HALIFAX COUNTYI FARM & HOME NEWS — by the County Agents PRESSURE COOKERS: For the benefit of those who have not already heard of the av ailability of pressure cookers we should like to say that ration ap plication blanks may be obtained from the Farm Machinery Ration Board, Halifax, N. C. City dwellers as well as those who live in rural areas may apply for a purchase certificate for pressure cooker. However, we are advising pros pective purchasers to club together in groups of from four to six families to an application as the U. S. Department of Agriculture War Board has specifically in structed local Boards to approve applications that carry a group of families first. Then after those orders are filled if any additional cookers are available, applications of individual families may be con sidered.The objective of the U. S. Department of Agriculture War Board is to see that each pressure cooker that is manufactured ser ves as many people as possible, therefore the order was given to consider clubbed applications first. BONDS War Bonds and Stamps have been purchased by members of the following organizations: Aurel ian Springs Home Demonstration Club - $C '0.50. Darlington Home Demonstration Club - $29.80, Hali fax Woman’s Club - $129.25, Hali fax W. S. C. S. - $3.00 and Oak 1 Ridge Home Demostration Club ' $40.25. RED CROSS SEWING l Home Demonstration Clubs have 1 made the following garments for 1 the Red Cross: Oak Ridge one 1 sweater, Halifax 12 shirts and ' Darlington 5 garments. 1 MAINTAINING BEAUTY: While our boys are away from home let us try to keep their homes beautiful for them to come back to. Mr. John W. Harris, Ex tension Landscape Specialist, makes a few suggestions, Well rot ted cow lot manure may be used as fertilizer for flowers and shrubs. Prune spirea and forsythia as soon as the bloom drop. Spray plant lice on tender growth with nicotine Sulphate or Black Leaf 40. Dust plants infested with mildew with sulphur. Cultivate the soil for a distance of about 12 to 18 inches around shrubs and young trees. This makes the soil more absorbent to rain water and pre vents grass roots from seeping The strength awav from the shrub cr tree. The more work and care you give your vegetable garden the better garden you will have. Take care of ^our lawn mower and slings for the duration. Keep rubber garden hose in a dark cool place when not in use. Roll it up but do not kink it. HOW ABOUT CANNING HUE8 7 L, As we are able to get away from home less and less and there Is more and more for the average housewife to do would it not be a good idea to have canning bees this sumer. Women need to get together occasionally. Social con tact keeps them on friendly terms with their neighbors, it takes their minds off their own prob lems and helps to relax tense ner ves. A canning bee will do all these things and at the same time pool equipment and labor. Canning alone for many fruits and vege tables is a slow process because of the many steps in preparation. A canning bee will give a worker for each step in the preparation and canning and expedite the whole process as well as being a social occassion. Each woman could take her fruit or vegetables, jars and equipment to the house of the hostess for that day and take home her finished jars. Then she would be hostess in her turn. BOIL CONSERVATIVE SERVICE Allowing cattle to graze spring pastures before the grass has « made sufficient growth to with stand full use, is a good example of haste making waste: Too early and too heavy spring grazing does not pay even though it is hard to resist the temptation when pas tures begin to "green up”. While pasture grasses are rich in nutrients during the spring growth period, they may be pre vented from making full growth by over-grazing. Grass should be high enough for cattle to get a good mouthful when grazing in. and in case of new plantings the soil should be firm enough so that when the cattle walk on it they will not destroy the plants. If these precautions are not ob served and cattle are turned onto pastures too early, the amount of grazing will be reduced materially later in the season. When pastures come on some what slowly, it may be desirable to turn the cattle out for only one or two hours a day. Some times a rotational system of graz ing is advisable. In rotational grazing, a portion of the pasture s “rested" while the other portion s being grazed. i; tlAljIr AJL VUUJSITY A. V. A. | Necessity for good growth of summer legumes is based on avail- ' ible mineral plant food elements i n the soil. Plant growth and seed ■ delds of lespedeza, crotalaria, pas ures, clevers and other summer egumes can be appreciably in leased by the application of ;round limestone and acid phos )hate. For this purpose the chair nan of the AAA Committee will fladly accept orders for farm de ivery of those