INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEES ARE FORMED To Start Functioning Help Determine Tire And Gas Requirements Through the co-operation of lo cal industries, important commit tees have been set up in the va rious mills and plants here and surrounding territory which will greatly aid the local rationing board in determining the merits of requests of motorists for sup plemental gasoline and tire re quirements. The committee will start functioning shortly, accord ing to announcement made this week by H. B. Speight, chairman of the Halifax County Rationing Board. N. C.-42-1. In addition to determining the merits of the requests of individ ual car owners, these committees will seek to investigate as to whether the motorists are fully co-operating with the “share the ride movement.” The committees are composed of men who are fa miliar with the circumstances of most motorists who apply for sup plementary gasoline rationing I books, or for tires or re-treads. Chairman Speight said the com mittees would be working within a week, and that he anticipated their findings would be of great value to the rationing board in passing on the merits of requests from motorists who work in in dustrial plants and who necessari ly use their cars as a means of transportation to and from work. GIRL BITTEN BY SNAKE AT HOME HERE Little Rosa Lee Sallinger, daughter of Mrs. Rosa Lee Sawyer of 232 Jefferson St., city, was bitten by a copperhead snake last Sunday morning at about ten o’ clock while gathering wood in her back yard. The child had gone out to gath er wood and had just picked up a stick when the snake attacked her and bit her on her left hand. A tourniquet was applied by her older sister and she was rushed to the local hospital where anti-ven om was administered. The child was released from the hospital late Monday afternoon but the swelling has still not subsided al 1 together. When the snake was killed it was found to be slightly over two feet in length. This was the latest j' of several snakes to be killed in 1 this neighborhood this summer, it L was said. ; LIBRARY HAS A RECORD OF GOOD GROWTH The Halifax County Library which was started May 1 of this year has grown from 0 books to 1,007 at the present date. When the library was opened it was with $1298 State funds and from money which the Home Demon stration Clubs had won as prizes at the state fair. Books from the central library here are distribut ed throughout the county by 21 home demonstration clubs and by the curb market in Roanoke Rap ids. Mrs. Wheeler, County Dem onstration Agent, takes the books I the clubs and the members see to the circulation of those books. The Scotland Heck, Enfield and Roanoke Rapids Libraries are co operating with the Halifax Library in that they lend and receive books from each library. The use of the library is free to all people in the county and the books are in constant demand. The Library also serves as a war in formation center and is building up a collection of pamphlets and books on civilian defense, war and the allies. The Library is located in the Colonial Clerks Office and is open from Mon.-Fri. from 8:30 to 3:30 and from 3:00 to 5:00 on Satur days. Miss Virginia White of Til lery is full time WPA librarian and Miss Evelyn Mullen of Roa noke Rapids is Supervising Li brarian. In July of this year the Library was given an appropriation by the state of $900 a year in monthly appropriations to be used by the Library for books, salaries, etc. Miss Mullen stated that as time goes on they hope to be able to give better service and also to enlarge their book collection to meet every request. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vaughn entertained at bridge Friday eve ning at their home in Halifax. Punch was served the guests dur ing the progressions, and ice cream cup cakes and nuts were served after play. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. M. White scored high and Miss Ida Mae Cheatham of Wel don was given a prize. The guests included Dr. and Mrs. F. W. M. White, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh House, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boykin, Miss Nannie Gary, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Travis, Mr. and Mrs. Quenton Gregory, Fletcher Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Applewhite, Miss Ida Mae Cheatham, Mr. and Mrs. Caswell Shaw, Mrs. Turner Steven son, Mrs. Emily Gary, Miss Edna Campbell. Floyd - Morgan Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Morgan of Roanoke Rapids announce the marriage of their daughter to Corpl. Raymond T. Floyd of Roa noke Rapids, now stationed at Fort Jackson. The marriage took place August 9 at Lexington, S. C. MRS. HUX ENTERTAINS Mrs. A. L. Hux entertained at three tables of bridge at her home on Thursday night. The play took place on the porch and in the liv ing room. High score prizes went to Mrs. Raymond Millikin and Mrs. Charles DuRant of Fort My ers, Fla. Mrs. Durant was also remembered with a guest gift. Bingo prize was won by Mrs. W. R Caudle. The hostess served a salad plate to the following guests: Mesdames Sidney Griffin, Charles DuRant, V. A. Parks, P. C. Dra per, Raymond Millikin, Milton Read, W. R. Caudie, Swain Nor man, Junius Tillery, W. L. John son and Misses Clem Read, Effie Avent and Elizabeth White. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere and heart-felt appreciation to Dr. Martin, Dr. Kroncke, Mr. Wil liams, Mr. Meikle, Mrs. Shearod Crumpler, and to our dear neigh bors and friends who aided us in so many ways. Also for the floral tributes and many other acts of kindness shown during the recent illness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. John Crew and children. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Murphrey have returned from Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Traynham were visitors at Nags Head last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson are spending the week at Washington, D. C. JUNK RALLY For ROANOKE RAPIDS * AND vicinity is now in > full swing! ’ Junk helps make guns, tanks, ships for our fight-. ing men. Bring in anything made of metal or rubber .... Get paid for it on the spot Bring your family Meet your friends Throw YOUR scrap into the fight! - v\\ JUNK MAKES FIGHTING WEAPONS One old radiator will provide scrap steel needed for seven teen .30 calibre rifles. One old lawn mower will help make six 3-incli shells. One useless old tire fffff j rubber as is used m Agf *5^ vjf J 12 pas nissks. __ " ^ " f ffff One old shovel will n jj sy - help make 4 hand jjq~LS jj&S Let’s Jolt them with Junk HALIFAX WASTE MATERIALS CO. YARDS ON WELDON ROAD — LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN OFFICE 1324 ROANOKE AVENUE - DIAL R-315