TOWN TALK Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Speight of Washington, D. C., are visiting friends and relatives here during the Christmas holidays. Miss Catherine Wood and Miss Kathleen Kidd of W. C. U. N. C., are spending the holidays here with their parents. Mrs. J. E. Smith of Raleigh, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. R. I. Starke and Mrs. W. E. Hawkins. Miss Jane Thomason has ar rived from W. C.' U. N. C., to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thoma son. Mrs. George Pappendick re turned Sunday from Greenville, N. C., after spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Bill Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Speight and son of Asheville, N. C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Speight. Miss Elsie McCain of Newport spent last week end with Mrs. W. V. Woodruff. HALIFAX HOSTESS On Thursday night Miss Nannie Gary entertained at six tables of contract at her home in Halifax. High score prizes were awarded Mrs. C. E. Shaw, Mrs. Boone Grant and to Mr. Hugh House. The hostess served a sweet course with coffee to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Applewhite, Dr. and Mrs. F. W. M. White, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Travis, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh House, Mrs. V. C. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Quenton Gregory, Mr. F. H. Gregory, Mrs. Russell Weeks, Mrs. Elizabeth Battle, Miss Edna Campbell, Mrs. Boone Grant, Miss Thelma Elliot, Miss Catherine Wallace, Mrs. Emily Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyken. ENFIELD PHILATHEAS Mrs. Robert Kimball, was host ess to the Enfield Baptist Phila theas at their Christmas meeting Monday evening. Refreshments were served at the close of the ' meeting by Mrs. Kimball and her joint hostesses, Mrs. H. C. Dur ham and Mrs. T. T. Hales. A Christmas story was given by Mrs. L. W. Ransome. It was reported that Christmas cards had been mailed from the class to boys overseas. It was reported that some Building and Loan has ma tured, and Defense Bonds pur chased with the money. The Class Birthday Bank was opened and a neat sum realized. Defense stamps were given by members present. Officers were electd as follows: President, Mrs. Ira D. Wood; First vice-president, Mrs. W. A. Pope; Second vice-president, Mrs. U. H. Hardison; Secretary, Mrs. Stella Broach; Assistant, Mrs. H. C. Dur ham; Treasurer, Mrs. Robert Kim ball; Assistant, Mrs. T. W. Gray. Christmas gifts were exchanged among the guests present . ENl'ERTAINS YWA Misses Betsy and Billie Peel Hardison were hostesses to the Y. W. A., at their home Monday even ing, in Enfield. A sweet course was served after the meeting and social hour. Mrs. Sam Ewell, president, presided. The program’s subject "Christmas” was in charge of Miss Nancy Braswell. Those present were the two Y. W. A. Counselors, Miss Virginia Ogletree and Mrs. G. L. Crump, and Miss June McCutchen, Miss Nancy Braswell, Miss Elsie Kimball, Mrs. Sam Ewell, Miss Mildred Gray, Miss Doris Bobbitt, Miss Louise Bradley and the hostesses, the Misses Hardisons. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bishop, of Enfield, announce the birth of a son, Hilton Orris Bishop, Jr., bom Friday, December 10th, ,1943, in the Rocky Mount Sanatorium. Mrs. Bishop is the former Miss Mattie Anderson of Enfield. GREETINGS "To each of our friends of Roanoke Rapids and vicinity, we wish a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Tear.” Mr. and Mrs. J. CL Leath, ON FURLOUGH Joseph H. Jolly, A. E. M. 2/C, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Jolly. He is now stationed at an Air Base in Baltimore, Md. M. J. Baldelli of Groton, Conn, spent last week in town with friends. At Pearl Harbor Sgt. Marion Neal, son of Mrs. Leslie Neal, of Enfield, has re turned home for a visit after be ing absent for about four years. He is a Sergeant in the U. S. Army Air Corps, and was with the army at Pearl Harbor at the time of Japanese attack on Dec ember 7th, 1941. Miss Ella Dean Lee of Wash ington, D. C., is spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lee. i Miss Carolyn Long of Raleigh, has arrived to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mran> W. J. Long at Longview. d Times have changed, but Christmas remains unchanged— the year's outstanding holiday in the timeless cycle of love and good fellowship. In the same old familiar , way it gives us pleasure to wish for you in this season of 1943 the most in Christmas cheer and enjoyment. ★ ★ Citizens Realty & Insurance Agency J Glory to God in the highest, and on earth j peace, good will toward men Who can estimate the value of good will, that "priceless ingredient" so conspicuously mentioned in that first glorious Christmas 5 message? Be assured that we highly ap preciate your good will. It has been and will continue to be our most treasured asset. r) MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!