will make two calls for white selectees within a very short time of each other and, according to Mrs. Ellen J. Taylor, clerk to the Board, these calls, in addition to other calls for Negroes, are keeping the Board’s personnel busy in trying to meet them. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Graves, an 8-pound son, on Wed nesday night, July 29, at Medical : Hospital of Virginia, Richmond. Ben E. Wood At Pearl Harbor On December 7th Ben E. Wood, above, son of D. H. Wood of this city, has been granted an honorable discharge from the United States Army after being shell-shocked at Pearl Harbor. Young Wood has arrived at his home here after undergoing treat ment at an Army hospital in Ha - waii'. VV ood went through the surprise Japanese attack on the great Ha waiian Naval Base, and although he wasn’t wounded, he was in the thick of the fighting. Extremely reluctant to talk of the sneak at tack on the Naval Base, Wood feels, however, that the Japs will be doubly repaid for their treach ery and that they will eventually ! rue the day they made their attack on American property. j The picture above was made just prior to the attack on Pearl Har- ! bor. j, «■— Judge Daniel Disposes Of Short Session Lower Court In Halifax Tues. _ a Three Fined For Driving Drunk: Session Limited With one of the shortest Re corders Court dockets on record this year, Judge Charlie Daniel on Tuesday quickly disposed of sev en cases and let court officials and lawyers go home before lunch. Judgments rendered by Judge Daniel during the short session were as follows: Tom Lowe, Enfield white man, was fined $50 and costs when found guilty of driving drunk. His license was suspended for a period of 12 months. Willis Mabry. Roanoke R-ipids white man, was also fined $50 and costs when found guilty of driv ing drunk. His license was re voked for 12 months. Earl Cleve, Vanceboro white man, whs fined $50 and costs when found guilty of driving while under the' influence of intoxicating liquors. His license was also sus pended’ for a period of one year. Robert S. LeGwirr of Williams tan, charged with reckless driv ing and without a driver’s license, had prayer for judgment con tinued on' the payment of the costs in the action.. In the case of William Alien, Enfield colored man, charged with issault with a deadly weapon, the court found’ the defendant guilty ind sentenced him1 to spend the lext six months in jail. In the ease of Rosa Whitaker ind Milton McWilliams, Enfield regroeS) charged wiififc assault on Mary Williams, the court ruled Milton McWilliams not guilty of the charge. Prayer for judgment was continued in the case of Rosa Whitaker on payment of the costs and $17.00 for the use of Mary Williams and on condition she remains of good behavior for a period of two years. ; Brown Through Naval Training Robert C. Brown, former fore man at the Mai«hester Board and Papet Company, has completed his recruit training at the Norfolk Naval Training Station and is now awaiting assignment to one if the Navy's Trade Schools or :o active duty with the’ United States fleet. BVrowii enlisted in the Navy fhroagli the Raleigh recruiting of fice more than 10 weeks ago. Mrs- Tucker Calloway and ehil iren of Portsmouth, Va.,. are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Clary. TRUCK For Hire LOCAL or LONG DISTANCE HAULING w. jTblack Ecwnomy Service Station Dial R-877-6 Roanoke Rapids, N.