vital plant food dements. Your AAA Committee now has DON'T ■ ■ m leave your Tires on the pavement! When wheels are out-of-line— your tires suffer. Wheels that wobble and shimmy grind away rubber. These and other mis alined conditions eat the tread away. Thus every mile you drive, small particles of rubber are left behind on the pavement. You can save your tires — get more mileage and save money by having your wheel alinement inspected at our shop on genu ine Bear Wheel Alinement E quipment. This service not only saves you money but offers greater comfort, easy steering and safety, too. Drive in today. Identify our shop by this Happy Bear sign. BRICKELL MOTOR CO. WRECKER SERVICE Dial R-414-1 ■ i i—— ; on hand quantity of acid phos phate and daily delivery of ground limestone is expected. Contact your AAA Office in Halifax for the purpose of placing orders. The charges for these ma terial will be taken out of your soil conservation payment and un its of credit will be given to you for the purpose of meeting your soil-building goal. Miss Annie Belle Bennette Laid To Rest At Enfield Funeral services for Miss Annie Belle Bennette were held Sunday afternoon at two o’clock from the Chapel of the Branch Funeral Home at Enfield, Interment follow ed in Elmwood Cemetery. Rev. Ross { Cadle and Rev. George R. Stair j conducted the services and the, Baptist Choir rendered favorite, hymns. Active pallbearers were' Ralph Rives, Jimmie Rives, Dorsey Hardee, Robert Ivey and Egbert. Barnhill. j Miss Bennette, who was 55 years t of age, died Friday following an ill ness of several weeks. She was a prominent citizen of Halifax Coun ty, a devoted member of the Anti och Baptist Church at Heathsville, and a member of the Eastern Star Chapel of Enfield. Survivors are three sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Hardy Bobbitt, and Mrs. S. E. Hardee, of Enfield, Mrs. W. T. Eure, of Halifax; S. Li. Bennette of Enfield, George R. Bennette, of Greensboro, and H. F. 3ennette, of Norfolk, Va. | L. S. Neal and sons Charles and 3ynum spent the Easter holidays n Leaksville. ■ THE LEVON THEATRE Weldon, N. C. “Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment” WEEK OF MAY 2nd j SUN. . ! ANDREWS SISTERS in 1 HOWS ABOUT IT Latest News j MON.-TUES. ABBOTT-COSTELLO jj PARDON MY SARONG Comedy & Act J WED. - THURS. 1 HUMPHERY BOGART MARY ASTOR in ! ACROSS THE PACIFIC Comedy & Act FBI. - SAT. JOHN HOWARD in UNDYING MONSTER WILLIAM LUNDIGAN JAMES CRAIG in NORTHWEST RANGERS Also Ch. 5 WINSLOW OF THE NAVY COMING TO Levon Theatre ENFIELD, N. C. SUN.-MON. TISH BUY WAB BONDS A STAMPS AT OUR TICKET OFFICE New Anesthetist, Nursing Director At Hospital Here Two new department heads have recently been added to the staff at Roanoke Rapids Hospital, and the ladies have already assumed their new duties. Miss Montez Wayne arrived a bout the first of the month from Salisbury to assume the position as Director of Nurses for the hos pital. In addition to directing nursing activities at the hospital, her duties also include supervising nursing instruction at the school of Nursing maintained by the hos pital. Miss Wayne is a native of Leb anon, Kentucky, and comes here from Salisbury, where she was nursing superintendent at the Ro van Memorial Hospital for some !ive-years. She has been a resi dent of the state since 1938, most . of this time being spent in Salis- ^ bury, though she has done some relief work and instructing in Winston-Salem. Miss Leota Cain arrived last week from her former home at Chadbourn, and will be the anes- * thetist at the local hospital. Both of these new department heads expressed themselves as be ing heartily in favor of main taining the excellent standards of the local hospital, even improving W the service wherein possible. They pointed to the apparent shortage of supplies and materials, and stated they were in favor of a program of rigid economy, but expressed confidence at the same^ time that in their opinion enough supplies could be obtained to carry on the work of the local insti tution. Mrs. O. Griffin and children,'*^ Billy and Margaret, were week end visitors in Emporia. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS I have been ordered by the Board of County Commissioners to advertise all pro perty on which taxes have not been paid on May 1st, and to sell on the first Monday in June, in order to comply with the law. Pay Your Taxes Now and Save Advertising and Selling Costs L H. SIWTDI Tax Collector of Halifax County For the Convenience of ROANOKE RAPIDS TOWNSHIP TAXPAYERS We are pleased to announce that R. 0. CARPENTER deputy tax collector, will maintain office hours at MURRAYS SERVICE STATION 904 ROANOKE AVENUE EVERY SATURDAY from 9 A. M. to 5 P.M. See our deputy collector in Roan oke Rapids during his Saturday visits and SAVE unnecessary driv ing to Halifax. i